@Toronto Maple Leafs

The Toronto Maple Leafs announced today that assistant coach Guy Boucher will not return to the coaching staff.

The Toronto Maple Leafs announced today that assistant coach Guy Boucher will not return to the coaching staff.

by AmmarH


  1. bornagain19

    I hope he has a successful career and I’m sure he’s a great guy

    but God bless

  2. EarlWolf47

    Sucks that it didn’t work out, what an odd experiment that turned out to be

  3. Turbo_911

    Oh yes I’ve been waiting for this, ahem.


  4. Svalbard38

    Boucher reportedly intends to use his time off to pursue his true passion as a member of a 19th century Prussian duelling society.

  5. Camarama421

    Such a weird trajectory over the season. Our powerplay was #1 in the league by like, February I believe? Then in the final 2 months + playoffs it just completely fell off a cliff. Inexcusable that no adjustments were made when things clearly weren’t clicking anymore

  6. Samurai1221

    Boston had a great kill but that pp was one of the worst I’ve ever seen.

  7. VeneniumSphere

    Surprised this didn’t happen the day after the game, but hey, it’s happened now, back to speculation purgatory again.

  8. Falconflyer75

    It’s weird in the regular season he was pretty good there was even talk of him being prepped to take over after Sheldon

    Its too bad the power play was unusable in the last stretch

  9. Sacred_soul

    Glad. I figured the whole coaching staff needed to be changed

  10. Silent_Leg1976

    He ran the power play alright. Ran it right into the ground!

  11. 3X-Leveraged

    That’s too bad, he sure knew how to run a PP

  12. JonJonFTW

    With Willy sniffing 100 points for the first time in his career, and Matthews scoring 69 goals. A shame that Boucher lost his job but if you have those two players and they’re having the seasons they did your PP can’t be as woeful as it was in the second half of the season and the playoffs. And the PP was his job. So good riddance in my opinion.

  13. Crazy how quickly things turn. I remember when he joined and the fan base was ecstatic about having him, and by playoffs it was time for him to go.

  14. iwatchtoomuchsports


  15. GiveMeAdviceClowns

    Didn’t the Leafs have Malhotra running it, and then got Guy? In what way did they mess up the PP this bad?

  16. BabcocksList

    I hate to see people lose their jobs so I hope he’ll find a new job elsewhere soon. Having said that, I’m glad the Leafs will to try something else next year. How can your PP suck so much when you got people like Matthews and Nylander being as hot as they were this year? The powerplay was dreadful.

  17. winkNfart

    he will be taking his power play inefficiencies to utah

  18. Coffeedemon

    Now he’ll plot his revenge from Death Mountain. Beware his doomsday ray!

  19. angelsandairwaves93

    A slightly better PP would’ve got us to the second round

  20. burningxmaslogs

    Good.. never have a defensive specialist run a powerplay. That was a disaster.

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