@Boston Bruins

Jeffrey DE LUNA vs Joshua FILLER ▸ 2023 Las Vegas Open

Jeffrey DE LUNA vs Joshua FILLER ▸ 2023 Las Vegas Open

have a nice match and good luck good evening and welcome to the last 64 in the 2023 Alpha Las Vegas open we started with 192 just 64 remain looking for a place in the last 32 and first up Joshua filler versus Jeff DeLuna your referee for this one is the familiar face and voice of Dwayne pay it’s now the best of three sets still races to four it’s tempol and with me in the booth is GE ta CH hello Mark and here we are together watching such a high quality match what a great tournament we’ve had so far and we’re going to show you the best of it the next two days here we go breaking off after winning the leg Jeff DeLuna watch him let watch him jump up in the air for the for the break unbelievable isn’t it oh I I told him this morning I was talking to him and I says you’re all over the highlight reels he go he goes yeah and I said yeah you know I think they’re going to start calling you the Mexican jumping bean he just laugh that that cqo George talking about jumping almost jumped off the table there don’t work to keep it on well dry break from Duna wow he Pockets spalls so well so pure it’s just amazing how he just rocks and fires and it’s just an extension of his of his thinking of his eyes brilliant great start that will make him feel really good that won’t make him feel really good and he raise an eyebrow to it too Joshua filler 25y old has the highest Fargo rate in the world 839 you Shane Van had that honor for quite some time and Josh has overtaken him and so has feder Gorst I I think uh Shane’s at 834 835 he’s at 839 and I think gors is at 8:35 Shane’s at 834 nice angle on this five ball just draw off the side rout is sponsored by Predator beautiful Predator que that he’s playing with a little Dicky bear told me George that you’re looking at buying another queue you could open up a pool room you’ve got well you got a pool table as well so you probably could I don’t have that many cues I actually have one playing queue I wasn’t thinking about well I looked at it and thought that’d be nice to have then I looked at the price tag on it and I said but I’d rather have the money spend it George you can’t take it with you mate I was kidding with my wife and I said we can go to France or I can buy the skew well a q can last forever but memories last even longer guaranteed so then going well on his way to is flying himself see if he uses the rail I like shooting that shot like that you use the rail and you gain control gain a lot more control instead of drawing it straight back without hitting the rail this is just a sunshot and he’ll take the first game he’ll steal deluna’s break dry break and turns it into a run it’s not perfect George you’re a little bit of work today yet to draw across the face of it yep successfully negotiated though and in a winner break [Applause] format important now don’t know what they’re looking at they’re looking at something keep in mind while they’re racking the balls Dwayne Payne will be racking the balls players on the 302 time clock they get 60 seconds after the break to work their plan or plan their work and work their plan Josh taking a look at his equipment just to remind you guys there’s lots of other games going on at the moment also people trying to qualify players trying to qualify for the last 32 it is single elimination from now on no more second chance chances if you want to see Shane Van boning versus Jeremy Seaman they’re over on the other table the stream too and also you can go to tv. and choose any match you want just for a small little bit of money go and see who you want to watch you can watch your favorite players right there well it’s a little bit unlucky is he going to jump this he’ll jump the S day great break look at that CQ ball look one on the break I think that’s the best break I’ve seen all week for controlling the QQ ball I have to agree with you because I saw a break just like it except it didn’t pocket a ball and it was sad because it was hit so so well just like that one was it’s a little bit of a stretch I think Miss oh no he’s okay oh he’s got his knee up on the table look I wish I was young enough to do that still George well maybe he’s not might change a plan here yeah taking advantage of his 60 seconds yeah and you know not just thinking about this particular shot just looking at the whole layout of the table and it’s remember something Jeremy Jones once said on commentary that you know so many players don’t take advantage of that 60 seconds they just get down and and waste it and as we know George time is something you can never get back especially on a shot clock yeah absolutely when it winds down noow getting it back it’s going to beep he changed his mind yeah I thought he would he was just couldn’t reach it properly so he’s going to push statement of intent there showing that he’s not going to take too many risks he’s going to keep it simple and one thing we were talking about about before we went live George was the fact how Jeff you mentioned he loves to go for his shot and go for the show shots a lot of the time I see one here for him I do as well nice and soft and and just go between the 4 seven for a safety but he’s going for the is he going for the combo I think he is yeah I think he called the combo and like I said if he completes his show shots he’s got a really good chance in this match that was so tough look at the distance them balls yeah I would have tried to play the safety between those balls and get behind them but I’m not Jeffrey DeLuna that’s why you’re sat there George that’s exactly right same reason I’m sat here and now look how this opens up for him yeah I’m wondering now is Josh filler wishing he’d have taken on that jump shot well you know I’m sure he meant to right away but when he saw that he couldn’t Elevate for it properly to execute it and probably wouldn’t have any power coming down with his left hand he probably chose not [Applause] to cuz jump shots when the Q balls out in the middle of the table like that was are very hard to execute meanwhile I’m going to start calling him Jeffrey the zebra up with that um yeah he just got to go just past the six and he straight in on the five just like that Jeffrey off to a very nice start takes these five balls completes the run and he ties things up I got to say I do like his new sh Pi’s got one exactly the same really nice Pier had a shock defeat earlier on didn’t she did she oh she lost that in the shootout or did she just um I remember seeing her play but I didn’t didn’t see who she lost to oh yeah lost on a shootout round the 10 wrapping out right down for this ball well he’s off the rail so it doesn’t matter if he gets straight in now see on this 10 ball then to level things up in the first set remember it’s now the best of three sets races to four and if we go to a third set and It Go goes to 33 then we will have a shootout so a slight change for stage two here this is our first last 64 match on this table and on the other one