@Buffalo Sabres

25th Anniversary of ‘No Goal’

25th Anniversary of ‘No Goal’

Reminiscing on the 25th anniversary of no goal coming up here in the lockdown Sabers [Music] podcast your locked on Sabers your daily podcast on the Buffalo Sabers part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday it is the lock on Sabers podcast thanks for making us your first listen at every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast part of the lock on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $200 bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started special show for you today it is the 25th anniversary of game six sabes Stars no goal the controversy Memory Lane I’ve got some text from some of our listeners about what happened on that night we’ll get to some other things including the sabes and their available cap space what we expect from them in terms of how much of their cap they’re going to spend especially since in the news today there’s another Eastern Conference opponent that is making a big swing Travis yoast reporting that the New Jersey Devils are trading for flamear goenda in the East that’s a team that missed the playoffs last year that’s very talented that biggest problem was goal tending and they just went out and got the best goenda offseason a little bit today and also the finals Conor McDavid four more points Edmonton stays alive is this going to go down as the greatest performance in a playoff series or a playoffs ever if they come back and Win It McDavid having this type of production and if they could do something that’s never been done which is come back from 3 0 down in a Stanley Cup Final in fact looking around even at the other sports NBA and the World Series the last time a team in any of the major sports came back from a 3 deficit was the 19 41 Stanley Cup finals so I guess in essence it has happened but you know we’re not even we’re we’re before we’re we’re not even in television or even in black and white TV I don’t those games probably weren’t even televised it was so long ago we’re talking about I mean 80 years 80 years since this has happened and the Oilers are halfway there so we’ll talk a little about McDavid a little bit today as well if you want to reach out to the show text line is always the best way to do that if you’re not already a texter join sub lockon to sign up and get started there you can reach out on our YouTube channel or you could also do that on Twitter at sneaky Joe sports or lockdown Savers I do have a poll running uh that is related to our second topic of today’s show so be sure to check us out uh on Twitter as well there’s really no nothing newsworthy happening with the Sabers today really the news in the league is Oilers continue to stay alive and markstrom is on his way to New Jersey a time of recording we don’t have details on that trade just yet it is the 25th th anniversary of no goal that’s what today is the big day in Buffalo sports history it’s one of the most important days in Buffalo sports history I mean it’s right up there with the super bowls from the bills like it’s probably the most important day in Sab history it’s not the most positive day but momentous The lure that was written that night the stories I love listening to the stories from people that were in the building or we had Paul Hamilton on this morning at wgr and his account of going down to the locker room and seeing Lindy just be so beside himself and Lindy going out on the bench to to yell at bman while the cup was being awarded and his postgame presser I found on YouTube actually the whole game six broadcast that’s 5 hours long and it extends past overtime into the post game that ES PN had an into sports center and you get all the reaction you get Brian engblom uh giving a report outside the Sabers locker room this is probably like 20 minutes after the goal had been scored and Brian ing blam giving a report about how the Savers are not they have kind of barricaded themselves in the locker room they are not coming out until the NHL comes down and explains to them why this goal is counting and and Lindy stories of course as I just mentioned the thing about the bench his postgame press conference a piece of it is on that broadcast and there’s a good two-minute clip that I actually tweeted out today to share with everybody else of Lindy his immediate thoughts on no goal and Lindy on that night it’s so crazy he’s back as the head coach because he is a central central figure of that night the aftermath right not just postgame but then the rally a couple of days later where he gives the famous no goal uh quote it at the podium to a what a 100,000 people uh at the square watching that rally Lindy built I think a lot of Goodwill that night I mean we might love him all the same had it not gone that way but because cuz he had already been established right like he was here in 1979 all the way through the 80s was a I think well-liked player he was a captain he was a good player he did everything forward defense then he showed up as the coach he won right away like he made the playoffs in his first four seasons they won rounds so no there wasn’t a cup but he was well on his way to being he already was there right a well-liked figure in Buffalo but what does a sports fan want more than anything thing when they’ve been screwed over what does a sports fan want when they feel like they got jipped they