
Looks like the Kings are “officially” heading back to the Gretzky era

Looks like the Kings are “officially” heading back to the Gretzky era

by memeaste


  1. WhyAmIOnSocialMedia

    That Icethetics dude said it would be a more modern take on that.

  2. VeryLastChance

    Trading for PLD is basically the same as trading for Gretzky, right?!

  3. Jet_Stream92

    Maybe Chevy is just their new jersey ad.

  4. Steaknkidney45

    That the Kings were wearing the Gretzky-era jerseys for several years, either as alternates or just because, signaled a change was coming. They may have won two Cups with the previous set, but those were boring as hell.

    It’s a compromise of the modern set and Gretzky era–permanently returning to purple (or rather, “Forum Blue”) and gold was never going to happen.

  5. MumkeMode

    I hope they actually spell out “Los Angeles” in the new logo and not just put LA

  6. PaddyMayonaise

    Ah, so the oilers finally make a finals and McDavid goes Gretzky on anyway they try their luck with this. Connor, start learning Californian, Buddy!

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