Shane Van Bon has taken a two lead against Jeremy Seaman Conrad musician is two Z up against Justin Martin and still going well this is a great match I wish I could have watched this one as well Francisco sorry Lucas frano Verna has taken the first rack against dang quak Hong the great player that we absolutely love watching from Vietnam I was watching him warm up with the real Casto he was um playing Just he plays exceptionally well here we go then Jeffrey lost his Opening match to scatter Woodward but then defeated Nathan near guard minuk ha and Jovin Bustamante to get to the F of 64 look at that three ball going four RS almost where it went all the way up the other end as well you don’t often see that it’s dry mhm leaving Josh one of his favorite shot long and straight in yeah look at the two bolt he can get on that as well no problem just stop the C I think where it is where where the one is George it’s a little elevated but Josh handles these real well yeah even if he’s an inch off the cushion yeah he can still dig down and blast these in stroked it beautifully swing it round a couple of rails here maybe even hit the third one perfect again see if he just plays that position for the four in the side pocket there yeah he’s looking the eightball hamerson for going straight up for the five in this lower corner so he’s going to play it different let’s see how he does this might even draw around the back of it well he’s gone the other side great shot P will be watching somewhere I’ve always thought George the dream marriage is where you both play Po and just on the road all the time in fact I I I mentioned that in one of the matches I had a young man in the booth with me named Nick Delon he married a young lady he’ been married a year he’s taught her to play pool and she’s progressing at an extremely rapid place there she is I knew she’d be somewhere she’s trying to hide at the back you can’t hide P we’ll find you don’t worry Josh’s wife look how nice he leaves himself so he can just slide off the rail in line with the nine he’s looking deadly when he’s in left-hander sponsored by Predator you know surprisingly Josh has only played in two events of these PBS events wow in it goes takes the lead to one now and we’ll be back in just a very short minute [Music] we’re back guys Joshua filler to break leading two1 this to go on the hill then let’s have a look at this break one ball straight to the side pocket open shot on the deuce they probably choose to cut it to the bottom corner pocket brilliant break again controlled that Q ball so well either that or he’ll have some defensive possibilities because going back and forth is tough with the Q ball for position he’s going to have to play it with some right hand inside if if he plays that shot but it looks like a little thicker but I I like that but he’s got to go back well it does go there doesn’t it there just like y hit it a little thick opportunity for for Jeffrey yeah using all that English just m pushing the CUO offline of course you have to allow for it it’s a judgment you know it’s not a it’s not an exact science you can see him striking very left on the Q ball here first exactly nice call Mark oh and this is beautiful look how well he’s played that controlled the pace to Perfection you know that’s one of the things about playing balls like shots like that rail first if you can control the speed they’re so pretty to watch look at that right in between the four and the Seven beautifully judged oh another nice shot there as well jeffy’s been in pretty good form lately he’s actually moving to Las Vegas he’s just going through the final stages he’s going to be the house pro at a billiard room called banging balls oh yeah he certainly got the right name hasn’t it for him cuz he certainly bangs the bows I didn’t know that he was married and his wife’s name was Diane you obviously did you just told me George I had a talk with I had a talk with Jeffrey oh wow just a little bit quick on that one George this young man was born on Valentine’s Day was he yep that’s romantic 39 years old sponsor on his shirt there those marks on the clu from the breaking off you can see which side they favor George can’t you and you can see how sometimes the queue goes to the side too yeah i’ never expected to see circular lines well J Josh looking to take full advantage of jeffy’s Misfortune mistake yeah you just caught a glimpse there of his eyes flicking from the Q ball to the object ball when he delivered the stroke eyes he on the prize he’s gone too far there though and as it gets later and the names get bigger the stands fill up yeah how lovely is it that these players that have come from all over American in some cases all over the world to play in the BCA USA poor League championships here in Vegas every year they get to rub shoulders with the greats and have a photo with them get an autograph in some cases even get to play with the pros sure do and it’s there so slip up from Jeffrey DeLuna there on the five ball has cost him that rack will it cost him the set now Josh filler will be breaking off and as we’ve seen he has been hitting them really well George yes yes I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned Josh’s shoes yet oh I didn’t see them well there’s Jeffrey shoes look they’re quite plain for Jeffrey he’s not a flash shoe wearer they’re nothing like Sky Woodwards are they I don’t remember Sky Woodwards Sky had his Louis Vuitton on his shiny toe capped shoes there’s Josh Villa young 25y old considered by many many many one of the best players in the world at this time well yeah there’s no doubt about that I don’t think he certainly is one of the best players in the world him Fedor Sanchez Ruiz in my opinion at the top three at the moment sponsored by predator and that uh bkq well let’s take a look at what Jeffrey has here because another dry break a chance of a bank or a cut on the two one here he’s coming down oh he’s coming down in the corner pocket is he going to get there no he’s okay but he’s left an open shot surprised me a little bit that shot yeah he was looking be for cover behind those three or four balls he was concentrating on the wble as you could see there meanwhile behind him there was all sorts going on I I wouldn’t doubt if he was trying to hit the fourball with the one to kind of keep it away from there keep it out of that window on the left right where the window is here to get to it this didn’t leak out little kick off the back rail there I didn’t hear what he called did you mark wo I think he said oneall okay he’s going to cut this in that’s what he’s going for that’s what he tried he’s left it Josh filler will eat these up for breakfast lunch and dinner even supper it’s supper time now isn’t it you know I hav’t looked at my watch we just go by matches here don’t we George we go by 9 11 1 3 5 7 N I know we have one after this one and then we’ll be down to the final 16 you said yes we will tomorrow we will know who the champion is who’s it going to be who’s your money on George we are in Vegas have a little gamble go on