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Luostarinen, Stenlund & Okposo | SCF Practice Interviews | 6.12.24

Luostarinen, Stenlund & Okposo | SCF Practice Interviews | 6.12.24

obiously feel feeling confident our game and uh up to nothing it’s a good good spot but we know there’s still a lot of work to do and uh it’s going to be hard to to play there and they their home Crown is going to be allowed to obviously scary moment with Sasha last game what do they mean to see him out there for practice today yeah obviously it’s a good thing he’s feeling better and uh yeah uh just looking forward to see him play next game obviously you guys have been so good on the road regular season and in playoffs just confidence level on the road obviously a tough building in for these games yeah I think we we’ve been really good like uh away games too like in the regular season and the playoffs so we’re just do our thing and uh get out of there has this series been more physical and maybe more personal than you thought it would be you guys don’t really ever play Edmonton but boy it’s gotten rough out there yeah I mean I think it’s pretty similar honestly it’s uh lot of lot of hits uh just fast PAC game but I think this just belongs to the game similar Paul kind of mentioned the like the series against Boston me um do you anticipate the series getting a little meaner after everything that happened in game two yeah I think we I think we just have to stay out of it just do our thing and then let them uh trying to do stupid stuff like something like that uh yeah just be disciplined not to be too obvious here but how good has Sergey bosski been not only only the first two games of this series but the entire postseason yeah uh he’s been unreal for for sure her whole postseason and regular season to uh just confident um he’s so calm back there so it’s really good thing as well as you guys play defense is how nice is it to know that he’s back there if there is a mistake or anything like that yeah I mean I think we just have to play hard and take some uh pressure off him too you block out of your mind that your two gs wi stand think about that all no I think I don’t think we we can think too far just stay in a moment and uh go next next game and uh next shift and be simple any plans for the six hour plate here uh just probably tune in a series or something what series do you like to watch uh right now I’m watching white call oh with with Lundy yeah nice thanks thank you obviously it’s a huge piece of every game um so we got to got to stick that stick to it and and keep working on it front right so I have two questions for for both of you guys uh first Paul’s kind of mentioned uh a couple times that the series against Boston got mean I think is the word he used um after everything that happened in game two do you guys anticipate the series getting meaner and then also you guys were up against Edmonton’s top line for a little while in game two just you know how what’s working so well for you guys defending uh you know McDavid and those guys going to go first I I I think just uh trying to stay calm we’re trying to stay patient I mean and pressure when we can and obviously they skill skill guys but but just press when we can and and and uh be hard yeah I mean obviously team defense is something that I think we do pretty well and um I don’t think many players around the league are winning a foot race against 97 but um you know I think that it’s it’s defending by committee and you know as far as the series getting mean I mean it’s it’s a stand the Cup finals I think both teams are are pretty desperate to win obviously and uh emotions are going to be high and Ratchet it up and you know we’re looking forward to game three left side front row Kyle you’re going to Edmonton for two games you need two wins to to win the Stanley Cup do you allow that to enter your enter your mind that you’re two away well I it’s going to be impossible not to be on your mind but in saying that when you go to the rank or when you’re preparing for the game you’re preparing for one game and that’s it your your next game is is always the most important one so we’re focusing on on game three you know obviously you can you can think about the the bigger picture if you want but once it’s time to go there’s no thoughts of that it’s about your next shift it’s about the next period the next game front right George this question is for both of you guys if you know my answer you guys are such a strong defensive team but um how big has Sergey bosi been not only the first two games of this series but throughout the whole playoffs I know he didn’t have to carry the load the first three rounds but just in general all all postseason well he’s been unbelievable the whole season uh he’s there when we need him uh and obviously he gives him give us a lot of confidence and playing our game and we know we have him in the back yeah it’s it’s phenomenal just to watch him work every day and he makes all these saves and he’s always in the right position it seems like during the games and that’s not by accident it’s because of how dialed in he is in his preparation so uh I think that’s been the most the funnest part for me is is just watching them every day and how it’s translating to the games uh front left Tom Kevin how do you think obviously you didn’t give up power play goal in game one either but how do you think your PK was better last game as far as you limited their shots it seem like it didn’t give them as many chances well I think first of all as we’re mentioned here before is we want to face offs uh and you get the clear right away and that kills off some time and then just uh just trying to pressure them when we can and and obviously you got to be smart you can’t just force pressure uh but pressure when you can and then get the the clear out Kyle your go differential in the third period has been really impressive this cup run um on the road is it more of a mentality like if it’s an even game the score um is the mentality any different I guess on the road in a and a tight game in the third period I don’t think so I think we’re pretty comfortable in those types of games these guys you know well before I got here have have been playing a brand of hockey that that you know is is suited for a game like that and that’s one thing that has really been apparent to me since I’ve been here is how comfortable we are in those types of games and how well our game translates to those situations so um you I think that we just on the road even more so you stick to your game plan and you you stick to the things that that no that work for us and that’s what we’ll continue to do left side second row uh this question is for both of you you mentioned barkov’s importance to the team obviously but you’ve also gotten a lot from other guys on the team like Evan Nico how big is that and how important is that in a series like this yeah it just talks about us as a team I feel like uh we get goals from pretty much everyone um it just we have a lot of faith in this in this group and and I feel like a lot of guys stepping up yeah I think goes to you know what Kevin said and everyone one plays the right way so there’s going to be opportunities just through how we play and it doesn’t really matter which line is getting those opportunities it’s just um kind of the nature of our game and what we do so when you see a guy like Evan scoring a couple goals last game it’s just I mean it’s just phenomenal for everybody we’re everyone’s extremely happy for anybody else that scores obviously this time of year that’s how it’s going to be but you know we have a lot of different guys that can contributed on the offensive end

0:00 – Eetu Luostarinen
2:29 – Kevin Stenlund & Kyle Okposo

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  1. 3rd and 4th lines making a real difference out there. Panthers are fortunate to have this kind of depth this season for sure. Other teams might be running our bottom lines at 1 and 2.

  2. Atta boy, Eetu! White Collar is excellent choice for a TV series. One of my favorites too. Was pretty random question though, not gonna lie

  3. The whole team is super dialed in
    Razor sharp
    They will play very well in Edmonton
    I believe oilers are worn down like the brakes on my bike
    🎯 on your back oilers
    Panthers are going to be extremely physical
    I bet there won’t be very many penalties but you will get punished for head hunting the captain
    Stupid games Stupid prizes

  4. Ээту получил удар в колено….Дмитрий Куликов клюшкой между ног…..Барков удар локтем в голову по лицу…..Владимир Тарасенко не тренировался из за повреждения….котяры мои любимые….и вы готовы выйти все на третью игру в Канаде несмотря ни на что…..желаю вам здоровья и сил…..вперед Пантерс….вы самые лучшие…..БОГ вам в помощь!!! Булем молиться за вас БОГУ!!!

  5. Well said Eetu, Kevin, and Kyle and we're well coached too. Let's go up to Edmonton tonight and sweep them under the ice surface… One thing I'd especially like to point out is that Eetu should tell the entire team to not get so out of control we end up blowing it I like what he said about discipline. A fine line between taking care of business for what went on in GM 2 and going too far- he knows it.

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