@Anaheim Ducks

Ugly Thirds Hot Take: Anaheim Ducks New Jerseys LEAK and they’re awful! #rebrand #mightyducks

Breaking news and reaction to the Anaheim Ducks and their new mighty look.

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  1. If the jerseys must be this, stop the orange there. The orange pants are a bridge too far. They look like jack-o-lanterns with orange head to toe. I don’t think this is nostalgia on management’s part. This is appeasement for the fans that will ultimately put more money in their cash drawers.

  2. I really like these. I think the only reason people don’t like them is because its not identical to the OG. Come on. Let teams do something new for once, and this is awesome. A lot of orange, but if the Sharks can do All teal then I think the Ducks can do all orange

  3. I think in general there have been too many disappointments when teams rebrand AWAY from a popular look. And when a team wears something not as good as the original/previous branding, we get the overwhelming screams to go back. And it has not been just the Ducks. I'm one of those fans that have screamed for the Mighty Ducks primary logo. I know John doesn't like the retro trend, but I am really excited about their rebrand back to that logo. This leak of those uniforms are a massive upgrade! I think we should not fully judge until they are officially unveiled, but I really like what I see so far.

  4. After all the hype that the Ducks were going to "modernize" their logo and look, this is such a let down. I personally was hoping that we'd see an entirely new logo, perhaps featuring a hockey playing duck that would have moved away from the original Disney version, in the same vein as the Penguins. What a missed opportunity to move forward for a new generation of SoCal hockey fans.

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