well can I give you three guys yeah as long as I can give you the three as well you you were going to name the same ones you just named them all you named all three of them yeah but I might throw a little uh twist into that yeah fed’s in there as well of course forgot to mention fedo I’ll give you a fourth although he’s trailing right now but I think Albin ocean is playing exceptionally well and we could see him in that mix Yeah you mentioned he’s behind he’s behind to Yan van lero from Holland okay at least though now it’s the best of three sets it’s not two straight races so a little bit more of Lee weight yeah but the first set is still so important well a mistake there from Joshua shaking his head as he goes back to his chair will he get out of it again in this rack just doesn’t want to overrun this and get behind a five and he has he’s going to go does he get behind the eight oh is he pulled up in time those two balls I don’t think he has oh he was trying to come past it yeah went past to five but didn’t get past the eight he was trying to come all the way around still fancy him to make this it’s only just a little hop over the edge of the eight isn’t it I agree but I’m just wondering if the Q ball will come off the the short rail on the top now in him he’ll draw it back look I was thinking that’s I he could avoid that take your shoes off Jeffrey look at them don’t Mark our table it’s on a Time clock 30 second time clock only one extension and he’s taking his extension he’s got 20 seconds he’s all right oh great shot but didn’t get off the rail but it looked theatrical George yeah I was wondering if you could get up get back off that rail we have Jeffrey on the Highlight shots and we’re just going to write one one one more down for him Mark’s taking notes on that oh I get all the man Dy jobs don’t I George that’s uh that’s an important job he did a great job with the day one highlights it’s been fun to watch fun I commentated on one of them yeah isn’t that just a lovely little addition to the to the breaks in between matches something different isn’t it I was in the chat uh in on YouTube when you and um Jim were were doing a match I think it was last night and I asked the viewers I said do you guys like the highlights added and the interviews and they all said yes but they also said they get a little old after a while so you know and by freshening them up every day you’ll get variety and he’ll do it again I think he got a bit of a bad contact there didn’t he he’s banking this uh for that’s a high high percentage Bank he hit it good oh where’s the Q ball get that jump Q again Jeffrey you’re going airborne again mate he’s gone Airborne so often he should become a pilot no wonder he’s had so many highlight re shots yeah he’s certainly getting his money’s worth out of his jump stick he just said three row almost two out of three BR it top left well he said sorry there verbally he said sorry audibly you don’t often hear that from a professional do you that may be you know hold up of the hand or something George but very rarely do you hear somebody say sorry that was close some filler is not going to win it at this rack I don’t think well they saying that though it’s a little bit awkward this seven playing into a blind pocket no problem night vision beautiful play maybe a little bit straight on this going to have to draw it back I’ve seen these pulled into the corner pocket before not from the there though he’s all right further away from the route the Luna looking good the Luna looking very good and it goes so he saves one set point it’s 3-2 and we’re going to show you a few more those highlights that we were just talking about George just roll the reel in and let’s see what we’ve got coming up and there the man himself look we just talked about him and there he is he’s at it again oh Sky Woodward’s going to have a go as well look 39 combo I remember that well yeah this was a great shot wasn’t it using the [Applause] a it’s a competition between Jeffrey DeLuna and Sky Woodward at the moment look yeah the difference being Sky’s out though a tri sky was actually in the audience last night for the Shane Wolford match and uh he was he shouted out when this came on the big screens of course because everyone can see it in the room and he said I’ll make every goddamn shot on the high on the show real and I’m out of the competition he makes a good point here’s Shane with sorry about the accent yeah you’re that was pretty good I thought that was one of Shane’s fifth or six bad roles in his match with Eric Roberts hope you enjoyed that guys something a little bit different for you and we’ll have some more later on and we’ll have today’s tomorrow if that makes sense here we go it does oh that was a weird one to get eight ball in the side pocket I think he’s going to bring this Q ball down by the St just got a little flick off the one ball that George that was the four [ __ ] and it ended up going into the side pocket does it go past the N I think it does it looks like it does I didn’t think he had an opening I thought he had just the edge of the ball wow yeah there one of them shots that you were talking about not enough going for the show shot now the difference there was that one ball was in a location where he could have followed it and gone to the headrail and down going to try and kick it in the corner I think you just oh he’s going to jump this I would kick try to kick it in he’s kicking he’s kicking yeah some players changed his mind going two RS to make it in the corner is he he doesn’t know what to do you better hurry up Jeff you’ve used your extension you got four seconds oh he’s made it in the other Corner nearly well he hurried up efficiently made a good hit and ended up with a decent result Josh had a shot like this earlier on this very same two ball yeah missed it on that occasion didn’t he mhm no mistake this time where’s the qall has it gone too far has it gone too far I don’t think so I think he’s all right nicely done Josh he’d love to finish the set here as you say winning that first set it’ be interesting to see if it changes George the attitude of players at all well they might be a little more comfortable knowing that there’s a third set coming instead of a shootout but they still have to win the second set yeah absolutely still one of my favorites to watch mhm for a lot of people he’s the man you love to hate but there’s no denying the guy is just so talented he is if you’re a PO fan then you’ve got to like Joshua filler because his game is just so good yeah you have to like the stroke his pace around the table uh shot selection and his dedication as well you know he works hard everyone thinks oh you’re a good player and you know you’re just a good player but you don’t see the hours and hours these guys put in on their home tables oh that’s a good shot how well did he hit that perfect perfect in it goes wins the first set for Rex to two quite a convincing win really and we’re going to nip out for a quick break guys just for a couple of minutes and then we’re going to come back with