@Boston Bruins

Who should the Bruins chase after this summer? | Pucks with Haggs

Who should the Bruins chase after this summer? | Pucks with Haggs

welcome to the pucks with hags podcast proud powered by prize Pi the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network I believe this is the 99th episode of the pucks with hags podcast I am your host Joe Hagerty you can find my work at Joe hager. substack outcom sign up for a premium membership you get all of my NHL and Bruins writing sent straight directly to your inbox I also file columns for the Boston Sports Journal so you can find all of my Bruins writing over at Boston sports with uh some fine Sports journalists like Greg Mard Mike gardi and a a cast of thousands on that staff so check that out as well um it’s going to be a mailbag episode of the pucks with hags podcast this week so we’re going to be answering your questions and there’s plenty of them going on right now with the offseason in full effect let’s get to the mailbag questions because like honestly there isn’t uh a ton uh of news this week uh as far as the Bruins go I I think the biggest news was just a little bit of a change in the coaching staff we have a question about that later but I’ll just run down the nuts and bolts of it right now um basically uh the Bruins hired um Jay leech um from the Seattle Kraken he was an assistant coach with the Kraken the last couple of years prior to that he was the head coach of the Providence Bruins before Ryan muel uh for about five or six years um very highly thought of in the Bruins organization he was actually considered for the head coaching job that Jim Montgomery ended up getting uh a couple of years ago and uh now he’s going to join the staff be on the bench as an assistant along with Chris Kelly um and Joe Sako who has been bumped to associate coach um which is a you know promotion for him as well well-deserved Joe sako’s been here a long time uh been here before um Jim Montgomery was a member of Bruce cast staff as well um and John mlan who was an assistant coach on the bench last year is going to be moved to the Player Development uh department where he’s the gonna be the skating and skills coach and basically for John mlan I think it was great that he got the year of experience on the Bruins bench he got the assistant coaching experience with Jim Montgomery um but he was a guy that um his background is skating and skills that’s what he’s been doing for a long time that’s why he where he was initially hired by the organization um was to be basically the skating and skills coach for the NHL team John mlan there and and Tom Ford who’s one of his Partners at Dynamic skating a great Hockey Camp that they run in the summertime for your kids if you have youth hockey players up at marac my son Finn’s gone um multiple Summers to them Kim branvold John mlan Tommy Ford they all run it together it’s fantastic Dynamic skating look it up um but those guys do skating and skills with the Bruins Tommy Ford Works more with the guys in provid Ence and uh elsewhere and the prospects and other people in the Bruns organization and John mlan had been working with the NHL guys now they’re going to expand John mlan to work with more young players prospects in addition to the Bruins players he was also a guy that I think was instrumental working with the uh medical staff to get players up and running and and back ready to play so um it makes sense I think for all involved and and the interesting part is that Jay leech is a guy that I think the Bruins like said before have viewed as having um head coaching potential I think he’s viewed around the league as a rising um star or Rising guy a rising head coach in the making that is eventually going to be a head coach at the NHL level um so he comes on the staff with with that you know that resume now and and he really did a good job in Seattle with they under Dave hexall so he comes to the breu staff under Jim Montgomery and is you know let’s call it like it is right um he’s potentially an option as a head coach uh for the Boston Bruins in house if they ever decided uh that there the coaching change was needed I’m not saying that Jim Montgomery is on the hot seat I’m not saying that the Bruins are considering this right now I’m just saying they now have that option if it ever came to that point and from what I’ve been told um Jim Montgomery signed a three-year contract when he was hired and this is year number three that he’s going into and and I have not heard anything about any kind of contract extension uh for Jim Montgomery certainly there’s been no news about that from the Boston Bruins um so potentially it it feels like seems like Jim Montgomery may be going uh into this last year um in the last year of his contract and now there is somebody on his staff who the Bruins view as a potential head coaching uh candidate and somebody that you know they were interested in when they hired Jim Montgomery so I think the Dynamics of that uh are going to be interesting and something to watch and I I think you can’t argue with the success that Jim Montgomery’s had during the regular season I think he’s done a lot of great things he’s been a great coach for this team uh he’s taken them uh and said exact he he’s he everything he said he was going to do the Bruins have done um but you also can’t deny that they have not performed as well in the playoffs as they have during the regular season offense was a definite issue for that team uh this postseason the seven too many men in the ice penalties