@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Sign Pettersson?

Should Marcus Pettersson be signed long-term?

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  1. I do think part of the reason Hronek got the amount of money he did is due to the higher taxes in Canada. Jacob Slavin’s reported extension of 8×6.5 is a significantly better comp and Pettersson should come under that in my opinion

  2. DK do you think there is a market out there somewhere for a trade Rieley? It seems his contract would be a major hindrance but I hope something can happen via trade.

  3. I really don't care if they do or don't sign him. If they use him in trade to make a move that betters them elsewhere, then I'm ok with it. I'm just not invested in this teams current roster like I may have been years ago or when they were an actual cup contender. It's all pieces and parts now floating around a dying core and quite honestly, none of it matters.

  4. Hi DK, thanks for the answer! Great points, I feel better about the Pens playoff chances now. I’m not so much down on Jarry just wish there were less questions marks in net in general but that seems to be the case for most of the division right now

  5. the Markstrom trade proves yet again that the Pens have the weakest goalie tandem in the division. The Caps are a close second but they still make playoffs.

  6. You call Mike Sullivan a defense minded coach, yet, the team had to lead the league in odd man breaks allowed. Doesn't sound very defense minded, or, for that matter, very structured.

    no but seriously, i love the idea of moving Malkin to wing especially if Jake can't be brought back. if Jake comes back i can't imagine there would be money to bring in a solid 2nd line center, and it would create a left wing logjam (malkin, jake, DOC, bunting) but in the interest of freeing up cap, do you think there are goalie-needy teams that would actually take Jarry's entire contract with him? what kind of value would that actually bring back? Tim, jacksonville fl

  8. The Penguins won’t be a contending team for awhile. They need to trade Pettersson this summer if they can land a first and a really good prospect, or young forward. They’ll get a better return this summer than at the deadline

  9. I disagree about Pettersson. I think he is a solid D man like Dumo was and I view him as a 2nd or 3rd liner..why? He really cant keep up w. Karllsson (or Letang) because he is slow and lumbering and is easily removed from the puck.. I dont think his body will last. Maybe if Karlsson had a better partner he would have had a better year. He is not going to get any faster and doesnt seem like he is getting any stronger on his skates. To think he is our 'tough guy' is astonishing. I say that if someone comes courting and makes a good offer off he goes…St Ivany still has a ways to go but he sure has a better upside

  10. I bet GMKD will go the route of Jake G. with Marcus. 'Waiting' to see if the team will do anything this year if not, he will be gone at the trade deadline for a prospect haul just like Jake was.

  11. Highly entertaining that this Organization knows fickall aboot d fence…Dragon has grown into his role with very little help….

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