a second set for for for welcome back guys we’re live Joshua filler breaking off second set having won the first but it is alternate break still after the lag which swap Breakers M at the end of each set well Duna won won the lag so he won the first the first set break thus Joshua gets the second set break fed G going well took the first set against Ryan xan for Rex to zero Roland Garcia another great Filipino level 33 with our good friend who done a bit of commentating earlier on James Gio jordis had a good time with him calling that uh Kang Lee and oi match yeah Kang lay done very well didn’t he I’m sure nki would have been the favorite really K got him in the shootout now Oki as good as he shoots spot shots missed the first one and Kang was perfect another guy who’s come under the radar Evan lunda always a good battler he’s taking the first set and two s up against Alan Roland radoo from Puerto Rico coming all the way down here M yeah we got a lovely view there yeah of Joshua’s back hand there just opening up someone anticipated that cuq ball traveling I thought I thought you were done yeah I I just like the way that you know and it’s it’s the right thing to do of course because it helps to keep the queue parallel to the bed of the cloth open up the grip on the way back and then nice smooth stroke really well Illustrated that oh he’s done well to get past that well the point first of all George then the three ball I I think he stayed undercover he’s going to kick at this and call the eight how about this George off the back of the one ball he can make it off the back of the one ball I don’t think he can make it with the one ball cuz he could scratch in the upper corner no he’s definitely going off the back of the one ball [Music] here see this angle looks to me like Jeff may try to roll him on top of the six oh what a shot look at that all of four of them in a nice little neat line I’ve got a little bit of OCD George that keeps me very happy they’re in a nice straight line he’s looking at two R Escape here around the back of the 10 but that 10’s looks like he can spend this two rails at the one no I guess now he’s just going to tie it up so deliberate foul there so explain the deliberate foul to viewers George well he just chose to give his opponent ball in hand uh at the risk of his opponent fouling him again and again yeah and he was just tying up the one ball to make sure that he didn’t have a shot on the the one he’s got to be careful here looks like he’s trying to go back under the two again oh no he went above it yeah this is a lot easier I think or is it the fireball still still makes things is very tough he spin yeah no rout so that’s two fouls now if he can get another foul off him he wins the game three three consecutive fouls by the same player is lost a game I bet there’s not many players that have three fouled Josh filler in his career uh you don’t see this I think I’ve only seen one the entire time I’ve been calling these matches can you recall any I think I saw one in one of the women’s games during the world 10 ball I think I saw in Austria referee just warned him referee just warned him you are on two fouls player has to be told to remember if he does not make contact here the rack will automatically go to Jeff DeLuna this is a must hit situation and this he’s playing the shot that he could have played the first time I thought exactly that’s what I thought he was going to play the first time and he’s missed it it’s three foul wow that doesn’t often happen does it well like I just said I’ve seen it happen once in I don’t know how many of these these uh events I’ve called tough competitor Jeff Delona very very very tough indeed another one is Ralph Su who’s still going and playing some really good stuff just lately as well he’s 2-1 down to ecklin catchy and look at this Shane Van boning took the first set against Battle Creek boy from Michigan Jeremy Seaman he took that first set but then Jeremy Seaman now is 32 ahead in the second set so on the hill to draw level so we could be seeing the first third set deciding uh George there that’s on the other table and just a nice little note to that t the the game that’s going on between Shane and Jeremy Seaman there’s a nice little commentator in the booth with Tim DEA Sophia Mast has joined him in the booth I uh the pink dagger I commentated her match just a little bit ago great little character she is she was up against wayway yeah all the girls have gone out to dinner to tonight because it’s Allison Fisher’s birthday oh boy happy birthday Allison he’ll probably go forward just a little bit to get on this five never mind I like that window between the 610 for the five but he didn’t he went to the side pocket he plays some great shots Jos F but he also plays the simple shots you know just doesn’t over complicate anything oh didn’t hit that one too well laying perfect for the eight ball to come right down in line with the nine such a nice control speed and Q ball right in the heart of the [Applause] pocket levels things up one1 Jeffrey DeLuna is taking a five minute break Josh okay so might as well enjoy a few highlights then George why not why not while we’re waiting hit it oh this was the floak I was commentating on this one outrageous floak actually played it in that pocket may you might well laugh well just like straight pool all you have to do is call the ball in Pocket how it gets there matters not that took the long Mr Perfection himself with a lovely jump shot as well yeah this was a beautiful bank shot and position on the two bow I remember that well nice little combo yeah Albin was on fire wasn’t he in this match Crush play crashing that ball in he’s in action at the moment and he’s lost the first set against Yan van ler believe it or not oh it’s a race to four it can happen but he’s got another set to come back yeah this was a lovely little flick wasn’t it yeah that was just great control half a ball actually spoke to him after this match and he said the cloth is just playing perfect speed now and so much easier to control the Q ball young Eric Roberts there look the young American was up against Shane Van boning in that one it was our first stream table match Dela with the shot off the eight you enjoying these guys at home Sky enjoyed that one oh and here we are going airborne once again if he has hasn’t got the jump stick up it’s him jumping up there’s the outer tables the action going on David Al qada you can see that who else can you spot there George can you say is Ralph is that Ralph Su I don’t see where Ralph is oh way out there I believe it is yes it is Ralph Su far right of your screen and top left you can see on the last table just that down is the reigning world tall champion voch shevchik and there’s a real Buzz about this place tonight because all these there’s 110 of those tables in here the the Predator mhm and they’re playing the league teams tonight 894 teams there’s around 7,000 cists under the Rio roof at the moment can you just just put that into perspective George 7,000 cists well just to put it in