not good and something that is problematic and needs to be fixed and that’s a reflection of the players and the coaches so I I you know I think there are areas um that the Bruins of course would like to see tightened up with uh the team with the coaching with everything and um you know it’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out this year so that kind of sets up for an interesting situation uh with J leech now on board and on the staff um obviously I think Jim Montgomery is happy to have him I think it’s going to strengthen their NHL coaching staff uh and make them even better uh this coming season so that’s great and we’ll see how it all works together but um just something to watch uh and that is definitely I think the most interesting thing uh that happened this week um moving forward but I I the bottom line is the Bruins upgraded their coaching staff I think by bringing Jay leech on board a guy that is very good working with young players uh has a history with a lot of the young Bruins players on this team having worked with them in Providence and is viewed and valued that way around the league obviously uh him getting hired by Seattle Kraken as an NHL assistant that you know he’s he’s highly thought of around the league uh so good move by the Bruins good move by Don Sweeney picking up on Seattle changing out their coaches uh firing Dave hexall and the assistants and and Jay Leach having a place to go in Boston all right um so let’s look at the questions here uh from Mr Ed 315 what should the PRI what should be priorities by Bruin’s management for the draft free agency and the rest of the off seon the priorities uh as I see them should be um to well I think the number one priority is to sign Jeremy Swan I think that’s the most important thing that they have to do um not only to lock him up not only to reward him for a great breakout season where um you know he would have been the K SM uh favorite if they had somehow made it to the Stanley Cup finals was the best goalie in the first two rounds of the playoffs and kind of showed that he’s a number one goal tender um but I think you also need to get cost certainty with his contract and know exactly what you’re going to be paying him so you can roll out the rest of your offseason and know how much money you have to spend elsewhere and how much money you have for free agent for making trades for all that stuff the only way you can do that is by getting cost certainty with Jeremy Swan so I think that is absolutely Paramount that they get that done in the next week 10 days uh if they can prior you want to get done prior to July first because you’re you know it’s gonna it’s going to hamper your ability to spend and know exactly how much you have to spend in free agency to improve the team and get these other players if you don’t know how much Jeremy Swan is going to cost you so I think that’s number one number two is uh primary scoring uh getting primary scoring Don Sweeny mentioned in his press conference the end of season press conference a couple of times that the Bruins needed secondary scoring they needed to add secondary scoring to what they already have um they averaged 2.38 goals per game during the playoffs it was one of the worst uh they were one of the worst offensive teams in the playoffs obviously they got to the end of the second round because their goal ending was phenomenal and Swan was was unbelievable but it was not because they were scoring goals and they were creating offense and I think they need another primary offense goal scorer High event player guy that makes things happen guy that that can be effective in the playoffs they need somebody else that can you know be somebody the other teams have to worry about uh shutting down offensively um pastr needs help there so and they have the money to get it you know they need to overpay for somebody um that they can bring in that can be another primary scorer another guy that can drive a line with his offense that can make things happen for his other teammates make everybody around him better because he’s that good an offensive player and I really think that’s the massive big priority they could also use uh I think another defenseman a big strong uh mean uh stay-at-home type A guy that can throw people around they they could use you know certainly they’re going to need a pat maroon type on this team too if it’s not Pat maroon uh somebody to add that’s big strong tough uh intimidating um you know a bottom six type but they could also get that later on in the year they’ve gotten that at the trade deadline the last couple years those kind of players and I think that’s sort of been their MO I think for the Bruins is that uh you know they try to develop that during the year and if they don’t have it they can get it at the trade deadline they may continue to do that but uh I just think the rest of the off season NE definitely needs to be about improving the offense and bringing out bringing another finisher um whether it’s Sam Reinhardt or somebody else um via free agency or a trade they need to bring in somebody that can be effective putting the puck in the net make everybody around them better just make things happen offensively and in a primary way not in a secondary way they have enough third fourth line types guys that can be bottom six players guys that can maybe pop in 15 to 20 goals like they have a ton of those guys that is not something they need need more of they have enough of those kind of players what they need is some that can be a you know a 