@San Jose Sharks

Karlsson: “Rik ska bli rikare”

Erik Karlsson efter nattens Skills Competition i SAP Center.


  1. "hänga lite o snacka lite svenska, och catchup" Där var han lite rolig utan att själv begripa det 🙂

  2. Haha, "country gör en alltid på bra humör". Det är om musiken som handlar om hur frugan drog med grannen och pickupen har punktering.
    Hur många countysångare krävs för att skruv i en lampa?
    Två, en som skruvar och en som sjunger om hur bra den gamla var.

  3. haha Awesome.
    0:03 "Didn't think I would experience this.It is always funny to play in front of your own audience.
    "I don't know why. I remember my first time. It is overwhelming and you want to do much more. He's done it ok, he's a good guy. "
    EK complimented EP so much.

  4. wouldn't you guys like to see him playing in your own hockey league there at home in Sweden? I am a big Sharks fan – for the past 20 years – and it was very very hard to watch that Western Confernece Finals with the way the other team was targeting all the skill players on the Sharks, looking for injuries. That was their strategy. Erik was their primary target, for sure. Thankfully he is very nimble to slip most of the checks, but they were taking runs at him with intent to injure. So, I decided – I would rather watch Swedish league hockey (and/or KHL) instead, where there is more appreciation for skill; where the league does not sanction barbarian style hockey, with skill players as the targets. I have no problem with clean hits, but when a player, or a whole team, crosses the line and the league lets it go, I am starting to be done with this league. I love the Sharks, but it's not the logo, or the arena that I love – it is the players. It is not entertaining to see them dodge attempted assault for 2 hours. I think there are a lot of people here that would buy a subscription to Swedish League and/or KHL (or how about combining them??) to watch it on TV. Especially if the season is, for one or two months, during the nhl off-season.

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