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US Open Pinehurst Predictions, NFL Futures Sharp Action, Stanley Cup & NBA Finals | KELLY & MURRAY

US Open Pinehurst Predictions, NFL Futures Sharp Action, Stanley Cup & NBA Finals | KELLY & MURRAY

yeah what like you got a new ring light you ready I feel like I’m like super glowing Chris gave me like a new thingy oh good yeah because that way it doesn’t look like you have like a weird halo over your head or something my head uh I don’t know is that some sort of a religious reference what are you talking about no but it you had like a circular light that made your forehead very shiny like you were Angelic uh I’ve never seen the show I’ll take your word for it of course you haven’t watched I’ve got a number of questions about so number one why do you keep posting on your social media channels about lacrosse what is that I started doing some stuff with the premier lacrosse league so like here’s the thing baseball season sucks outside of the Cleveland Indians there’s nothing going on watching a lot of college baseball this year because of Kansas State made me realize how bad Major League Baseball blows like blows you know what this like let’s let’s talk about when hockey got really good hockey got really good when they made the pad smaller and the goals bigger and everybody was like yes goals scoring offense offense offense and that’s what college baseball is versus like major league baseball is like a pitcher duel and a snoozefest it’s perfect siing afternoon nap at like 500 pm and then you just wake up and figure out which Bullpen blew it that’s it it’s not it’s not enjoyable I don’t enjoy it so going back to Lacrosse don’t enjoy baseball hockey season’s basically Stanley Cup finals obviously uh you know right now the Mavs are down 02 to the Celtics it’s kind of a snooze Fest so they reach out to me and I said yeah if you have somebody who can teach me how to handicap it and then I went three in one my first weekend so you’re paying attention to it because somebody’s paying you money that’s what I mean um I’m paying attention to it because it’s off season and I’m doing a little bit of a collaboration and actually I really enjoy it and Brendan O’Neal is a [ __ ] badass and I just got some Denver Outlaws merch today no it’s all for the money but you you can be a [ __ ] hater all you want John Murray I’m not being a hater I want you to succeed that hey that’s [ __ ] I I want you to succeed we allowed to curse you said [ __ ] I’m allowed to do whatever I want that’s why we’re having an extra show this week because I wasn’t gonna see you until I went to before I went to Italy but here we are and I I feel like the producers are like hey we should really address one of the issues from last week yeah so let’s go let’s talk about that they gave us the producers John and Louie John aka the unit and Louie they gave us a link to this website where it just gives you two quarterbacks and you vote for whichever one you think is better and you just vote over and over and over and over again and then it spits out your rankings so some of the comments were like where’s Joe flacko good question where was Joe flacko Joe Derek Carr it was not on my list no Joe flacko was not an option to vote no he wasn’t so I I like Joe Flaco I would have voted for him Joe Flaco wasn’t on there then but the thing that I don’t understand is because I I was paying attention I think and I I and I wasn’t I don’t think I voted against Brock pie that much I like Brock P I didn’t either that’s why he was number two on my list number two on your list OB because here here’s the reality these guys send us a text go to this like weird website I’m sure they’re going to pop it up it was weird it was weird laden. comom and I’m thinking is that gonna be like where the black guy sitting on the edge of the bed and he’s got like a hammer like you know how you get those like those are the people I’m friends with and you’re like son of a [ __ ] they got me so that’s I’m already on edge and I’m like okay I’m gonna click this what’s gonna happen like I’m just waiting for something to like jump out at me so I’m like going through ding ding ding ding ding like just rapid fire I finished it in like two minutes instead of actively trying carrying anything and then it spits out these crazy results where I’m like sure was I trying to put Caleb William last to [ __ ] with jh yeah I was so I was Voting against him every single time because I didn’t know what he was doing with this I thought he was like trying to just get clicks for his buddy’s quiz website see I thought you were I thought you were engagement farming because you’re a celebrity well that’s what the internet accused me of I didn’t know he was going to post this and nor did I know that it was going to go absolutely bananas but In fairness I did get the producers the blue check mark they still can’t get paid you gotta have five million impressions so Kudos on them they’re like hey why don’t we take this ridiculous test throw kiv under the bus get everybody to hate her so that they can start making money on Twitter why would you have Patrick Mahomes eth I didn’t I voted against once I did but here’s here’s the reality oh my God I’m going to redo the test you can see it right here I got it open it’s going to take six minutes I heard when I when I joined the show I heard you and John talk the unit talking so you’re gonna redo the test on the show he wants me to go through it what am I gonna do I’m just gonna sit here and argue probably about what I can’t even see what you’re doing well I I’m gonna tell you I’m gonna narrate you’re going to narrate each pick it’s GNA take forever yep congratulations this is your guys is