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Hawks draft, trade rumors, offseason plans W/ Brett Siegel- Ep. 67

Hawks draft, trade rumors, offseason plans W/ Brett Siegel- Ep. 67

welcome in Hawks fans your boy Bryce Lewis back at it again for another believe in Hawks episode as you could see I got another guest with me today National NBA Insider and reporter for clutch points Brett seagull is here to give us all the information he has on our Atlanta Hawks I appreciate you coming into the show sir how are you yeah no problem thanks for having me Bryce yeah you know I I’m glad you’re were able to come on and I think we’re having a good conversation today about what’s going on with the Hawks in the you know they’re in you know the news Cy a lot right now and let’s just go ahead and dive right into it so the Hawks you know in the draft lottery got the number one pick Landry a lot of people were surprised you know even though there was a chance You’ be surprising 3% chance now they have a big decision to make with that pick now if they go ahead and keep the pick I know you’ve been watching the NBA Combine I know you’ve been keeping up with some of the guys and I know you know who the top prospects are even though there’s not a clear number one my first question to you is with with the Hawks situation who do you think is that is the best pick if they keep the pick at number one for them to go is it is it an easy selection or is it like oh wait they there’s a few people well it really depends on the direction that they want to take this franchise and we’ve seen the various reports out there suggesting that maybe it’s going to be Trey young that’s on the move maybe dejon Murray’s on the move maybe Clint capella and DeAndre Hunter they’ll look to move secondary guys so it really depends on what direction Landry fields and this team want to take and and it goes to the very top with ownership too how much money is this organization willing to spend and it it truly does seem like that the Hawks want to put themselves in a position to be true contenders in the East this isn’t a a project team this isn’t a a system like the Detroit Pistons or the Washington Wizards where it’s going to take a few years and they’re going to completely rebuild they have the foundation right now to be a very solid team in the East you got guys like Trey young and dejon tamur who are proven Allstars in this league you have bonovich who’s one of the best three Point weapons and honestly one of the better six men in the league when he’s in that position DeAndre Hunter a two-way forward Jaylen Johnson who they’re extremely high on and a player that they they foresee being a potential star in their system so I think when you look at the Hawks it’s a very interesting scenario and I think that’s very comparable to when the Pelicans won the number one pick a few years ago and they were able to draft Zion Williamson they were a team that didn’t finish last in the league they they were a borderline playoff team ended up with a number one pick and it kind of changed the trajectory of that franchise in terms of being a contender now being a playoff threat Now versus down the road I think that we’re going to see a similar approach here with the Hawks where they’re going to navigate using this number one pick to kind of create leverage in the Eastern Conference and create a situation where who is going to be your star moving forward is it going to be young is it going to be Murray and then when you make that decision obviously you have the number one pick coming in will that be Alex SAR will it be uh Zachary Ree and both are out of France both are terrific prospects in my mind for the Hawks given their length and versatility so I think that one of those guys you slide them in right next to Jaylen Johnson in the front Court you potentially move clink capella to free up cap space and then all of a sudden you got the the capability to go out and get another max player another Allstar so I think that the direction of this franchise and the direction that they’re trending in is definitely upwards right now I I could definitely see the Hawks going out and making a big splash during the offseason but again it’s all up to how much they want to pay and that seems to be a major question mark right now not just with the Hawks but with every team around the league because of this whole second apron rules and all the financial implications that come with the new CBA agreement and we’re going to see a lot of movement this offseason because of that we’re gonna see a lot of teams looking to cut cost because of this new CBA yeah and and it’s you know it’s funny you mention in spending obviously Tony wrestler owner people have questioned if he’s been winning to spend some of the trades the Hawks have made the last couple years have kind of seemed like cost cutting moves so it’s made people wonder are we trying to win if we’re just letting players go for nothing and so I think it’ll be interesting to see what happen and like you said that separate that second apron has been a deterrent for certain teams and we’re seeing what the suns are going through right now so out of the two prospects um sh and I’m probably gonna butcher his name Ricochet R Ricochet R yeah uh when you look at the two is there a guy that you like more than the other is there like like what what about each player do you really really like and think could potentially be a good fit with the team it’s a good question I think that when you look at the Hawks with SAR I think that with his athleticism athleticism in length it’s very comparable to Jaylen Johnson in terms of the way that he’s able to run in transition but the difference with SAR is that he brings those shot blocking capabilities he’s a guy that can really be a two-way impact player immediately he’s not gonna be like Victor wanyama with the Spurs not gonna be a guy that comes in and takes over the league like that but he’s gonna