perspective I was talking to Azie and I’ve been attending these since 2015 and CSI steadily makes improvements and improvements to the arena to The Venue you know to everything that has to do with this uh CSI Expo this year things looks so good people were expecting so much attendance is up 40% 40% wow and Jeffrey likes his opening shot yeah two in the side the Rio ALS Sweets Hotel in casino is sold out three ballrooms full of 7ot tables and Jeffrey with a great shot on the three to get to the four has to wrap it out of the corner and miss that 10 go three rails for position and he does it to Perfection sure he’ll use that window between the 78 for the five nicely done got close to his work Jeffrey is looking real strong he’s looking very good isn’t he George yes he is looking real strong somebody else looking good Victor zilinski the reigning champion of this event from last year he’s taken the first set against Gerson Mar Martinez B up and he’s one up in a second it’s been a nice quick run out this pretty simple here this one then to take the lead he does that was as simple as ABC Dwayne Payne using the arrow rack the Predator Arrow rack on this Apex 9 foot Predator table with the Arcadia cloth the Arcadia Reserve cloth some great matches still to come and with got an absolute Humdinger of a match coming for you later up at 9900 p.m. on this table Alex pulon the Lion is up against Tyler Styer from the US that’s 900 p.m. on this very table here you can watch it all absolutely free and if you want to catch up with any of the rest go to tv. register on the app and you can choose any table you want to watch just a little fee to pay we got to pay for the electricity somehow George haven’t we did you just tell me that in the Rio the lion Ro tonight maybe he will so beginning to make balls on the brakes here now two ball and one ball and perfect shot for a safety on the three ball yeah we’ve already seen that’s not a very good one though George to be honest I thought he might have glued it right behind the 10 there but put it up against the 10 yes he has a kick but where’s he going to go he’s got to hit the side of the ball three B he’s going to three rail kick behind it yeah and try to use that window between the 510 to pocket to three yeah he’ll be hoping to get that that QQ ball sticking somewhere behind that seven bolt that’s what he’s going for well that will do that will do very nicely good shot Great Escape by uh Josh filler that’s that’s not what he played one two rail kick on this three ah kicked it and stick stuck it Josh is looking to see if he has an opening still looking so it’s tight oh it must be a clean shot no swerve oh yeah he just went R first slightly there didn’t he played one of your favorites George that is one of my favorite shots he probably didn’t have room past the seven he hit that perfect except that it was you know he probably couldn’t get low on the rail yeah he had to hit too low excuse me couple of rolls have gone Jeff’s way W but now he moved a lot that shot yeah and don’t forget Joshua if he wins this set he wins the match there will be no third set and there will be no more tournament for uh Jeffrey it’s single elimination in the final 64 wow well I thought his queue came up then I tell you so far this game the r gotone his way he stretched then unbelievable Miss from you know the reliable Joshua F you miss one of them never no I wouldn’t expect to see you miss that shot oh it’s finished awkward queuing right over that five ball look at that that’s nasty that’s so nasty talk about Treetop then you can’t reach it and get over it this is so hard to do that’s Mount Everest and kiler andaro all in one that is oh this is nasty oh watch that shaft on that five ball wow excellent that is a brilliant shot excellent so hard to do especially when you’re stretching and he he can just come right between those balls to get on the six yeah nicely done nice angle to go to the seven well it was the draw shot that got me hooked on Q Sports I wonder if it did the same to him the first time he ever drew a ball back I wonder if it set in his mind I want to do this such a great feeling the first time it’s going to be on the hill he is on the hill 31 this could like you just said be the very first third match in the final 64 we’ve Str we’ve been we’ve had on the stream he’s got some lovely facial expressions isn’t he Jeff he’s actually smiles like a bull sometimes you know like when they breathe fire perhaps that’s what he’s doing George could be Roland Garcia has taken the first set against James giio jordis kop P has taken the first set against Yoshi hero K kitatani and he’s 31 up on the hill in the second feder gor who took the first set he’s 2-1 down in the second oh wow to Ryan Zan and our friend from Vietnam took the first set against Lucas Fasso verer breaking off then how did it go George uh not good soft kick shot or a push he’s going to push to give himself a bank on the one across the corner yeah well that is a dangerous shot to leave a Filipino it’s also a dangerous shot uh for him to give back if he was to give it back as Josh has been playing a lot of one pocket but so was Jeffrey who fence is playing it more than the other position on the two will more or less automatically come he’s passed it back to Josh will Josh play it uh I think he might have made a wise choice but it yeah he’s called it it this that kiss is there but so is the make there it is just like that great Bank Shot got a is a nice kiss or not not really no it wasn’t it’s just it’s just so dangerous with that corner pocket there he hit it perfect beautiful shot yeah that was a battle of wits wasn’t it that push out um Jeffrey took a long time looking at it decided Well maybe it’s not on or I don’t fancy it wow another unexpected miss here from filler you rarely see a Miss shots in the open like that he is Human After All still rarely see him human or not oh great shot he deserves to have a little better than that after that shot shot really unlucky to stick on the rail like that he was winding himself up for that last one he’s definitely winding himself up for this one hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen I I think he just goes a goes ahead and gives himself a long shot here Mark just make the ball and make sure he doesn’t get hooked behind the 8 610 and go to the 10 and it leads him for a nice shot of the six just like that that’s perfect that’s beautifully played to take the words out of your mouth yeah we both said the same time it was there’s just nothing better than that Evan lunda the American is the first man into the last 32 he has beaten the Puerto Rican Alan Roland Rosado straight sets toughest thing to close out this set for Jeffrey is going from the eight to the 10 eight to the nine you like to be just a little bit to the left of where the Q ball is now just like that that’s absolutely ball in hand shape we have another one through cop P has beaten yoshihiro kitatani by two sets to zero also getting down to the business end now of this tournament there it is just these two