@National Hockey League

How Matthew Tkatchuk earned his nickname: “The Turtle”

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by MobysBanned


  1. Evening-Nose-7932

    And Bouchard taps out like a bitch

  2. arashinoko

    And what happened after that? Kassian went to the box and the Flames scored the game winning goal on the power play. No damage done to Tkachuk. S-tier trolling.

  3. Bubbly-Syllabub-1462

    He’s a good little turtle 🐢

  4. Bryanole27

    Remember the old Looney Tunes cartoons where you had Spike the big dog, then you had this little mouthy shit-talking dog hiding behind Spike? Yeah, that’s Tkuchuk and Spike is the refs. One day he’ll need that mouthguard for more than chewing gum.

  5. _Kramerica_

    Except the turtle was invented when McCarty beat the shit out of Claude Lemieux. Matthew was far from the first.

    I will say, it’s kinda bizarre how I hate and also love both Tkachuk brothers at the same time. I wish Brady was on the Wings, OTT is wasting him.

    Edit: if you can find an earlier reference to “turtling” in the league, feel free to comment, but Novus has no idea what they’re talking about.

  6. Alextryingforgrate

    Wait you mean it’s not because he likes turtles? Damn al this time I got it all wrong.

  7. sumwutnuts

    Oh he will punch you. As long as a teammate has a hold of you first!!

  8. I’m not saying he is being the manliest man ever, but I too would not trust kassian to not try to rearrange my face especially in this position

  9. shmoove_cwiminal

    I’m glad he’s cleaned up his game. He was insufferable as a Flame.

  10. GrahamHancocksBong

    This sub is full of salty bitches and drama queens. It’s like the Real housewives of the NHL. Constant juvenile post and comments. Ironic coming from one of the most brutal sport there is. JSTFU already and talk hockey.

  11. flyingdonutz

    average delusional oilers fan who wouldn’t dare beef with tkachuk, much less drop the gloves with a goon like kassian.

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