@Boston Bruins

Should Bruins feel better after Panthers’ dominant run? | Poke the Bear

Should Bruins feel better after Panthers’ dominant run? | Poke the Bear

and welcome in to poke the bear episode 238 presented by clns media and sponsored by our good friends over at prize picks and game time tickets my name is Connor Ryan and once again we are joined by the esteemed the knowledgeable Ty Anderson of 985 the sportsub Ty what’s going on what’s up how we doing today doing pry well doing pretty well I I think uh I speak for most people where I hope by the time this episode drops the Celtics have obliterated the Dallas Mavericks uh do you think that one’s going back to Boston or you think this is ending on Friday night uh selfishly I almost want them to lose so they can win it in Boston because I I think it’s been a while since we’ve seen a team win in Boston usually it’s only they lose in Boston yes um so that’d be nice but I don’t know like they withstood they’ve they’ve withstood a lot of what I consider to be Dallas’s best best push or Their Own Worst level of play right like they shot what 29% from deep in game two and they still won yeah and you look at sort of what happened they almost blew a 21-point lead in game three but you look at the way that game started too like I I think Dallas scored the first one was it 15 of the game’s first 28 points or something 23 points it was something crazy it was like 15 four or something like that yeah and so you’re watching that going oh okay this is Dallas’s game but no the Celtics have too many weapons they’re too deep so I’d like to see them win it in Boston however I think it’s GNA end tonight uh Friday night I just think that Celtics have too many there’s just too much going right for them right now you you like I thought that game three was the moment where youd really kind of like crap your pants a little bit like oh oh Dallas wins that game no porzingis now it’s a series right didn’t happen so now it’s like all right like let’s see but it it is weird though Conor like and I don’t know if you’re seeing this too like people are like oh it’s over like people are already talking like no point in playing the games it’s over you know pack it up plan the parade and it that that always makes me a little nervous just because I remember 2010 the Bruins and flyers so vividly um I don’t think the Celtics have the problems that those Bruins that Bruins team had obviously but man oh I some of that that pre-plan celebrating oh it always stresses me out a little bit I mean look at literally last year against Miami Heat like again they were one potentially rolled ankle from Jason Tatum away from from coming back in that series and again like you look at that Heat team where they had Joe Schmo and Joe [ __ ] shoot you know 60% from three it made no sense at all but like contrast that with the Celtics team where you know everyone’s playing at a high level you could even make the case at like Tatum and a few these other guys like have another 40o game in them like you know they’re still rolling the way they’re playing but I I I do agree like don’t want to get too far ahead you know I’ve already seen quite a lot of like well they’re bringing the whole team back so like if Al Horford retires they’ll still have a really good team they’ll run up it’s like no no I don’t want to talk about next year quite yet like and listen they’re they’re gonna be in mix for a while but take a deep breath let’s get through we all know what’s gonna actually happen is they’re gonna win Jaylen Brown will get Finals MVP and people are gonna complain about Jason Tatum and they’ll complain about the path yet again and the national media will do whatever they can to drag down this team that has kicked everyone in the face on the road to this Championship but it it is absolutely miserable how I think like the national media covers basketball which again I love basketball and it’s it is so arduous I just like to enjoy the game yeah I mean think about how how rare it is now and listen no one’s playing violins for us r on the Titanic we’re we’re going to be all right but like basketball is one of final sports that I can truly just enjoy and not have to be like oh I got to be watching this thing for angles to write about like like I can dip my toe into those Waters if I want to you know but like it’s not like it not like how hockey every time I watch a hockey game it I love hockey but I’m watching games going oh I could write about this I could write about that like basketball is one of my last salvations of just enjoying Sports as a fan and so I really enjoy that part of it for sure um but yeah like to your point like talking about the Miami Heat and what they were able to do like I I feel as if that the moment has been noticeably too big for guys like Derek Lively uh guys like Daniel Gafford um even PJ Washington I feel like has kind of shrunken on this stage here and so I think that’s the biggest difference between you know Miami coming in and popping you in the mouth versus Dallas right now like you get guys that look like the moment is too big for them right and that’s what makes Miami culture like I still see that Heat logo and I’m like ah get that away from me I don’t like that like like that’s kind of that team for me um but but it speaks to their culture right like like like that culture and that ability for Pat Riley and Eric spoler to find guys who can come in and play without intimidation without fear and make big shots and big moments it’s why they’re dangerous right now I haven’t seen that from Dallas and it can change on a dime as we all know but but I think that’s why Celtics fans and people like us feel so confident that it either ends in four or ends in five you know just based on the way it’s gone so far yeah it also uh helps when if you’re the Celtics and the best player on the other side um absolutely loses his mind in the fourth quarter and is also like sucking wind dude has like I think eight fourth quarter points in this series so far it’s like yeah guys got guys gotta