@Boston Bruins

The Bruins Coaching Staff sees some changes | Poke the Bear

The Bruins Coaching Staff sees some changes | Poke the Bear

this staff also lowy has a couple legitimate head coaching candidates for the future uh in sacko you know Joe sacko has been a head coach at the NHL level before um Jay leech uh you know at the AHL level candidate to uh be a head coach at the NHL level um both young so I think it’s an interesting staff of like and Chris Kelly too Chris Kelly for sure po the bear is powered by prize piic the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network [Music] and welcome in poke the bear episode 237 presented by prize pix go use that promo code clis to get up to $100 cash back on that first deposit uh if you’re picking Celtics stuff different you know Jason Tatum more or less points Jaylen Brown more or less points Derek white christops when he was in you’re probably doing pretty well on there so hopefully continue that prior to game four uh and if you want to go to game four if you want to go down to Dallas everyone’s talking about the resale value of the tickets in Dallas plus a flight is less than what it would be for like game five here which I think is true that’s yeah it isn’t it’s not go to game time use that promo code clns uh to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply uh also if you want to go to that watch party uh for game four at the Garden uh it’s not like my cup of tea but uh for it’s basically like you’re at the game I mean you’re there with a bunch of fans uh my if my friends were all going I could be convinced for sure uh but you can get tickets there on game time so go to game time use their promo code clns uh to get $20 off that first purchase terms apply I am Evan marowski that is Connor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great you had quite the Wednesday night how was the Brady ceremony uh had to say it exceeded my expectations I think maybe it’s just the I don’t know maybe the the sarcastic the you know I think most people go into those things think it’s going to be just all fluff or it’s going to be you know the way like that some of those things can be set up where it’s a very long ceremony um but I exceeded my expectations Evan uh I think all the speeches were great um a lot of good surprises and what I kind of took from it is like obviously it was Brady’s big day but I kind of felt like a a tribute and a reflection on kind of the entire Dynasty so like whether it’s like Randy Moss getting moved to TZ with like Ovation all these other players who played key roles for 20 years of dominance um to kind of get their flowers get their Ovations in front of a packette stadium um and some of the other things right like you had Drew bledo there you had Jay-Z show up uh you had Kenny CH yeah that was pretty crazy um it just it felt like a nice bow on you know what was Bill bich got the Ovation before like that stuff exactly yeah so um it doesn’t make me mad that that dumbass Netflix special was before this it does feel like if this was the first time bichi came out and had like a uh like an Embrace with Brady it would have hit even more it was still awesome like the Ovation and all that stuff was great but um that stupid Netflix special kind of took some of the thunder away from it but as a whole you know for what was such a I think significant part of I think all of our lives in terms of growing up here and every Sunday being able to relax as the BR Brady and the Patriots would drop 40 on the bills um yeah to relive that and I think appreciate that and kind of put a a final bow on that 20year run uh was very cool to be a part of it’s easy to go one those things being like all right let’s see what you know like you look at some of those things like the Red Sox ceremonies where they go on forever and just you have some eye rolly kind of moments there this one I think hit on all the right notes and it was very very cool to be a part of it I think the best thing is they did it in the off season it was an event in it of itself it wasn’t prior to a game um you know you went for that the only you know knock was it was the night of game four the NBA Finals that’s the the tough thing and uh but three that’s right that’s right game three um I mean I didn’t I didn’t watch it I was actually in Foxboro during this just not at that I was at Fox Sport CER oh damn no no no I was at the foxb sports center for the foxb prep League during the summer was there with Mark diver so we were uh catching up we were putting together a Bruins lineups for this upcoming year I mean I don’t I don’t know Evan I I hear rumors that when you’re not over at the Foxboro Center we hear that you always hang around Toby Keith I Love This baa I can’t help it it’s just too good I can’t get away from it EV his Red Solo Cup and he levitates off the ground for a few minutes like the the baron in Dune when he goes across the yes exactly I just watched that for the first time the other night by the way um great film a little weird but great film weird hard to follow I fell asleep probably like four times in the first like hour because I’m not the biggest sci-fi movie guy but I rebounded and I I kept looking up everything during the movie to try to understand it I watched the thing after so I get it I’m ready to watch Dune 2 as you say I’m always behind these these things I’m never like ahead of it I see these films and TV shows years later so that’s I mean June came out in what 2021 like that’s not that bad if it wasn’t like Breaking Bad where like I’ve ruined your life by saying insert redacted character name here was deceased at the end of it but yeah well