@Boston Bruins



hello everyone welcome back to b& Productions I’m your man Parker and today we’re going to be talking what the Boston Bruins need to do in free agency in order to become a cup contending team so of course last week if you remember we talked about the trades most specifically about guys like lonus allmark and how his and how his trade value could really bring in some serious players to sort of help the Bruins make it all the way to the Cup this year and today’s video is going to focus on free agents and how we how the brues are able to sign players in order to get to the cup contending team we all know and love so we’ll hop right on into today taking a look at what the Bruins are looking at right now we think about the team where they’re at there’s a big contract of course as you probably know and if you’re clicking on this video you’re probably asking what are we going to do with this guy Jeremy San of course the RFA we’ll take a look first at the rfas between Swan and bfist you know 916 save percentage 2.53 goals against average 2510 and eight record in the regular season he was a guy that was just tremendous all season long for the Bruins and really helped them along into that cup contending role uh especially this year when we look at this team it was supposed to be a transition year for them yet time after time the Bruins just seem to outperform their expectations and in large part that was due to their goal tending we talk about the goal tending last week with allmark what is he going to do you know this week it’s about Swan but how much is Swan going to be signed for for me as valuation I’m going to put him at 8 by7 so 8 million by seven years I think that’s a pretty generous and fair offer I think I think that’s what you should expect uh maybe you get the extra year who knows but for me in my opinion 8 by7 is a good deal for San you’re locking down a franchise goenda in free agency going to be interesting to watch that one and the other RFA I want to talk about is jper Bokus 14 points 47 games played in this past season but he’s a guy that really plays with energy and I like the way he looks on that fourth line line probably will be the 13th forward for the Bruins this year we’ll get to those lines in just a second here but now let’s talk about the ufas and this is a really really big one for the brunes starting off here with Jake de brus he’s a player I don’t see the brues going and getting out and signing you know he’s just a player that’s been a little too streaky especially when you look at his at his skill set and how he should be playing the game you’re looking for him to be a lot more of a consistent player he just hasn’t shown that quite yet it’s very difficult to pay him the big bucks if he’s not going to be able to be a consistent allaround player but at the same time he’s still a very talented player we look at his this past playoff run 11 points and 13 games but yet every time you need a big goal who did you look towards that was Jake de Brusque number 74 coming down the side so we’ll see if the brunes go after him in free agency I think there’s still room for him to go but my opinion you’re sort of looking at that five and a half six range and I’m going to put him over six years as well I think that’s a pretty fair offer for both camps but I know debras debras Camp has been asking for more so we’ll see if they’re able to find that that Medium at the end of the day I don’t really see a world where Jake debras Boston Brewing next year but he might also be used in trade talks especially with teams like the Oilers who are very very interested in signing him might be an interesting one there we talked about a trade from last week involving Leon dry Sidle that could be an interesting asset to use there as well another guy who I do actually see coming back is a guy like Danton Heinen 36 points 74 games played in a 16 on the year he was a guy that really took it to the next level this year you know he started as a PTO built his way up ended up playing on the second line alongside Zach and Pastak he’s a guy I look I wouldn’t be surprised to see back in a Bruins uniform but not quite in the role that you’d expect we’ll get to that in just a couple minutes there another guy is jvr James Rin stke and he’s another guy you know he could be a guy that the Bruins bring back play that fourth line role I’ve always been a big fan of jvr because he used to kill the brues as a leaf and as some a brues fan from Toronto you know he was one of those guys that you hated playing against but you loved when he was on your team so for the for the Bruins you know he might be a good asset we look at a guy like on the power play so not very often you get an absolute Behemoth in front of the net with hands to play that might be an interesting pickup for the Bruins to see if they go back another one-year deal uh in my opinion you’re looking at a value of about one by one for Heen it was two two two two 2 million by two years reik it will be about 1 million for one year in my opinion that should be roughly where they’re at as well as Patrick maroon that’s another one the Bruns acquisition at the deadline this year he’s another guy you know are you going to bring them back play that fourth line role sort of that more physical style that you like to see from the Bruins that might be an interesting pick up there as well this is where the defenseman comes in we remember back to the sort of the brunes overview you know they’re at six defenseman right now you know they got they got the core of the six and when you look at it sure that’s great you always want six defenseman but what happens if one gets hurt right that becomes the problem we look at the team like the