figure some [ __ ] out it doesn’t help when Brian windhorse is like ethering you after after a game who’s never ethered anyone his entire life is yeah I and I think it’s there’s one thing I like about the Celtics uh as a team construct it’s been the case for a long time now like the Celtics seem content to let guys like Luca donic and James Harden and even Joel embiid to a degree like get their points and they’re like fine get your points but you’re not GNA win and that that’s such like a like a baller ass move to be like yeah that’s fine get your points but by the end of the game you’re not going to be happy it like that’s such a it’s been a strategy there’s really going back to Brad Stevens like I remember all those James Harden Rockets teams would get he would get so many points against them but they’d lose you know what I mean or or or they would make life hell for him at the end of the day um so that that’s been that’s been fun to watch that identity still be there uh for the Celtics absolutely and so we look at Jason Tatum product of Shaman High School in St Louis he is one win away from a sweep in a championship and his teammate or his classmate rather Matthew kachuck also on the brink of a Stanley Cup title they are up three 0 the Florida Panthers against the Edmonton Oilers um have pretty much taken care of business this entire Ser this entire playoff run right beating vasileski Swan shesterkin they get to steart skin and they’re like ah this is this is easy War it’s a warmup goalie it’s a it’s a shooter tutor for them yeah so uh you just look at the way the Panthers play um and just the way they’ve dominated it’s again I think Bruins fans you know are understandably frustrated in the middle of that Series right where the Bruins have three shots on goal in the first period what have you there’s a lot of very good teams like I think we both agree that the Rangers we thought were the best team in the East or they they should be and they had the same issues with really uh strong shot suppression from Florida shurin a great goalie wasn’t enough to hold off uh Florida and then you got the uh Oilers who again you thought maybe these would be a couple of six4 games uh the Oilers big guns haven’t been able to do anything against Florida when they’re playing their game so Ty when you look at just how you know dominant Florida has been and the fact the Bruins you a couple blowouts early on in that series but played them pretty competitively the rest of the way do you feel better about where the Bruins maybe are right now right it doesn’t make it feel better of like oh all it was that maybe that that Sam Bennett goal in game four could have changed everything but do you feel better about where this team is in terms of the gap between them and what we think is right now the best team in the NHL in Florida Panthers yeah I think you feel a little bit better about it um it speaks to how good and deep Florida is for sure um you know I think that you know you alluded to it I think the way that series ended for the Bruins I think it was it was two to one two to one 3 to2 I I I think was how the final three games went or or some variation of that uh and then you even look at the game the game uh two lost down in Florida that’s a three to one game through through two periods right and then the it falls apart in the Bruins in the third period but they played them close they play played them tight and so you know I think what’s been Illuminating for me is is watching the Panthers hem teams in their own zone for prolonged stretches in all four Series right like this wasn’t something that they did to just the Bruins or and the lightning like they did it to the Rangers and they’ve done it to the Edmonton Oilers and each team has its defensive downfall to a degree um but it’s not the defense it’s it’s what Florida does and so I think that that makes you feel a little a little bit better um but it kind of speaks to what you need right like you need a team that can match their intensity and a team that can match their their you know their their Poise and their knowhow in certain moments that’s hard like that’s really hard to do to to find those kind of talents and I thought it was interesting I think Chris Johnson had this quote today and I’m sorry if I’m attributing it to to someone incorrectly talking to Kyle ooso basically being like being in the playoffs it reminds you how many guys could be dogs in the playoffs but haven’t been given the chance because they’re on bad teams it’s like you got to identify those guys right like that’s a challenge for the Bruins and for every other team trying to close the gap on themselves in Florida right now because you look at Florida look at the way like the way they’ve built their roster with egman Larson with Niko Mika with KY looso Nick cousins Evan Rodriguez like you look at Kevin stenland is a guy who kind of seemingly came out of nowhere like you knew he was good but you didn’t think he was this good right like in terms of being a PK guy and what he can do for your team I think that bill Zito almost said Barry Zito has done a great job that would be sick just drops that drops that 126 curveball when he drops the puck sick notably admitted for Moneyball it’s like oh this bum ass theme we had did they not mention Miguel tahada either Miguel tahara I don’t think they mentioned Tim Hudson I don’t think they mentioned Mark Moulder it’s fine David Justice single had a a 49 war that year people forget and I think tahada was on the cover of like MLB baseball next year W MVP it’s fine it wouldn’t help with the story it’s fine we won’t slander we won’t slander Moneyball here there was a uh there’s a story my friend always tells about uh Miguel tahada coming to Fenway and he was walking through the visitors fence or whatever the parking lot and there was just a man wearing like a big straw hat like a baby blew like button up and Miguel was like that man is my father let him in and every was like what like nobody believed him that it was Miguel T’s father but it was he just