@Philadelphia Flyers

Potential Reclamation Targets for Danny Briere’s Flyers | PHLY Sports

Beyond Patrik Laine, there’s no shortage of young-ish NHLers looking for a fresh start, second chance or greater opportunity with a team desperate for talent. Could Cole Perfetti be available? What about Josh Norris? Shayne Gostisbehere doesn’t count as a “reclamation project,” does he?

Charlie & Bill discuss several possible low risk/high reward acquisitions for Danny Briere to consider bringing into the Flyers.

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  1. No interest in Kotkaniem, Kakko, or Kuznetsov personally.

    🏆Trevor Zegras🏆, Alex Turcotte, Arthur Kaliyev, Josh Norris, Cole Perfetti, Quentin Byfeild, Shane Pinto, Sam Reinhart?
    If The Flyers are NOT going to Rebuild. And this is another horse💩 retool. (Which it surely is at this point.)
    The Flyers should be trying to bring in a Zegras, Turcotte, or Perfetti, through trade. And then sign a Zadorov, or possibly a Brett Pesce?
    This team NEEDS scoring Centers and a Defensemen who can ACTUALLY plays and specializes in DEFENSE, can clear the crease, and get NASTY when needed.
    I knew paying to trade Ghostisbhere was an absolute joke when it happened.
    The Gauthier Robbery for ANOTHER overrated bottom pair Defenseman. (If he can ever get healthy and play more than 5 games next aeason)
    I'm going to say it again for ANYONE not intelligent enough to grasp the situation here.
    This team's ONLY UNTOUCHABLE should be Matvei Michkov. PERIOD.
    So tired of the Bull💩 word games from Flyers front office.
    If it's a Rebuild, stop screwing around with guys like Laughton, (him wearing a letter is a f…n JOKE! Sorry.🤷‍♂️ Nothing personal.
    But it's a joke. Just a FACT) Sanheim, and ALL the useless bottom 6, mediocre, talentless, part time, (at BEST) NHLers this team signs every year cause they're too scared or lazy to make a significant move. Meanwhile, teams like Florida, Las Vegas, and NY ACTUALLY know how to build a Cup contending team.
    I agree there are MANY different paths to buidl8ng a Cup contender.
    We just NEED The Flyers to ACTUALLY make a significant move in one direction or another.
    Instead of being mediocre (AT BEST) for another decade.
    I mean, why TF are The Flyers TRYING to get into The Playoffs with a team that's going to get SOUNDLY EMBARRASSED in the 1st round AGAIN for the 14th time this century.
    Just like EVERY other pathetic playoff appearance in the last 10 years that SCREWED us out of talent at The Draft.

    Briere looks as lost as Hextall was.
    Tortorella is a f…..n JOKE!
    Guy made the playoffs with Columbus. How many times?
    And lost in the 1st round how many times? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤡
    Bring in Quenneville!
    Did ANYONE ever think Columbus was going to go on 2-3 Cup runs and create a Dynasty there?
    Tortorella won 1 Cup in Tampa( Luckily by chance) 20 years ago!
    And has done NOTHING but get mediocre teams 1st round playoff exits, With ZERO opportunity to draft a franchise changing talent the whole time.

    Isn't avoiding mediocrity the ENTIRE REASON for the "New Era" and "Rebuild" in Philadelphia?

    I could not be more dissatisfied and disappointed in Briere, Jones, and The Flyers management.
    The coaching is RIDICULOUS. (Wtf is going on with the 🤡Flyers PowerPlay?🤡)
    This is a Dumpster Fire STILL.
    And getting worse and worse as we go. It's really just pathetic at this point.

  2. This franchise should've hired Bill Zito and Quenneville when they had the chance. Instead we get another nepotism hire for another retired Flyer WAY too inexperienced to conduct the Real Rebuild this team needs.
    Briere and Jones should be let go now before they do anymore irreparable damage to The Flyers club this decade. 🤷‍♂️

  3. Leaving Zegras and a Top5 pick on the table for an injury riddled defensemen who's barely played hockey in 4 years!
    I mean, what a freaking JOKE!
    I'm Just going to say it. Plain and simple.

    Torts has LOST the Locker Room!
    Briere has LOST the city!
    Jones has LOST the initiative!
    Comcast has LOST the plot!
    And Fans have LOST their patience. As well they should have by now. 🤷‍♂️
    It's YOUR gaslighting and inexperience that's ruining this "Rebuild".
    Just like with Hextall and Fletcher everybody wants to wait for 2 extra years of ridiculousness and embarrassment before ACTUALLY doing something about it!
    Comcast is a freaking
    I have ZERO faith in this organization.
    And THAT'S EXACTLY what they've EARNED AND DESERVE for treating their fans like low intelligent snorons that don't know any better.
    I have NO LOVE for lying, gaslighting B.S.
    Should've known about Briere looking at the trashy actions of his kid.
    This another Nepotism hire.
    And now we get to suffer for it. Again!!!
    EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!

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