@Montreal Canadiens

Did This CONFIRM That “The NHL is RIGGED”?

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  1. đŸ€”I remember when Calgary won the cup
. And Someone said “We shouldn’t be hereâ€đŸ€”now that got me thinking years ago.đŸ€š

  2. My problem is how the nhl is benefitting off promoting sports betting (I mean.. bettman?? Cmon, that’s just hiding in plain sight)
 and you can’t tell me some of the refs aren’t making calls every so often cause it might benefit them or someone they know
 they’ve “caught” them doing it before
 there’s no way they aren’t just getting better at hiding it now.

  3. Ref Tim Peel two or three seasons ago got fired for stopping play and then with an accidental hot mic, basically said he wanted to get an early penalty in.

  4. So the NHL corporate and "lottery" ABSOLUTELY have their thumbs on scales but I don't see the actual game play as being fixed like in football & basketball.
    If the game itself was rigged, two of the top three most valuable franchises would not have had to wait over 30yrs for a cup victory in the Finals…

  5. I'm convinced the NHL is just the same as the WWE. It's all planned for maximum return. Which is a great business model. They just need to let us know it's just entertainment and planned.

  6. I think the nhl is somewhat rigged in terms of reffing, but the games aren’t staged like it’s the WWE lol. The other parts of bad officiating are just because the officials are bad. 😅 there have been proven rigged refs before, though.

  7. This is legally classified as entertainment, a broadway play. They can do whatever they want. Like the WWE. lol wake up

  8. If we're talking ingame performances, and you want to know how they rig a fast paced sport then look no further than the NHL All Star game… because in the All-Star Game everyone sandbags to let other players score. I mean, what is stopping someone from performing extraordinarily well, and then maybe being a little slow in a moment to let a guy get the beat on them and the goalie. Sometimes I see goalies drop their gloves unnecessarily low on top shelf velocity shots from the point. It almost looks like they're not trying to make a save, even if it's clear line of sight on the shooter. I saw a few of these in the Canucks vs Edmonton game.

    Also, I see reputable players who don't make really bad penalities get some of the worst in the playoffs. I saw Jordan Staal wrap his stick across someone's face from behind during the Rangers vs Canes series. It's bazaar, you just don't see this stuff in regular season. You also don't see the 2nd best powerplay go 0 and 14, but that was Carolina.

  9. Panthers franchise value is about to go up after this season. Edmonton is sitting at #6 and Florida is #29 is mind blowing. All American “sports” is manipulated. The play itself is not but how the zebras call penalties or flags is definitely manipulated. If a team is down 4-0 in a playoff game, you will definitely see the zebra start giving the struggling team fluke penalty calls. It’s all about how many eyes watch the commercials and less people watch a blowout. Same in any sport with the NFL, NBA, being the worst. But I must say that I trust the NHL the most but with that said, they are still doing these things too. NFL and NBA are so blatant that I can’t even view it as a competitive game anymore. I was a Saints fan in 18-19 and boy did that season open my eyes forever.

  10. Gambling, marketing candy to kids, bumming money from taxpayers, Russian players, high prices, player contracts that favor large markets, racism, poor officiating. sex scandals. Today's NHL.

  11. Probably just me but……people believe WAY too many conspiracy theories………earth is flat….moon landing fake…..flying saucers
    are real….election was stolen……kinda sad to me

  12. Trouba's elbow was not a suspension because he missed. As you also showed, he left his skates leading with the elbow toward an opposing player's head missing entirely and crashing into the glass. Frankly, it was worse than the first clip you showed that drew a small fine.

    At the end of the day, the leauge is a joke. The idea that the league cares about player safety is total BS. The punch to the rat turd's [aka Marchand] head is another prime example that the league does not care. The backhand to Seguin's face that resluted in him bleeding on the ice and only being a two-minute minor is another. The list goes on and on and on. Hits in the numbers happen every single game and are rarely called. Love tap cross checks however are called but when they are, they are called as interference and when actual interference occurs, it goes uncalled. The league has zero credibility. These calls or non-calls may well be associated to the betting line. At the very least, officiating is poor. The league does not put its money where its mouth is relative to player safety. Otherwise, punishment would be much different and include a like kind component and one that includes a minimum game suspension and one that would not be less than the number of games an injured player misses from a dirty hit.

    Most things are lie today, why should the NHL be any different.

  13. It's waaaaay too inconsistent with reffing. They always talk about how they don't want to be a part of the game, and then they make themselves the story.

  14. I find it amusing people just can't, or will not think outside the box, (willfully blind) ALL PRO SPORTS ARE RIGGED and played by a script,
    just like all Governments are SELECTED not ELECTED and are GROOMED to be mere puppets for the ELITES to drive and push [their] agenda, Hell, if you can rig elections you can rig ANYTHING
    the entertainment industry Which includes pro sports is a business with special interest groups, to keep the people divided and predictive programming
    all you need is the right people in the key positions to do [their] bidding… The dots are literally touching and people still can't connect them

  15. It will be sweet watching the Panthers hoist the Stanley Cup on top of that shitty coilers logo at center ice

  16. If your ticket says you are attending an "ENTERTAINMENT" venue it surely can be rigged. It's legal. Some fan sued the NFL Dallas Cowboys over that issue.. I think in the 70's.

  17. There’s no doubt in my mind that the NHL is rigged after watching the officiating in these playoffs. They pick and choose to call different penalties at different parts of the game. What was a penalty earlier in the game is somehow not a penalty later in the game. If it isn’t rigged then the NHL should be embarrassed for all the atrocious calls this playoffs.

  18. The best way to know if the NHL is rigged & corrupt is to follow the money. Of course the owners, Bettman, & referees would never give reporters access to their bank accounts.

  19. Amazing pseudoscience. The data set is too narrow and analysis lacks any real understanding of how to us data to support a hypothesis or infer defendable findings.

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