wearing like a big straw hat like the middle of Boston middle of summer it’s like when you first get a character in like Saints Row and you start like just going into like the the the clothing store it’s giv the most absurd thing ever it’s like I’m going for the the thead senior look yes exactly um no but but zitto has done a great job of building this roster and finding guys that fit their identity fit their mold and and are just Relentless competitors and like they’re a team built for playoff hockey like we’ve seen it now two years in a row that no moment feels too big for them um and they’ve done a great job of building a team that you know is ready for that and I think that’s what’s been most impressive to me to be honest with you is that you know you sort of look at last year and you have Mark stall and you have radas and you’re like yeah those guys been around forever they know What It Takes they know they know how to play the playoffs but then you lose those guys and your defense and your bottom six like they’re still as tenacious and as annoying and you know ready for the moment as ever like that’s impressive they’re they scouting team does a great job of identifying those kind of players and so that’s a challenge for everybody you know and and it’s not going to get easy but but that’s that’s the work cut out for the Bruins and for everybody else trying to bridge that gap between themselves and Florida right now yeah I think you hit you know a good point there in terms of like the identity is what teams have to look for because listen like no one’s going to get the Topline talent that like florid just has littered across their their lineup right like between barov who has been absurd this entire run like a franchise two-way monster like that to Chuck all these players even like Bennett this guy who again was a high a high draft pick but like has transformed himself into a heat seeking missile with Florida in the playoffs like he’s just one of those guys that every time he’s out there you notice him he’s a pain in the ass to play against impacts the game Beyond just on the score sheet um like the amount of talent they have like just look at it’s barov Bennett and then Anton londell who cooked you in that second round series like those are your top three centerman as well so um the talent like it’s tough to bridge the gap there but if you’re able to get some of that identity and you look at just what Florida does in terms of how aggressive they are in the four check how many Puck battles they win right like it’s something noticed like throughout the the playoff Run for the Bruins and when they had their best stretches against Florida it’s when it’s doing the simple things it’s it’s winning a puck battles extending ozone time when the ice shrinks so much in the playoffs that’s kind of what you have to do it may not be may not be pretty may not look all that great but um those are kind of the details you have to adhere to and the brues have some of those players and again like they they made it competitive against this Florida team for as a whole like uh you know I I kind of forget just how Lop side of the scores were in the the Rangers series but like Bruins are right there in terms of you know really making things difficult for for the Florida Panthers in that series it’s just need a little bit more and I guess if you’re a Bruins fan the one thing that probably makes you feel better is that you do have a great opportunity this year to to add to this team that already you know gave them a little bit of trouble it’s all about again what you add you know what you sign what you trade for but like you’re in a you’re in a good spot to hopefully you know retool a little bit and and put yourself in a spot to better better match the team that I think every single NHL team is going to be looking at and trying to follow that blueprint this upcoming off season yeah and I think the biggest thing for a team like Florida and the biggest thing that the Bruins May lack right now um is a guy like Gustav forsling who is just a defensive Menace an absolute monster the way he shuts down plays and can also create plays at the other end and and you know like I think what’s been impressive is that like I don’t think that Aaron eblad is as good as he was at his Peak any more um I think even Brandon Monto is taking a step back offensively you know even the guys that aren’t as productive offensively they’re finding ways to impact the game and I think that’s kind of what you’re lacking with the Bruins right now is that it feels like some of your defensemen when the offense isn’t there the rest of the game doesn’t follow suit and so they can talk it but we got to see it right like you kind of saw what Charlie maoy but like I got a seed from hus lolm too I got a seat from Brandon Carlo who I thought was your best player in the playoffs I’m not going to lie so I’m not going to get on him too too much but you got guys that when their aame isn’t going they got to find a way to make an impact in the B and the C area right and so that’s what’s made Florida in my opinion so good is that you know guys that you look at and say he should be scoring more he should be leading the power play more like if they’re not they’re still finding ways to be productive and to make life hell on the opposition yeah it’s going to be a tough test for the Bruins and anyone to really kind of fully follow that mold that Florida has but again Bruins do have the opportunity to uh add a few pieces maybe augment a little bit of what they’re trying to to build especially up front so we’ll see how that all kind of plays out Ty we’re gonna go uh and focus in a little bit more on some actual tangible Bruins news not we’re not this isn’t going to be an entire speculation heavy podcast go to the actual nitty-gritty news right now but before we do that take a quick break 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defense uh after three years with the Seattle Kraken obviously I think spent five total years with the Providence Bruins um yes a little