be a really solid rotational player early on that has the potential to grow into an All-Star the same thing with rishe I think that for him he’s got a little bit more two-way capability out on the wing given his length I I’m not sure about his official measurement of wings span but right now I have him at like six1 seven feet and he’s a wing that’s being compared to Michael Porter Jr because of his three-point shooting abilities but I think that he’s going to be a much better Defender at the next level I think that that’s really where he’s going to be able to make the difference early on of disrupting passing lanes and then ultimately being able to push the ball out transition be a spot up three-point shooter so I think that’s really kind of whichever direction they want to go with the guys on their roster if they want to trade DeAndre Hunter I think rashay would be an excellent replacement there if they want to replace Clint capella you obviously have a kongu but I think that Alex SAR given his capability to play the power forward or the center position I think that you could run him out on the court and and have him be your Center at times so I I think that for the Hawks it’s just all about finding which guy is going to project to obviously be the best player down the road but who’s going to set you up to put yourself in a position where you’re not going to be able to rebuild you’re going to be in a position where where you are going to be going to the playoffs this upcoming year you’re going to be making moves to be a playoff team and grow into a contending threat because it wasn’t too long ago that the Atlanta Hawks were near the very top of the Eastern Conference and Trey young was right there and they had a really good team and all of a son they just kind of fell off the last few years they have a proven coach with Quinn Snyder he knows what it takes to win we saw it with the Utah Jazz for years I think that he just needs the right guys in his system and I think that the Atlanta Hawks are most likely going to be keeping this pick right now I have them projected to take Alex sawar I think that that’s the best fit but I would not be shocked if they took Ray either this this is going to be a process where they evaluate all their options at the top of the draft and they’re going to be willing to listen to offers that come their way for this pick I would anticipate them trading it but you just never know what kind of offers is going to come your way in in a draft where there’s really no clearcut number one and it’s kind of underwhelming in terms of proven Talent right away I think if there’s any draft in which you would trade the number one pick it would be this one yeah and I think that’s going to be the big thing that you know people are going to wonder are they but at the same time they’re evaluating all their options they’re going on trips they’re going to be scouting every player that potentially could be in play there so they want to make the best decision for the team like you mentioned now with that pick this transitions me into my next topic you like you mentioned Trey dejonte those are the two big names that are going to be out there people are wondering are they really gonna trade Trey young people I mean d was shopped around the trade deadline as of right now I I yesterday I saw the article that you dropped about potentially with Cleveland being eliminated and Donovan potentially leaving we’ll see that the Hawks could maybe be a bit of a Dark Horse a bit of a a team that could keep an eye on Donovan obviously there’s the Quinn connection he has a good relationship with Trey like you mentioned is is that something that when you when you when you mention that like if he becomes available like they’re gonna be in it or is it kind of like one of those situations where it’s like they’ll just see how things play out and then depending on what what they’ve done up to that point that could uh make their decision for them from my understanding it’s more of the back half there they’re going to be kind of continuing to lur in the shadows and kind of see what’s going on what’s going to be his price what could you get for Deon Murray would he be included in this trade package what would you have to potentially give up for a player like Donovan Mitchell because you look at Donovan Mitchell can he be the number one option for your team yes but I think that he’s much better being that number two Cog in a championship puzzle I I mean you just for example it’s not going happen necessarily but the Los Angeles Lakers they’re number one right now 1 a 1B Anthony Davis LeBron James if you throw Donovan Mitchell in the equation all of a sudden we’re looking at the Lakers being arguably the best team in the league and for the Hawks perspective if you add Donovan Mitchell to that team no they’re not going to be the best team in the league but a one-two punch of Trey young Donovan Mitchell and the back cour two guys that have a lot of chemistry to together I know them both I’ve met them both personally and they have great chemistry I’ve seen them on the court playing together and pick up games games and practices so I think that would be a very interesting scenario to play out there and obviously the Quinn snd connection holds heavy you Donovan Mitchell wanted Quinn Snyder to possibly join the Cleveland Cavaliers when they were going through it last year with JB bicker staff and there were questions about whether or not they would potentially move on from picker staff and he’s always been a heavy advocate of Quinn Snyder so I think that’s definitely a situation to monitor would I Peg Donovan Mitchell to be their number one trade Target this offseason no I wouldn’t just because I feel like more teams are going to be willing to more than the Hawks would be willing to part with to get Donovan Mitchell but they’ve certainly been a team that has monitored monitored his status over the last year and obviously he’s