doing all right just my doing my rankings were fine it’s not my doing because you actually applied yourself and I didn’t give a [ __ ] shocker um okay Justin Herbert Caleb Williams okay I feel like this is a no-brainer Justin Herbert Jaylen Herz Dak Prescott Jaylen Herz the argument’s gonna be that he’s been to a Super Bowl and Dak sucks in the playoffs well I really that’s a stupid argument so well that’s what trust me this is what the internet’s gonna say I guess here’s the question I have before you take your your quiz Are we ranking the are we ranking the players based on like okay I have it says quarterback quiz I don’t know what we’re ranking them on am I saying like Okay I’m building an NL team and I can pick my quarterback in that case yeah I would have Justin Herbert that high I would okay are you telling me that if Justin Herbert went to the 49ers or the Eagles or the Dolphins that’s my point with j he plays behind a very good offensive line I know that like Mike McCarthy as his as his that’s already not fair itself but I’m gonna go Jaylen Herz just so the Eagles fans don’t try to scream at me again next Derek Carr Jaylen Daniels here’s the problem with half of these guys on the list that have never seen an NFL field and might not even this year but we’re gonna go Derek Carr Sam Daniels was gonna play in the NFL this year I didn’t say he wasn’t but my point being is we haven’t seen what he’s capable of Sam how Baker Mayfield fine Baker Michael pinck JR genel Smith okay Gino Brock py Gardner Menchu this is dumb Brock pie Patrick Mahomes Bryce young so basically the best versus the worst let’s go I would go with Patrick Mahomes over young two a tag OFA versus Drake May Drake May is a white quarterback from North Carolina why is he on this list Anthony Richardson versus Jordan love now here’s my my problem I think Jordan love well hell I think the Packers in general have done a great job over the last uh three decades of drafting quarterbacks here’s my thing Anthony Richardson got hurt game one I don’t know but I’m gonna go Jordan love Tyler Murray jamus Winston now here’s where I got tripped up the last time because if I’m drafting a team I’m taking jamus over Kyler the end but do I think Kyler is probably a better quarterback than jamus yeah because he doesn’t throw that many interceptions he can’t even barely see over the offensive line see over the center he’s like five feet tall that’s my point but if I want a quarterback and I want a leader of my team I want jamus that’s and that’s why jamus was so high because I kept picking jamus over these guys and I’m like of course I would take jamus over these guys but anyway just for for for analytics we’re gonna go Kyler Murray so that end up with the same list as last we’re not right Jared gof Matthew Stafford now this one I just went with a coin flip because when I first originally took the test I’m like well this is difficult I think that there’s arguments to be made for both sides here but I will go Matthew Stafford well what’s the question I mean if if you’re picking a quarterback to build your team around I think you should go with G he’s a lot younger who’s going to be better in 2024 I don’t know that could yeah but then but the argument that the internet says like I mean this is why women shouldn’t shouldn’t uh talk sports the arguments well Matthew Stafford has a quarterback or a Super Bowl ring of course he does but then what does that have to do with me taking a quarterback quiz on June 12th 2024 so anyway we’re going we’re trying to we’re trying to pick who are we trying to pick who’s going to be the best quarterback in the future because I guarantee you that the r or the Rams would trade Stafford for Herbert right now just he’s like 10 years younger than him okay so Kurt Cousins Justin Fields I’m gonna go quarterback Kurt Cousins but is Justin Fields far more athletic yeah he is I hope you would take cousins over Justin Fields all right Aaron Rogers Russell Wilson I’m not even having this discussion because they still have him in a damn Broncos jersey put him in a Steelers jersey and leave me alone Joe burrow J.J McCarthy very self-explanatory there TR Lawrence Josh Allen I would argue Josh Allen is the third or fourth best quarterback in the NFL who are the two better than Josh Al Lamar Jackson and Patrick Mahomes I disagree okay bone Nick CJ stad well we are gonna get to the Broncos here later on at the end of the show so we already know how good bone Nicks is going to be if he even sees the field behind good old Zack Wilson who’s not on this list CJ St jacobe brassette Daniel Jones I I feel like there’s a lot of Daniel Jones haters out there I know Giants fans are a little frustrated but I think quarterback abilities he is a good quarterback who does uh who does jacobe Brett brette play for isn’t it your Washington football team oh is he that’s a jersey has on in this photo I don’t know where he’s at he’s sitting on some bench somewhere why is he on here yeah who who picked him up who picked him up I don’t know the Patriots I don’t know I don’t anyway he he has his jersey on here is Washington football team that’s how ridiculous this is week one don’t worry this is gonna take the whole show if you don’t stop interrupting me giving a narration of every pick just [ __ ] vote I’m doing with what I’m supposed to do Caleb Williams and Shawn Watson well I don’t know is just Sean Watson gonna see the field this year sure let’s and as I said in the first part of the show I was purposely trying to [ __ ] with jh by picking against Caleb Williams and it worked all right Deshawn Watson uh deshun Watson Justin Herbert Justin Herbert Jaylen Daniels Dak Prescott Dak Dak over Derek Carr Michael pinnick Jr Sam