Bruins they need a little bit of depth in my opinion shaton Kirk might be that guy 1 million by one year probably is what the contract you’ll be looking at in my opinion that’s pretty fair for both sides I you know 24 points in 61 games this year he’s a minus two but at the same time he brings that veteran leadership he’s a calming pres presence on the bench that’s exactly what you’re looking for out of a sort of that veteran style defenseman in my opinion he’s a great pickup and I wouldn’t be surprised to see him back in a Bruns uniform next year but of course that one remains to be seen as well and then we’ll get into some of the guys I don’t really expect to be back number one Matt grizzli and grizzli is one of those guys where just hasn’t quite found his way but you know I think we both know that as soon as he goes somewhere else he’s going to just pick up his game and find it find it and just unfortunately hasn’t quite found it in Boston so for that reason in my opinion I don’t see Grizzly coming back fans don’t give him that well of a time so at the end of the day in my opinion grizzli likely will be going I’m not going to put a value on his contract because to be honest it really could be in any range especially when he hits the free agent Market he has the tools of a top four defenseman it’s just a matter if he can find his game especially with his new team so that one might be a little bit more risky for a for a free agent team but I don’t see I don’t see the Brun signing him before that another one is Derek forbert and we’ve already seen numerous reports on him who will be testing free agency so with that being said not like to return to the Bruins cuz there will be a bidder much higher than the Bruins will be willing to pay and the last one here is Jason Magna he’s a guy you know hasn’t played that much with Boston I don’t expect him to keep playing with Boston I don’t think the Bruins will offer him another contract but who knows there might be like a league minimum two-way deal could be an interesting one to watch there so that’s your current state of the Boston Bruins and we’ll look here now at the lines we talked about it in last week’s video we’ll talk about it here what are the Bruins looking for and that is of course a top six center as well to fill up their top six especially on that right wing in my opinion those are the two spots that they’re the most weak you know especially at that Center roll my opinion Zach is not a complete forward you know centerman rather but of course when we look at it I know a lot of people weren’t very happy he’s a great Faceoff guy we were talking in the comments last week so be sure to let me know your thoughts if you still think I’m crazy about my Zach take but in my opinion he’s a left Winger he’s not a center but let me know if you’re angry with me put it in the comments and you can let me know there but nonetheless we look at what the Bruins need they need that top six center as well in my opinion they need to fill up that right winger spot right now you know they’ve sort of gone between a couple of them they’ve gone with guys like geeki they’ve gone with guys like Jake debras they’ve got with guys like Heinen it’s just a matter of finding who it might be in my opin opinion free agency might be the perfect spot to pick up that right winger that top six right winger and we’ll get to who that might be in just a second as well move it down the list here to bfist he’s another guy right where he’s an RFA right now good solid fourth line player is that who you want on the fourth line time will tell there and the last one here with San of course you’re still waiting on his contract it’s going to be an expensive one so when we look at it from that perspective you know how much are you willing to pay are you willing to trade allmark what might be you have busy right down the in the AHL are you going to try and bring him up that might be an interesting call there as well you have $21.2 million in Cav space about that um but at the end of the day three contracts to sign more or less how are you going to go about doing that are you going to go go and free ageny and pickup a big time right winger that one might be an interesting one as well now let’s take a look at the whole reason why you’re at this video who are The Bruins thinking about taking we start here with the center rle cuz I’m sure you all know it especially from trade deadline the first guy we have to talk about is Elias Lindholm and he’s a player that has has been up and he’s a player that has been down we look at a guy like this he’s a streaky player when he’s hot he’s hot when he’s not hot you can tell and for the guy for the Vancouver Canucks you know he was very cold and then he got hot in the playoffs he looked really good so when we look at a guy like Elias lindol you know 44 points 74 games in the regular season what is he going to do if the Bruins go out and sign them but then at the same time right you do have a little bit of a discount just because of the regular season seon but there are a lot of suitors and now it just comes down to how much are you willing to pay for them you know the Bruns were this close right to acquiring at the trade deadline likely would have locked them up long term after that then just becomes the question in my opinion you’re looking at probably what a 6 million by 4 year deal for a guy like lindol could be an interesting pick there the second one I’m going to talk about is Steven stamp Co and you might be thinking oh you are crazy to assume that but when we look at it it doesn’t seem that far off aside from maybe the Leafs I think stamp Coos is fairly likely to be a brew and that one might be a little bit of a hot take