that was different that was different I forgot about that one um I had a funny Wednesday night though uh so this is a clns tie-in uh so when I got home from the prep League I was watching the the Celtics game three and and I listened on the radio coming home um and they uh Grandy and Max are electric I mean that is a hell of a d like Cedric Maxwell you know when you like talk into the mic like if you’re on Xbox or Playstation with some friends and you put the mic like right here he’ll put the I swear it’s like the mic is right there and he’s screaming into it whenever something big happens which honestly is great because it’s it’s not in my ears it’s in the car um so anyway I come in after that third quarter Celtics are up a million and I walk in there’s a whole like bunch of people at my house watching and I’m like I’ve seen enough it’s over the game is over the series is over and of course the Celtics almost blew it the fourth in the fourth quarter yes yes but anyway so I I go upstairs I’m playing MLB the show and I’m watching The Garden report which is the uh like you know how we do Bruins postgame shows they do Celtics postgame shows they get a lot of viewers and they do after like every game and there’s a bunch of people that go on does does Carl corini jump on that too does he bring the white board he should have he breaks he breaks down the pick and roll Hees he does the triangle offense he’s like here’s how they’re they’re uh taking away the corner threes for Dallas um they’re just miss uh yeah exactly and the best thing was uh so I’m sitting there and Jimmy Tuscano was promoting his like hard hats they have these cool hard hats that they’re selling now and uh I commented you know hard hats stays on during sex and uh put they put it on for everybody to see and all the like me come on I mean that I had to say it it came into my head I had to say it it was it was a late night I it was like 12 o’clock and so uh John xanis text me on the side and says just jump on jump on with us and I’m like do you really like you really want me to jump on like the Celtics I know nothing I’m not good at basketball and I jumped on for like you know 10 15 minutes uh the comment section either didn’t know who I was or thought I was like 7 years old so uh there was a nice blend there was a couple like hockey sucks I was like come on guys like you know have a little respect you thought you were jumping in there you thought you g to be like uh uh Doctor Strange showing up with the portals and Avengers and everyone was like that’s like that’s like if you showed up through the portal scene they’re like who the [ __ ] are you who are you like Charles Barkley showing up on the NHL set and everybody like it’s oh Barkley’s here I was like oh Evan’s here yay uh I would I would have been hyped Evan if saw it well I appreciate it uh but it was fun I think I turned some people onto my side hopefully they’ll come subscribe to Bruins Rink Side and uh so that was fun it was a fun time um good times for all uh we’re almost eight minutes in we haven’t even touched the Bruins it was such a big night on Wednesday for Boston Sports you had uh the the Brady ceremony you had the Celtics one wi away from the finals you had the Red Sox they did do something they won a game they won a game I think they came back so good for them congrat guys uh and the biggest news yes Jay leech is back Jay leech is Back in Black and Gold uh Jay leech is an assistant now uh on Montgomery staff Joe sacko has been promoted to associate head coach uh and John mlan who was an assistant before uh who comes from a skills and skating uh background is going to go back into sort of a a position like that um clearly a good hire I mean leech was sort of you know he’s the Providence head coach for quite a bit uh I believe he was a name that was mentioned for uh the job after Cassidy left so I think just having him on the staff like I think this is a good hire yeah absolutely I mean I think one Jay leech is a pretty accomplished coach as you said I think you know before he well even after he went to the the Kraken um held in HRA God here especially was viewed as like a potential coach in Waiting um still only 44 years old um so in terms of just adding more talent to the coaching staff I think that’s great but also I think in terms of I think it kind of settles everyone’s roles a little bit more and it’s more clearly defined right because it’s not like they’re you know I think a lot of the headlines I think even the one I wrote was like Bruins reshuffle their coaching staff which is true like they reshuffle they move guys around but it does seem like it’s putting more people in spots where it’s kind of their their Forte right like you look at Joe sacko gets a promotion he’s still gon to be running the PK which is obviously what he’s uh been known for for a while but you know he primarily did a lot with the defenseman last year and again he’s a forward it’s not say you can’t do that but when you have someone like Jay leech who was a defenseman is that was kind of his Bretton butter throughout his you know career as a coach to have him come back and and get the Reigns of the defense you put Joe sacko on a spot where he can be kind of more of an overarching guy um and then even John McLean right where he moves back to the skills and skating department but it’s not really like a demos or anything like that like he was no you know that was kind of his focus last year when he was a coach and he was uh an eye in the sky coach during games as well so you know he’s just kind of I think put in another spot over here again his strengths and his talent can be probably maximized