@National Hockey League

Barkov makes it 2-1 but after coach’s challenge is disallowed for offsides.

Barkov makes it 2-1 but after coach’s challenge is disallowed for offsides.

by Two_Inches_Of_Fun


  1. i started watching hockey today bc of this series and holy shit what a rollercoaster of emotions

  2. MichaelHoncho52

    Sketchy – how do you overturn a call off that

  3. Zestyclose-Middle717

    So damn close. I could have seen it go either way but still surprised they called it back

    Edit – spelling cause fuck

  4. jakedeighan

    I really didn’t think there was enough “evidence to overturn it” but was pleasantly surprised

  5. not-an-isomorphism

    New to hockey, what exactly is the rule and why does it exist? Even giving me something to google would be helpful I’m just over here like a dumbass asking alexa what the blue line in hockey is.

  6. magikarp-sushi

    Might legit be the deciding factor of this game or even this series from this point on. Kind of crazy?

  7. Ok_Theory_4944

    To close. You can’t over turn that goal.

  8. Close call? Obviously. But it is clear on the still that the skate is beyond the line.

    Annoying? Maybe. But considering that it was a challenge all fair and square.

    Would be stupid to have the challenge system and then be like “yeah close call we’ll decide whatever”

  9. Goatmilk2208


    THIS CALL: (Doubt).

  10. Background_Hat964

    That was super close, it was like 2 millimeters offside. Personally didn’t think that was enough to overturn. But smart call by Knoblauch.

  11. RickMoransdirtysocks

    Paul Maurice just can’t get it done, and now he’s choking on it

  12. Low-Amphibian-7603

    It was so close … if you will change the decision with a call as close as that, then why not using the available technology to be sure… why not a chip in the puck or something like in tennis ?

  13. Ssundee_is-better

    That was a terrible call by “Toronto” because if the game was in Sunrise, it would have been called a goal.

  14. DistanceSuper3476

    LMAOF ..the panthers are finally on the wrong side of a challenge and it Is about time they started getting called for the penalties that they have been getting away with in every series ….

  15. Ordinary-Easy

    To be fair, the tv camera degree is terrible for seeing if this was offside or not,

    The refs made the right call. You must remember the NHL has blue-line cameras for this type of call.

  16. Blackulon1

    Dk how I feel about these close less-than-an-inch offsides challenges. They should have 30 seconds to decide an offsides coach’s challenge. If they can’t, it’s too close to make a difference.

  17. The humiliation of the Florida cheats will be incredible if they lose this cup- this will
    follow these clowns around the rest of their careers if so

  18. Every-Citron1998

    Sorry Panthers you don’t get to join Flames and Sabres fans complaining about SCF game 6 calls. Those teams at least had a chance.

  19. It was a good overturn. The video showed it was offsides, it was just by millimeters. It’s currently 3-0 though so I don’t even know if it matters at this point other than possible momentum

  20. butwhyyyyyyyyyyymeee

    Maybe it is the right call, maybe it’s not. I personally didn’t see conclusive evidence to overturn. 

    Questionable calls and the NHL playoffs, name a better duo! At least it’s entertaining

  21. FalseFactsOrg

    This must have been such a hit to the Panthers morale

  22. Shiny_Mew76

    Some fans may not like it, but this call was the right one. This was clearly offside when you get a look at it from a better view. And hey, I’ll take a 7 game series any day of the week.

  23. RunRunStoyp

    Offsides reviews are such a buzzkill, offsides should be called but when it has zero effect on the goal it just fucks up the game.

  24. Cute_Muscle_6198

    Bro the refs are giving the game by game to the oliers

  25. Bright_Fun2593

    This has been one hell of a series. Here’s hoping for 7

  26. Affectionate-Sun9373

    At least the reffing is more consistent today.

  27. Full_Consequence_251

    take it one frame back, still going to be offside

  28. Catssonova

    I’m no Oilers fan, but if the refs are going to swallow their whistles the entire playoffs and Toronto calls that video review, then I’m officially irritated.

  29. This coaches challenge changed the entire game. Was offside by a nut hair.

  30. The_Wata_Boy

    The league started not changing these mid season. For some reason they felt like game 6 of the postseason was a good time to start allowing hairline offsides again.

  31. Pinkcrayon26

    Fuck this team. Bums with no fucking heart or balls whatsoever

  32. TheMoronicGenius

    I hope Jomboy does a breakdown of Paul Maurice turning into Joe Pesci

  33. Automatic-Squash-330

    What an absolutely terrible call lol, Scott Foster is that you ?

  34. This is the shit angle. Watch the SN coverage on this play. Clearly offside.

  35. Tootsmagootsie

    This overturned goal has solidified my belief that the NHL is meddling heavily to change the outcome of series.

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