but when you look at a team like the Bruins stamp Coast fills their biggest hole and addresses probably one of the biggest weaknesses of the team that’s caused them not be able to make the Stanley Cup Stam Co wants to win in my opinion that’s a pretty straightforward answer to a OnePlus One solution so with that being said you know 40 goals 81 points 79 games played in the regular season we look at a guy like Stam Co he’s exactly what you’re looking for for the Boston Bruins you know he’s able to score goals that’s been a big problem for the Bruins you stick them along sign a line with you know Pastak and zaka there you go you got the playmaker with zaka you got the shooter with Pastak and you got the shooter with stampco then becomes the question of how are you going to run that line what’s going to be going on what’s your top six going to look like but we’ll get to that in just a second my opinion his contract be valued around 6 and5 million for 2 years you know he’s getting his age is getting up there so we you have to keep that in mind when giving out contracts but I think a two-year deal is more than enough to get Stam Coast what he wants but also keep the Bruins in range to what they’re wanting the third guy we’re going to talk about is wenberg and he’s a guy that I’m kind of interested in for the Bruins you know he’s not necessarily your most highgoal scoring player he’s not exactly your most defensive player but he sort of fits a good sort of second line Center rle that the Bruins are looking for and you’ll get them at a little bit of a cheaper cost my opinion you’re looking about a 4×4 deal 4 million for 4 years you know 30 points 79 games played what are you going to get out of them you’re going to get a second line Center I think he’s a good pickup for the Bruins if they wanted to go get him you’ll get him at a cheaper deal as well that might be a good option for the Bruins to go after but of course time remains to be seen there the next guy we’re going to talk about is another leaf with Max doy might opin you’re looking about a 4 million by twoyear deal now this where this one might get a little interesting is the Leafs probably will go and try and sign a guy like DOI after they might even trade Marner right so when we look at it DOI played really well for the Leafs All Season we look at it 47 points 80 games played but really when we look at the playoffs that’s where he really shown especially in that first round Series against the Bruins between him berzi and Matthews that line just looked electric and when we look at what the what the what the Bruins are looking for that’s exactly what it is right for DOI you know he’s able to play the center role he can play the wing he’s a lot of he’s a guy a lot like paval zaka but he can play the full 200 foot game and he’s a physical threat so when we look at it in that sense I think do is a perfect addition to the Bruins 4×2 million you’ll get him at a cheaper deal shorter time period but I think it’s still a decent deal the one problem of course is you got the hometown discount in with the leavs so we’ll see if they can pry him from there the next one here is a one that I’ve seen a lot of Bruins fans interested in this is Chandler Stevenson 3 million by4 years is what I’m going to go with I’ve seen them as high as five and six I don’t know where these numbers are coming from personally he’s 51 points 75 games played he’s he’s a good player right he’s not a Scrub but in my opinion he just doesn’t quite fit what the Bruins are looking for cuz they’re looking for a top six top TW line Center top six forward group my opinion tner Stevenson isn’t quite that in my opinion he’s more of a left Winger too so you know right that becomes the problem is how are you going to use Stevenson what’s going to go on there at the end of the the day in my opinion I just don’t see how he fits in the Brun scheme that well sher’s a physical player he puts points on the board when he needs to but in my opinion we look at a team like the Bruins what are they looking for most is the ability to score goals off the rush in my opinion Stephenson you know he’s good but you need a guy that can play a full 200 foot game and play that Center role in my opinion he’s just not quite that yet so with that being said I’m not a big fan of Stevenson let me know in the comments if you are but we’ll move it along here with sha Monahan my opinion 5X four seems fairly right you know 5 million by four years 59 points 83 games played full 200 foot player exactly what you’re looking for at a center I like this move for the Bruins if they go after him sort of reminds me a little bit of Patrice berson way back in the day you know he he plays a full 200 foot game he plays the game the right way exactly what you’re looking for out of a center but now now that our centers are out of the way let’s talk about the left wing and this is where it might get a little bit interesting cuz the truth is the brunes don’t really need a left wing zacho will play the second line left wing role especially if the BRS can find a way to get a center but just on the off chance they decide they want sack at Center let’s talk about the left Wings first guy is Jake gensel you know he’s going to be expensive 67 points 69 games played 9 million in my opinion by seven years it’s going to be a tough sell not to mention Carolina is likely going to put in a bid so with that being said it’s going to be a tough sell for the Bruins to be able to get a guy like gensel as well the second guy here I think will be a little bit more likely to go after and get is Adam Henri from the Edmonton Oilers of course they’re still playing the Stanley Cup finals but 51 points 82 games played 2 and a half