going to be one of the the heavier names mentioned in trade conversations this offseason the second part of this question is obviously is Donovan Mitchell going to be available and quite honestly from my understanding of the situation and those that I’ve talked with that are close with Mitchell I don’t expect him wanting out of Cleveland I do expect him to get a lucrative offer from them to sign longterm and then the question will become well he did so with the Utah Jazz and was moved after a year or two there will he do the same with Cleveland if they don’t uh devote themselves to winning right away so I think that’s more of the situation that we’re seeing play out with Donovan Mitchell and the Cavs I think that it’s much more likely that they look to move on from Jared Allen and Darius Garland in the off season yeah and I think that’s obviously when when you when it was mentioned everybody was kind of like whoa really and now you know I’ve seen a lot of the reports about you know the reports with Cleveland and they said like yeah Donovan’s kind of leaning towards that and you know obviously that means Darius Garland might ask out Jared Allen seems like they’re ready to move on so it could be interesting to see how that could impact the Hawks and if they do actually get involved in that like you said depending on what happens now going back to D jante and Trey the big thing I think people want to know is do the Hawks want to move off of Trey young or is it a if we get something that we can’t refuse we have to consider it you know I feel like Deon is the guy since they already had him out there they’re like still will to like hey we can get a solid deal for him we’ll go ahead and move it but I think Trey’s the one that’s like are they really going to do it what have you heard so far on that front the Hawks like both of them they like dejon Murray they like Trey young and obviously there’s been a lot of talk from fans about they can’t play together there there’s different metrics that show that it hasn’t necessarily been the best pairing but the Hawks tend to like it and that’s been their mindset all season long obviously they made dejonte Murray available at the trade deadline they’re willing to hear offers coming in but it never really Advanced that far I mean there was the offer from the Los Angeles Lakers but there was never a counter from the Hawks on that they they never said well if you give us this player it’s going to be a done deal there they did say that they wanted Austin Rees from the Lakers and they’d be willing to talk there but the Lakers weren’t willing to give up bre so those talks kind of just dissipated didn’t really turn into anything and then the other teams that were in on dejon Murray it was never really anything that progressed to the point where the Hawks were seriously considering it was more of a feeler to see what they could get for deont at the trade deadline because his value is going to be higher in the offseason when teams either a have cap space to deal with or B are looking to get off of contracts it’s much harder to make those kind of Trades during the season when teams are limited in terms of the cap availability and having a match player salaries and whatnot it’s much easier to get those type of deals done during the offseason so by putting out feelers now the Hawks can now have a blueprint entering the offseason of okay these are the teams that were interested this is what they were offering this is what the Jon’s value is now come at us with their best offer and they can really go on from there in terms of Trey young I really don’t think that there’s any leverage there of wanting to trade Trey young there’s not many teams out there that a he would be a great fit on and B would want to kind of take on that contract and take on the question mark of well would Trey young other than in pick and roll sets really be of value to us so I think that for the Hawks he’s in a system where they believe in him they want him to be their leader and Quinn Snyder he’s always been successful with a lead guard Trey young is his lead guard and they’ve really bought into the whole pick and roll scenarios with him and when he’s been healthy Trey Young’s been really good he played at an All-Star level this season he was amongst the league leaders in assists when he was on the court so I think if you put the right Personnel around him and guys that he truly wants to play with I think that he can be the the number one number two option for the Hawks so to answer your question of which one they’re going to trade or are they going to look to trade either of them I think that any team in their position needs to do their due diligence and see what’s out there for both players see what kind of value you can get but I don’t think that there’s any uh any sense of urgency if that’s the the right term to say that they want to trade either one right now yeah and I think you know I’ve always been on the side is I I’ve always said if they got an offer they couldn’t refuse that’s different I just to me I just did not see them like aggressively trying to put it out there I know a lot of people feel like a lot of it’s just media driven like they’re trying to create the buzz and things of that nature and I feel like that you know Trey mentioning hey I want to win but I want to be in Atlanta you know I think that also has made some people be like is he hinting that he may just ask out but I’m also like he doesn’t give me that personality of a guy who’s like get me out of here he kind of gives I’ll put it this way too I’ll put it this way with Trey young in terms of getting a package that they can’t refuse if a team comes out them with a Rudy goar size package that the Utah Jazz got from the timberwol for Rudy goar if the team offers that for Trey young I believe that Landry fields and the Hawks would take that but at this time I I don’t see them actively going out and shopping tray young I think it’s