bit of a reshuffle Joe sackos kind of gets the the bump up to associate uh coach you have uh you know John mlan goes from uh assistant coach to kind of what he already was doing of like skills in skating he was an eye in the sky during games last year so really doesn’t seem like really that much of a change in terms of what his kind of bread and butter is as a coach uh but what do you what do you make of uh Jay leech being back in the fold and how that kind of uh changes things in terms of the Bru’s coaching staff yeah I think it’s notable in the sense that when Jay leech was running the show in in Seattle you know Vince Dunn took a notable stride forward Adam Larson got his game back to where it was I think you know pre- Edmonton um and I think he’s been playing the best hockey of his life probably in Seattle uh Jeremy lozon broke through will borgan broke through so yeah like this is a guy who who knows how to help guys take their game to the next level and what I find interesting about that is that well in Providence he was instrumental in the development of Conor Clifton of Jeremy loon um if you want include Jake zabor in that you can I know that he didn’t necessarily pan out but he pulled himself up from devastating knee injuries to NHL roster spot um he was also the coach in Providence for guys like Trent Frederick Jacob Loco um and and so but but sticking with Seattle and what he did I think it’s telling because now he’s coming into a team that has Mason lowai trying to emerge as a full-time contributor has Parker wspoon looking to be a full-time NHL and also has Andrew Peak a player of the Bruins feel like has more to give and more levels to his game so you bring in that guy who you know helped build Seattle’s defensive structure and defensive identity um I like it I I think it’s a good move I think this is a guy that they never wanted to lose in the first place to be honest with you and by the time that they made their own changes well he already moved on and so I I like it a lot and and you you said it and and I think this is a perfect way to describe it it’s a reconfiguration that puts everyone in their right spot you know what I’m saying like yeah like sacko I think had too much on his plate last year and he deserves deserves the promotion I’m happy got the promotion but like he was running the PK the power play and the defense it’s a lot it’s a lot for one guy to be running while he’s not the head coach and so uh I like this um John M John McLean like he did he did a great job um you know for someone who got hired in what September I think it was right yeah um but definitely more of a skills coach than a assistant coach at the NHL level I think he went from high school to the NHL which is crazy it’s crazy to think about that he did that like that’s wild was that the same thing with uh branville did branville kind of do something similar because I know he’s at I believe so was he at St sebs or Central Catholic Yes sounds I know I know Evan is Evan and Mark Jer are just freaking out right now this we I can’t where Kim bfold uh coach beforehand but uh no I agreee though like it’s it just seems like you’re putting guys you know really good coaches in spots that better you know better cater towards um their skill sets and what they can do to help the players on the ice right and it’s not to say that just because Joe saako is a fo doesn’t mean he can’t run a defense but again it’s the harshest example is like Matt Patricia running the offense like put these guys in spots where they’re better suited towards you know there has there doesn’t have to be a learning curve for the coaches terms how to best put athletes in the best position forward Bo so do you have Jay leeb running the defense and his track record you have Joe sacko who can ease up that workload a little bit and still work on the PK and the power play um you have Chris Kelly obviously you have John mlan who is still kind of focusing on the main parts of his uh his expertise it just seems like it’s a lot more streamlined a lot more better suited towards these guys know what they need to do they’re not taxed in terms of what their assignments are and what should be the case is all the players are the ones that benefit from it yeah and here’s here’s the sports radio part of me activating right now they got two guys on the staff now that interviewed for the head coaching job before they hired Montgomery Yeah Montgomery still doesn’t have an extension last year of his contract is this kind of like the Bruins putting Bruce Cassidy on CL Julien staff I wonder I just I’m curious what you think about that uh listen it’s easy to kind of draw those PS right like I feel like after Cassidy was um was fired people all mention Jay leech is probably most obvious in-house candidate right I think everyone was really high on Jay Lee and what he did in Providence a younger guy I think by the time Cassidy was hired he was like 42 so young player um super personable all those kind of things makes a lot of sense and yeah like again I think the brunes bring in Jay Lee one because um he’s a really good coach and it it should really help a key part of your team in terms of your defense there’s so many either young or newer players out there but no you’re right like having them on the roster maybe it’s a little bit of a not shot across the bow but better to have that guy who could step into a greater role in the years ahead on your on your staff than trying to keep tabs of him over on the West Coast or anything like that yeah and I think it was interesting that Jay Lech wanted to come back this wasn’t yeah like the Kraken retained him they fired Dave haxall but they kept Jay leech and you know Dan BMA didn’t seem eager to get rid of Jay leech but Jay Le wanted to come to Boston and so I just wonder I I wonder ultimately you know you reconfigure the staff but you don’t give an extension to the guy who’s leading that staff like I don’t know what they’re gonna do there and and I’m I’m curious but now you have again you have two guys on the staff Joe sacko