@Florida Panthers

“He felt better today” | Paul Maurice | Stanley Cup Final Practice Interview | 6.12.24

Panthers head coach Paul Maurice speaks with media prior to the team’s departure for game 3 of the Stanley Cup Final in Edmonton, ON.

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  1. I am the guy that is always worried about being overly confident, and giving the other team any advantage… Etc… And I am not Confident about winning, I am just confident that the Oilers will get our best, and I feel confident that our best is good enough… That's all I will say.. GO PANTHERS!!!!

  2. Do some of these reports not watch the game or not understand? Panthers suffocating offense with defense while applying PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE until the other team makes a mistake and they fire it into the net! They play as a team ONE SINGLE IMPENETRABLE UNIT! They all know their jobs and the coach has them all doing it! GREAT TEAM!! They are not giving the Oilers a chance to BREATHE its frustrating them! The Barkov it proves it!

  3. Barkov was fine all along, they were just playing it up in hopes to generate a stiffer penalty to Draisaitl. Had the Oilers tied up that game, Barkov would have been back in that game. There was never any doubt Barkov was fine. Just like Luostarinen was fine after he played dead on the knee to draw the major. It's just gamesmanship on the Panthers' side.

  4. Barkov made a miraculous recovery the minute it was clear that there would be no suspension. You should really call yourselves the Florida Divers.

  5. Go Cats Go! Welcome to Edmonton! Please kick my home team’s butt! Go Panthers!!!!!

  6. This guy and this team are locked in. They are about to outwork the Oilers. They might even let them have a game just so they can win in Florida at home

  7. Who is this guy that always interrupts Coach
    2 more questions
    Last question
    Let Paul finish talking!!! Bro
    This guy could Phuc up a wet dream

  8. The series is over .Will be over in 4 maybe 5 games tops .The Leafs should watch closely and learn from Florida on how to build a team .You dont need a 69 goal scorer or 3 superstar forwards to win a Cup .YOu need great coaching ,a tight defensive system ,20 hard working players that are willing to lay in on the line .Something the LEafs dont have

  9. I can't believe how dirty Panthers play and just crybaby when Oilers retaliate..they are just playing this up,Barkov is feeling better because they said he's getting an Oscar for his performance..haha

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