@Edmonton Oilers

The Edmonton Oilers are absolutely RATTLED right now…

The Florida Panthers just destroyed the Edmonton Oilers in game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals. Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl are rattled and Matthew Tkachuk and Roberto Luongo are 1 step closer to winning the cup as we head back to Edmonton for game 3.



  1. Lousy officiating, a hot (and) lucky goal tender along with Darnell Nurse are three strikes against the Oilers. Florida in 4 sadly.

  2. The only way McDavid wins a cup is if he leaves Edmonton. I’ve been saying it they have no chance against Florida!

  3. What worked in regular season for each player style of play changes drastically in the playoffs. It's making a switch from been a one man show to be a team player or someone else stepping up

  4. U don’t even make it about panthers winning it’s about the oilers losing we rent free in ur head loser canucks fan

  5. Oilers scored 1st panthers cheaped out. Look at the rush by mcdavid on your clip 3 seperate slashes by 3 seperate players no call. Barkov was slashing drai on the pp like 4 times no call. A bad givaway by bouchard was what won you the game. O and the refs. How many times drai got waved out of faceoff circle never seen that before of course in ozone. Now we know how cheap the Panthers are ,very dirty team. Kulikov charges carrick yet carrick gets fined? The refs let this one get out of control. I think we can still win just gotta win two on home ice. 😊

  6. Oilers have 1 goal in 2 games. 0.5 goals a game means your getting destroyed. I’d be surprised if the oilers get more than 3 goals the rest of the series.
    This series is going to be over fast.

  7. The true difference here is the goaltending. Here you see one goalie who is confident, competent and skilled and another goalie who is… not…

  8. Bench these players Nurse -15, Desharnais -9, Foegele -8, McLeod -7, Ceci -7, Kane -7, Derek Ryan -6

  9. I am not coping at all. Florida is playing better I can’t deny that. However the fact everyone forgets only 2 teams in the NHL made it to this point and Florida fans still mock how terrible of a team the Oilers are is a bit ridiculous.

  10. I’m an oilers fan and yeah, I’m kinda salty af rn but I’m still happy where we ended up. A season comeback and made to the finals I honestly can’t get mad. Ik many other oilers fans will be mad at me for saying this but ik we are getting outplayed defence wise (includes goalie) and we need to generate high danger chances. Tbh as long as we win at least ONE game in this final. I’ll say we had an almost complete season.

  11. the announcers were saying that when a team wins the first two games they win 91% of the finals ! put a fork in the "INTENT TO INJURE" oilers they are done !

  12. Lets go oilers still not over keep pushing and re group we need to prove why we made it this far

  13. Gentlemans Sweep for the Panthers…Oilers will be more mature next year. This ship has already sailed my Friends. Skinner is a Prince Ruperts Drop.

  14. 0:50 you sound like the one coping with this ask hahaha get a grip cope harder you panzy still mentioning that series was over 3 weeks ago bud

  15. The Oilers are finally just getting a neutral reffing game, in the Canucks series the refs worshipped the ground McDavid walked on, these refs could not give less of a shit about him

  16. I think the Panthers are going win the cup. I think the Panthers are going to let the Oilers win one game so they can win at home in Florida in front of home crowd that's what Tampa Bay did to Montreal Canadiens when they won the cup.

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