just more of a sitb back we have the number one pick we have flexibility with contracts that we can move let’s kind of see who becomes available this offseason we’ll take it from there in terms of our plan of attack yeah so well like I said we’ll be interesting to see as they progress into it but it’s interesting Insight you just gave there on that situation so I’ll ask this question if if the plan is to draft SAR hypothetically do you think that increases the chances of the back Court returning just because now you have that elite shot blocking big a guy who some people maybe look at it could be a a defensive culture Setter you know I I’ve said the playoff teams you think about a lot of them have like seven foot bigs who could defend defend a lot of the floor athletic and that would be what the Hawks would be getting in him and with their weakness at the point of attack obviously because they’re not you know the typical their two-point guards trying to defend do you think that that may be like all right let’s draft SAR and let’s see what we got with SAR in this back court yeah I think that certainly a possibility that if you draft SAR it increases the likelihood of both guards returning but I think that right now if I had to rank it I would probably say I’m leaning more towards 6040 that they do return their back court of Trey young and Deon T I think that there is a chance that both of them start the year on the Hawks and maybe it’s something that they revisit again at the trade deadline if things aren’t looking successful but you bring in SAR that shs up your front Court of Jaylen Johnson SAR a kongu you have no problems there in terms of defensive versatility and being able to go out and run in transition as all three of those guys can run the court really well especially a kongu I think that he’s much better than many tend to realize and I think that we’re going to see that this season with him and see what the Hawks really believe in in terms of anaka Kong’s talents so I think that that’s certainly a possibility I would more towards the Avenue of DeAndre Hunter and Clint capella being on the move this offseason and seeing if the Hawks can make an upgrade there maybe they look to move one of the players to jump back up into the draft and get another first round pick to add some defensive versatility on the wing I mean there’s plenty of wing players in this draft that can make a difference and just looking at my big board there’s a guy like Tristan da Silva a guy that can kind of do a little bit of everything out on the wing can cost you less than DeAndre hunterwood and a guy that you can work on moving forward Boby Clinton or Bobby Clinton excuse me is another guy that I think is an excellent Wing much uh much more underrated than many people tend to realize and he’s a guy that went from Sweden to wake for us to the NBL and his defensive versatility and able to run on the wing I think that Jaylen Johnson is a pretty good comparison there for him as well so I think that there’s there’s options for the Hawks ahead of the draft in terms of guys that they could move to get another draft pick I think that there’s even options in free agency that if they wanted to move some guys they could either do a sign and trade which would hard cap them but they could potentially get a guy that they wanted or go out and see if there’s anything available see if you can get guys for less amount than they were on contract see see if there’s any value and some of these veteran guys out there so I I do think that if I had to lean a certain way I would I would lean in the aspect of both guards potentially starting the season with the Hawks okay okay and I know that’s gonna be you know interesting for some Hawks fans especially how the season ended I think a lot of people follow oh it’s the you know sometimes you have those season Enders and man it feels like something’s happening and then you know offseason happens things go by and things don’t change as much as maybe some people expect so I’ll ask you I’ll ask you about a couple players and I want you to give me I guess if you think it’s likely not likely they’ll be moved so I’ll start with Clint capella How likely do you think Clint capella is going to be moved by the Hawks this offseason I think very likely and I think that you look at the contract he’s in the final year of his contract 22 million there’s been some teams rumored to be in the market for centers obviously the Dallas Mavericks were looking at capella before this this season they now have Lively and Gafford probably not an option there but the New Orleans Pelicans are moving on from yonas valent Tunis most likely potentially Clint capella could slide in there in the final year of his contract with all the question marks surrounding Brandon Ingram and then wanting to extend Trey Murphy the third there so I think that that’s a possible destination the Oklahoma City Thunder could really use a center and we’re seeing that in the series against the Dallas Mavericks so maybe there there’s an option there and you get back some young assets or a draft pick or two from the thunder so I I do think that Clint capella being on the move that I think that’s the most likely scenario that we’re looking at for the Hawks and that’s an instant $20 million right there that you can get off the books in the final year of his contract you could potentially bring in another guy that maybe makes a little bit more maybe he makes 25 million he has a few more years left on his contract and he’s simply a guy that you’ve wanted if you’re the Hawks but I think that it’s much more likely that they move Capella’s contract and get somewhere down in that 14 to 15 million range get one or two players that you can bring in as role players around this core group that you’re building yeah and I think the biggest thing for me too with capella and I think a lot of people it’s just finally depending on what happens finally letting a kanu start