@Tampa Bay Lightning

How I picture some of you psychos actually rooting for the Panthers

How I picture some of you psychos actually rooting for the Panthers

by OnThatGravyTrain


  1. “But but but they’re our little brothers”

    No they’re our biggest rival. Fuck them

  2. MissyTeeeee

    Tampa fans with their holy than thou attitudes make me sad to be a Lightning fan. Wouldn’t you rather say we lost to the Stanley Cup winners and it wasn’t in vain or you wanna cry about 30 years ago? Go Panthers! 🐀🐀🐀

  3. bouttohopintheshower

    I root for the most entertainment. Game 1-2 I was full panthers because Canada bad. Game 3-4 I was panthers because it would be funny to watch a sweep. After tonight now I’m full Edmonton because I can already imagine the “It was 3-0” posts.

  4. AceShipDriver

    Choosing between the oilers and the panthers – like choosing between prostate cancer or testicular cancer.

  5. i always liked the lightning better. a panthers choke job would be great to witness!

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