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Sundays with Serby: Q&A with Yankees rookie sensation Luis Gil

Yankees breakout pitching sensation Luis Gil takes a swing at some Q&A with Post columnist Steve Serby, through translator Marlon Abreu.

Q: What is it like being a star in New York?

A: When you say a star, man, that’s a heavy word. We have done guys that are really, really, really talented. I don’t consider myself a star. I just try to do my job here and try to help this team as much as I can. At the same time, you’re playing for the Yankees, world known. So it’s inevitable, you walk around and people will recognize you from time to time because of how many fans the team has.

Q: What is it like being a fan favorite?

A: I definitely got to say I felt the support from our fans. It’s great, man, to have the fans behind you. A big thank-you to them for showing up every time, coming out to the Stadium see me pitch and being behind me and then to be there for me.

Q: What would it mean to you to make the All-Star team?

A: It would mean a lot, for sure, if I’m given the opportunity to participate in the All-Star Game. It’s an opportunity to meet all those players and spend some time them, be in the same room with them, and at the same time, learn a little bit from them, learn a little bit how they see the game from their point of view. I would be excited and happy if I’m given that opportunity.

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