want someone to go to war on their behalf and have you ever seen a coach stand up for his team his community City whatever you want to label it Lindy did the job that night what did people want they wanted Lindy to act how they were acting they wanted Lindy to be outraged the way they were outraged and they wanted Lindy to basically be our flag bearer we think this is this is a crime we this goal should not have counted they just raised the cup in our building after scoring a goal that should not have counted this is complete under BS the NHL is trying to hide behind this mystery memo that oh suddenly got sent out explaining a change in the rulle but it was never made public so oh we’re just going to tell you that that happened after and you know the explanation Lindy talked about this in the pr in the post game that night that the NHL told him that oh well we called it a goal because Hall never actually lost possession when even Lindy like snickered at that in the in the postgame watch that goal a hundred times Bret Hall lost control of the puck there’s no argument he lost control of the puck and that’s with the memo that was a mystery and maybe got sent around maybe didn’t anyway bman went on radio after that this whole coverup by the NHL Paul Hamilton told us this morning that the video review guy that was in charge at the NHL uh he didn’t review the goal the goal went in he shook everyone’s hand he got up and he left he wasn’t there there were 200 people on the ice by the time you know well not by the time anything were they ever going to review it they probably ever were going to by the time Lindy maybe recognized it and started yelling at bman and maybe yelling at officials and whatnot um by that point there’s 200 people on the ice they’re not going to go back and review it the Trophy presentation is already underway there was a game earlier this past regular season Sabers and Oilers uh it was I think a Sunday afternoon game where Dylan cousins won it in overtime to beat the Oilers both teams left the ice fans started leaving the arena probably two three minutes after the goal went in uh referees get on the mic uh the goal’s been overturned it was off sides now five more minutes 10 more minutes go by the teams have left fans have started had started leaving they brought the teams back out on the ice if anyone got undressed they got redressed then they finished overtime that was only like 20 more seconds then they went to a shootout that wouldn’t have happened then in 99 in part because one replay was I think newer back then obviously lot newer to the sheer amount of people on the ice the Trophy presentation already being underway you you can’t put the trophy back in the case so completely got screwed over and long story short here the overall point I’m trying to make is all of that context all of that outrage you just wanted someone to fight for you and Lindy fought for saber fans that night and the weeks after and to this day he fights for Sabers fans about no goal and he gave you everything you wanted it’s a big reason why I think he has the reputation he does and he’s as well-liked as he is because that was one of the most important nights in franchise history it could not have gone worse the Sabers could not have been screwed over more and their head coach wasn’t having it that’s exactly what you want from him so loveed Lind Lindy on that night I Al also want to say because I’m four years old in that night proud to say uh confirmation from both the parents and the grandparents that the parents were out somewhere watching the game I was at my grandparents house that night and I have confirmation that I was awake through the whole thing watching the whole thing all the way through to 2 o’clock 1:30 in the morning watching game six they they tell me for sure that’s true I don’t remember it I don’t remember it so I don’t have any stories of my own I have a couple of good ones though to read off one from our text line uh one account of the game went to the game 18 years old La Fontaine Jersey went to every tops from Chek to waga fonia or Erie can’t recall where we ended up walked into the arena for game six with arrogance confidence Sabers would had steamrolled through the first three rounds hasik of course stars came out hard games uh game after Stars tied it figured we had them on the ropes hasik would lock it down I remember when the go went in the hall goal the arena just went silent you could hear a pin drop it was a state of disbelief because I believe everyone assumed we were going to win the crowd just stood there shifting their gaze between the Sabres or on or adjacent to their bench and the Stars celebrating few minutes later it started to circulate that the goal should not have counted it seemed like everything was in motion for the ceremony trophies brought out carpets laid and there was no way the NHL was going to reverse the call it was probably the most somber I’ve seen a crowd walking out of an arena because I think there was two to many emotions sadness with losing angry for the way it went down appreciative of the Season Etc uh he adds and I still believe it’s a no goal by rule by the NHL’s interpretation Hall never controlled the puck prior to it going into the grease so thank you texter for that account of it because I do wonder what the crowd was like when did people find out that is way before social media that’s