@Florida Panthers

Only Tiger knew this secret…. 🤫 #golf #golftips #golfswing #golfcoach


  1. this is the issue with content "instructors". This is absolutely the worst way to explain a draw and fade to someone who would be desperate enough to actually watch youtube videos to improve their game. Something Tiger himself has shit on, his main bit of advice actually "don't watch fuckin' youtube videos". Teaching isn't knowing how to golf and then explaining it, you have to know how to convey something to a beginner so that you can build from that foundation. Videos like this do more harm than good because you're assuming they can hit it straight to begin with. The best way for a beginner to start learning a draw and fade is….your feet aim where you want the ball to start, your shoulders to where the ball will end up and you swing along your foot line. That's it. These simple adjustments allow for all this confusing shit you're trying to explain to happen naturally. THEN you come back with this type of detail so that someone can fine tune their shaping and generate more control of it. Seriously kid, go sign up to become a class A and put the work in before rambling off this nonsense to people who can barely break 90.

  2. The average golfer can't hit the ball, period.
    Only around 5% of golfers can break 100.
    This vid is for VERY GOOD golfers only.

  3. Jack Nicklaus’s instruction. Aim your body where you want the ball to start, the club face where you want the ball to finish. Your swing should be identicle on every shot no changes=higher consistency

  4. Its such a "secret", that any sigle figure player knows how to draw or fade the ball. So here is another secret Tiger, "most players on tour only hit one shot shape, with driver and irons"

  5. It's a very good explanation, but a much easier way to hit. A draw is to bring your left foot up about an inch to an inch. And a 1/2 and I'll reach it'll make the right hip slide behind the shoulder. And when you want to hit a fade, it's the identical opposite. You pull the left foot lead foot about 2 inches behind you. Where it would normally be and slightly open it toward the target. That makes everything work without changing the swing. You never want to change your golf swing, just your positions.

  6. Or you can just vary your grip, allows you to get a more consistent ball strike since you don’t change swing path. Weak grip right hand above means fade, strong grip right hand below means draw. And to add extra effect, go vertical for fade and horizontal for draw. Playing with the grip influences directly with the club face which is responsible for shot shaping, as you know closing the face means a draw and vice versa.

  7. I’m new to golf. But what’s the point in these two different shots if you just want it to go to a specific target. Why don’t you just aim it instead of making the ball go a different direction at the start

  8. Look at scheffler and woods. Turn doesn't happen. Ask jack niclnaus. Look at scottie scheffler. Most players use knees are insurance policies to ensure they can stay on top of the ball. And really it's something you need to dial in, in your swing.

  9. I thought Foley's "scared they gonna put shoes on ya" joke was good purely on the delivery, but FWIW I also couldn't stop laughing later in the episode at the mental image of him taking off running with someone's phone, only to roll an ankle and fall within 5 steps


  11. Jack nicklaus method…..always square club with target. Draw….close your stance swing parallel to your stance, and same with the fade , just do the opposite.

  12. It’s actually a lot easier.

    Same swing for everything…

    Draw – ball in front a bit and close stance

    Fade – ball back a bit & open stance

    Same swing. Soft hands kids

  13. You mean it’s that easy? Wow do I feel stupid I should have been doing this simple this decades ago!

    And if you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you too.

  14. For me, I just finish with my hands low for a draw, and for a fade, I finish high. If I want more or less shape than I just close or open the club face accordingly.

  15. What’s your handicap man? I’d say a 0 or 1 based on swing and knowledge. I could see a plus too.

    I’m a 4 index but use to be around a 1 index then quit for 5 years and now I’m playing again. Such a great game.

  16. I can only hit draws/fades on command with irons – woods are still fades 99% of the time.

    But I've developed my own swing thoughts/tips for each:

    Fade: Aggressive grip with left hand, shaft neutral, swing out to in.

    Draw: Less aggressive grip with left hand, shaft leaned forward to your left pocket, clubface pointed a few degrees right, swing in to out.

    With all irons/wedges you should focus on hitting down/compressing the ball – easiest way to help with this is remembering to "break the glass" or finish with your weight on your lead foot. Otherwise you lean back which leads to bad contact (chunks/thin shots).

  17. Keeping behind the ball doesn't produce a draw for me. Instead, the ball goes careening right, into the woods or the fairway beyond… like at a 90° angle.

  18. There are different ways of accomplishing it but this is the way I learned and it’s how I explain to my buddies when they see me shaking shots another thing Tiger will do is open the face a degree to hit a draw and closes the face a degree when he’s hitting a fade obviously all of that is exaggerated when he needs to really work it

  19. Changing your swing path is way too difficult imo. Easiest way is change your stance and and grip. Stance so you aim right for a draw, left for a fade. Face just a little open (less than the direction of your stance) for a draw, a little closed for a fade.

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