and Jay leech who interview interviewed for that job before you hire Jim Montgomery if you start out slow out of the gate or if you don’t believe in what’s happening do you make that change is it easier to make that change now that you have Joe sacko and Jay leech on your staff and you have again respectfully to to John mlan but like you don’t have John mlan all of a sudden bumping up to you know second in command theoretically if you were to make a coaching change right so I I I it might be the sports radio in me that’s wondering about this kind of move but I I find it telling that there’s still no extension the Bruins tend to take care of these things early there’s still time obviously there’s August September you know October but this is a this is a developing situ situation I think for the Bruins is where are you at with Jim Montgomery do you believe in him as the head coach or are you bringing pieces in now to have have a contingency plan in the event that it goes to hell you know early in the year or or you’re not happy with the adjustments early in the year I just wonder yeah no absolutely so something worth monitoring as we go forward uh another thing we we’ll now pivot to the actual speculation the fun pot part with no substance but it’s fun to the [ __ ] about uh Ty the Ottawa Senators are obsessed with trading valuable assets to get a goalie I don’t if you saw uh uh an Ottawa Senators executive uh mentioned that the number seven overall pick would be in play for the right piece especially a goenda when you look at uh the fact we’ve already gone through what is it we’ve gone through the Marty NIS rumors we’ve gone through that insane uh Jacob Chon rumor with with the Senators we’ve gone through the fact the devils are potentially open for business with their number 10 pick Ottawa now at number seven and I’ll I’ll once again note that I don’t think Ottawa is a realistic Target if the Bruins are moving allar because I don’t know why the hell he would want to go there but if you’re if you’re Don Sweeney and you have an offer for a a top 10 pick or a impact forward let’s let’s just say NES just for the sake of this argument what would you rather have would you rather have the the player the 20 5y old player now would you rather have the the top 10 pick when you look at where this team is right now top 10 pick top 10 pick because you’ve shuffled so many picks out the door and I think we’d both agree at the end of the day the Bruins longterm need a center if you are constantly trying to get that Center through trades or free agency you’re getting that player typically on the down slope right like like he’s GNA you’re going to get three or four good years and then you’re going to have four kind of me years I think the best and only way to get a true number one Center outside of one strong arming their way to your city you know hey Matty bers you want to come home come on home baby but like you you know like like the the only way to get those guys outside of that kind of situation is draft and develop and and so I think that’s how you would get that player and so I think where the Bruins are now and where those picks tend to be whether it’s ottawa’s number or New Jersey’s number 10 um you’re going to get a player that’s going to be NHL ready in a couple of years right you know borrowing something just downright terrible he’s gonna be here in a couple years so um I I like that Avenue a bit better than trying to acquire that guy because I think a guy like you know Elias lolm he’s what 29 29 you’re gonna get three good years maybe four but then it’s like okay does he age more like Cree or does he age more like berson you know where where you’re noticing some slippage the injuries are mounting up and you know what happens so I think getting that pick is is the way to go personally yeah no I I was on the fence in terms of which one I thought was a better option but the more I kind of think about it yes you run the risk of a guy being a bust but you also run the risk as you said of signing a guy or holding out hope of a guy being available and it all falls on your face right like it’s whether it’s signing a you know a player like lint Holm who as you said could be good in two or three years and then all of a sudden they’re a really good 3C which is not what you’re signing a guy for seven and a half eight million for or you know just holding out hope for the the chance of a guy like dry cdle being available which again like that’s just not a right way to it’s fun to talk about it’s fun to think about but it’s not a realistic way of building your team and just holding out hope for this white whale to be out there so if you’re the Bruins and you’re trying to find cost control Elite Talent like your best Avenue is finding one of the what should be many um you know Blue Chip centers that should be there between picks you know five and 12 you look at like the draft it’s it’s celebrini and then it’s a lot of like defenseman and wings pretty high up and then like it does seem like every mock draft I’ve seen it’s been a drastically different order but like Barkley Kon and Lindstrom and uh Dr mca’s uh son there’s like a lot of guys down there who have some high-end skill um and you could you know if you end up with the seventh pick or the 10th pick you can take your pick do you want the high-end six six foot centerman who racked up you know numbers in the WHL do you want the 64 more physical Center who you know projects more as a two-way guy whichever one you pick it automatically gives you a blue chip prospect that as you said all goes well you know maybe you have a Wy Johnson on your hands and he’s up helping the team in two three years but at the very least you have a guy that should be a foundational piece of your team and I I get that people want to add to this team right now with a uh with you look at poock and makoy and this kind of prime years they’re in but you can also still do that you know with with all the money you have you can still sign Elias Lindholm who helps your team moves moves the