or just give him more playing time to see a guy you invested a top 10 pick in can he be like a core core guy you know instead of doing the bench game so I think that’s something that I think people will really be um looking at and waiting to see what happens with the team so then my next guy is DeAndre Hunter a guy who made improvements this season a lot of people don’t want to admit it but he made improvements he had a best year from three best uh year uh in terms of points in the season uh wings are very valuable in this league How likely do you see DeAndre hun being moved I think that’s kind of a scenario of what his Market’s looking like because he is still owed $68 million over the next three seasons it’s a contract that’s not that favorable in terms of what the new Financial rules are in the NBA so he’s going to be eating up 2224 million over the next few years on the books and teams are going to look at is that a player that we really want to invest that kind of money in because yes he has made improvements but there’s also been some concerns with DeAndre Hunter there’s also there’s been some concerns about a his durability and B his true impact on the offensive end of the floor we we’ve seen what he can do defensively in running out in transition but is he going to be a guy that can be your number three option or number two option on offense and when you’re paying a guy that kind of money that’s the kind of production you want to see you want to see him somewhere up near 18 19 20 points per game so I think that’s really what we’re looking at with DeAndre Hunter this offseason of what kind of value is going to present itself he is a wing wings are valuable in the NBA I think if you can get a first round pick out of him you can decrease your salary intake I think that that’s definitely a situation that Landry fields and the Hawks would consider okay okay yeah I think too you know Hunters just with him being that top 10 pick too and not panning out to maybe where people thought he would be I think that’s why there is this amongst Hawk Hawks fans this eternal battle always going on like is he worth it should we move him he has a bad game get him out of here has a good game okay maybe he’s okay it just it’s one of those things he’s just one of those players on the team like the Sixers and Tobias Harris you know just one of those guys but all right so then my next guy obviously we’re gonna go back to the back court here jonay Murray again someone who’s been dangled out there before some people wonder did he secretly request a trade and no one’s just said it lot of things have came out where where are you feeling that Vibe right now with Deonte Murray as far as I know dejonte Murray’s happy with the Hawks now that may not mean anything maybe he’s not actually happy because you you tend to never know some of these guys they they put on fake personals all the time say everything is great and then they request a trade a week later so you just never know obviously Deonte Murray had suitors at the trade deadline the Knicks were a team that had initially inquired about his availability that’s something that they could potentially revisit if they were to make Julius Randle available in trade talks this offseason maybe they go and get a running mate in the backourt for Jaylen Brunson but it is not a necessity for them to add another backourt option in the offseason so New York I wouldn’t think that they’re going to be willing to pay a lot for a guy like dejonte the Bucks another team that was kind of like in like the hawk situation with dejonte or with Donovan Mitchell that they’ve been paying attention to him for a while the Bucks are a team that have been paying attention to jontay Murray for a while and they’ve been monitoring his situation so I think that in terms of that situation of going to the Bucks it would be a really good fit for Deonte I just don’t know if a the Bucks can make it financially work and B I don’t think that the Bucks have the assets that the Hawks would want if they were to trade to Jon Murray so that’s another iffy scenario I think that the Orlando Magic would be a very attractive destination giving his two-way nature of play I think that the Bulls if they look to go out and get a guard let’s say they move LaVine either to the Hawks or a different team I think that they would be in the market for a player like dejonte Murray to pair with Kobe white in their back court so those are the few of the teams I’m looking at in the East obviously the Detroit Pistons are going to be looking to make a splash this off season as well over in the Western Conference again I go back to the New Orleans Pelicans what is this team going to do this offseason are they going to move on from Brandon Ingram who’s entering the final year of his contract are they going to move on from yonas valent chunis who’s going to be a free agent are they going to extend Trey Murphy the third I think these are all questions that other teams and rival Executives in the Western Conference are watching right now because that not only plays a tale for what happens with Ingram and those guys but it tells a tale for what’s going to happen with Zion Williamson because if he becomes available you’re going to have a plethora of teams looking to invest in Zion Williams and Grant that he hasn’t been the most durable player but the talent certainly there and like Mitchell he can be a cog in a championship equation on the right roster so I think that the Pelicans definitely tell a tale of the off season in the Western Conference and then I think that a team like the Houston Rockets I wouldn’t count them out from making a big move either and you look at what emay udoka was able to do in his first season there he’s always been fond of two-way guard play they have Fred van vet they have Aman Thompson who who was a really good point guard for them this season in his rookie year I think if you bring in dejonte Murray that kind of