with working with this team as opposed to just being on the coaching staff so I think yeah you look at just bringing in a talented coach like Jay Lee obviously helps um I think is still held in pretty high regard here but I think more than that just bringing him in just seems like it slots everyone in the proper spot where um whatever their their focus or their emphasis in is as coaches um I think it just benefits the Bruins that much more this staff also loky has a couple legitimate head coaching candidates for the future uh in sacko you know Joe sacko has been a head coach at the NHL level before um Jay leech uh you know at the AHL level candidate to uh be a head coach at the NHL level um both young so I think it’s an interesting staff of like and Chris Kelly too Chris Kelly for sure um and I think it’s interesting one because Kelly always gets I know with Ottawa Kelly was kind of mentioned on Twitter is like a guy you know played there for a bit you know would he be a candidate wouldn’t shock me if after this year things change in the sense that like one of them Gets a Job um and if you know in the next couple years or just the way the NHL head coaching Carousel works if you know down the road J Montgomery is let go you might have your answer in house um so I think that’s another element to it as well not saying Jim MCG is getting fired he’s not I’m just saying that you know the way the league works coaches don’t last very long um you never know you just you never know so you do have the in-house uh guys there um so good on him he gets to return after a little rendevu out to Seattle now he’s back and back where he belongs I guess um so good for him congrats to him um and looks like a pretty strong coaching staff uh there’s more uh you know we T we talked a lot about the Bruins going for the number 10 pick with the New Jersey Devils um but there’s another team in the top 10 who is considering trading their pick and they just so happen to also need a goalie H but first a quick word from our friends over at prize pick finals are right around the corner and it’s time for you to get in on the playoff action and win up to 100 times your cash on prize picks as you and the world’s best players take the game to a new level with the title on the line with prize picks you can turn $10 into $11,000 in a single game watching your favorite Sports this summer with prize picks you could turn $10 into $11,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a prize pick lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on two to six player stat Productions and you’re locked in prize pick is America’s number one fantasy sports 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in Le a soulmark uh but they also have the number seven pick in the NHL draft they also have your pick they have the Bruins pick at 25 um they got in the de brinka trade that went to Detroit so you got to like do the Charlie Kelly like you know yeah remember the uh the clip of Bill bich and Tom Brady where they’re trying to uh devise how to beat Ed Reed and belich sits back in his chair and he’s like oh so like it goes here and it goes like here like that’s that’s kind of how you have to like map out this how this the trade tree yes how the how it went around um but so anyway according to the fourth period uh uh one of the exacts of the Senators said quote we had interest in the number seven pick teams will call you and say are you interested in moving the pick and you don’t know what that’s going to look like because you don’t know what’s going to be available there you have to stay very flexible uh the fourth period and that was quoted by the Ottawa Citizen the fourth period wrote this but the interviews with the Ottawa Citizen um the Senators could move back in the draft or trade the pick entirely for immediate help the uncertainty and who could be available at the number seven slot adds to the mystery uh and the Senators me or you know Pand mentioned uh that uh the Senators no celebr is going one but after that it is complet complely wide open which is true it is I mean Le shinoff from Michigan State seems like a pretty obvious pick at number two but even after that it gets it opens up like I saw there was a mock draft yesterday by the athletic they had Kaden Lindstrom going like fourth fourth other yeah other spots he’s been like 14th so like I see you see like Eiserman go like I saw one that had him like seven or eight and I saw one that had him like 21 you have like the you have like the Denver defenseman who like is all over the top 10 the good thing for the ruins like just probably I guess jumping ahead if they do get a top 10 pick is that does seem like it’s very heavy you got celebr one then a lot of like defenseman and wings are all kind of making a majority of the uh the top 10 which I don’t know if maybe that’s you want more top 10 centers but it does seem like if you get between seven and 10 there’s probably going to be one or the second or the third or the fourth price Center on the draft board is probably going to be there for you yeah like I saw like Berkeley Kon uh in that draft that Lindstrom went forth went like 12th and he was initially pegged as a guy higher so like I I think there are different options um but I don’t mind it like I I I’m all for it like get in there get a high-end player get your hand you know develop them all that stuff like I’m for it and now if they got Cole Eiserman I mean that would be awesome be guy newb Port Mass guy um speaking of locals I meant to mention this in the Jay Le segment yes uh congrats to Ryan warski next head coach of the sharks from uh Marshfield own congratulations