30 plus goal scorer a guy that the other team uh worries about shutting down and is concerned about and and knows they have to you know put great Defenders on and really like check them during the game that’s the kind of player they need another one of those to take some of the the the pressure off marand and pck to always be um those guys uh so I think that’s the biggest thing they have to get and another defenseman uh they could certainly use another forward like a big strong forward they could use more size more grit more meanness more physicality at the forward position as well and you know if you could get that with the primary score that’s awesome like roll it all into one package but like if you don’t get that if it’s more of a Sam Reinhardt type you are going to need to go out and get somebody that can be a a bit of an Intimidator in the bottom six uh but bottom line is they need I feel like they need to get two or three impact players in this offseason in order to turn this team from a good team a playoff team a team that has good regular seasons and that is not quite as good in the playoffs and is not a threat to a team like Florida they need two or three impact players to bring them in in order to become a team that Florida legitimately has to worry about that can beat Florida that can be a legit Stanley Cup Contender for the next five to 10 years if Don Sweeney makes All the Right Moves hits double triples home runs with these free agent signings hopefully you you know for the fans more triples and home runs than doubles but if he hits hard with these free agent signings and what he does this offseason with the cap uh salary caps base they could set themselves up for a five to 10 year run as a legit premium Stanley Cup Contender that everybody’s gonna have to worry about but it comes down to Don Sweeney and the Bruins really hitting it this offseason with this the $20 million they have in salary cap space they can’t miss they can’t uh they can’t have a guy a guy that David Backus type signing they need to hit on all these guys prize picks is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports the way to get in on the action while you watch your favorite sports and players you just pick more or less than on two or more player stats for a shot to win up to a 100 times your cash with prize picks you could turn $10 into $1,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer whether it’s playoff basketball whether it’s Major League Baseball uh soon enough football will be here in the fall but you can make prize picks a prize pick lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less than on two to six player stat projections and you’re totally locked in if you’re looking for promotions prize picks has got you covered every week from lowering select players stats projections on Tuesdays which increases 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talented team that when was one and out in the playoffs took them to the Stanley Cup finals the next year based a lot on his impact and his leadership and and what he brings to the table in addition of the team maturing around him you know who that player is uh that the Boston Bruins could go after in in a fantasy world to make them better like that it’s another kachuck it’s Matthew kach Chu’s brother Brady kachuck 24y old with the Ottawa Senators 6’4 220 pounds meaner than Matthew kachuck more of a bully than Matthew kachu more of a guy that will stand toe-to-toe throw punches uh against you and really beat you up uh the Matthew kachuck somebody in in the comments uh called the Florida Panthers a bunch of colde sack tough guys Matthew kuk I think is you could describe him as that and I think everybody knows what what that commenter was talking about uh Brady kachuk is a legit NHL tough guy he is a guy that uh strikes fear into other teams and players is huge and strong and physical and dirty mean nasty can back it all up and oh by the way he scored 30 plus goals the last three seasons um he’s been over you know 60 70 80 points the last three seasons been well over 100 penalty minutes the last you know three four seasons has legit turned into the kind of power forward unicorn that just grows on tree that doesn’t grow in trees that you don’t see anymore in the NHL you throwback player like that is what the Boston Bruins need in a fantasy world that is what they would go after that’s what they would give up I think a significant roster piece in order to get um you know he’s 8.2 million uh salary cap hit for the next I think he’s signed for the next like three or four years um so you get some cost certainty there that’s certainly the an amount you would pay for a player like that but it also means that you know it’s going to cost a lot to get that player uh and it’s GNA cost you somebody significant on your roster now it’s it’s tough would you think would you entertain trading a guy like David ponack to get Brady kachu would you entertain trading a guy like Charlie McAvoy to get Brady kachu would you entertain trading Jeremy Swan uh to get Brady kachuck if that could get it done because the Ottawa Senators badly need a goenda alar um if the Bruins were to trade him could you do any of that stuff would you do any of that stuff to get Brady kachak I mean I think everybody would have to be on the table to be considered um if you were going to get a player like that a 24 years old that is so rare in the NHL fits so well with the the traditional identity of the Boston Bruins has had been the big bad Bruins to have a