@Vancouver Canucks

I know it’s not over until it’s over… but it still hurts

Insert holding out for a hero here (specifically the shrek 2 version)

by cinnathegr8


  1. salamiolivesonions

    I can’t believe we sat back and let this team win. Ffs.

  2. Ok_Artichoke_2804

    I’m numb by this point lol. Can’t feel the pain

  3. julesieee

    POV: “*You are Jay Woodcroft watching Game 7*”

  4. carasson

    I was extremely anti-Oiler but the comeback is pretty cool tbh. hate them less now. Still hope Florida wins but w/e

  5. kawachee

    How much will I get downvoted if I say that I kinda want Edmonton to finish this shit off now?

  6. redditguyinthehouse

    At this point I’m just here for the show, Monday is gonna be great

  7. CaddyFDT

    It hurts me to want the panthers to win. But this is the way..

  8. I’m just kinda impressed at this point, if they win then it’s as simple as turning Twitter off for the summer and my moron intake will decrease exponentially

  9. cbcguy84

    Ughh just end this now. I really don’t want to hear about the oilers for the next 50 years or whatever. Ughh

  10. fallingforsatan

    I’m starting to believe in the oilers…. 😳

  11. SercerferTheUntamed

    I was praying to the hockey gods for a panthers reverse sweep for sweet oiler tears and I think they’re going to reverse uno me 😑

  12. Caveman-Genius

    Luke Gazdic might nullify the entire Canucks twitter on Monday.

  13. I enjoy watching angry bald guy in the Panthers exec box get progressively angrier as the games so on.

  14. hellony275

    Everyone in Vancouver wants the Oilers to win….except a few salty Canucks fans on reddit who can’t put their big boy pants on

  15. TheGreenHydra

    sorry to say but the oil tanker got one more passenger :’)

  16. CurlingTrousers

    Born there, live here, raised my kids here, it’s home now, and love both teams – though not equally, at all times.

    It’s staggering to see 40% of you sort of kind of almost wanting to see them bring it back all the way.

    And it’s okay if you don’t. I’m sure we’re all lovely people IRL. But not on Reddit.

    Enjoy the show.

  17. ProtoMan3

    In previous years, I supported the last remaining Canadian team even other fans disagreed with me (you do you, just what I was doing). They always lost, many times in excruciating fashion (think 2017 Senators). The one year I don’t do this, they’re on the cusp of the greatest comeback ever.

    Sorry guys, I might’ve been the problem.

  18. makeitcount84

    I think we jinxed them. I see the Oilers completing the comeback. Kardashian style.

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