before cell phones so you’re in the crowd the goal goes in they don’t show the replay on the Jumbotron here comes the cup when do you find out the goal shouldn’t have counted I mean Izard he’s kind of implying people found out slowly maybe in the crowd I don’t buy though that everybody knew that because if everyone knew if they had shown the replay on the Jumbotron which they did not do if some Rogue saber executive or employee did something the NHL would have hated and said you know what I’m putting this replay up there it’s skull accounted I’m showing everybody and while the stars are celebrating or right before star sell or get the trophy the video goes up in the arena everyone’s still there go watch the broadcast everyone stays to see the cup presented most people at least if they show that video what happens it’s a riot right you had the Vancouver riots in the 2011 Stanley Cup Final things are getting thrown on the ice if that replay gets shown I think so I don’t think I don’t think most people knew what was happening again that’s a guess because I wasn’t there you tell tell me I imagine most people don’t find out it should have been no goal until they get into their cars they turn on the radio and they put the post game on and then it starts to come through that way that would be my guess as to when most people that were in the crowd found out man if I could go back in time though and I was in charge of that Jumbotron I would have put the replay up I would have put the re I fired over it whatever I’m putting the replay up because they’re going to know I want it known in that moment while they’re raising the cup while Batman’s on the mic this should not have counted Lindy was the one man screaming in that Arena at bman that the goal shouldn’t have counted and I would have loved to just unleash 18,000 more joining him uh at y yelling at those guys what else from that night I mean the team right hasik and a team that was so defensive and in that game actually I watched back a lot of that game the other day the Sabers started out really well like they outshot the stars that the first period after Dallas scores that first goal they had one shot on goal the rest of the period overtime the Stars didn’t get a shot on goal until 12 minutes in like the sabes were the better team on that night I think for the series no doubt Dallas was a better overall team and hashek was the thing that kept the Sabers in it most of the time um they had 50 more shots in the series than than the Sabres did uh but in that game it felt like the Sabers were were there to win it and bfor was just unbelievable so that’s my take on it as someone that of course does not remember watching it live but it’s it’s still it’s still ridiculous the way it played out it’s you know Bret Hall I’m not going to say I feel sorry for Bret Hall but let me just say this about Bret Hall whenever he’s on TV and this he used to be on NBC so it used to be a lot you can find these clips on YouTube whenever Bret Hall has it thrown in his face that goal shouldn’t have counted it gets to him there’s a clip someone sent to me on Twitter earlier Bill Clement who was hosting for NBC uh during the 07 playoffs the Sabers highlights were up and the Sabers had taken a or had got a couple power plays go their way that maybe they shouldn’t have gotten and Bill Clement made some comment of oh I guess the you know this is making up for 99 huh them getting these calls and I think he’s like Brad I think you know what happened in 99 and Hall is just like he’s not taking the bait he’s not playing along he’s like what happened in 99 I think you know I think you get what you deserved and he’s like what do they deserve me to score on them like just it got to him he doesn’t want to joke around about it uh I kind of get that though I’m not I don’t like Bret Hall at all it does probably suck though if you’re a kid growing up playing hockey and you we’ve all done this if you played you dream about in your you’re six years old in the in your driveway uh what are you doing you’re doing a makeb believe hypothetical scenario where you’re in overtime and you score a goal to win the Stanley Cup every kid that’s played hockey has had that Hall had that happen the the moment that he probably dreamed about a thousand times happening it happened he won the Stanley Cup by scoring in overtime and for the rest of his life the greatest moment of his Life playing hockey he’s he’s got to be reminded it was complete BS it shouldn’t have counted this greatest moment of his career forever will be remembered as oh no it shouldn’t have counted so in that way little bit of Justice maybe a little less Justice than you want you want the gold to not count but a little bit of Justice on the back end is Bret Hall’s got to hear about for the rest of his life that his greatest achievement his his number one moment of his entire career shouldn’t have happened if that makes you feel any better probably doesn’t because there should have been a game seven or at least that overtime should have continued 25 years you want to share your account feel free to do that TextLine at sneaky Joe Sports on Twitter as well all right when we come back all Sabers have a lot of cap space how much do we expect them to spend we’ll go through the numbers when we come back here in the lockedown sabers podcast we are brought to you by policy genius a lot of life is