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2024 Memorial Cup – SAG vs LDN – Final – Highlights

2024 Memorial Cup – SAG vs LDN – Final – Highlights

already jump of the gun before the opening face off and here we go let the battle begin s off versus London in the Memorial Cup Final even saw that one up to the top Corner over the glovey look at the traffic in his eyes no chance whatsoever start on time with those face offs CH for blue side back push it around the boards Joey Willis has it behind the L side back scores on the power play back second of the game and L in carod number one it’s two nothing sag off just patience and using the perimeter of the ice where you hope that something opens up in the middle a great job from Bloom that he steps into this pass does Owen and abs absolutely blers this shot to Perfection over the shoulder on the blocker side of Simpson post cross in what a shot swep to Center for Sam Dickson over the B chopped that in front of the spirit bench right over for Joey Willis up the middle Willis scores [Applause] [Applause] sear continuing on that theme look at the responsibility in the neutral zone pressure the pp everybody away from the pop be above it and now you skate into it you don’t give anything up one way and you create the other and this is excellent execution with a neutral zone for check and Joey Willis leing down H as he got speed he sheds off the check from The Defenders forehand backhand off the face off this shot is blocked another try from dickon that hits another body in front still just one shot for the knights approaching the Midway Mark not for lack of try on the last SE here goes H in the left side there’s a scores one shot is all it takes Casper halted it for in and it’s 3 to one is all it takes and right there a nice job from Bon just to collapse down on that he’s the last man standing he creates the turnover and now you’ve got numbers of two onone Halton and has the luxury of having a decoy to The Far Side is he going to pass it or is he going to shoot it it’s Max McHugh it’s on the far side and Halton and why wind you that’s his fourth of the tournament you mentioned 17 goals in the playoffs nobody can shoot it better in my opinion the SAG Stewart here goes Dickenson loads his speed through Center in on the left side trying to Center goes all the way off the boards cow shot scores shot through traffic e Cowen gets it to goal and the deficit STS to just one and it’s a huge shift from Joey Willis or manoni pardon me that he just makes a couple of great plays you think Saga is in full control they had a couple quality chances they defended the neutral zone like they’ve done all game long and then there’s that opportunistic Predator Far Side peels around FES Joey Willis the handle got man back for S here goes dickon Stars and Sam Dickenson has tied the game at three options in all three lanes as you SLE the puck to the net and Sam dickon couple Big Blocks Halon in number one G is off number two side Here Comes Hunter canel out by L down got it in up the middle tries the shot Lo on the go Josh Bloom with 21 seconds to go in the [Applause] third you couldn’t script this any better so much drama three-goal deficit erased from London who CLW their way back into this game and then s off somehow regroups and chps this thing to the net a bouncing puck in behind Simpson and Josh Bloom has scored a goal that he will never forget 21 seconds remain and Saga up by [Applause] one Josh Bloom was traded from shagena to North Bay he thought he might finish his career there he started this year in calabo in abbottford with the Vancouver kex organization he came back as free agent he could have gone anywhere sov made their pitch he said yeah I’ll come home we’re hosted a Memorial Cup can’t con with off the bo down the ice to Center and it’s a pure Michigan Memorial Cup for Sagar time in franchise history our Memorial Cup champions oh back what an outstanding performance he had on the faceof dot ran around 75% success rate on those two [Applause] goals they’re all piling in there history was made this evening 1983 Portland that was the only other us team to win and host the Memorial Cup and again they’re the second team now to in the

The Saginaw Spirit face the London Knights in the final of the 2024 Memorial Cup presented by Dow.


  1. worst game i’ve seen the knights play all year… seems so unfair how much they dominated all year to just lose one game and be completely forgotten within a decade

  2. This is The WORST Tournament in hockey…. Way too Easy! I’ve had Nerf Tournaments Harder than This 😂!

  3. now lets check how the spirit did against the knights in the ohl playoffs and in the round robin. even better lets check how many memorial cups they have compared to london.

  4. Too bad that London was undefeated Saginaw was good but Iwould have like to see the undefeated team in the final be beat twice

  5. Great Job Saginaw
    Congrats Beck cant wait to see you in a Habs Jersey doing the same

  6. Not to mention the reasoning for the 5 minute major. The fuck highlights are these

  7. With the Spirit winning the cup, this marks the first time since Spokane in 2008 that an American team has won the cup and the first time since Portland in 1983 that the American host team won it.

  8. Head of OHL Officiating is the father of a Spirit player and they get a cheap 5 min major? Rigged much CHL,smdh had to cheat to help a American base team win,pathetic

  9. Congrats Saginaw! And i must say you made 99.99% of CHL fans very HAPPY with who you BEAT! The look on Hunters face half way through the second with only 1 shot is EPIC. Reminds me of his face the last time they BACK DOORED it and NEVER led in ANY game they played in that Mem cup!

  10. It was saginaw holding london to only 1 shot in period n half that was difference. Holding London knights dominate team with many great players to only 13 shots on the goal. One hell of a game cant write it any better.

  11. Gotta do better with the edits. Missed the first goal, no sign of the 5 minute major penalty. A finals game, probably should’ve added a bit more as well. I didn’t see the game but I’m sure there was way more highlights worth mentioning

  12. I don’t know what it is but I’m never a fan of when a host team wins that didn’t rightfully earn their spot..they get to sit there and rest for weeks typically (sometimes longer) until the other teams scratch and claw through the playoffs and win their league finals most importantly. I’m a Mooseheads fan and said the same thing about them back in 2019 when they almost did this too

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