balls and we go to that third set yeah normally we’d be going to a shootout but not anymore we’re down to 64 it goes one set oh so let me explain what’s going to happen if they now go 33 in the deciding set it will then go to a shootout going to the third if somebody gets to four then now win so now this this tells you this makes the lag so much more important because you get the break for the third set so you get two breaks on sets of three plus the shootout if it goes to the shootout yeah then you get to choose as well whether you want to go first or second on which side you start from we got a way to go there yet though so third set race to four once again let’s see if his knees come up over the table he’s taken a lot off of that break yes he did took a lot off it he didn’t jump at all yeah didn’t do much at all did he oh he’s left a shot that’s why he was smiling I think mhm no he’s only left oh no I guess not might be in trouble here filler just sneaked it behind the six bolt we’ve already seen him foul Josh uh Josh fer three times didn’t we yes he did he he he he got a game on the three foul good hit are you a lover of the three foul rule George I’ve always liked it uh a player should be rewarded for his defensive capabilities yeah and execution well said oh that’s not a great shot from Josh filler and to me he just doesn’t oh it was sorry it was from Jeff Delona my apologies guys I never played it it wasn’t a good shot I wondered if he was going to go oh he opened it up though but the three oh the one ball came out in the open it looks like he can see the entire one yes he can he can kill the QQ ball right up against that eight or towards that eight and keep it there hold it there and dead safety oh it’s going come back across again is it looks like it did get him just a hair she’s turning into a bit of a a battle isn’t it now oh he left an edge filer was able to see the edge but he’s this all day long doesn’t he exactly with nice position for the two in the in the same oh he’s not I don’t I’m surprised he went for the corner not the side pocket I think he was playing scyth then there was that yeah I thought he would B B at it I thought he would take a go at it oh he’s really struggling isn’t he yes he is he doesn’t have an angle to bank this he’s going to have to come come down behind that 63 nice nice control of the two ball and the Q ball called the two Bol wow what a shot this is what a shot this is if it gets past oh yeah I was going to say watch How It Ends up Mark they’re calling it just in case they make it it’s no real intention of going for it I I think oh uhoh yeah and ball in hand George can put the Q ball anywhere he wants to leave himself an angle to move out out the three and the six that was a great shot that such a thin shot and to avoid the scratch as well George will he try to three foul him again well he’s played for that shot he’s turning the screw if he three fouls him again this will be amazing it’ll have to it’s a bit a record if he does that this is a funny angle to read yeah when it’s close to the rail right it’s much harder isn’t it but that’s Josh filler so yeah problem no problem but oh he’s had a has he got the edge there George can he play the eight has he got the edge that’s we’ll find out soon well I’m thoroughly enjoying this match it’s got everything hasn’t it he it looks look like he was going to elevate to try to play the eight but the eight balls outside the pocket he’s going to play the eight there you go I thought he would nowhere near yeah very disappointed with that maybe that was just a one of them shots that just a little bit too difficult George very very high rate of difficulty there oh now what does Josh do corner he’s worried about that five ball it might not go in that pocket no I don’t think it does I think that’s the problem he’d have been downplaying this by now he’s not sure is he no there you go he’s going to play safe it looks like no he might be playing it down to the corner standing between the seven and the 10 still got that problem though yeah of the five will he take the bank on the five to the corner pocket well I’m not a player I’d Bank the four onto the eight I would but that’s a good call cuz he might be what he’s doing no no he’s he’s going to play the five well if this does go I don’t know what he was worried about then oh sometimes those look smaller than they are well Josh is off to a good start in set number three something we haven’t said in the Pro Bard series events feder ghost is on the hill to win the match and s’s dong Hong from Vietnam against Lucas fras Vera Josh filler then with the opening rack and that was quite a long rack wasn’t it and we’re going to nip out for a quick break that was a long rack see you [Music] soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back guys to the last 64 match between Josh filler at the table breaking off Jeff Dela made a ball I think I heard a ball dropped somewhere I didn’t I’m hearing things George I got ringing in my ears 10 was going towards that pocket wasn’t it a little harder but it does not count on the break early T allowed and I like to say and encouraged cuz they’re exciting to watch when they play Early 10 yeah it does count as a ball on the break of course so if you make it but it just resp spotted wow I think he shot that a little quick quickly yeah yeah I mean what was he trying to do anyway how hard hits it well I think if he hits if he makes the ball the the one ball comes down cuz that double kissed the one ball out a little bit and the Q ball slides over past the seven okay and you would have had a shot he called to six and it goes nice carum position for the eight to play the two where Welles I think it might go past the FL either that or the 24 combo either that or the 210 Caren it’s up to the man in the purple and black shirt Jersey I guess they’re called now right we call them shirts col them what you want George I know what you mean and neither one yeah look at that lock up safety nicely played tap on the table once again in appreciation of a good shot and I do like that amongst Q sports players always willing to congratulate their opponent on a good shot good sportsmanship is always admired doesn’t always exist try and kick this is he going to go for it or is he coming behind it he’s going one rail at it he’s going R OH Close not close enough he’s left it so chance then for filler he missed that by a sliver and tell you they’re all in the open here this rack will not take very long believe me I I’ll count the seconds George you talk the shots all righty it’s pretty self-explained he’ll get to the middle for the five a little bit of an he like to come just to hair more so he doesn’t travel the Q the QQ ball so fast but he’ll just come under the seven and play the seven in the corner pocket on the left he’ll bring it back a little bit is he going to clean the CU ball let’s keep it down okay okay crowd getting a little bit excited in the front row there Josh just asking the referee to ask them to keep it down a little bit Yeah they need to be at the