Howell is Michael pennick Jr even going to be a start this year he has two torn acl’s that have since been replaced are you do you think he’s going to play over Kirk I don’t but I also don’t think Sam how’s any good so this one’s really tough so I’m gonna go athletic ability Michael pennick Jr and then I’m gonna pick Baker over him and then I’m gonna pick Gino over Baker then I’m gonna pick Gardner menu over Bryce young and Patrick Mahomes over Bryce young and Patrick Mahomes over Brock pie then I’m gonna take Anthony Richardson over Drake May to a tag of ioa over Anthony Richardson love over Tua see but now here we are Matthew Stafford jamus Winston and I’m like God I love jamus and Matthew’s kind of a [ __ ] Matthew Stafford jamus Winston all right I got it but think about me in the first time I took this test I’m so waiting for a giant baby arm to like pop out at any minute mid quiz so like I’m just I don’t agree with I don’t agree with Gino Smith over Baker Mayfield okay anyway Matthew Stafford over Kyler Murray Justin Fields over Russell wlson Aaron Rogers over Justin Fields Fields over Russell Wilson yeah yeah quiz it’s your quiz uh Aaron Rogers over Kirk Cousins Trevor Lawrence over JJ McCarthy Joe burrow Trevor Lawrence now I’ll say this Trevor struggled at times last year but I think that they were really hyped up going into the season and those are the types of teams I like to bet against as you know I’d like to think Trevor is gonna have a good third year Joe burrow been hurt a lot yeah no it’s a good point and that’s a that’s a question too we were talking about Herbert earlier Herbert versus Joe burrow I think is interesting because now Joe burrow is a guy that’s missed two SE or had two seasons ended Now by season ending injuries and I love Joe burrow but that’s got to be a conversation so this is tough but I’m gonna go Joey B Joey B is better than Trevor L yeah Jo Josh Allen better than Joey B jacobe brassette Bo Knicks no thank you how do I say no thank you can you just not vote I’ll just take is jacobe brette gonna be the starter of the Patriots do we know I don’t even know that he’s on the Patriots because B Knicks might not even be the starter of the Broncos and that might be a good thing but let’s just go jacobe and then we’re gonna go CJ over jacobe and then we’re gonna go CJ Str over Daniel Jones then I’m gonna go will Lis over Caleb Williams then I’m gonna go DeShaun Watson over will Lamar over Deshawn Lamar over Herbert Sam Howell Jaden Daniels I’m just gonna pick Sam because he’s actually played in the league Derek Carver Sam Howell Derek Derek Carr over Michael pennick Jr fine Derek Carr over Baker Mayfield I think I gotta go Baker I think Baker is a better quarterback than Derek yes he is Baker Baker over Dak now we’re back to the Dak argument I think Dak is way better than Baker Mayfield okay and Gino Smith and now we have the bottom of the barrel Drake May versus Bryce young I guess I’ll go Bryce young Anthony Richardson over Bryce Anthony Richardson over Gardner Brock pie over Anthony Brock pie over Tua Brock pie over Jordan Love Can I please take jamus Winson over Russell Wilson because that is absolutely a fact that’s ridiculous and I’m taking him over Justin Fields then I’m taking Kirk over jamus and I’m taking Kirk over Kyler and I’m taking Matthew Stafford over Kirk and I’m gonna take Matthew Stafford over Aaron Rogers and then bone Nicks JJ McCarthy H like are either one of these kids gonna be starters this year this is ridiculous let’s wor this is the worst content we’ve ever had I know this is terrible okay we’re taking J yeah this is their idea we’re taking jacobe brassette and then I’m taking Trevor over jacobe I’m taking Trevor over Daniel Jones CJ Str over Trevor CJ Str over Joe burrow Josh Allen over CJ strad Caleb Williams over Jaden Daniels Caleb Williams over Sam how Caleb Williams over Michael pennick Jr Derek Carr over Caleb Williams will Levis over Derek Carr Baker over will Levis I’m gonna go Deshawn Watson over Baker we’ll see I’m gonna go Deshawn over Gino Dak over Deshawn Justin over Dak Justin over Jaylen Herz Russell here’s one I’m gonna pick him versus Drake who who’s Justin over deck Herbert oh Justin Herbert yeah of course uh Russell Wilson I’ll take him over Bryce young Russell I’ll take over Gardner mchu I’m gonna take Anthony Richardson over Russell and I’m gonna take Anthony Richardson over Justin fields and I’m even gonna take him over jamus Winston and then I’m GNA take Kyler over Anthony Richardson I’m gonna take Tua over Kyler I’m gonna take Tu over Kirk oo two a Aaron roders I’m gonna goj over Joe Burl I don’t know I love CJ I love CJ I fan girl out uh when I saw him at the Super Bowl okay so I’m gonna take Tua over Aaron Rogers just based on your age Theory andon Rogers is my age and he’s off of a torn Achilles correct that’s why I took Tua I’m gonna take Tua over Matthew Stafford as well which is really idiotic but I’m going to take Jared gof over Tua and Jared Goff over Jordan love and Brock pie over Jared Goff and then now we’re back to nonsense again I’m gonna take Jaden Daniels over B Knicks and JJ McCarthy and jacobe brassett then I’m gonna take Daniel Jones over him Daniel Jones over Sam Howell over Michael pinnix Jr over Caleb Williams over Derek Carr oh Daniel Jones will Levis doesn’t will Levis suck no I like will Levis a lot actually I’m missing something there yeah maybe maybe you are but I the the game that I went to in person last year where I got to cash Titans Underdog he’s got a little soft spot for me um look is he probably gonna struggle year two probably uh so I’m gonna take Daniel Jones over will Lis but I do like will I’m gonna take Baker over Daniel Jones Trevor over Baker Trevor