million by one year you know he’s a player that’s getting up there in age you don’t know what he’s getting he’s probably get one last payday my opinion that’s that 2 and a half million he’s had a good season he’s played decently in the playoffs we’ll see if he can keep it up third guy here is a little aage to home if you want to call it that Tyler bzi uh from the Toronto m Leafs this year Bruins last year Red Wings the year before that Tyler bzi my opinion 5 million by four years is what you’re looking at 43 points 80 games played but he is one of those players that you hate to play against but love to have him on your team but he’s just one of those players that was really cold with the leaves couldn’t really find his game and then the playoffs hit and look like the brusi of old that’s the trick for the Bruins to see if they can get him back into that Bruin shape you know we think about it that last season with with the Bruins if he can play anything like that and might be an interesting one for them and I would not be surprised to see them go after a guy like Tyler berzi especially around 5 million you know you might put zaka on the center line you put berzi on the left you can even put him on the right berui will likely play anywhere it’s that versatility that you look for I think in my opinion brusi is still a good option I think it just will come down to price and if the Leafs go out and try and get him because he is a player that’s trying to fit the new leaf smold and we look at it they’re they’re a team that’s trying to get a little bit tougher we’ll see if they go and do that there the last one here for the left Wings is Jonathan drwan player that I don’t see even hitting free agent Market but he is a good player if he finds a way through from Colorado 5 million by four years he really turned it up a notch especially in the playoffs and towards the end of the regular season we’ll see if he can continue his success in the upcoming year 56 points 79 games played in the regular season but he played a lot better than he did in in the playoffs and he did the regular season the next one here is the right wi and this is where I think there is definitely room for the Bruins to grow my opinion toi is a guy that you look towards 5 million two years in my opinion 55 points 79 games played could be an interesting option for the Bruins he’s a full 200 foot player but he still has that goal scoring Edge that you need especially on that Wing side the next one is one of my favorite additions I think for the Bruins if they go out and try and get him and that’s a guy like Patrick Kane you know he’s been there he’s done that everyone knows who he is 4 million by one year in my opinion is about right for him you know 47 points this year 50 games played but he was a guy that sort of was streaky once again but nonetheless you get a guy like Patrick Kane he has the goal scoring touch that you’re looking for could be an interesting pickup there the LA next one and the last one that we’re going to look at today is David pan from the Detroit Red Wings as well 3 million by one year I think is fairly right for him you know 47 points 76 games played could be an interesting pickup for the Bruins especially on that right side I think he’d fill in probably the Top Line decently well you know you might even move Pastak up to the top line but then becomes a problem once again you don’t have that Center Center roll and if you do then you’re missing the left side maybe that’s a guy like Dand Heinen could be an interesting one to see how the Bruins go about doing that but now let’s talk about who I’m going to pick and who I think the free agent players that Boston should pick up starting with number one we’re going to go make it even less climatic but it’s going to be Kevin shaten Kirk the first guy for the Bruins 1 million by one year I think he’s a guy that you really look towards to have that 7th D role you know you can play on the power play if you need him to he’s able to play all sorts of facets of the game he’s an offensive player he’s a defensive player he’s sort of the full package of a 7D that you’re looking for and he’s the veteran presence so I think when we look at shadon Kirk is a great player for the Bruins to pick up the next one is of course Jeremy Swan you got to sign him he is a player that goes lights out for the Bruins and I think at the end of the day you have to sign him I’m going to put him at 8 million by 7 years I think that’s a pretty fair valuation he’s a guy that’s definitely earned his money especially in the LA in the late playoff run and the next one here is Jesper bfist he’s the RFA 1 million by one year sort of that league minimum contract I think that’s a fair deal for the most part I don’t think he’s going to play that much with the in that fourth line if everything goes to play in with this lineup of course we’ll see what the Bruins do but I think bfist is a guy you definitely want to keep around especially for the Bruins the next one here is Danon Heinen 2 million by two years I think that’s another Fair Deal you know you’re not going to go wrong with it and and he’s going to play that sort of fourth line role on this lineup could play as high as the second line uh in any other lineup next we’re going to take a look at the new players coming in there’s two guys first one is Patrick Kane and I think I sort of already touched John why but when you get a guy that can score a lot of goals and he has the shot and the skill to do so might be an interesting ad there of course there are some locker room problems but it seems like every time a locker room problem guy comes into Boston just seems to get changed and the player excels so we’ll see if Kane can do the