moscon cup you come and experience that guys I’ll take you there that’ll be good fun now when the that’d be thrown at because they’re too quiet if they were at the Moscone well I think I think he asked that because the guys are run his line of vision and they’re moving around quite a bit more than likely played that well judged it really nice that shot so this tempo for two Z in the deciding set and it’s in well another two players in a deciding set are Jeremy Seaman and Shane Van boning and they are 22 in the deciding set in that one and if you want to go and watch that one guys head on over to billi on YouTube you got Tim DEA and young Sophia Mast on the mic for that one or you can stay with us and see if Josh filler can take this set will we be going to a shootout they have to Jeffrey has to win three games yet and this gentleman here has to win one more two two more George to go to a deciding shootout 33 yeah filler’s two Z up right so he needs to get to four it’s only if he go to 33 that we go to a shootout so filler wins the next two it’s over it’s over if he hits the fireball too thick it may not go in he might not hit the five ball all and hit it clean yeah he hit it perfect right I think he was trying to break out the two with that wasn’t he he’s going to break it out with the c here [Applause] look well he’s going to have to elevate a little bit here see if he uses the six to hold the the Q ball for the four oh but he’s tied up to five I think yeah was already tied up I think oh he has even more oh he had a good shot before that played the safety little bit unfortunate that yeah to tie it up CU he had a he had a good shot before that yeah that was a beauty wasn’t it mm I thought your battery went out CH rail kick hit the four and it’s not going to work out and he’s G oh he has angle to get to the five it looks like he can he can stun it over into the 10 five but look what happens hasn’t done well look at this he’s got to call the 10 here surely sure no he hasn’t oh I guess he can see he’s going to kick it into the side I reckon George trying and kick the five in no oh he could see it he could see it yeah wow and he’s left Jeffrey a shot that he can see Jeffy says oh yeah well it’s not an easy shot Jeremy Seaman on the hill now against Shane Van boning it’s 3-2 in the deciding set oh what a shot that is fabulous shot little bit unfortunate look at that Drew back off it as well to terrific effort is he looking to bank it he’s playing safe no he’s looking to bank it NOP the safety all the way nice nicely done two rails and using the 10 for cover very nicely done now bin ocean has leveled things up against Yan van Le Ro there one set all now oh oh oh look at this look at this for a kick shot oh that’s a brilliant kick shot from philler well I’m going to run out of paper and ink soon if these two keep this up George I’m going to have to give you a sheet of paper jeez what a good shot after good shot after good shot unbelievable I just think it’s going to get better and better oh he jumped hit twice he jumped over the six ball twice I think you should put it down as a highlight for a double jump let’s see if attentio can do that what a double jump that was unbelievable that jumped it on the way there and then jumped it on the way back again wow well if he does if he loses this match at least when he goes back to the Philippines he can say I had the most shots on the show real that was unbelievable so this one to go on the hill and it goes can safely say we’ve had some very very dramatic racks in this match so let’s hear from the man himself at the moment Federal gor will be back with a remain of this soon I actually didn’t I mean I’m trying to play every game from the beginning it doesn’t matter what format it is what race it is you know it’s pull every time is going to be the same so I’m trying to just play and focus one r at a time I actually like the third set instead of the shootout I think more pool favors a better player uh so I I actually prefer that way so I like it well we’re back feder G with his wise words he’s just gone through against Ryan xan to Z as did cop rolling Garcia through Evan Linda through Conrad musician has just gone through Chang jungling also beating out Omar Al shahen and the reigning Champion Victor zalinski has won in straight set also well he pocketed the one and the five on the break well listen to this Jeremy Seaman against Shane Van boning they’re one set each and they 33 so it means they are now in a shootout oh now did he hit that no there’s your answer he’ll be disappointed he didn’t make that start sometimes you think you’re doing just the right thing with the English and uh the slippery cloth there’s our next match look just to let you know pagy line versus sty the nice little reminder there that coming up next guys we got to finish this one first just sorting out a little technical glitch our man Xavier will soon have that sorted out play continues oh there must be a glitch he’s asked Jeffrey to sit sit down yeah and I like that because you know the shot clock has stopped so no standing at the table working out patterns and you know gaining any little advantage that you might gain he’s been told to go and sit in his chair by referee Dwayne pay I wonder if he was ever a general in the in the Army Dwayne I sorry to interrupt you sorry Albin ocean has drawn level one set each now with Yan ran Yan vanley Ralph still playing Ralph Suk still playing on the outside table there on the far right alqi he’s up against katchi isn’t he that’s not Kachi sorry that’s not Kachi alqa is not that’s not Kachi guy at the table right now is playing al- qaedi and I don’t know who this oh no sorry I meant on the other table George oh okay behind look you see big man playing Su caty took the first set in that one by the way while we’re talking about it we got set timer uper just waiting for confirmation I think Shane Van boning is about to win the shootout against Jeremy Seaman I’ll confirm that in a minute for you first time using and we’re back good Jeffrey needs three games to send this into shoot out this should be one of them George because can’t see anything going wrong for me he’s got perfect tangle here just to draw behind the nine ball and play into the sa pocket oh he’s gone for the The Sensational shot here look it worked perfect what a shot that was 31 it will be then yeah Al K who you mentioned there George is up against aagar Arma and he’s taken the first set David [Applause] ALC well Jeffrey’s not giving up and he just needs two more to send it to a shootout but he has to keep Josh from winning one just waiting for confirmation Shane Van owning has beaten Jeremy Seaman in a shootout on our other stream table he goes through to the last 32 n will please a lot of Americans Captain America yes it does well we lost an American but still have Captain America yeah and we’ve got another one coming up on this table for you after this one Tyler Styer will be in action against the Lion a little bit weak again on the break he’s taken a lot off of it and this is filler