over Gino Trevor over Deshawn Dak over Trevor burrow over Dak burrow over Herz Herbert over burrow o here’s a good one John Murray that you would love to debate CJ stad versus Justin Herbert I mean you had Jus Herbert fourth that’s great man yeah I don’t I don’t understand why people think Herbert fourth is crazy I don’t think it’s crazy at all I think top 10 is fair but fourth top that’s a lot of love okay we’ll see who okay talk to me about CJ stra Justin Herbert go that’s really close uh I would rather have Herbert I I would need to see a little more out of strout I like okay I’ll go CJ stad then that’s a good one uh I’m gonna take Lamar Jackson over CJ I’m gonna take Lamar Jackson over Josh Allen bottom of the barrel Bo Knicks versus Drake May I’ll go Bo I’ll take Bo even over Bryce young but I’m gonna take Gardner mure over Bo I’m gonna take Gardner over JJ G take Gardner over jacobe I’m gonna take him also over Jaden and Sam Hal and Michael pennix Jr and Caleb Williams and Derek Carr but I’m gonna take will Levis over him I’m gonna take will Levis over Russell Wilson and Justin Fields but I am not taking him over jamus Winston that is where I’m going to draw the line jamus gets I would rather have jamus Daniel Jones over jamus Daniel Jones over AR-15 okay here you go how much longer is this gonna take I told you I told you this is if you actually take time I took like two minutes the first time I was like rapid fire like quarterback tender and now it’s taking forever uh Daniel Jones Kyler Murray Kyler Murray is like four feet tall I gonna take Daniel Jones but I wanted your opinion kurk cousins over Daniel Jones Kirt cousins over Baker Mayfield Kirk Cousins over Gino Smith Kirk Cousins over DeShaun Watson Trevor Lawrence over Kirk Aaron Rogers over Trevor Aaron Rogers over Dak Jaylen Herz over Aaron Jaylen Herz over Stafford Tua over Jaylen Joe burrow over Tua Joe burrow over Jordan Jared Goff over Joe burrow Jared gof over Joe burrow Jared gof over Justin Herbert CJ Stroud over Jared gof Brock pie over CJ strad Brock pie over Josh Allen Brock pie nope Lamar Jackson Brock pie over Josh Allen yeah uh Brock I Lamar jackon what do you think Josh Allen would do in the 49ers offense I think he’d be pretty and then I’m GNA take Patrick Mahomes over Lamar Jackson there you go there’s my final real quiz that I actually took more than 4 seconds rapid fire and did it seriously Lamar okay Patrick Mahomes Lamar Jackson Brock pry Josh Allen CJ stra Jared gof Justin Herbert Joe Burl Jordan love Tua that’s my top 10 so you’re you’re I think your ratings are too much based on team success like I like I think having Brock pie ahead of stout and Allen is like crazy I think Brock per is a game manager and that’s what I want out of a quarterback you can have all of these weapons you can have a great offensive line you can have great things yes and that’s why they were in the Super Bowl and probably arguably should have won it but here we are know he’s good until he doesn’t have all that stuff around him uh he might that’s what that’s what happens when they don’t let’s my last question and we’ll see the new season is going to start eventually how many more times 84 days do we have to watch Lamar Jack if Lamar Jackson’s team falls behind and the other team knows he has to throw the ball he can’t do it I mean are we gonna pretend like that isn’t true just forever I mean yeah when the Ravens Get Up by 30 he’s amazing but when they fall behind and the other team’s defense knows they got to throw the ball Lamar Jackson can’t do that not when the defense knows it’s coming I mean we just pretend like that isn’t the case if you guys want to I’m I’m done pretending uh that was too long I want the no kidding that was too long it was like we’re 20 minutes into the show and it was like all of me just trying to appease a bunch of losers on the internet because they can’t realize consider two options editing that out that’s what I vote for faster put something in there where it’s like like Kelly starts ranking quarterbacks at this time and mercifully ends at this time we could do that people love people love talking about quarterbacks it’s like it’s like when you turn on the TV before the Celtics Maverick series and the debate is like who’s better Jordan or LeBron and it’s like oh I think I’m gonna go jump off the building instead of listen to this dumb argument for the millionth time this what people like they really do though it’s actually wild how they love ridiculous they love egregious comments that are open-ended I get accused of you know engagement farming I accused you of Engagement farming I did I I didn’t tweet that our producers did and without context in fact so anyway I screenshot to them engagement farming I’m accusing you again I’m this is me accusing you again you’re the worst all right what else you got on the rundown John Murray I got well the we already talk about the Indians I kind of blocked out while you were doing that I mean I said they were the only highlight of baseball season Indians are 43 and 22 they’ve got the fourth best record in baseball we’ll take it Oilers are down two games to none they’re hosting game three Thursday night Oilers are minus 135 Panthers plus a quarter what are you what are your thoughts there you’re are you a Panthers fan you’re you’re a Floridian now what do you um I will say this I am a hockey fan I really enjoy going to Mal arena in Tampa also it’s a lot closer than driving to Sunrise well not that much closer but close enough um but I would say both stadiums were electric when I went I enjoyed both of those teams and it doesn’t hurt that they don’t suck do you think it’s funny that Canada hasn’t won the Stanley Cup since 1993 has that