@Buffalo Sabres

Catch Wrestling | A Sneaky Trip Takedown to Expand Your Wrestling

Catch Wrestling | A Sneaky Trip Takedown to Expand Your Wrestling

going in we’re going to step all the way [Music] around my outside foot is going to meet almost his outside foot and I’m going to look all the way around as I get them moving like that okay and then I want to sweep or trip this foot we can either block it and trip or sweep it okay we here say I maybe I can’t get in here’ll Step all the way around trip sweep kind of whatever you want to do enter in here all the way look around your corner and then meet sweep or trip okay we’ll go live one we’re wrestling that’s kind of like deashi on one side or saai on the other one just play with it just start feeling your partner’s weight shift one foot get light one foot get heavy and just work on meeting them just play with that for like 5 minutes okay partner up go

Certified catch wrestler and team coach Terrell Klutting shows the fundamentals of the simple trip takedown to expand your stand up game.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –

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