@Toronto Maple Leafs

All signs point to Ilya Samsonov heading elsewhere this summer

All signs point to Ilya Samsonov heading elsewhere this summer

by JF_112


  1. This is not a surprise by any means, but it looks to be all but confirmed at this point. Wish Sammy nothing but the best

  2. Weekly-Junket8272

    As expected. Hes a decent starter for a fringe team. At best

  3. SoupOfSomeYoungGuy

    As they should. He’s had trouble being healthy and good lately.

  4. 1UP4UScoobydoo

    I hear Washington needs a goalie. šŸ˜‰

  5. TheCarrier89

    For the best. Heā€™s a decent goalie who can put together a string of great games but heā€™s too inconsistent to be a bonafide starter. Wish him the best.

  6. baylaust

    Probably the least surprising news this Summer for the Leafs.

    I like Sammy. Seems like a good guy, and when he’s hot, he’s a genuine talent. But he’s just TOO inconsistent. It’s a coin flip whether he’ll save his team when he’s in net, or cost them the game, and we just can’t have that.

    Until he finds that stability and consistency, he’s going to struggle to find long term opportunities. I hope he does, one day.

  7. Thirdnipple79

    I assume this means we have something in the works, because we need someone who can play at least 40 games and more than likely will have to play more than 40 with Woll’s injury history.Ā 

  8. redditpineapple81

    Thank god this experiment is over. Peace out buddy.

  9. mattfromjoisey


  10. Right call by both parties.

    Wish him the best. Very likeable guy but we all need a change.

  11. dgiwicmeofuwbzpaofkj

    Only leafs goalie since Belfour to win a playoff series so thatā€™s something. Understandable why heā€™s going elsewhere though

  12. billy_zef

    He’s not going to win you a cup, decent 1B or backup though.

  13. chyler1397

    Watch Samsonov reach the conference finals next year wherever he lands.

  14. carnotbicycle

    Kinda like Freddie I’m sure he’ll do well wherever he goes. Just got stale with us unfortunately. Wish him the best.

  15. Nearby-Swordfish3841

    Just the same sentiment here. I had high hopes for the guy who is clearly capable of being a talented goalie but it ainā€™t gonna be in Toronto. Hopefully he gets a good therapist this summer and gets out of his own head. On that note letā€™s hope Woll gets in some tough ass shape this off season and kills it next year! These guys need to spend less time golfing. We deserve better.

  16. Fit-Meal4943

    Toronto is a tough hockey market.

    Heā€™s going to land on his feet somewhere, best for him itā€™s where the spotlight shines a bit less bright.

  17. He needs to go play in Anaheim once they move Gibson. Or somewhere low key and just focus on being goalie. Heā€™s too hard on himself and that wonā€™t work here.

  18. Objective_Gear_8357

    I don’t think there’s a better ufa goalie than Sammy. I also think he’s not gonna take a pay cut. Toronto’s D did him no favors last year, it’s a tough call. Wish him luck wherever he goes

  19. Booboo_McBad

    Whoever signs him long-term will regret it

  20. Dear_Tiger_623

    They confirmed this in the press conference after they hired Berube

  21. Actual_Cobbler_6334

    Best of luck to him elsewhere, he was a treat to watch in 2022-23.

  22. Mango2149

    Great guy, wish we could have kept him as a 1b, but no starter makes it impossible.

  23. Slow-Juice-7257

    This is shocking, no one could of guessed it

  24. The_Yeehaw_Cowboy

    I don’t think the Leafs will be able to find a replacement that is an improvement over Sammy.

  25. palmsprings2854

    Please – I have a hard enough time keeping MY head straight

  26. Falconflyer75

    I like Sammy and I think heā€™s great in backup role he just shouldnā€™t be put in starter in a high pressure environment

    However I have nothing but respect for the way he battled back this season very few could do that

    Hold your head up high Sammy

  27. sansaset

    Love ya Sammy but it’s the move that has to be made..

    tbh with his cap hit and the weak D core we iced in front of him i honestly he exceeded my personal expectations.

    He was solid in that Tampa series and gave this core every opportunity to get that first round series win.

    best of luck with his next team!!

  28. Showtime98

    Good. Love him as a person but its time to move on

  29. Coffeedemon

    As long as he maintains his unreliable play whenever we might face him that’s OK by me.

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