really been the last time yeah the last time they won W I’m gonna write that down Montreal beat the LA Kings with Wayne Gretzky oh yes in the 93 that’s funny right yeah that is crazy and I can’t wait I wrote that down because I’m gonna make fun of some of my Canadian friends uh NBA let’s talk about that okay Boston’s up two games to none game three is tonight we’re recording this on Wednesday is it still Wednesday it was Wednesday when Kelly started her quarterback rankings are we still have we gone to the next day yet I think it’s still Wednesday morning uh we need we need Boston to win the series Boston is minus 700 to win the series Kelly’s guy Kyrie Irving no show the two games in Boston he was awful so donic is obviously hurt he’s gonna need Kyrie to help him a little bit right Kyrie awful yeah my Kyrie MVP bet not looking so hot right now no it’s not and then before but I wanted something to cheer for because I actually have no dog in the fight in the series I had no Futures bets I had nothing really going on I like the under in game one was kicking myself for not taking it and that’s about been about it I’ve been really like on a I’ll call it like a gambling Hiatus outside of uh the PLL before we hit record we got an alert or I sent you guys an alert we already hit record before we hit record Oh I thought you were like third time before we hit record I sent you guys an alert that the Conor McGregor Michael Chandler fight was in danger did you see that it was like right before we started yeah so they’re saying that fight might not happen on June 28th but we’ve kind of saying that the last couple weeks Chandler is right now minus 120 I know we have I know so what are we like what do you think I should root for I’m a regular citizen I’m not like you if that fight falls apart I could probably afford to go to UFC 303 with the new main event I don’t have Kelly and Vegas PLL money I can’t afford to go to the Conor fight so do you think I should root for the fight to be cancelled so I can go I don’t know I think you’re an idiot well there’s no about that that’s why don’t you just ask Dana for tickets or one of the UFC writers that that you know there’s only like of those guys got I’ve got some good contacts at UFC but yeah you don’t ask for Connor tickets that’s an [ __ ] move oh so you wanna you gotta save and maybe you ask for a time when it’s not Conor that’s a dick move because everybody’s asking them for tickets to see Conor right fair enough US Open starts tomorrow at pinhurst Scotty sheffler is is this correct insane he’s plus 325 to win so can you even bet something like that where are where are you at on that so on Splash Sports here’s who I played and I know I shouldn’t give it away because it’s there’s a couple of different contests that I’m still in I’m in the run good Splash $250,000 guaranteed is that good yeah and then I’m also in the slash uh $10,000 PGA just for you guys if you guys are not in one there is $25,000 guaranteed oh it’s only 20 bucks I’ll enter that one too um run good Splash $25,000 guarantee US Open tier so that’s where you pick guys from each group yeah right so I’ll do one entry what it’s super easy my location $20 is in inconsequential to you right would you would you like in John Murray yeah I’ll do I like I like okay so anyway you pick one guy from each tier right so you just scroll and so like tier one will be Scotty shuffler Xander shof Roy melod Colin marawa John ROM withdrew so it says that on there uh Victor hin Bryson Shambo whatever and then like you go all the way down like it’s crazy to see guys like Dustin Johnson in tier six let’s talk about that I want to talk about the livv guys a little bit because yeah because it’s wild here’s what I he’s not in tier six in this one but my other one he’s in tier six I was like that’s just crazy talk I want to throw this out there how much of Scotty sheffer’s dominance is because Scotty Sheffer is so much better than everybody else and he’s so because all the good guys went to live yeah no seriously like you’ve got who were supposed to be his contemporaries John ROM was supposed to be his contemporary maybe still will be Brooks kka Cameron Smith Dustin Johnson I think is a little bit older all these guys they took the bag of money they went to livv do they care anymore no why would they here’s the thing when you have okay so like we actually had this discussion at wager talk the other day and I actually hope people are listening um I hope so too lots of people I would have turned it off during the quarterback thing probably I didn’t mean those people I meant people that like need to hear this because I think it’s human beings we get very complacent especially like those are on salary right like I know guys that are like 100% commission and they hustle their asses off and then I know people are on salary that work remote three days a week and actually are staying at home with their children and then go to like one conference you know what I mean I know what work remote means it means like go to the gym go to the movies go to lunch I know what it means yes and they have their computer on and sure they may get some work done contacted they’ll answer but they’re not working no problem but my point is is that I think sometimes people get very complacent and I brought this up on our call with the CEO and the VP and I said Hey listen here’s what I want to do for football season you know kind of talking through things and I began to realize that what is kind of happening maybe it’s in America as a whole maybe it’s our generation maybe it’s the generation below us we’re not the same generation though Kelly and I I don’t think you and I are uh but like Ariel Epstein is the generation below us