territory this one one in the corner send the QQ ball around the angles awkward queing I know but what else has he got he does this well though this over the ball he does this dra pass the six ball around the angles this is perfect that was very very Joshua filler territory let’s see what he figures out to get on his three or get in a position to uh Play Safe will he use the window between the 910 for a safety and bank shot yeah that’s where he was going for he could have had a bank shot or you know just locked him up behind the 10 or the nine I think he was playing to get on it yeah you think it goes yes if it had if he’d have gone a couple of inches more yeah he’s got to call it in the side now look he under hit that one this is a tough angle look at that shot oh brilliant shot now then once he over that six bolt does it cut no this new format I think it’s exciting to you I do like the addition of the of the Third third set and keeping the shootout good shot there on the tide has he not got it I believe he can see it if he can’t see it straight on he can see the kick play the kick and stick look at this Miss Co for tuni has beaten Coop ping Chong so one Co is through the other one he’s out coping Chong was our world 10 ball champion in 2019 was he yes he defeated Joshua filler in fact in this very stage that we have here great shot from filler really fine cut nice two-way here nope not at all he’s not taking any chances yeah he wants to get this over and done with mhm I don’t think you see any part he going is he Ming around this 10 you never know what Jeffrey Delon is going to do yeah he was Ming [Music] oh well so a real chance now then for Josh filler still another match to come all the tables will be in use at 900 p.m. we are going to be down to 16 by the end of tonight and that’s gone wrong he hasn’t hit this very well at all if he doesn’t fan see the cross Bank into the side he’s going to have to play a safety Ian it will take him to the six he’s going to play safe you see the eyes look looking down here no he’s called it just in case maybe main objective of course will be the [Laughter] safety he does make me laugh oh he has played full out for it look that’s why I thought two way why go for it either play the safety or don’t he just hit that a little hard he’s got a shot might have to go R first slightly give him the benefit of the doubt and just yeah okay he over hit it slightly but he’s going to be trying to just slightly go ra first here with a bit of left left hand George and flick it in I think you’d want to flick it in and run into the eight if he cut if he goes for the cut Big Shot big big shot could be his last shot Ralph first flicks it in don’t scratch oh he’s caught the point great execution okay a little bit lucky but sometimes you deserve that when you play great shots mhm Joshua normally a master at getting over the winning line George and it’s he’s not managing to do it tonight yeah he’s he’s given Jeffrey this whole the whole match he’s given Jeffrey several several opportunities and Jeffrey’s gotten a couple of pretty good roles but he’s also played outstanding so this for 3-2 could we end up in a shoot out on this table it’s possible in it goes passable and hopeful yeah for Jeffrey DeLuna not for Josh Villa no for the fans oh absolutely for the fans one question that came keeps going through my mind George in the Philippines everyone owns motorbikes you know that’s how they get around because there’s so much traffic so they use motor boox how does he get a crush helmet on that’s what I want to know how does he get how does he get a crash helmet on his head DeLuna he keeps a a cap in the on the bike with him so that when the helmet comes off he can put the cap on doesn’t have to mess with his hair Ah that’s clever you’d know that because you’re a key motorcycle I actually put a cap in my in my saddle bag yes oh You’re So Vain he looked at changing the break there George he looked at changing his break look he can’t decide what he wants to do he’s broken dry a couple of times so he wants to ensure that he can keep filler in the chair oh look look look oh oh bitterly disappointed must have thought either the eight or the one were going to go in that corner and they clashed and both spil each other’s party well timing is everything they met at the they made they met at the door and didn’t go in well he needs this to go and it has gone good shot now this just opened up for for Joshua filler he’s fought so hard Jeffrey DeLuna to get back in this match after losing that first set but we’ve said it before filler isn’t the filler we’ve become to know over the last few years made more mistakes I think in this match than I’ve seen him Mak the last two [Music] years and try to keep the Q wall about where it’s at is this the moment this looks very filler esque I think you might hear a shriek from Pier filler if he runs this table out and a little bit of a fist pump from Joshua because this has been a hard battle hasn’t played his best but they’re the ones you got to win right the ones when you’re not playing your best if you those are the on you’re going to have at least one match like that in a tournament and if you don’t win that one there’s a possibility you’re not going to finish yeah this looks much better now looks in free flow does he have the angle to wrap out of the corner or if he’s just going to ease it to get out of the 10 oh he’s going to come all the way down for the side to take the unmissable here it is then this 10 ball to send Josh filler into the last 32 it’s been a great match it’s been a big big battle good effort by Jeff DeLuna the handshake comes we’ll be back soon guys

2023 Las Vegas Open
February 22-26, 2023
Rio All Suites Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV

▸ 192 players will compete for a total prize fund of $125,000 with $25,000 to be awarded to the winning player.

▸ The 2023 Alfa Las Vegas Open is part of the annual CueSports International Expo.

▸ The Predator U.S. Pro Billiard Series by CSI feature six open professional events during the calendar year. Created by league operator CueSports International together with the Predator Group, these tournaments will run in tandem alongside of CSI league events being held throughout the country. The winner of each competition receives a guaranteed spot in the following year Predator World 10-Ball Championship, which will be held during the annual CueSports International Expo in Las Vegas at the Rio Hotel and Casino.

▸ This event is played on Predator Apex pro pool tables covered with Predator Arcadia Performance Cloth, with Predator Arcos II balls, and under the Predator Arena billiard lights.

▸ Our sponsors and partners are Alfa Coin, Predator Group, CueSports International, Medalla Light, Kamui Brand, Rums of Puerto Rico and Fargo Rate

#10ball #pool #billiards #probilliardseries #lasvegas


  1. Personally when I feel the most uncomfortable with commentators is when they repeat themselves over and again. You guys are great.👍

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