@Edmonton Oilers

2024 CUP CHECK: Game 6 – HIS7ORY – Panthers 1, Oilers 5

Steve Dangle recaps and analyzes Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final between the Florida Panthers and Edmonton Oilers.



  1. I wanted Florida to sweep them after the first 3 games. But now I am hopihh bc for a reverse sweep! The luxury of not being a fan of either team. Either way mcdavid gets the conn

  2. Die hard leafs fan here Steve. Im sorry but i just need to say this zach hyman is amazing yes. But even if we still had him im telling you it wouldnt have mattered… our core four do not play playoff hockey.. you know this… even if we had a backboard like hyman is, marner matthews nylander and Tavares and you can even throw reilly in there, WOULD NOT have gotten it done. Our core four is only good at shitty commercials and regular season goals against teams that dont try during the regular season.

  3. i always said if Dubas can't re-sign Hyman, that will be his biggest fail as GM (and he had many). We all KNEW this was going to happen. My prediction – Hyman, Brown and Ceci get on the score board en route to their game 7/cup victory.

  4. Yes Oiler fans are spoiled I know from experience I was 6 at my first Stanley cup game it was game 7 against Philly. My latest was last night and good old george Laraque was three seats away from me. I got to watch him play in the 06 finals and stood beside him in 2024. Win another cup on Monday and oiler fans have nothing to complain about for eternity

  5. Man. I do t have a dog in this fight. But my son is an oilers fan. I have been so happy watching this series. I want the Oilers to win this series so bad. Just for the amount of fight and determination they’ve had, coming back 3-0 down. It’s been amazing to watch. Hopefully (sorry panthers fans. No shade being thrown) but damn, do I wanna see a city on tv all singing La Bamba!

  6. This is torture. Go on YouTube and see loud fucks like this posting videos abt my panthers choking.

  7. I hate the Oilers…i mean loathe the Oilers. I used to be an oiler fan. Then they sold Gretz and I never forgave, never forgot. I became a Hurricanes fan in 06.

    I say all that because in spite of my hate, in spite of the nauseating fan base.. I might be cheering for Edmonton in this game 7.

    I don't even know what is real anymore but this storyline is as close as it gets.

  8. The last time a canadian team won the stanley cup, was the last cup before I was born. As long as i have been alive, canada hasnt won a cup, and i find that funny.

  9. If Florida loses this series, this will be one of the iconic choke jobs in NHL history. Let’s not forget it was these same Florida Panthers who pulled off one of the biggest upsets in NHL history against Boston last year. They were the ones who had miracle run to the Stanley Cup finals last year. They were the ones who powered there way to the finals this year and were a powerhouse all season. The last three games, Florida has looked completely lost.

  10. If the oilers don’t get it done. They have something to be proud of. But as a fan, it’s cup or bust, we cannot fucking lose Mondays game

  11. I dont think ive ever hugged and high fived as many people as I have yesterday in downtown Edmonton last night, it was absolutely magical

  12. I understand where you're coming from Steve. But if the concerts you go to aren't that good, you listen to the wrong music. 🤘

  13. I dunno… Oilers went on crazy winning streaks after losing streaks this season, so my chips are in on Edmonton.

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