what is the generation below us called Z are they x what are we why what are we we’re gener we’re Millennials we’re Millennials no way yeah yeah get out of here I’m too old to be Millennial no we’re Millennials oh that’s I think it starts in like 1981 or something even really yeah I’m easily a millennial yeah I think so I don’t know anyway but the point being is being complacent but this is where I’m getting at and this is how I tied it into on the call I said it’s when you’re guaranteed a salary like the Live players are you get complacent you are getting millions of dollars you oh you know my back kind of hurts today not you haven’t missed six Cuts in a row you better get your ass out there take a take a couple Advil maybe get a cortisone shot and call it a damn day now you’re gonna say screw that I’m gonna go home and sit on my million dooll boat with my hot ass wife that the reality of what’s going on at Liv John ROM won the Green Jacket last April won the Masters he got I think $450 million from Liv at the start of this season maybe he is just hurt but you can’t help but wonder if these guys are just complacent and I don’t want to take anything away from Sheffer but no I don’t either but you’re right his competition is not as Fierce because they all took the bag and left Sheffer is not thought about it like that second in ticket count this week first is Colin morawa the other favorite and Schley just won PGA Rory mroy 12 to1 biggest liability Tiger Woods 300 to1 at the super book sharp they still love B and tiger huh he took some sharp money on Victor havin against aberer that’s a cool matchup h a that’s a cool match up maybe I’ll put hland in my Splash Sports lineups Tiger Woods is minus 350 to miss the cut plus 275 to make the cut at Pinehurst number two I like I have to finish the tier lineup but in the pick two I have right now I have Xander shafley and Patrick kley for this week Sunday I’m going to play golf and then go to the bar at the Country Club and watch golf I like I like when I can lose money playing golf and watching golf no complaints it’s great no complaints I can live with that do you want to do the mailbag segment I do want to do the mailbag are you allowed to address the text that you sent to the group regarding my Denver Broncos or no yeah we did we saw so we’ve seen some sharp money come in in the NFL Futures Market we talked about I don’t know if we talked about this actually so correct me if I’m wrong but they bet the Chargers the Miss we talked about that and they bet the Broncos under five and a half wins so that’s kind of interesting because those teams are in the same division so that I guess that means that the sharers I Kansas City’s gonna be pretty good this season guys so does that mean that the Raiders are going to take a step forward First full season for Antonio Pierce I don’t see it really but that’s where I see the sharp money coming in and then me being who I am I don’t mean this as a compliment me being who I am I’m still gonna back the Chargers because I love Jim Harbaugh I had a feeling I am going to and I can’t I can’t bet a team under five and a half wins that that’s too there’s no margin I mean here’s the reality as a Broncos fan I said this before the draft and everybody’s like oh it’s racist no it’s not it’s reality the Broncos make really bad quarterback draft choices and have my entire life without guys named John Elway that’s their only really good draft pick for a quarterback technically the Broncos didn’t draft John laway he was drafted by the Colts oh yeah see I don’t even remember that because I was a little kid but anyway both infants but there there’s a great documentary Elway to Marino I forgot about that no the the Colts drafted lway okay see I didn’t even know that I would if you would asked me I would have put a lot of money that the Broncos drafted LA but regardless then now the Broncos have had zero they are over on uh drafting quarterbacks because obviously pton Manning was at the end of his career and uh those are the only two guys that have uh Denver Broncos Super Bowl rings at least in my lifetime how about the Colts organization getting the number one pick the year that Elway was in the draft the year that Manning was in the draft and the year that Andrew Luck was in the draft don’t forget about how great Andrew Luck was yeah he was just weird he was he just quit he was awesome Andrew Luck is great you know like I’m all the conspiracy theory [ __ ] have you seen the picture of him from the Civil War like they like go back through like it creeps me out I’m like that is that why he’s so weird it’s because like he’s actually like an old soul in like 1864 he’s like hey man that guy that guy was a hell of a quarterback if there was a there was appear to be a very good Civil War like troop as well I don’t know what that guy’s speci a general he would have been that guy was not a general in the photo but like he was definitely like a lieutenant or something if there was a quarterback ranking system in 2014 I would have I would have broke the the internet without high I would have had Andrew Luck I thought I thought luck was awesome I’ll stay by stand by that loved Andrew Luck all right as always we have a mailbag and then we’re gonna out of here Wise Guy wager on X says do the K&M show have some great guests lined up this year thanks and have a great week do we I don’t like guests I don’t I don’t like having a third voice do we have guests lined up that’s that’s that’s the second question there you go do you guys like guest because we kind of felt like it was a lot we had guests when I was sitting in that office with John Murray I felt like that was okay but who can we get like who’s a who do we want who