unpredictable but a good life insurance plan gives your family a financial safety net to protect against some of the unknowns policy genius the country’s leading online insurance Marketplace makes choosing the right policy for your family quick and easy your work life insurance policy may not offer enough protection for your family’s needs even worse it may not come with you if you leave your job policy genius has no incentive to recommend one insurer over another so you can trust their guidance their award-winning agents can even walk you through Pro the process step by step get Peace of Mind by finding the right life insurance with policy genius head to policy or click the link in the description to get your free life insurance quote to see how much you could save that’s back here in the locked on Sabers podcast thanks for making us your first listen every day be sure to keep CH tuning in through the NHL draft and free agency next week and uh 12 days from today is free agency uh we’ll be talking plenty about it hottie karash lockdown NHL prospects we’re going to get on next week and we’ll keep running through some free agent ideas of the day we’re not going to have one today because I want to get to some McDavid stuff um but we’ll get into a bunch more names and options uh in the coming shows all right this is this relates to free agency today had the realization of how much cap space the Savers are truly going to have I’ll tell you this the way it all sounds I am presently operating as though the Sabers are going to buy out Jeff Skinner at this moment here on June 19th I am treating their situation as though they’re gonna buy out Jeff Skinner so if they buy out Jeff Skinner what that means for their cap this year this year only is $31 million in space heading into the offse season roughly roughly 31 million doll in cap space massive amount there are a couple of restricted free agents to sign Uka lukanin Yoki Haru Payton Krebs Jacob Bryson kale CLE don’t worry about him Bryson I could see them bringing back he had a good end of the season uh and then Krabs Yoki Hario UPL let’s say F just just hypothetically let’s say five million for UPL three million for Yoki Haru two million for Krebs one million for Bryson that’s $ 111 million let’s let’s take a guess here and say those four rfas are going to cost the savers about $ 11 million that brings their cap space to 20 with the rfas with a Skinner buyout let’s say $20 million I think it’s very realistic that’s what they’re going to walk into the offseason with they’re gonna buy out Skinner is my guess and those four players are going to be around that number 20 million in Space the Sabers have not been a spend to the cap team for four years and we thought it was going to happen even earlier than that the sabes made a lot of of Staff cuts and cleaned house when covid happened fired Jason botel fired a bunch of hockey Ops guys bunch of guys in other departments as well cleaned house financially then Terry Pula fell in love with the idea of taking one last run with Ralph Krueger as the coach and Jack eel as the best player and they went out and they gave Taylor hall8 million and that brought them up to the cap prior to that in that long off season during the co shutdown we all thought they were not going to be a cap team we thought they would be an internal cap team that spent below it then they got convinced Taylor Hall was a good idea and that brought them up since then they have not been a cap team the reason for that is a lot of their players are young entrylevel players those guys have since been paid more and more now they get to a place where the young guys are in Quinn and petka will come sure those contracts are coming but for now Thompson’s done cousins is done dalen’s done power’s done Byrum you’ll have an RFA contract next year like they’ve got you know a couple guys but a lot of the core is already locked up samelson is done so what are they going to be I don’t have a I don’t really know what they’re going to be are I want to say I wouldn’t be surprised either way are they going to be a team if they have 20 million to spend that spends all of it because a lot of teams in the league spend all of it Vegas spends more than they should right Tampa same thing Toronto the the Boston Florida those all these great teams they spend right to the cap every single year so what do we expect do the Sabers spend 20 of the 20 they spend every C they have let’s go all in you know fredman keeps talking about this pressure on Kevin Adams this year is he act that way does he say I gotta win not even just I gotta win this team’s gotta win Beyond me sure my job might be on the line but more than that it’s time for this team to freaking win already so yeah we’re spending every dollar we have we’re pushing the chips in and we’re going to go get into the playoffs I could see that I could see them saying we’re going to spend every cent we’ve got might be hard for them to find players that are worth that freeny you overpay guys sometimes they aren’t worth it there’s trades as well or are they going to be a team with an internal cap are they not going to spend to the cap out of choice I think that’s possible because of other actions that have happened through the years that would imply that they’ve kind of wanted to be that a little bit more frugal with spending what whatever you want to call it I also think it’s possible