player like that that would come in Kick Ass score goals uh you know M take names make things happen like just think about how much of a spectacle and how fun um the and the Bruins Panthers games have been great anyway like Paul Maurice said this at the end of this playoffs the second round this year that he would pay money to watch the Bruins and the Panthers play hockey because it’s such good hockey because it’s such intense physical like well played like all that stuff um you everybody would pay to see Brady KCK in a Bruin’s uniform Matthew KCK in a Florida Panther’s uniform and them like just go to war with each other a handful of times a year and in the playoffs potentially too I are you kidding me that would be awesome um so like that’s you know that’s the player I look at and say if and there’s been Whispers that maybe he wants out out of Ottawa maybe he’s going to get traded Maybe he might be available if any of that becomes reality the Bruins have to overpay act on it just like throw everything at the Ottawa Senators to try to make that happen because I think that is the kind of player that puts them over the top now do you have to give up so much that it weakens your team to the point where you’re not even the contender that you were that’s something you got to consider and that’s you know obviously part of the whole thing um but I think getting back to the answer if there’s a trade out there the Bruins can make a give like a Matthew kachuck type impact to the Bruins like he did with the Panthers I think it’s his brother I think it’s just bringing another kachuck into the mix uh that would have that kind of impact that’s the kind of player the Bruins should be looking for the problem is there’s not a lot of those players out there all right um from duke bruman uh best Bruins captain of the last 30 years uh this is a tough one like it was a short period of time that Patrice berson was Captain I think he did a great job and I think he was in many ways kind of a you know he was a captain even when he was the alternate captain and he was wearing the a instead of the c um he acted like a captain and he was part of like I think the best leadership group that I’ve ever seen on any sports team uh when he and Zano Charo were leading the team I think Brad Marian did a great job this past year I think it was a growing year for him and he kind of figured it out as it was going along and figured out how he could still be himself and not try to be somebody else while while being Captain but I think it has to go to zidan oara you know what did what was he Captain for third 14 15 years um with the Boston Bruins uh one Stanley Cup title in 2011 three Stanley Cup finals um you know they’re in the playoffs just about every single year they had two years where they didn’t make the playoffs in there back-to-back years but every other year they were in the playoffs tons of division titles some president trophies um and and really like when you look back on it zidan oaro was the best free agent signing in the history of the NHL the most impactful player that was signed in free agency that really took the Bruins from like just like the the end of the Harry sin and Michael Connell era when they were like struggling big time uh and just like had drags on the roster just a doormat uh just not not good to watch hadn’t like fully recovered from the The Joe Thornton trade and the fall out there um were obviously not a contender not even close to it to him coming in them struggling a little bit for the first year they had the wrong coach and Dave Lewis they were still sort of jettisoning the um players that uh were left over from the the previous regime but then you know started started to build um and immediately became a playoff team the following year and built it back up until they won the cup and and stayed at that level through his entire time here had an air of accountability with him where everybody knew they had to be at their best always be in shape be professional like you know he wasn’t going to accept anything less you know he had like a Stern side to his his leadership but he also I think as he grew and matured relaxed a little bit with that too and understood that you had to be different things for different people and you couldn’t be like the the drill sergeant like demanding everybody do as many pull-ups as him uh all the time and I I think you know by by by the time they won the cup I think he’d figured it out like he had found the balance between you know being a Taskmaster and being somebody that expected the best out of everybody but also being a guy that knew when to ease off the gas pedal uh knew that you know that they needed the team needed to cut loose sometimes and and understood that also like the the vibe of the room that everybody was part of the team everybody was accepted there were no rookies there were no labels put on people he was so um Vigilant about that that like everybody had to be treated equal he did not want young players being treated differently or badly or anything like that did not want you know people saying oh you can’t come out with us because you’re a rookie or you can’t do this because you he did not want any of that and I think that’s what brings players together teams together that makes everybody feel like they’re a part of it like and he was at the Forefront of that and really set the example with that so best Captain um bre Bruins Captain the last 30 years for me is a danara like and I think the results speak for themselves I don’t even think