do you guys want how about we have our audience tell us who they want yeah sure but that was the second question I had on the rundown I know because I have to reward the first one uh so I’m gonna get back to it uh Vince and PGH John Murray just gave us NFL some NFL Futures but he wants know anything to report on college football Futures I don’t I’m telling you I don’t think people know what to do with college football Futures this year because of the playoff you know the the odds are so different now because only because now 12 teams are making the playoffs I mean you’re getting bets on The Usual Suspects everybody you’d expect are you guys gonna have no can I bet no to make the college football playoff because I would like to bet the University of Kansas no we will do that for you I think but is that is that even can you do that though because it’s voted on that’s isn’t it voted on you vote to get in the college football playoff it’s not a ranking well doesn’t a committee doesn’t a committee vote the teams in God I don’t know I I’m not paying attention Okay we’re gonna go back to the first question see Chase Michaelson question you know Chase Michael yeah right that kid I tried to let him buy out of his shitty political bet and then he’s like oh yeah I hope you’re right because I just bought a house at some egregious interest rate and don’t worry I’m going to refinance in two years and I said and there’s a guy who knows nothing about economic cycles and he wrote me back hahaa you’re right refinance so anyway he seems to think he’s gonna be able to refinance in two years uh guess what guys We’re not gonna be able to refinance for about eight years I like Chase he’s a nice young man ask take these for being a math guy the math is not mathing up there okay take these Futures questions to chase take him over to chase I will I will message him because I may have him on you know we’ll see we’ll see what happens this fall over at wager talk but I’m gonna try to get some Westgate guys to help me out on my new show which once it’s actually like gonna happen I’ll announce it uh Seahawks two 611 what is Jon’s handle gonna be in the Vegas contest this year so he can follow your picks I don’t know I don’t do you just like do you change it every year no I I usually use the same ones but I could change it but I don’t like what is your team name well ask your we were the boys because I was with some of the guy but you know i’ I’ve done so well in the NFL the last two years I’m going to do terrible this year so we should fade you got it yeah Fade Me Okay Liberty uncore Justice with a one as an i Murray any insights on the Euro Cup will England be in the final this is the problem with me I like England you’re a homer no it’s it’s because I I only watch the eepl so I think those are all the best players in the world so yes I’m picking England to win yes I think they’ll be in the final they’re going to lose they’re going to lose to some vastly inferior team because that’s what England does England has never won the Euro tournament ever oh they they last won the World Cup in 1966 it’s before Kelly was born these guys do not yeah I hope that was before I was born these guys do not win tournaments they do not do it they’re my pick always I’m always going to back three lines all right Homer John Murray I will uh I I will retweet the Euro Cup video I just wrote all over myself midow I’ll retweet the Euro Cup video that I did with my good friend Carmine he’s got a couple long shots in there well here let me actually let me just pull it up just so I won’t retweet the video I’m just gonna give it to this audience because that’s how much I love you guys um where is it did I delete it oh son of a [ __ ] oh son of a [ __ ] oh Bo okay but I’m pretty sure it was Belgium I’m pretty sure it was Belgium was his long shot and I think they’re like 12 to one or something Belgium is Belgium is good I mean they’re favored to win their group though I think yes but like the win the whole thing oh I don’t like the Belgium goalie tbug go ahead I don’t like him all right well anyway I will get a definitive answer uh suie s i e w83 on X says is there any chance you can open up your contest to International listeners well at least one here in England now I can tell you this uh the Westgate is open to International but you gotta still fly to Las Vegas then you have to hire a proxy to put in your picks well that’s those were the Nevada regulations correct the splash Sports guys though did tell me they’re going International if you want to guess John Murray which country do you think they’re going to be in next I’ll say England wrong Canada there you go so hopefully by football season hopefully I hope I was allowed to say that by the way they said that on the call the other day and I thought that’s awesome because I had a lot of Canadians that wanted to do my March Manis pool that were’re unable to so yes suie you can come to Vegas sign up at the Westgate fly back home hire a proxy before you do so and you can be in any of the Vegas contests really all right TS think I don’t think sui is the correct pronunciation for that name because I’m looking at it how do you pronounce it it’s got to be something else C why I don’t know it can’t be okay tsf on X says do books love seeing people throw money at Caitlyn Clark MVP knowing she cannot win we got Caitlyn Clark at 150 to one Asia Wilson is minus two bucks so she’ll probably win MVP what we didn’t even talk about this on the show no I don’t like that I don’t want to see the customers lose uh we didn’t even talk about this on the show you you don’t want to see customers loose so you want to see the Westgate go out of business is that the whole thing that goes on whoever