@Buffalo Sabres

Catch Wrestling | The Straight Ankle Hold

Catch Wrestling | The Straight Ankle Hold

all right um so they were playing was just a straight ankle lock let’s work that from the same [Music] setup okay from standing we’ll do you know again this isn’t a catch wrestling moover position this is Jiu-Jitsu but we need to know when it’s coming and how to beat it so here Shin to Shin bringing his knee pointing his knee in opening his heel and here let’s shoot our hips up we get an overhook right away come down make a I landed here with overhook his leg I want to Crunch in bring my chest as close as I can to my fist make a fist put a like it’s called cup and saucer so cup saucer squeeze and look back okay it doesn’t work from here a lot of people try to do that from here doesn’t work we have to close the distance in the ghee grab your ghee Pull Your Collar without the ghee we want to bring close cup and saucer squeeze squeeze our knees and look back okay and then if that fails you can go to your inside washing so let’s do that for the six- Minute review so start with the sweep Shin Shin here sweeping down get our calf Crush switch to inside AI he hook okay do that back and forth through 6 minutes okay all right go

Certified catch wrestler and team coach Terrell Klutting shows the fundamentals of a nasty straight ankle lock.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –

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