this is a really tough one but I will say asterisk next to it best Bruins Captain but he also had Patrice berser on who was also kind of a you know a second captain you know it was the two of them together and that’s what made it so good is it was the two of them together as Leaders as unquestioned tone Setters as guys that led by example as the hardest workers on the team as very conscientious good people um you know setting the tone for everything that was going on with the Bruins like all of that makes a big difference and all of that is an important part of the success and what happened so I think berson and Char go hand inand but Char was the C Char was the captain at that time he was the leader so and he was the unquestioned C so um I think you give it to him but that’s a great question um and maybe we’ll ask that one too um when we’ve got a panel here so uh everybody can kick it around for a little bit are you excited for the NBA Finals with the Boston Celtics you should be Jason Tatum Jaylen Brown all kinds of stars how cool would it be to actually go to one of the games at TD Garden and watch the Celtics my friends we’ve got an option for you game time will help you get those tickets game time makes getting NBA Finals tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals all in price is views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guess workor out of buying NBA tickets you pick out any specific games or matchups that you love to attend and you get good deals uh for those tickets save up to 60% off buying last minute for sports concerts comedy theater save even more with exclusive inapp deals and on 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and tell everybody on a later podcast I would say this I hope they continue to use the Centennial jerseys because I think they’re cool uh I think they look great and I think they you know rather than because they had different jerseys the year before too rather than like doing this every year where they’re constantly like going through alternate jerseys and third jerseys and different jerseys that they wear I think they hit on something great with the Centennial jerseys and they should you know they should wear them for a while uh until like some other kind of event or celebration or whatever happens that makes them want to do it a little different and I I know it’s good for Jersey sales to have different altern every year or every couple years whatever especially if you have the Winter Classic like stuff like that and maybe that will be the next impetus uh for them to to change it up is when they have a win a classic but I hope they keep the Centennial jerseys for a while could the Bruins be in contention for John tarez um I mean I I I don’t think he’s the type of player that’s really going to like he would obviously help them there’s no question about it he’s a good player he’s you know a center he’s a guy that’s kind of you know could still be a top six even though I think he’s aging out of like a consistent top six um all the time like share the heavy workload that that they’re looking for somebody to to share being a top six center you know I think he’s coming out of that I think they would want somebody younger and cheaper potentially um to start um coming into that role and I think he doesn’t quite fit that I also think uh I don’t think the Bruins in Toronto are going to be dealing um for something like that they don’t make many trades the Leafs and the Bruins and I don’t think they’re going to be looking to help out the Leafs in any way shape or form with their salary cap issues um so no I I don’t I just don’t think because of all the factors involved I don’t think the Bruins would be a guy that a team that tarz would go to um I just don’t think it makes sense um I think there will be better options out there I’d be surprised if if tarez uh moved to the Bruins um but you know I I I would never say never put it that way but I just don’t think you know he’s The Logical guy to go there given a lot of the other options that they have and the the Leafs would have to take a lot of the the cap hit um for tarez in in order for that uh kind of thing to work so we’ll see I I still wonder if if Mitch Marner gets traded there even though the Brew the leaf don’t want to do it they say they’re not going to do it I think that one of the young guys I think has to get moved whether it’s neander whether it’s um whether it’s Marner somebody it’s not gonna be Austin Matthews obviously but um good question though and like I said I’m gonna find out about the Centennial jerseys and get back to you on that um should uh louder than Yuri asks should Don go Allin for dry cdle okay I’ve gotten a lot of Leon dry cidal questions um he that he makes much more sense than dvars as far as I I’m concerned um all factors involved uh you know if the Oilers are looking to you switch things up um change up the DNA of their team uh you know get some salary cap relief um if they you know if dry cido wants to go someplace else perhaps uh like he’s a great player I think he’d um be exactly what the Bruins are looking for obviously I don’t think he’s the best defensive player in the world he’s not the greatest two-way Center in the world he’s gotten better but I still don’t think he’s where he would need to be um if he’s going to play for a team like the Bruins and that would be sort of a concern or something that I would be watching Pretty closely but you’re also talking about one of the elite like offensive players in the world and somebody