is in charge at NBC wait wait I need you to back up what is the goal of a sports book for everybody to have a good time and make money no in order to make money you need nobody’s betting Caitlyn Clark to be the W so you need people to lose John Murray no one it’s a bad question no nobody’s betting on no one’s betting on Caitlyn Clark doing WNBA MVP okay they aren’t they know that they know that there’s no way anybody’s gonna vote for her if who was in charge at NBC sports that didn’t intervene when the WNBA or whoever puts out the lineups didn’t have Caitlyn Clark on the Olympic team that the the women could go win the gold medal if Kelly was the 12th man they could probably win well I was gonna say they better come home with gold otherwise people are going to Riot if they do something stupid and somehow not win gold and Caitlyn Clark got snubbed people are going to lose it aren they like giant they’re like 16 and a half Point favorites there’s no chance in hell that they won’t win the gold medal they’ve never even lost a game since 92 okay there’s zero chance and then I I heard these arguments oh she’s not ready for the physical they’re gonna win every game by 50 points they could have sold millions of Caitlyn Clark Team USA jerseys summer listen my marketing brain says that they’re a bunch of idiots my marketing that the business degree that’s up there on that top shelf says they’re a bunch of [ __ ] idiots but of course they that’s why they’re not a they’re not a profitable business and they have to be riding the coils of the NBA financially it’s unbelievable and Caitlyn Clark right now is lightning in a bottle are you sure that people are still going to care about her in two or three years I don’t know about that maybe they will maybe they’ll lose interest but right now they do and you want to put her on the shelf that is they’re idiots that’s beyond no I’ll say this I was actually uh because I was doing a show all week uh at outkick filling in for the morning show so we’ve been talking about Caitlyn a lot and the snubs and so I pulled up the other 12 players I pulled up the other 12 players and arguably you could make a case why they why they are better than Caitlyn Clark right okay the reality is there’s about 15 other people in that second tier that you could make a case for making the Olympic team but none of them are going to get the press the eyeballs you know uh Dan said this morning on our show he goes if somebody at NBC was actually smart then the very least they’d bring her on to be like a color commentator for the Olympics so that people will still watch well that that’s an all-time Bad Business decision and all the arguments about she’s not ready it’s too physical they could win Kelly could play 10 minutes a game and they’d still win the gold medal I give me a break all right last question the Pint glass guy wants to know how’s the handle been for the College World Series compared to previous years West Virginia had a lead going to the ninth inning against North Carolina they gave it up let Point time Kansas State battled UV in that series good handle on the College World Series that that’s a Sport’s really grown the last call it 10 years and it’s been it’s been pretty good for us we don’t want to see Tennessee or Florida State win the College World Series that would be terrible Kelly that’d be terrible we don’t want to see those two win I think Tennessee is the favorite too they’re pretty good I could see them being the favorite I haven’t looked at the next round I was a little pissy on Saturday and Sunday after K State uh lost to Virginia you you’re right they did battle and and I think overall it was a great game there was two errors made in one in each game that basically changed everything right now balls Westgate super book Nevada plus 255 our producer says in the chat what is your pick for the US Open Kelly in Vegas give it to me sander shley give me the chalk he’s gonna be in every single one of my splashboard lineups I don’t think I’m actually gonna bet anything like to win just because I don’t think there’s no but I I’m I like your hin over abber and I’m gonna look for some other matchups I think I’m gonna go with more Kaa but shuffler will probably just win yeah right so is this we need to know at the end of this episode was this the worst episode ever was this the worst one because the first 22 minutes with me reading off quarterbacks oh my God that was not my idea I’m just doing what I’m told yeah that’s fair okay all right when are we GNA when do you want to reconvene here I mean UFC 303 is in Jeopardy now well there’s going to be a UFC 303 but Conor McGregor’s involvement is in Jeopardy we don’t really have I got all the time in the world at summer time you’re the busy guy no I got time I got time I got uh I got time I mean you tell me what you want me to do but I don’t wantan to no more live on air reads like that talk to your producers you’re the one writing them the checks yeah uh remember I just buy the flights you write the checks so let’s look next week is the 19th the following week is the 26th you said it’s UFC 303 is the 29th so maybe I see you back here in two weeks the 26th I can live with that I’ll be here that sounds good I’ll talk to you in a couple of weeks and not a moment sooner

Kelly Stewart (KellyInVegas) and oddsmaker from the Westgate in Las Vegas talk NFL QB Rankings, US Open Pinehurst liabilites, sharp action and bets, NFL Futures that sharps have been betting in Vegas, Stanley Cup, NBA Finals and answer some mail bag questions!


0:00 – 2:32 Intro
2:33 – 23:25 QB Rankings
23:26 – 25:43 NHL & NBA
25:44 – 26:57 UFC
26:58 – 33:04 US Open
33:05 – 48:07 Mail Bag

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