they don’t spend to the cap because they can’t get people to take their money I think that’s a sad reality but that’s certainly possible as well I asked this question on our Twitter account lockon saers if you want to check it out there let’s say the Sabers have $20 million in space after all set and done with Skinner in their rfas how much of the remaining 20 million do you expect them to spend and it’s pretty even and I think this goes to show saber fans don’t really know what to expect from them when it’s time to win what is their commitment level what is the pula’s commitment level what’s the Sabers organization’s commitment level when it’s time to win are you going to spend and that poll right now it’s pretty even all of it spending all the 20 million 19.6% of the votes 15 to 19 of the 20 million 19% of the votes 10 to 14 of the 20 million spent 37% of the votes that’s the highest number and then less than 10 million 23% of the vote pretty evenly split most think 10 to 14% 37% of the 100 of the 100% um is towards that range and I might land more in the 15 to 19 range I really think they’re going to try I really think they’re going to try to spend they’re not going to be afraid to go pay free agents uh I think they know what time it is now the only thing about this maybe they Stack Up one-year deals maybe they’re willing to to give out I mentioned Max doy yesterday a couple of four five million one-year deals because there are two guys still they have to save money for they have to save money for Jack Quinn they have to save money for JJ petka and they have to save money for bow and Byam those three players they have to keep those three in mind and those are going to be sizable contracts so that’s why I think it’s maybe more likely they look for some veterans that could will take a one or a two-year deal and if we got to overpay you two three million doll or $2 million to get you we’re going to be willing to do that because we have all this space that’s what I’m hoping for um and I think it’s POS it’s very realistic to see that happening but it’s a good question let me know what you think like what is your expectation level of the Sabers spending if they have 20 million what are they going to spend cuz that poll right now I put up on Twitter like it’s pretty evenly split between they’re not going to spend at all they’re going to spend somewhere in the middle or they’re going to spend every penny they got when we come back I want to talk a littleit about the Stanley Cup Final Conor McDavid the alltime greatness of what he’s putting together right now that’s when we come back here in the lockdown Sabers podcast hey if you’re looking to get in on the action with McDavid you want to check out his anytime go bats or I mean right now he’s minus money at FanDuel Sportsbook to record a point in game number six I mean that’s as easy a bet you might think as there is McDavid to record a point game six on Friday be sure to check out all the props all the lines Edmonton’s still an underdog you’ve got K Smite odds to look at as well over at FanDuel Sportsbook uh Not Just Hockey of course summertime means baseball a lot of soccer right now with the euros and the Copa America as well you can bet it all on FanDuel right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet it’s 200 bucks you can use to bet every everything from km winner to who’s going to hit one out of the part visit lockon add a big win to your summer bucket list FanDuel America’s number one sports book final segment lock locked on Sabers podcast and we’ll wrap things up today by talking about the finals through five games still alive we got two for Edmonton three for Florida and man Florida looks like they might blow it we’ll see they’re still a favorite but game six and Edmonton with all the momentum the Oilers Direction and then if they win game six who’s G to believe Florida’s gonna win game seven I mean they’ll be at home but they would have lost three in a row funny stat the last time that the Oilers had lost three in a row before this series they won they won 16 in a row after that’s when their coach got fired early in the year Jay Woodcraft they lost three in a row now it’s more than that in a row then that three- game losing streak ended they won 16 this three- game losing streak well they’ve won two and I think it’s very possible they win the next two that’s how good they look right now barov does not look the same since that dry zidal hit I don’t know if he’s rattled from it or if he’s playing injured or if it’s just hard for anybody to keep Conor McDavid down for more than two games in a row that’s also very possible McDavid four more points last night eight points in his last two games eight points he has set the record most assists in a playoff ever he is five points away from Wayne Gretzky for the record most points in a playoffs ever and Wayne Gretzky was doing that against goenda didn’t know how to play golender McDavid doing that right now is so un it’s it’s God mode he is so impressive right now dancing through the defense last night to set up a goal uh got a couple of goals on his own um one that bouncing off kylo poso by the way that’s one thing that you just can’t do with McDavid that’s a coaching thing you got to you got to make sure you don’t get your fourth line out there against McDavid because there’s the aoso line and oh look within 30 seconds goals