@Florida Panthers

2024 CUP CHECK: Game 2 – Stars & Stripes – Oilers 1, Panthers 4

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Final between the Florida Panthers and Edmonton Oilers



  1. League is rigged. Panthers already have won. Bettman s toy will be his toy until he dies or is killed. Everything else is blah, blah, blah

  2. I belive the oilers haven't won a game against the panthers at home since 2022? And haven't scored more than 3 goals on the at home since then, also they've played against three different goals for those home game losses and beat a 3rd string goalie.

  3. It's bot even just Leon who is in deep shit if Sasha doesn't play and he does. Barkov is Floridas main guy so they will level the playing field by going after Oilers main guy. McDavid will have to use all that speed to just skate away from opposition instead of playing hockey if that scenario come up.

  4. When it’s the end of the game, and you leave your feet to target the best players head with an elbow, idk how we’re not talking about multiple games. People talking about how dirty Florida is, but I saw the ugliest kneeing all
    Season, a pure head hunting cheap shot to their best player and a stick to the nuts at the end of the game. Oilers have lost the mental warfare.

  5. oilers have 1 goal in 2 games. what happened to the 2 best players in the world? hyman RNH and kane have gone dark. that's their offence.

  6. The barkov hit wasn't as bad as you may think. He didn't lose consciousness, likely no concussion. Protocol to keep the player out for the rest of the game. I think he'll be back game 3.

  7. That nazi blood boils over eventually, Leon should go home and never come back if he wants to keep playing like that. Taking the short drive up to Edmonton with my crossed out swastikas and Draisaitl go home signs for games 3 and 4, catch me outside racist oiler fans.

  8. I doubt the Department of Certain Players' Safety will do anything. Bettman has been trying to turn this into a league of marketable superstars and they won't want one of the faces of a team to sit out a Stanley Cup Finals home game.

  9. Did you watch the game Steve? That was Draisaitl with Ekholm for the 2 on 1. McDavid passed it under pressure to Ekholm for the break out.

  10. In case if Draisaitl injured Barkov intentionally there should be suspension for McDavid ))
    Honestly I don't think there should be any.
    This is Stanley Cup. Final.

  11. The Oilers are not a very good team. They have a superstar amongst a bunch of AHL quality talent and a few goons like Drai, Perry, Kane, Fogele. None of these guys would even fight, especially Kane, the biggest instigator, did you see him going after Mikkola, that dude isn't fighting. The bottom line is that Edmonton without Mic David isn't even a playoff team. 1 goal in 2 games is embarrassing for the NHL. Vegas and Colorado would have cleaned the Oilers up in 6 just like last year.

  12. I think for as long as the Panthers have a lead and even a chance to win a game, they won't do much even if Barkov is out and Draisailt isn't suspended, but oh boy if Edmonton is running away with game 3, you bet Draisailt will be a target and McDavid as well, because what is a game misconduct to a 4th liner when you are losing anyways and targeting stars doesn't lead to suspensions.

  13. Sam Bennett tried that same shit on Broberg and the only difference is one got injured and the other didn’t. If the NHL was a serious league they cut down on these hits regardless of injury.

  14. Seems like the Panthers are not to be denied. 1 goal against in two games? This is coaching for the playoffs.

  15. Trouba did a flying elbow to the face and got a fine. Did you see anything worse than that last night? I sure didn't. The only thing that's gotten a suspension in the playoffs was the crosscheck to McDavid's face and that got 1 game. Again, did anyone see anything that bad in that game because I sure didn't.

  16. IF the NHL isn't gonna police the game and suspend drynuts, the players will. I'd dress a goon just to run him into the third row if Barkov doesn't play. Eye for an eye.

  17. The league only suspends players in the finals if they play for certain teams. He will not even get fined. He doesnt play for the St Louis Blues. They got suspended twice for much less but it will not happen to Leon. He isnt Barbashev or Sundqvist, and a Boston Bruin didn't put his face into the boards knowing a hit was coming.

  18. i think your face is too close to the camera so i typed this sentence out and clicked on the comment button

  19. ESPN broadcasters saying "oh oh comes the power house !!" (referring to Edmonton's Power play unit ) I'm still waiting to see what the so called "power house" is able to do ,cause I'm not impressed so far 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

  20. Bennett didn't get anything for a straight cheapshot punch to the face that knocked Marchand out for multiple games in round 2, so don't expect anything for Draisaitl.

  21. As a Habs fan, this is giving me big flashbacks to Habs vs Tampa for no reason at all other than Canada vs the State of Florida

  22. What did you think of the Ekblad chokehold on Bouchard and Bouchard tapping out like they're in UFC? Thought it deserved a mention, don't see that in most NHL games.

  23. The Oilers have always been dirty. Watch their run in the playoffs last year. When they get frustrated because the other teams are not playing like it's early October, the Oilers start throwing elbows and sticks around.

  24. i try and not complain about rough play or reffing. the Pietrangelo wack on drai last year and this elbow to the face are bs

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