@Calgary Flames

Jared Boll vs Milan Lucic Dec 3, 2016

Jared Boll vs Milan Lucic from the Anaheim Ducks at Edmonton Oilers game on Dec 3, 2016.


  1. Lucic is getting slower and now add this new title, shitty fighter.
    what happened to the old tough in your face Luci ?

  2. Not all power forward are good fighter, power forward are known to make play finish the check protect there teamate scoring goals but in fighting not that good like the enforcers

  3. For all you idiots saying Lucic has gotten worse at fighting and this and that. He doesn't fight anymore cause he isn't supposed to and doesn't need to. Of course he isn't going to be the best cause he hardly does it. Hockey isn't just about fighting for some guys that actually have skill. It is for Jared boll cause that's what he brings and that is it. When Lucic started he fought cause he is one tough dude. Now plays top two line minutes. Not cause of fighting you morons but because he produces points. So do you think the coach wants a top two line player in the box for fighting 2 min a night fighters? Answer it your self you idiots. That would be a terrible trade off and a waste of him being in the box for 5 mins. Not what he is anymore cause he can actually play. I know it's hard for dumbass that aren't real hockey players or fans to understand

  4. LUCIC still heavyweight champ in hockey. all they do is wanna grab Lucic and hug him. they dont have the balls to square off and go toe to toe

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