shes things up and it gives you another veteran presence to really make a playoff push there so I think that there’s definitely suitors out there for dejonte Murray it’s just a matter of if the Hawks think a it’s the right time to move on from him and B if they can secure two first round picks and some value players out of him because that’s kind of what the asking price was around the trade deadline and that makes a lot of sense you know you feel like you have a guy even though he has been allar a few years you feel like his All-Star level when he was when trade and played for a month we saw what he did so I think that’s something that maybe that could have helped his value like you said with people having cap space now in the coming off season so my last thing for you before I let you go is obviously the last guy Trey young we’ve heard Lakers maybe um you know we’ve I we heard I’ve heard salt odds heat maybe even Pistons um I know pelicans have maybe thought there’s a chance what what what where you stand right now Trey young suitors likelihood where we at I think that there’s two teams really that I would look at and say that it would make a it would make sense if they traded for Trey young the rest it would just kind of be a question mark in my mind and one of those scenarios of well let’s see how it plays out but the two teams that I would really say I I don’t want to say have a chance of trading for Trey young because anybody has a chance if they make him available but the two teams that I would kind of look at are the Spurs and the Lakers there hasn’t really been much traction with the Spurs it seems like that the Spurs are committed to being a young team will they bring in a veteran or two yeah I think that they will um I don’t think that that player will be Trey young though I I don’t think that they would be willing to give up the assets that the Hawks would want and obviously I think that there would there would be some question marks about his pairing with Victor wanyama and they’d run really good pick and roll sets but wenyama has that two-way capability he’s an athletic big man and Trey young doesn’t really fit the mold of what the Spurs have looked for over the last few years they’ve looked for two-way guys out on the perimeter they they’ve looked for guys who are they can make a difference on defense and I think that we’re going to see it in this draft coming up where the Spurs have four and eight if they keep both picks I think that they’re going to go after two guys that can not only improve their Outlook immediately but two guys that can really get after it defensively and help turn this team around next to Victor wenyama and turn them into a Defensive Juggernaut so I think that’s really what the Spurs are looking at there I I just don’t see a scenario in which they find Value in a trade for Trey young and then you have the Lakers I I think that right now they’re monitoring Donovan Mitchell if he becomes available that’s going to be their number one option in a potential trade but D’Angelo Russell all indications point to him opting out of his contract and if that happens that’s a major asset in terms of financial implications that come off the board right there of what the Lakers could use for salary matching purposes so now all of a sudden you have Gabe Vincent Austin Reeves and ruy hachimura as your three contracts that you could move and out of the three I think Austin Reed is the only one that holds true value in trade talks right there so I I just don’t see either of those two teams necessarily giving up what would be needed for a player like Trey young of what the Hawks would want and for what they could give up I don’t see Landry fields and the Hawks really seeing that as value so we’re kind of at a scalemate here of what team a can offer and what team B really wants and I think that for that reason that’s why we’re going to see Trey young stay with the Hawks yeah and I think you know especially when Trey young switch agencies people were wondering what does this mean is this you know CU clutch you know I always like to say clutch kind of runs some things they have some connections you know of course and so when he made that change people wondered does that mean he’s likely stay is he likely go you know because you know you never know what that means when agency change so it’ll be interesting to see how things play out obviously once we get past the postseason then we’ll get more answers and then the draft comes and then we’ll see where we are in a couple of months but Brad I want to say I appreciate you man coming on to the show giving me some of your Insight and knowledge and letting the Hawks fans know maybe what’s going on with their team right now and everything let people know where they can find you man all your work yeah absolutely you can find all my content leading up to the draft all the offseason rumors and free agency signings on clutch points we got a great team together there I’m covering the league at large for us and we have beat reporters for virtually every single team at clutch points so it’s a it’s a great brand great company and a great group of writers that we have there great group of reporters so you can definitely check out all of our work heading into the offseason there and you can also follow me on Twitter at Brett seagull NBA Daily updates that that’s the time that we’re in Bryce it’s the daily constant string leading up to the draft 247 news cycle and instead of getting it all in one night we get two nights at the draft this year which means double the work so can’t wait yeah definitely man like I said man really appreciate you coming on and talking with me about the Hawks and yeah Hawks fans we’ll have to see what happens big questions there still needing to be answered but I think it’s going to be a very exciting time and I think there’s a lot of excitement in the air for this team moving forward I’m Bryce that’s Brent see you next time