to to Ryan warski for getting the big promotion to the Sharks bench boss um but the Senators it’s interesting because uh Senators this is a qu of the fourth period uh have been evaluating the gending market as well GM Steve stos has reached out to the New Jersey Devils about markstrom uh uh Lena Sark and Nashville Predators uh UC SOS apparently I can’t read um however the Senators have wanted to move Jonas Corp pasalo in a deal and that seems to be a sticking point uh I don’t know that would work with the I don’t know who the who the hell wants coalo anybody want yonas anybody want yonas here he is we dangling him um by the way that person who was speaking in the quotes was Senator senior vice president Dave pin should also mentioned that um so I mean again like we’ve talked about this with the number 10 pick you know could the Devils be desperate enough to do a number 10 for olark swap I think the same question goes with the Senators it seems like they want lenus olark I think the sticking point in this kind of trade I think they probably would do that I mean it sounds like they would give more from what other execs or another exec has said but would Lena Sark accept a trade to Ottawa that’s the biggest thing and I think like New Jersey I think you have a pretty you have a better chance than not I don’t know about Ottawa yeah no I agree I think that is the biggest sticking point um I just can’t see Omar you know signing off on a trade out there because again it’s unless it’s something we have longterm deal locked up there but again like if you’re omark and you’re you’re trying to pick where your next spot is going to be and you look at Ottawa and they’re they play what is it like 35 minutes outside of the city uh doesn’t really get high mocks um that’s a team that you know have some good pieces but they’re not like the Devils where you look at just the talent they have and you be like all right maybe they’re a goalie away there’s so many of these teams that we’ve talked about with omark as possible fits where um you know it just does seem like they’re just one piece or two from being legitimate Contender um even like you know there’s other teams people have mentioned where again maybe they’re not a proven Contender but if he goes there and it’s a place where like again it’s where NHL players go and they settle down with their families like Raleigh is a popular place where a lot of guys settle down even like Columbus where that team is not a good team right now but you know who knows what Don woodell wants to do there that’s a team that has a lot of people settle down in the Columbus area you don’t really hear that about Ottawa all that much so no I just think you look at all the multiple factors that I’m sure going through Mark’s head as you know he kind of figures out what his next step is I just can’t see Ottawa being that spot now like if the Bruins find out that the number seven pick is there one for one or for something like that I wouldn’t do it if it’s bringing back corpa solo because I think he stinks and I don’t like yeah I have no I have no interest in that n um but I I think Beyond just looking at that number seven pick in Ottawa I think it just reinforces that maybe the the omark market is something that um is higher than we thought I feel like we we talked about this right as the year ended and we’re like all right like if they get two second round picks you know the biggest thing is just the cap space that’s great look at it now and you look at just who’s out there what are being rumored as being possible trade shifts whether it’s a top 10 pick whether it’s an impact player like you know Marty Ness or something like that uh it it’s going to be fascinating to see just how this Market pans out because like I I feel like what happens ifar does get traded and it is for a second round pick and another Prospect again nice return for an asset that you don’t plan on having here a long term but you see all these rumors you feel like people are GNA get let down if it’s not a 25 goal scorer or a top 10 pick or anything like that it just feels like the Market’s so tough to gauge that’s the thing I think if it ends up coming in a little bit less people be like what what were you guys talking about this is so underwhelming and it’s like well these were the rumors and I think also it’s silly season it’s the leadup to the draft in fre agency it is it is we get to imagine which is fun also if it was a second rounder and like a high Prospect that’s not bad like I mean that’s not great I it’s not that it’s not great it’s not like my ideal scenario because my ideal scenario is you trade him for the number 10 pick or number seven pick and it’s like holy crap we’re in the top 10 now if you’re the Bruins um but if it was a second rounder and a high Prospect like that’s two two he’s got two High you know higher end prospects coming into your system and I’m okay with that too so like I I want the cap space and I want you know an infusion of one or two higher end players and if it’s a top 10 pick awesome you know I think that that’s terrific I just think in this situation I think seven is you’re not you know that’s not happening just in the sense that otta I don’t think he’s accepting a trade to Ottawa I just I don’t I don’t see it I don’t see it all the things you said and I also think the team in front of him is not good enough like one thing we’ve talked about in the past is if you go to a Carolina or New Jersey or Colorado or an LA you know you have a chance to go to a really good team and put up good numbers who was the last goalie in Ottawa I know they haven’t had amazing goal tending like who was