@Los Angeles Kings

1976/77 Montreal Canadiens – Los Angeles Kings (4)


  1. This would have been played on December 2nd. Habs and Kings were in the same division (Norris) that year. They met 6 times with the Habs winning 4 and two 3-3 ties.

  2. The only thing better than those Kings' unis were the ones about 1 year later with the names on the back.   Great color!  Today's uniform is too dull.

  3. This was the greatest team ever assembled in NHL history. The habs went 60-8-12. and no OT back then and only 80 games, not 82. If those 12 ties had OT like today, habs probably would've ended 69-8-3.. then add the 2 extra games and lets say they win them.. the habs go 71-8-3. No one has ever come close to this in NHL history.. even the warriors lost 9 games this yr.. habs only 8. God bless these habs.

  4. Scotty Bowman is a coaching legend, and I'm sure he was instrumental in the Habs success,..but Good Lord this is an all-star team, in any league..and what makes even more incredible is that just about every player was drafted/developed by Montreal..

  5. Habs were unbelievably strong back then. I mean the Kings played very well, but they were hanging on for dear life. Habs kept coming at them release relentlessly. Edwards kept them in the game. Great video – hockey was an enjoyable game to watch back then. . .

  6. Montreal didn't even bother pulling their goalie. They knew they'd score. There was nothing more dangerous than the Candiens down a goal with a minute left.

  7. The Kings felt pretty good about themselves. They're bout fixin' to head out to Chez Paree !

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  9. God bless Bob Miller, the best broadcaster in hockey, who made hockey in L.A. exciting.

  10. On that Habs third goal, there were 5 hall-of-famers on the ice (including Dryden) plus Pete Mahovlich, who was no slouch.

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