needle forward while also having an impact you know prospect that you hope can you know take that next step and and you know if you’re if you’re a brunes fan and you’re focusing in on you know H we don’t need you know we shouldn’t spend the money on lyone we don’t need a 60 point Center we need an 85o guy those guys don’t hit the mck they do not you got you got to find them in the draft right and I think I think it’s important to note where that first round pick is coming like like if you’re telling me that you can get a pick that high well that changes the game because your odds of drafting a full-on bust around there are pretty low like right they may not be a player that is the franchise altering player but you’re gonna get a player like you know if if I were to rewind it back the last you know let’s just say the last five or six drafts right like in between that five and 10 range that five and 12 range you know you got Cole Peretti you got Marco Rossi you also have guys like Dylan cousins you know I think Tyson Jose I think was the top 10 I want to say I like nine or 10 around there like so like you see both sides of it right Alex neander I think was top 10 as well one year like so you see both sides of it right like it can go really bad and can go really well but like I just think that is your that’s your actual Pathway to finding a Topline Center you can wi in the now sure on on UFA and and or a trade and and hope they’re good for five or six years but if you’re trying to find that next berson that next CI like you’re gonna find them at the top of the draft you’re gonna find them with high-end draft capital I know I just Nam two players who both second round picks so that blows blows up in my face I know but like but like we we just talked about the the Panthers right like barov was was I think second overall second yeah um Sam Bennett was fourth overall right Anton Lindell I think was 11th or 12th overall yes like like he was a high draft pick too so like if you get Anton Lindell I’m happy you know what I’m saying like and so that’s kind of where the Bruins are right now as an organization and I think that is important to note too like with makoy and pook yeah you want to win another cup for for for Marian but like with Swan makoy poock your window is is quite extensive in my opinion yeah absolutely so we’ll see it’s going to be it’s going to really suck uh Tai when we get to the draft and all Mark’s traded for like a second round pick which again like I will say uh the most important thing is freeing up that cap space carving out a SWAT for swing and all those things but it does feel like we all went into this this offseason being like what’s the market gonna be I don’t know and then if it ends up being a second round pick I feel like we’re all GNA be disappointed when again the the biggest you know plus is you know freeing up that cap space and just giving yourself more flexibility but I digress there the worst be if they get like that top 10 pick and they draft like lias Anderson or like Tyler you’re like no yeah exactly that that is the one or it’s like they they draft someone who like all the projections have it like a guy in the second round which again like they have Mason Luray we we can look at s Shin we can look at those things they also did Mason lay which is kind of off the board as well but um we will see I would I would enjoy a nice uh a nice Draft breakdown a nice draft scouting preview going into first time in a while we would actually have one of those it would be a lot of fun so we’ll see how that all plays out uh we’ll take another quick break before we wrap things up and hear from our good friends over at game time tickets quick break to tell you about my good friends over at game time I am very excited about the NBA playoffs and what’s awesome is here in Boston Celtics fans make TD Garden the best atmosphere for a playoff game game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace at the NBA which makes playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the tip off with killer last minute deals all-in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets maybe it’s the NBA Playoffs or it’s the MLB regular season Once the Celtics wrap up which hopefully ends with a championship Benway Park is a great place to spend a summer day or night going from the TD Garden playoffs to chill exciting nights at Fenway Park is one of the best times of the year with game time there’s last minute deals save up to 60% off buying last minute 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candidates as well and mentions Krug as a possible option there um you look at I think the the blues tried to trade Krug earlier on this year he waved his uh no trade uh movement clause which halted that but does seem like when you look at what the blues are how far away they probably are from contending where krue in that contract is it does make sense that he could be a potential bio candidate which I ask you if he hits the market should the Bruins uh come knocking or or what do you think they should do with G Krug if he is available out there yeah um let me say this I love Tory Krug Tory Krug I I must admit to you is the closest thing that I’ve ever had to a friend while covering the team that I was covering um he he sent me really thoughtful notes on occasion um we would talk all the time um I’m a no I’m a no me because I love him as a person I do have a team though that I think he should go to yeah want me to lay it on you Carolina Carolina Carolina their power play stunk in the playoffs they’re probably gonna lose Brett pesi they’re probably gonna lose Brady Shay they just signed Jaylen chadfield if there’s a they’re goingon to move on from Tony D’Angelo if there’s a team that needs an affordable power play quarterback it is the Carolina Hurricanes and Tory Krug would put up monster numbers quarterback in that power play I firmly believe that so I’m a no on the Bruins but I do think that if he is bought out he will come east and to a team that could in theory be in the Bruins