same the next one is Steven stamp Co you know he’s the exact player and sorry Kane was 4 by one and of course Steven stampco 6 and a half by two years he’s a guy that you look towards each and every day I think he’s a great player can really really help a team to like the Bruins to really take that next step you know he’s been there he’s done that he’s won a cup in the last 10 years you know he’s he’s a player that you just want on your team especially if you’re going to go on a deep playoff run and he’s got the veteran presence he’s got the goal scoring ability he plays a full 200 foot game he’s exactly what you’re looking for out of a first line Center and you know you’re getting him at 62 by two you know probably you’ll see that price go up a little bit they have a little bit of wiggle room with the cap I have it projected at about 1.4 million I think that’s definitely a fair estimate but when look at this forward group here you know you have the Top Line second line with Stam Co P aaka that could change really hard to tell right now but you have all your contracts signed you’re under the cap which you have to be under and you know when you look at what the lineup is missing right now you got brazzo you got bfist who can play sort of that 13th forward shaton Kirk will be your seventh forward or seventh defenseman rather and you still have allar holding a $5 million cap you can do anything with that 5 million even go out and trade and get someone even better so with that being said for the Bruins I think this makes perfect sense especially with the additions of stamp ghost and Cane let me know down below but it is question time which means it’s everyone’s favorite time we’re going to answer some of your comments on our Twitter post if you have not already be sure to follow us on Twitter at black and gold pod as we do Post daily questions for you guys to answer and appear in our videos for a shout out so be sure to answer in there we’ll start here with James Rosano who says since next year has much better centers available we can’t obtain one of them in a trade I go for Monahan or Stevenson this year and add it to fle or other 20 to 30 goal free agent Wing save some cap and sign Star Center next year so that being said I think I see where the point’s coming across right when we look at a guy like Stam Coast sure it’s going to be tough to get him and I I do think you can still get a pretty good forward out of that but at the same time the one thing I do want to draw attention to is of course the fact that the Bruins have quite a few good centers in the development program so you know in that sense they have room to grow you look at a guy like Po Patra who you know in a couple years time after the two years you’re done with Stam Co he might be a player that can really take his game game to the next level could be an interesting signing there the next one is from Logan Shanny who says Lindholm 8 by7 debrusk 5 1/2 by six and San 8 by 8 and I think this is one that it seems decently smart too you know you get your center with Lindholm you get the the right winger spot with the bras five and a half he’s a guy that’s played on the right wing quite a bit this year he wouldn’t surprise me that would likely mean you wouldn’t get Heinen back which could be a decent loss for the Bruins you know he’s he looked good for a lot of the year might be an interesting pick up there and San I mean you got to sign him at some point 8 million seems pretty fair to me you get him for the extra year never a bad idea de Brusque I think you know just comes back to the streaky part if he can find his game great if he can’t that might be a tough one to try and convince but nonetheless move on to the last comment here who comes from Nick nolles who says Daniel sprong 4 by3 Shawn Maham 4 by six and Marco scandel one or two and a half by one rather and too terrain six Million by 4 years this is once again so so 6 million by four years for Monahan 3 million by four years for spra 2 and a half for scandel over one year and terrain 6 million over four this is a really really tough tough set of deals to make the one thing I’ll always say is less is more especially when you look at a team like the Bruins they don’t have that much cap space to be completely honest with you you know that’s 6 12 15 17 1 12 plus the the contract for swayman all Mark gets traded away that’s 5 million freed up you’re about that and you already have centers available so with that in mind it’s a lot to take take in but there is there is definitely a situation where you know a guy like Monahan comes available Terra vinan I don’t expect to hit free agency to be completely honest with you sure he’s a good player but I think Carolina’s that’s their first priority especially look at some of the trades and people that are looking at that it might get traded could be an interesting one there to really take note of but with that if you are new here be sure to hit the Subscribe button hit the notification Bell we are going to be live on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time with our friends at the black and gold podcast it’ll be right here live on the YouTube channel with our host of course Sam Smith Mark alred and Dom Tiano they will be going live at 6:30 p.m. Eastern Standard time it’s going to be a good one you don’t want to miss it so be sure to the Subscribe button hit the notification Bell so you never miss the live stream especially when they go live it’s going to be a good one made it this far in the video thank you for watching if you like to drop a like if you really least subscribing tell all your friends comment down below your thoughts on the boss Bruns free situation until next time see you [Music]

