@Florida Panthers

Florida Panthers Lose To Edmonton Oilers 5-3 Game 5 Stanley Cup Final

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  1. It doesnt help that the refs are calling phantom interference calls – they affected the game. It was soft as baby sh^t. The Mikkola interference – BS. The PK also needs to step up. The phantom calls and dives by Edmonton got them 2 PP goals. The too.l many men on ice that was not called… the refs need to get their shit together… BUT the Cats effort was horrible. EVERYONE was terrible on the Cats except Tkachuk for half the game. There are clearly things happening to influence sports betting. The Okposo call – bullshit. Rodriguez slash – bullshit … its called defense, not slashing. Every time the Cats got momentum, the refs hands went up whether there was a penalty or not. Its inexcusable. What, is this peewee hockey? The Panthers also kept shooting in Skinner's belly.!! Maurice needs to get fired up and fire up his team – or get fired himself. Our media is soft too – theyre like "oh well"… dude, this team is soft… also BOB… wtf? is his mind shattered, his confidence lost? Reino disappeared. Montour is awful and i cannot see him getting resigned. Where is this team? Bench Montour. WE NEED PAPA TKACHUK TO RIP THEM A NEw ONE

  2. Paul needs to light a fire under them. He can’t just sit back about the same mistakes Montour, Ekblad, and Reinhart all need to be pulled aside and be made examples of. The only guys to show up were Chucky Erod and OEL we can’t rely on just them to do the work.

  3. This team needs a Zito enema. He seems to be a pleasant guy but boy he is pissed. GOOD.
    Long plane ride, my ass. Send them to Edmonton by bus, that will get their attention.

  4. It seems Bennett did what u said he needs to do to tkachuk so that’s good although other lines need to show up

  5. After Maurice put the second line back to Tkachuk Bennett e-rod that line was flying and Tkachuk was showing up which is great our depth surprisingly hasn’t been the strongest it can be there are definitely gonna be some needed lineup changes for game 6 we are still up 3-2 but it feels like barkov may be slightly hurt.

  6. Panthers play better away, look at Boston. But yea as a fairly new fan, if they lose this I’m def not watching another hockey game. I’m going back to my Miami teams

  7. Maurice's comment about "nothing's changed", yeah, that's the problem. Oilers figured out Panthers' structure with their speed & stretching out the ice. Find a better structure or get more aggressive on the forecheck otherwise Oilers will keep pounding at what works.

  8. I feel like I’m driving by a car wreck but instead of looking, I can’t look. It would be one thing if these are hard fought close battles but that is not the case. I am concerned this team has reached its limit and the Oilers have figured out how to beat them.

  9. Hang in there man. I’ll be praying for your dog, that’s a rough thing to be dealing with at the same time the Cats are underperforming for the cup.

  10. I only feel bad for the fans that paid thousands to see their team possibly win the cup, and they put that effort in the first period and half the second. I'm somewhat confident we'll get 2 points on Friday tho

  11. I feel your pain, brother. I, too, have no words. Maybe we can sit Maurice and Zito come in

  12. Maurice is showing why he has the most losses in NHL history. About to get out coached by a first year coach. Wake up Paul.

  13. Everything you say is 100% spot on. Your take is exactly how I feel. So frustrated I could explode. 30 years of this – choke when it matters most. So embarrassing

  14. We win the President’s Trophy and get swept. We completely retool the team, claim this version would destroy the previous version, lose the Cup. Then we make more adjustments, add depth, play smarter, claim we would destroy the previous version of ourselves…

    And now we might blow a 3-0 lead against the President’s Trophy version of ourselves.

  15. A reverse sweep would be damaging to this franchise. A huge amount of new fans might not come back to support the team.

  16. This is exactly how us Rangers fans felt up 3-0 against Carolina, headed back to Carolina 3-2. It took Kreider’s insane performance to not make us a laughing stock. Somebody on the Panthers has to step up & take over in Game 6 otherwise all the pressure in the world is on the Panthers in Game 7. I know this exact feeling…

  17. Zito in the box throwing shit shows how he feels. Maurice better be feeling the heat from these two losses. The fact is Maurice has NEVER won a cup. So telling stories about learning lessons or this being part of the process is cute coach speak but truth be told, he could lose the locker room if they completely lose this series. If this isn’t the time to panic, when is? Edmonton has the upper hand and confidence oh and one hell of a lot of talent. We let them hang around and now our backs are completely against the wall.

  18. We still have 2 chances but the team definitely looks worn out to me. Sadly. Im hopeful in one way but I'm also on the other side like the juju ain't working. My juju died, Goldie with his white jacket didn't work… none of our juju is working so I'm like forget the juju. It's hard to watch now. I agree with starting Stolarz. But I also thought it would take more than Lomberg to win. He's gotta change up more. Trying to keep the faith but it's hard. Like this team is cursed. At least they're still up for now.

  19. I’m telling you if Skinner doesn’t make that very first save in the game then this game last night would’ve potentially went into overtime at 4 apiece and knowing the Panthers’ track record in overtime they potentially could’ve won

  20. I mean, I gotta say it. As a Canadian, I would love nothing more to see the cup come back home, no matter what team does it.

    But this series could easily be 3-2 the other way. Bob stole a game, maybe even 2 in this series. And now hes back to looking mortal. Edmonton has taken full advantage of the shaky moments and given themselves a fighting chance. Momentum shifts are just insane in this series.

    I get that this is a Panther fans page/channel, and I feel for how things are going… but this has really felt how a SCF match up should be, where from the first puck drop, the game of inches really is a thing.

    If nothing else, Canadian teams tend to choke when the pressure peaks, so i'd still say Florida has a very strong plausibility taking it.

  21. We can all agree we need this to go 7, with many double & Triple OTs, we need an exciting Stanley Cup playoff. Sound familiar?

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