@Pittsburgh Penguins

Penguins New Assistant Coach Has One Major Focus

On this episode, Nick discusses the one area that new Pittsburgh Penguins assistant coach David Quinn must fix, and why his track record inspires hope that he will. Tune In!

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  1. I think people are underestimating the hopefully good fit of the current Dubas plan of getting young players and prospects and having a coach proven to develop young players like David Quinn did quite well at BU.

    Quinn can hopefully help EK65 and Letang while also helping develop the young guys that will be brought in.

  2. Quinn and Sully have camaraderie. Quinn and EK65 have a 100+ pt season together. We'll see. I would demand hours of video for Quinn. Watch all successful power plays. Put Sid on the left side so he can come in and shoot as he is the best goal scorer. 87 could also pass to Geno for his one timer he had earlier in his career. Also use the double screen with Bunting in front and 87 off to his side. Mix it up. Geno in his spot for the 1 timer and also opposite on the left point. Mix it up and COACH! Use the old Flyers double screen pp and the Caps pp with down low goal line pass or the Backstrom pass to Oshie/Rust for the shot. Lets go!

  3. idk. I'm pretty pumped about this honestly, and I'm excited to see what happens. We were one of the best 5 on 5 times last season, but the weak PP is a huge reason why we finished where we did.

    If he can give the defense a boost, and the power play can perform, we might be so back

  4. I think quinn will be good for the young players. According to all my ranger fan friends they thought he was great with developing their young talent. So as an assistant he should be fine.

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