way in the playoffs yeah would make for a great theater I agree with you love Krug love what he love what he brings uh great veteran guy especially now this stage of his career but just doesn’t seem feasible for the Bruins in terms of that left side of what you’re building and I think you kind of we mentioned this when we talked about Jacob chran and those rumors it’s like chran obviously is probably a better player right now than Krug but the same thing where if you’re carving out a spot for lorai and you you know are trying to further build his game having G like crew who’s obviously would get the keys to the power play kind of hampers a little bit of what you hope you know Mason Lori ends up uh being in a couple years right in terms of being a proven power play quarterback um and you know his Loray has a very high ceiling in terms of that ability to activate off the Blue Line except he’s also 65 right like he is a guy that I don’t think should be someone that you hand the keys to the power play to when he’s 27 28 like you just start giving him reps now and seeing what you can provide there especially when you look at how stagnant I think that power play was at times this past year so I agree like love Krug think he’s gonna go to a team you mention in Carolina’s makes me feel very upset because I’m like damn that’s such a perfect fit that’s absolutely where he’s going to go have a nice 14 goal 44 point you know 44 assist season with a team like Carolina um I think that one makes just so much more sense but again I think you just look what the Bruins need especially on that blue line where I think they just need a little bit more heft a littleit more of a uh you know we mentioned you mentioned before McNab I mentioned like Brennan Dylan that’s kind of what you need more than a GU like Krug and what he brings especially when you’ve got Laur I I wouldn’t say even waiting in the wings like he’s ready to roll right now I just don’t think you should have someone that cuts into his minutes and his opportunity to further build his own game yeah that’s what it comes down to it it has less to do with Tory Krug and more to do with the fact that you know you’ve kind of turned the page from there right like you have lowai you want to bring in the type that we’re talking about I think that’s I think that’s where they’re going to land with it you know a Dylan type or a McNab type just a player who can be a bit more Stout in their defensive Zone and you sort of look at the usage right like we’ve talked about Mason lorai okay well you want to get him going offensively and on the power play you talk about hus lolm I think we both agree that you can’t utilize him the way you utilized him a year ago where he was having 79% of his shifts or whatever in the dzone like you got to get him some more offensive reps because when he’s touching the puck more he’s more confident and when he’s more confident he plays better so I think you need almost a defensive specialist for that for that third shot D and and obviously that’s not Tory Krug and so I love them I just I just don’t think it fits what they’re trying to do right now in moving forward absolutely uh yeah we will see again first of all he has to get bought out so we’ll see what happens there but doesn’t seem like the right fit here in Boston for kugan a second go round here with the Bruins uh Ty before we wrap this up uh I mentioned cap friendly and I felt very sad looking at Tor crew contract because I feel like who knows the next time I’ll be able to use that website because the Washington Capitals bought it and the NHL is probably doing some assaults with the fact that we no longer will have uh uh contracts and cap hits and all that stuff available and I think when you look at that and you look at these bootleg ass Utah hockey team jerseys and everything feels like the NHL’s taken a lot of hits and it’s all pretty much self-inflicted these last couple days and it’s not going to end anytime soon I think because like yeah the Stanley Cup will be awarded and all that we go right into the draft you know for a fact when they go to the sphere in Las Vegas that like they’re going to [ __ ] up the resolution of like the video and it’s going to be like a little it’s G like Michael Scott’s plasma screen TV like it’s not going to fill the whole the whole screen on the sphere they’re gon to mess it up I just feel like the NHL once again especially with the capfriendly thing team they’re obsessed with just you know making things as difficult and arduous as possible for their fans to consume things that that that matter to them and again like we’re we’re hockey Riders we we use it cap friendly all the time in terms of uh you know running through cap space and and building rosters and those things it’s not just us a lot of very invested dedicated hockey fans love crunching the numbers and things like that you’re G to take it away because what the owners don’t want to see who’s who’s spending and not you don’t want the Arizona Coyotes and that that Jabron owner to get called out in a couple years when he’s not spending right like I don’t know it’s just it’s just frustrating that you know for a league that wonders and and hops and moans on the fact they’re the fourth fourth team that gets picked fourth in gym class and you do stupid [ __ ] like this that make it harder for your actual fans to enjoy the content out there right and that it flies directly in the face of what they Market the game around like their own network the NHL Network every July one has a free agent frenzy show that goes eight hours and at the end of the day they’re like wow $1.1 billion doar in total contracts hand hand out today it’s like okay so we can’t know that now now now we’re not allowed to know that and the ramifications of that like players you know I I understand players might not love the fact that everyone knows how much money they’re making and when their money gets paid out um but it’s part of the game if you want a hard cap your people got to be in the no in terms of the money being spent