the last goalie in Ottawa to put up like top 10 in the NHL numbers like I honestly I cannot remember was it Craig Anderson like I top 10 too that’s they’ve had like some guys who obviously have gone on on like runs and had good little stretches here but like top 10 oh oh I mean I again they’re not they’ve not been a good defensive team for a while and I I just think that that also doesn’t bode well along with the location um and I don’t think they’re sort of in NHL no man’s land with that like you know they have good young players coming up everybody wants Brady kachuck but like contending next year uh I don’t know I don’t know um so yeah I mean again it’s a fun thing to think about the number seven pick but am I in that number 10 pick with New Jersey I think that that’s the that’s the sweet spot on the baseball bat um game time our friends over at game time here’s a quick word from them the NBA finals are right around the corner and if you’re a Celtics fan odds are that TD Garden is going to be packed in June as the Celtics go for bana 18 and if you want to chair on the Seas inside the garden you got to go with game time tickets game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace that makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down 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on their good side I mean that was also that was also I think like a less than a month or maybe just a little over a month after the the Matt Cook hit on Saad so it was like right after that so Brun V is still pissed about how that whole thing went down obviously then you got I think it was Rookie of Vander Kane there year I I want to say it was I think that the Thrashers last game of the season too so like Lally M Cook’s final game to close out the regular season just gets walled one punished by Vander Kane but suris last game of the season it was I’m sure that that was what 2010 so Penguins obviously kept went into the playoffs but I it was like April 10th or something like that April 7th uh something like that um when that game was so um video is great still one you got the throwback Thrashers jerseys which feels like the NHL wants to go back to Atlanta I don’t know why but that’s uh that’s topic for another uh another day but I I just think you look at uh that video and it’s not surprising at all to see that the Bruins maybe sent him a little little gift basket maybe it was Dunkin’ Donuts gift card couple of flowers something like that um not surprising based on just how much you know we were talking about all time Brun Sports uh Bru’s villains Matt Cook’s going to be right up there I was like going through like all the other plays he had right where he elbowed Ryan mcdna remember he like stepped on Carlson’s heel he like severed his something like that like yeah pretty shitty player so there were now in hockey I believe there is a little protector you can put on your Achilles to protect from things like that happening but it’s fluke plays that was intentional when he stepped on his like that was as bad as such a scumbag um and uh I I just the way he played he was a jackass on the ice and when that Evander that because cook was going after Kane I was just watching the um the video of that as you were talking and like cook goes after Kane and’s like all right like you want to go like let’s do it and just like boom like it was such a just clean too um and cook went right out cook went right out um I think I think at the end of video too uh Kane mentions that the very next time they met he got a high elbow from cook and then cook wouldn’t fight him so that’s the other YouTube video there’s a YouTube video right after that it’s like you know cook elbows uh Kane up high the other thing I found interesting from that interview I was reading your story in uh that Kane has watched the video like 300 times respect you always feel like hockey players like I’m pretty humble about those things I I want these guys to be watching these videos like 500 times when that happens n watch sh before I go to to watch Krug obliterating Robert Thomas like how many times he watch that video yes 100% um speaking of Krug I saw somewhere and I don’t know if it’s real or not so like I you know this is just off the top of my head this isn’t on the show agenda but um I don’t know if there’s rumors or something out of the St Louis about uh them buying Krug out um I don’t know how real it is but would you take him back at a at a lower price I mean listen I love uh I love Tory krug’s game game I love what he provided here as a veteran I don’t know I just think you look at where Lori is and what he provides and KW bring him back on a cheap de would be awesome like just having him here as like a third pairing kind of guy on the left side but I feel that’s G to cut into what you hope lorai uh built into so like again if you want him back on a cheap deal like you explore that option I guess but you look at just what his role is what his strengths are at this stage of his career and what you hope Mason Loray develops into and again I also don’t feel like Tory Krug at this stage of his career is going to be like all right and here’s the time of my career where I’m signing the $1 million cap hit deal like he still can probably be a very coveted asset for a team that needs like a power play you know quarterback at the top of the list so um listen krug’s great player I just don’t feel like he fits with what this team needs right now especially with Laura here if laor wasn’t here screw it bring him back as the just the power play specialist but like with lorai there now give him time to kind of settle into that role and be your