in the back of the net it’s got to be barkov or Bennett maybe but you got to have one of your top two lines out there against him at all times it’s critical McDavid he’s got it all right now he’s the fastest player on the ice by far he looks confident he’s scoring he’s setting things up he is the best player in the world he’s the absolute best player in the world and you really know how high the standard is for him when barov was getting all sorts of credit for me even but Gretzky called him the greatest defensive forward since the the 80s because of some of the things he was doing he got a lot of credit barkov for keeping McDavid down in the first three games and this is kind of like Andre guadala in the NBA Finals he won Finals MVP one year because he held LeBron under 30 points per game at like 29 uh 10 and seven was his average this is what barov was doing oh you held McDavid to three points in the first three games that’s how high the bar is for McDavid is that when he’s at a one point per game it’s seen as this incredible accomplishment at keeping him at that and then he rattles off eight in the next two if he breaks the record I want to say at this point even if he doesn’t I think right now he should win the con Smite no matter what if Florida wins game six in Edmonton I think McDavid should still win the consite and I think certainly if he somehow breaks the point record and loses in game seven while breaking the point record it’ll be an outrage to me if he doesn’t win the K Smite it it’ll it’ll tell me no skater will ever win the K Smite again in a losing effort now to be fair that’s already very rare if you look at the history of the K Smite some losing players have won it most of them are goenda win it that in a losing effort was JS Jager in 2003 uh Ron hexall won it in a losing effort in 1987 Glenn Hall goalie of the Blues won it in 68 Roger kroer uh won it for the Detroit Red Wings former Sabres goendale leech Reggie leech the only skater to ever win the K Smite in a losing effort the 76 fin for the Flyers he had 19 goals in 16 games record-breaking historic that’s how he did it that’s what mcdavid’s doing right now best player on the ice it’s indisputable he is the best player in the world he is the best player on the ice he is a historic production right now and especially if he gets that record there’s no turning it away from him in my opinion they might do it anyway the weird thing would be the mechanics do you award him the K Smite after losing like maybe if it’s an Edmonton that’s okay because he’ll get a cheer hey maybe that’s a smart thing you get the Oilers fans in a good mood before you give the Panthers the trophy so it’s not just a you know them booing the whole thing if it’s game seven in Florida and the Panthers win and McDavid wins the K smite do you award it to him on the ice maybe you do it in the locker room because it would almost feel awkward or just feel weird like are the Panthers players there clapping for him while they’ve just won the Stanley Cup that would just be a little strange to me the mechanics of it maybe if they win in Florida they would give it to McDavid in the locker room uh but I think he should win it I think he should win it uh no matter what the result of the series is um but if he goes on to win this series Mount Rushmore of hockey instantly no something no one’s done back from three down setting records best player on the ice best player in the world he’s able to put that together it’s Gretzky it’s Bobby it’s for me it’s hasik and then it’s it’s McDavid like the great of the game whatever you want to do for your Mount Rushmore I think McDavid should be on it if he’s able to come back in this series and do something that no one’s done since the 1940s and no one’s certainly done in the modern day of NHL hockey so great series Friday night we get Edmonton in Florida in Edmonton it’s gonna be the loudest arena in hockey history uh I would imagine we’ll talk more about the series as it progresses here maybe it wraps up on Friday we’ll see uh we’ll talk more about Sab freeny stuff hottie collash will be coming up as well on the NHL draft lot to get to if you want to share your memories on the 99 game six result in the controversy and how it went for you how you were watching in the arena let me know what happened and let me know your memory thanks for listening today to the lock do saers podcast part of the lock do podcast Network your team every day

It’s been 25 years since Game 6 of the finals between the Sabres and Stars that featured ‘No Goal’. Sneaky Joe looks back on Brett Hull’s goal that should not have counted and stories of what immediately happened afterward. From Lindy Ruff going to war for Sabres fans and his team, to Hull letting the goal’s reputation get to him.

Plus, will the Sabres use all of their available cap space this summer? And Joe declares that Connor McDavid should win the Conn Smythe, no matter the result of the series.

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  1. Granted the "no goal" game was a major Buffalo bummer, but I go back to the 1974/75 playoffs, and I've never gotten over that season yet!

  2. If LA can trade Pierre Luc Dubois and his massive contract ( to Washington for Darcy Kuemper Washington earlier today) means maybe just maybe Adams can trade Skinner and his HUGE contract soon! 🙏

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