that is absolutely going to bring more scoring to the table for the Bruins absolutely would uh upgrade their top six center situation in a huge way and and give them that Frontline Center that they’ve needed for a long time um um like all of that stuff he makes a ton of sense the question is um what’s it going to cost um what are you going to have to give up to get Leon dry cidal and it’s gonna be a lot like you’re gonna have to give up it again like I was talking about with Brady kachuck postr McAvoy Jeremy Swan like I don’t think I I don’t think I don’t think Jake debrusk I mean the rights to Jake debrusk lenus olar a first round pick and like Matt ptra are going to do it you know what I mean like I don’t think a package like that is going to get you Leon Dr maybe maybe it would maybe you could give away something like that and get a player like dry sadle back if he wanted out and he let it be known where he wanted to go and Boston was one of those places like I guess that maybe that could happen but it’s going to be have to be one if the Bruins are going to get it done and bring dry Sidle to Boston it’s going to have to be because dry Sidle really wants to go to Boston and he’s kind of pushing he’s the engine that pushing to make that happen um I just don’t think uh I don’t think that I I just don’t think it’s realistic um I I don’t I don’t know if they have they don’t have the prospects in the first round picks to really pull that off and I just don’t think I don’t think they want to give up the players they’re going to have to give up in order to get him like that’s the one thing that would make me pause about Brady kachuck and it’s funny that I would I would more read give up like some of those players for Brady kachuck than I would for Leon drle but I think I would I I me I think I would for a 24y old that uh Power Forward type like that Brady kachuck is that could change the complexion of your team maybe I’m crazy for thinking that way maybe I just like power forwards too much and like guys that um you know play a rough style uh too much a physical heavy rough style maybe I value that too much in the playoffs I don’t know but um I just think realistically I don’t know that the Bruins are going to have enough to get that uh make that trade happen as much as some others teams would have it to make it happen the one thing they have is the salary caps space like that that is going to be the equalizer for a lot of things and make them a player for a lot of different things um around the league is that they have the salary cap space to make these kind of things happen so I guess stay tuned on the dry cidal but I just I don’t know that one of all the names that people throw at me and say hey what do you think about the Bruins with this dry cdle is the one where I’m like you know I just don’t see it I I don’t see the possibility of it happening um but I guess it could um just because they have some needs uh that the Bruins could fill but like I just I don’t see how you could get dry Sidle and not have to give up one of your best players one of your two or three best players in your team which for my money right now based on age contract like all that stuff is postr mavo swiming like marshan is obviously in that conversation too but he’s a little older now and that’s why I would you know put him maybe a rung below those other ones because those other guys I think have the most value around the league given their age given their performance level given where they’re going to be able to maintain that for the next five years like all that stuff and I wouldn’t trade any of them I don’t think for dry cidal um all right next one hi Joe I heard the bees recently made some coaching changes can you please give your thoughts and what is changing for the coaching staff this year and what those changes mean for Jim Montgomery and Bob asen’s future thank you love the podcast Roger Perry uh yeah like I said um the coaching changes I addressed earlier I think Jay leech in some ways gives the Bruins an option uh of a head coaching candidate inhouse on their staff were it to ever come to a point where they wanted to make a move uh with the head coach I don’t see happening I think Jim Montgomery’s done a great job I just think it gives them like not only does it give them that it gives them an excellent assistant coach uh that’s going to help and upgrade I think from what they had last year which is the the bottom line but I think you’d be just in denial if you didn’t mention the other part of it that the Bruins thought of Jay leech as a candidate when they were looking for a head coach that he was with the organization for a long time that he’s highly respected and thought of by the Boston Bruins and viewed by the Boston ruins as a future NHL head coach so given all that stuff like you have to admit that and talk about that and and just say that it is what it is um but as far as Bob asza goes like I don’t I think Bob asza like has done a really good job like the Bruins goal tending has continuously been outstanding um you know they’ve had some of the some great goal tenders rolled through here over the last 15 years or so um continuously so like I don’t know that you can really CR be too critical of Bob as senzo or the job that he’s done based on the goal tending production that they get the results that they get and how good their goalies have been um and you know obviously a lot of the credit goes to the goalies and you can’t say it’s all the goalie coach because I wouldn’t say that about Bob