Clutch Points National NBA Reporter & Insider Brett Siegel joins the show. He gives insight into the Hawks offseason plans and what they plan to do with the 1st pick and with their backcourt in Trae Young and Dejounte Murray.

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00:00 – intro

00:55 – What the Hawks should do with the 1st pick

4:00 – Sarr or Risacher ?

7:15 – Hawks trade rumors/ Donovan Mitchell

10:40 – Do the hawks want to trade the backcourt?

14:50 – Sarr affecting Young/Murray?

18:00 – likelyhood Clint Capela is traded

19:50 – Likelyhood De’andre Hunter is traded

21:50 – Likelyhood Murray is traded

25:20 – Likelyhood Young is traded

#traeyoung #dejountemurray #nbadraft #nbadraftlottery #atlantahawks #alexsarr #nbapodcast #nba #nbanews #nbatraderumors #clintcapela #donovanmitchell


  1. Donovan Mitchell is a low key malcontent. An overrated player and does nothing to move the NBA title winning needle.

  2. There are 2 trades I'd pursue, CC and Dre for Brandon Ingram and DJ and Bogdan for Donovan Mitchell, draft SARR and keep it moving

  3. Damn.. i thought the answer would be more simpler than that? Who's the best player dude? What the hawks want doesn't matter

  4. 🎉 trae time has passed by in Atlanta he is not ingratiated himself with the city he's never here he's never out he's always in Oklahoma let him go

  5. They better kept DJ Murray. I hope the rumors are not right on Donovan Mitchell. To my understanding he is eyeing more of the Knicks. Let him go that way, because Donovan and Trae you will have the same production as before.

  6. I think we have the talent, but i think we're lacking a culture and an identity. My hope is to get CP3 and or Dray to whip this team into shape and hold certain players like Trae accountable.

  7. Trading ice tray now sets up the hawks for the future with a bevy of talent already on the roster in d.hunter …okungwu…jalen Johnson and dejounte murray

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