your 20 you know 22 23 year old guy that you build here for the long term so daily face off Frank Zar Valley had him as like a buyout candidate um uh for this off season and then like I think I saw it was Bruins Bender podcast uh tweeted out you know would you guys would Bruins fans want him I’m I’m in agreement with you love Tory Krug love what he brought hell of a player um I just think with the Emergen Mason Lowry I don’t know if that’s what you need I think you need more of a veteran shut down left shot defenseman then you do a veteran power play specialist and again I the power play was bad last year at times struggled down the stretch he would help that but I just think that gets in the way of lowai and then it’s like all right so your left side is lowai lindol and Krug that’s not like the toughest three to play against you need a shut down guy in there I just look at what L lorai brings he’s you know his skating ability his ability to activate move down the half wall he does some of the things that in time you hope he becomes Tory Krug right like which is how mobile he can be he’s also 65 and he’s also a lot a lot younger and a lot cheaper like again it’s just in terms of you look at it from a business perspective like it just makes the most sense in terms of going with the asset you have that’s younger that even maybe has higher upside or even if he becomes production wise what Tory Krug is you have more to work with a guy that can also play 22 minutes a night down the road and be a 65 guy that’s going to continue to fill out there 100% 100% some else who’s an interesting name was Patrick l uh entered the NHL pa player assistance program in January uh has struggled on the ice the last couple of Seasons uh signed a big deal with Columbus um carries an 8.7 million average annual value would you take a flyer on this if they dangled them andatee some of that money uh I probably wouldn’t and again like you look at just the Baseline numbers and you can you know view a guy that in the right spot could go back to being a 35 40 goal scorer right the talents there I just don’t think it’s worth it in terms of one like what the price is going to be even for a depressed asset like that in terms of just where his production has been from you know his his early years um and again it just comes down to um what you’re paying to get him like he’s still got an 8.7 million dollar cap hit you had the cap space but how much of that are you going to allocate towards a guy that has all the potential of being a 40 goal uh top six player but you just don’t really know there you add in like the defensive part of his game it just I I think if you have this cap space and you have some of these assets that you can dangle out there I wouldn’t use it on a guy that’s like a better Mike Hoffman right like just kind of 25 35 goal scor that can help you I guess but like at what cost in terms especially his cap hit what you’re giving up all that stuff I I think there’s other options if the brones are looking for trade ships that make just a little bit more sense I get the desire from some to that would want to do that because you do need to score goals at a better rate next year in theory like he could help that I just I don’t know that’s a lot of money how much are they eating what’s it going to take to get him you know I guess in if they let’s say like okay hypothetical if the if the blue jacket said we’re going to eat half so you’re paying like what 4.3 every around that and you have to give up you know a late round pick or something I’m just off the top of my head of you know we don’t know what the market would be but it would be something around that maybe like maybe but that’s still like a good chunk of money that’s not like you know two million year that’s 4.3 million per year and that takes you out of probably signing another Wing like because again if debrusk walks ideally you know you’re signing a number one Center this off season probably Lindholm and then like I think you’re going after either like a bruzi uh a TFI a duclair two or you know two or more of those kinds of Wingers like you know mantha whatever like would you take L over those guys you know I get why people might want to but I don’t know a lot of question marks there so I don’t know if that’s the best use of uh use of your funds so to speak uh anyways Connor what can the people look forward to from you or at the globe in yeah we’ll have you covered every step of the way this offseason whether it’s trade rumors free agency the draft which maybe all of a sudden we have to start looking at some mock drafts couple of Trades go down so we’ll see there but you that be electric we start breaking down prospects we got you know we’d have to do some sort of fun game of like picking players and the Big Board the big board yeah the feler and M Big Board we’ll do the same thing um but yeah we’ll have all that stuff over at in the Boston Globe so follow along there if you want to follow me on Twitter you can at Conor Ryan 93 go do all that we’re presented by prize picks and game time that’s Conor Ryan I’m EV marinovsky poke the bear listeners have a great rest of your week [Music]

In our latest mailbag episode, we discussed Jay Leach’s return to Boston, the Senators potentially fielding offers for the No. 7 pick, Evander Kane getting a gift basket from the Bruins and Patrik Laine trade rumors. All that, and much more!

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  1. So Jay Leach is the air apparent to Montgomery? Another inexperienced head coach. This is where the Bruins save money, on head coaches.

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