Will the Boston Bruins Go Big In Free Agency???

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Elias Lindholm Rumors, Steven Stamkos Rumors, Alex Wennberg Rumors, Max Domi Rumors, Chandler Stephenson Rumors, Sean Monahan Rumors, Jake Guentzel Rumors, Adam Henrique Rumors, Tyler Bertuzzi Rumors, Jonathan Drouin Rumors, Tyler Toffoli Rumors, Patrick Kane Rumors, David Perron Rumors, Jeremy Swayman Rumors, Jesper Boqvist Rumors, Jake Debrusk Rumors, Danton Heinen Rumors, James van Riemsdyk Rumors, Patrick Maroon Rumors, Kevin Shattenkirk Rumors, Matt Grzelcyk Rumors, Derek Forbort Rumors, Jayson Megna Rumors

Elias Lindholm Free Agent, Steven Stamkos Free Agent, Alex Wennberg Free Agent, Max Domi Free Agent, Chandler Stephenson Free Agent, Sean Monahan Free Agent, Jake Guentzel Free Agent, Adam Henrique Free Agent, Tyler Bertuzzi Free Agent, Jonathan Drouin Free Agent, Tyler Toffoli Free Agent, Patrick Kane Free Agent, David Perron Free Agent, Jeremy Swayman Free Agent, Jesper Boqvist Free Agent, Jake Debrusk Free Agent, Danton Heinen Free Agent, James van Riemsdyk Free Agent, Patrick Maroon Free Agent, Kevin Shattenkirk Free Agent, Matt Grzelcyk Free Agent, Derek Forbort Free Agent, Jayson Megna Free Agent

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  1. I still think the B's should have confidence in their rookie roster, we got amazing talent. Trying to get a top 6 center or a top 10 pick to trade would be all for me.
    B's are not in trouble

  2. I’m good with going wit a top 10 pick if we can get one. Stamkos two years sounds good I think he is more suited at the wing now though. I think that’s why Tampa was using him on the wing. I don’t need heinen back he will want more then1.5 so pass. Stephenson you could sell me on for two years maybe three under 5. But I’d rather see poitras in the two spot either during this season or the one after. Debrusk under six I would take but I think he is gone already. Zacha is a winger for sure. Bertuzzi I’m fine with at that cost. We don’t need anymore third or fourth line guys.

  3. The only ones I would re-sign are: Swayman, DeBrusk and Boqvist, the rest can go anywhere else. Stay away from Drouin and Kane.

  4. I'd like to see Bertuzzi back. But I think he want's to stay in Toronto. I'd focus on a top CENTER! Anything after that is gravy imo.

  5. get rid of lindholm somehow. dude is way too soft and that contract is starting to become a disaster with a long way to go. he clearly won’t age well.

  6. The Bruins need to move Coyle, at a salary of 5.25 million you are expecting a goal output of 25 to 35 goals per year. Not 16G, 6G, 16G, 16G and finally he hit 25G the very low end of the expected output of a player with a 5.25M Cap Hit. 5.25M and get a true second like center. But Sweeney in his infinite wisdom will probably give him an 8M extension in two years when his contract is up.

  7. Get a good center but some toughness like a Middleton in defense and a tough guy who can move the puck to make sure no one gets hurt

  8. Stamkos would be nice. Promote Bussi/DiPietro (cheap good goaltenders) and use Linus money for whatever you wanna bring other than Stammer. I would bet in Sean Monahan first. Cheers from Brazil

  9. I’m okay with Stamkos and Kane, but you have to trade Ullmark for some longer term options, those two are not long term options.

  10. A point of interest, why can’t the B’s get a goalie that can win in the playoffs?
    I’m sick of having all these Vezina contenders losing their stuff when it really matters.
    They’ve been doin’ this since Tuuka won one – with Thomas leading the way for HIM throughout the playoffs.
    Really. Who needs a f*****’ “Vezina Trophy”? I want a Stanley Cup! 🤔

  11. I’m not objecting to many players you might think as a good choice but Wennberg is not a highly recommendable center on a second line. I would only consider him a 3rd or 4th lineman at best. I would be extremely disappointed if Debrusk walked and we only got Wennberg it’s not even a great choice. Stamkos would be an amazing pick up but I’m not going to get my hopes up that high.

  12. Chykrin for Ullmark , sign Middleton , The D would be better and tougher, get the much needed #1 center and still have a little cap space

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