@Boston Bruins

Josh Fleming after tossing four scoreless innings against the Rockies

Josh Fleming after tossing four scoreless innings against the Rockies

since we didn’t get to talk to you before this what was it like for you to find out that you were going to be needed to start this game today um I mean after the last couple days and I didn’t throw I kind of almost expected it and so I was ready I was ready to go and just kind of eat as many innings that I was needed you were extremely efficient today as well what do you think went into that efficiency um I mean me and JD were um locked in behind the he was locked in behind the dish we’re on the same page for you know the whole game um you know he caught me a few times in Indie so um we kind of brought that up here and yeah we’re just on the same page and that that helps goes a long way when you know you and your catch are on the same page yeah how nice was it to see him get back there I’m sure like you said it helped your confidence yeah I mean call a great game um you know he just did his job back there it’s really good how important was it for you to make sure that you did stay in stay efficient so you could go as many innings as you could for that whole pen um I mean I was just trusting my stuff trus in you know what I worked on in Indie um was going to kind of Carry Me Through and um you know didn’t try to think too much out there um so kept it really simple just trusted my mechanics and trusted my stuff did you feel like those mechanical adjustments you had told me about trying to be a little more in an athletic stance really helped today yeah absolutely um you know there’s a few few times where I think some of the pitches got away a little bit but um for the most part um you know kept me even ke and you know I was able to just attack the strike zone you know was what was really the big goal for me today was just throw strikes um let them put the ball in play make mistakes and yeah it worked coming back you mentioned how you’re you know conf in the whole Aral had that heightened confidence do you feel good about the cutter Sinker Us in particular I mean seems like you relied on that pretty yeah yeah absolutely um you know I think the cutter um majority of the time was was the pitch you know when I fell behind that was the pitch I was throwing the most and um you know I got really good results out of it actually got a lot of fly balls today which you know typically doesn’t like me but um you I think that just goes to show how effective that pitch has been um especially off the Sinker it’s going to you know do a good job was this uh start any different than your ear start and I don’t know if that one felt like it was just going to be a short opener this was the same way or yeah um I mean I was told that the first start I had on the year I told I was told that was going to be like an opener more of an opener um and today again like I said with you know we had a couple Bullpen days this weekend um just trying to go as many as I could you know I don’t know what my pitch count was um I was just going to try and grind through as many innings as I could until you know they they took me out and after last night how big was it just to silence their bats right from the start yeah um you know obviously their bats caught fire a little bit um yesterday so um again it was good uh JD called a great game um Carmen came in and got the huge double play huge rollover you know kind of saved me there um BR did a good job and I thought Kyle came in and did a really good job too

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