sens or anybody else but like I think you can’t argue with the results that he’s gotten and how good he’s been so I don’t know why you would lump in him in there um about his future like obviously he may get to a point where he wants to retire and doesn’t want to travel all the time and be there every single day but I don’t know that he’s at that point right now and they all Rave the goalies you know talk fondly about goalie Bob and and the job that he’s done and like the only the only area I think in the last few years where I would question goalie Bob at all is staying too long with lenus a couple years ago staying too long with Tuka a couple years before that when he was hurt um you know not going with swan in a couple of instances where they probably should have um which they obviously reversed this past season where you know they each got a start and then they rode San and and you know we saw what he was able to do um but I I I do think like that was the one only nitpicky thing I saw was in the playoffs that you he probably needed to be more willing to change out the guy that was the sort of established number one guy if like that player was hurt wasn’t playing up to um the level um you know something was wrong there uh whether it was mentally or physically where they needed to switch it up and they were hesitant to do that but they you know they went in with a plan this postseason it worked really well I don’t know that you can be really critical of that in any way shape or form so the changes what do they mean um for Jim Montgomery I I just think he’s now and I think this was going to be the case regardless of who was on the staff that I think there’s a little more pressure on him uh this year going into this year uh to continue to to build and improve like I I think it was um they had a great regular season last year had two very good regular seasons um they won a playoff series this past spring which was a big hurdle to get over for him uh based on you know going out in the first round the year before and really disappointing so they they built or took a step as far as the postseason goes but they need to make take another step this postseason and they need I it goes hand inand with the players that Don Sweeney brings in and improving the roster because you know the the struggles that they had scoring goals in the playoffs was not Jim Montgomery’s fault it was more the fault of like not having enough primary scores not having enough guys that could make it happen offensively not having enough people um that play a playoff style that can be effective uh that you know as cam Ney simply said that wanted the puck against Florida in the second round there weren’t enough players that want wanted the puck and needed the puck against a team that was going to continuously punch you in the mouth for the entire series until it was over one way or the other so um you know it’s on brewis management to get more players like that and to bring in more players like that but um so the bottom line is I think the coaching changes um aren’t going to change anything radically aside from I think there’s going to be this will probably be the first year there will be some level of external pressure on Jim Montgomery that the results need to continue things like the too many men in the ice needs to be cleaned up um some of the things offensively that are going on need to be cleaned up and improved um you know the defenseman the young players need to continue to develop like it’s going to be a big year for Mason lry and I think that’s part of the reason that Jay leech is going to be a a good Difference Maker on this team is somebody like lowai I think he’s gonna work with very closely and I think you’ll see great results he’s been very good working with defenseman traditionally so I think that’ll be a big thing too having him on staff for the that um but I just think in general going into the third year uh for a head coach it starts to become really ramped up um expectations wise pressure-wise all that stuff and it’ll be that way for Jim Montgomery and and as it should be you know they they if the Bruins are throwing in all the assets and throwing in all the money and going all in with the salary cap space and building up uh what they believe to is going to be a championship roster it’s up to the coach to to get it out of them and that will continue to be the case but that’s all for this week thank you very much for all the mailbag questions they were fantastic thanks for listening to the mailbag episode we appreciate it we’ll see you at the r [Music]

Joe Haggerty answers all the fan questions in the Hagg Bag mailbag and the fans want to know who the Bruins are going to target this summer. Leon Draisaitl? Brady Tkachuk? Somebody else?

0:00 – Mailbag Intro
5:48 – Team coaching changes
8:32 – Primary scoring needs
11:20 – Team needs impact players
14:20 – Potential impact player trade
17:03 – Entertain trading Jeremy Swayman?
20:00 – Best Bruins captain
22:40 – Team unity importance
25:29 – Bruins in contention for Tavares
28:23 – Mitch Marner trade speculation
33:24 – Bruins coaching changes
37:00 – Pressure on Montgomery

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  1. Man, I want to watch some of these videos, based on the titles and thumbnails, but… then I realize it’s Joe Haggerty, and I want to both puke and delete the YouTube app.

    Kick Haggerty to the curb, whoever runs this channel. He is hurting your channel’s viewership.

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