@Vancouver Canucks

Missing Huggy Bear? No worries, these capture his likeness well enough

Missing Huggy Bear? No worries, these capture his likeness well enough

by kitkatlover2


  1. kitkatlover2

    Happy almost Sunday! Credit to the talented painacotta on Twitter!

  2. Looney_forner

    Our anxious boy will get his cup with us

  3. KRajification

    My favourite descriptions of Huggy include;

    “The little boy who looks high or scared all the time.”

    “A guy who has constantly looks like a wet cat desperately clambering out of a body of water he does *not* want to be in.”

    “A guy who looks like he sees ghosts but isn’t allowed to talk about it.”

  4. Imonaeatyobabies

    I love these so much! I’m gonna send this to my sister who has a crush on him lol

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