the ltir like when it’s directly impacting the product you the fans have a right to know because this is the way that you have made the rules of the game you’re you’re complaining about the game that you’ve built and that’s like okay why why does that bother you and and that’s what bothers me about it and you know again you can’t Market your league around the trade deadline specials the free agency frenzy specials and then be like no no you don’t deserve to know what that information is no we do we do actually because you’ve made us like that you’ve made us like transactions and and knowing about what teams can and can’t add at the deadline like the idea and I know bman has said this before he said that the fans don’t really care about that could not be more incorrect you could not be more incorrect that fans don’t care about transactions and rumors and the cap Logistics they care they want to know they want to know why they can’t go out and acquire you know a Matthew kachuck or Brady kachuck or Conor McDavid like they want to know why their team can’t do that and you’re going to make that a mystery no no piss off it’s part it’s public information at this point and the fact that like they took that toothpaste out of the tube you can’t put it back in now this is what you signed up for this is part of being a a actual legitimate Sports League think about European soccer when you get that those transfer portals and those transfer windows and you’re finding out how much money these guys are going for like it’s a part of the game the way that we’ve all invested heavily into fantasy sports into sports betting into fanuel type of things where you make a roster based on you know this player costs this much like it’s so ingrained in our culture as fans that to act like we don’t want it is absolutely asinine but so typical for this league best sport worst League part 1000 yeah that’s the thing is I guarantee you bman will talk about and be like well you know we’ll let the product on the IE speak for what what fans really care about I agree you know what I think it is the best for it I love watching it every single day and then we’ll get that [ __ ] graphic from ESPN or Turner talking about how it’s the most viewed broadcast with 2.5 million people you wonder why you’re fourth on the table getting your ass Smoked by archaic baseball the NBA and the NFL every single time you wonder why you’re the again the fourth kid getting picked in gym class because it’s stupid [ __ ] like this you have the best sport and you were obsessed with making this as miserable and difficult and arduous for your dedicated fans and for even casual fans who want to learn more about the inw workings of this thing because what do you know as you said every other league has his information available yes yeah and even if it’s not necessarily internal like I’ve never heard the NFL complain about over the cap I’ve never heard baseball or basketball complain about what’s that one spot track or whatever sport track yeah yeah I’ve never I’ve never heard them complain about that and so it’s just dumb and you keep saying fourth would you be surprised if if the WNBA overtakes it soon because I wouldn’t the way that the the WNBA is covered the way that you know when you have Caitlyn Clark and Angel Ree and some other incredible young talent coming in and you’re seeing it it’s on ESPN like it’s getting a lot of play like Gary buddy you got to get with the times dude it’s not 995 anymore you gotta get with it and stop like you got to embrace the the things that maybe make you at your core a little uncomfortable but understand they’re better for your league transactions are a huge part of coverage I can tell you this that as somebody who who writes about the sport for a living and has access to page views and metrics and all that whenever we write about transactions it’s our number one page view getter that day every single freaking time so to act like it’s not important or not interesting crazy crazy talk yeah once again yeah shout out to the NHL for once again just being the dumbest league and I’m sure they will continue to screw up and look very dumb in the weeks months and years ahead uh Ty where can we uh as we wrap this up where can we find uh all your stuff online where can we hear you on the radio waves all that good stuff where can we consume all the content yeah you’re turning out this off season yeah you can find me on the internet just type in my name just type just type your name just type in my name I don’t know I don’t want to go through that whole Spiel again yes easy enough uh you can find my stuff by the way unless unless my uh my internet cuts out here uh over at uh you can find me on Twitter at Conor r93 find my stuff on Boston glob all that good stuff throughout the offseason while we covered every step of the way uh Ty thank you for uh coming on this latest episode this is episode 238 of poke the bear uh you fans have a great rest of your week [Music]

In our latest episode, we discuss the Panthers’ run and how Bruins fans should react to Boston giving them one of their few competitive series — as well as whether or not Torey Krug could return to Boston on a buyout contract.

0:00 – Celtics Thoughts
5:29 – Miami Heat’s culture
7:58 – Dominance of the Florida Panthers
12:20 – Building Team Identity
14:37 – Adding Defensive Menace
16:21 – Making life difficult
19:13 – Jay Leach’s return
21:01 – Coaching staff reconfiguration
23:49 – Young defense players
25:49 – Ottawa Senators trade rumors
31:52 – Pathway to Topline Center
33:29 – Drafting impact players
40:35 – Utilizing players effectively
42:09 – Impact on fan experience
44:56 – Transparency in sports leagues

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  1. Bergeron 45th overall.
    Krecji 63rd overall.
    Take the proven talent now and hope the deep drafting continues to pan out.

  2. Cap Friendly…. so true. Keep the information public. Other sites will spring up and give the same functionality I hope.

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