@Boston Bruins

What is going to happen with Linus Ullmark? | Pucks with Haggs

What is going to happen with Linus Ullmark? | Pucks with Haggs

welcome to the pucks with hags podcast powered by prize pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network this is the 101st episode of the pucks with hags podcast I’m your host Joe Hager you can find my work at Joe hager. substack outcom um subscribe to for a premium membership get all of my NHL and Bruins writing sent straight directly or inbox I also file columns three times a week for the Boston Sports Journal so go to Boston Sports and check out uh all of that stuff all the Bruins writing I do over there with me I today I have the New England Hockey journals Mark diver and an old old friend uh making his pucks with hags this version of the pucks with hags podcast debut Jimmy Murphy James tell everybody where they can find your work my friend yeah so no longer with Boston hockey now but you can still find me on the itest podcast on the sick media network with uh Pier Maguire and then I’m also just joined substack myself Joe so uh you can go to Murphy’s hockey on substack and find me there as well for the time being some stuff in the works and when it arises I will uh I will let everyone know that’s awesome all right well welcome to the puck with ad podcast murf we’re glad glad to have you all right let’s get into it um just thoughts uh Mark let’s start with you thoughts from uh where we are in the Stanley Cup Final uh Florida looked Florida looked exhausted Florida looked tired Florida looked like they were kind of mailing in that game six a little bit I don’t know if they were saving it all up for game seven if they just didn’t have anything in the tank uh or if they’re just like on the the really wrong side of the momentum right now but uh they didn’t feel to me like they brought much to the table in that game six in Edmonton and now we go to a game seven in Florida which I still think Florida is going to win in game seven I know it’s not trending that way right now uh but I think that’s what’s going to happen just your thoughts on on where we are in the Stanley Cup Final well going from a three uh a three series to now a 3-3 series um you know it’s the last three games have been tremendous I mean if you’re a hockey fan it’s been great to watch I thought game five was awesome that was one of the fun hockey games I’ve seen in a long time absolutely absolutely yep and but I don’t know yeah Florida could surprise some people and and win uh the next game but how do you uh I don’t know how do you reel it back in I I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how good of a coach Paul Maurice is uh over the next couple of days um I just the momentum is just it’s all going in uh in Edmonton’s favor uh and you know Bovi is doesn’t look like the same guy he was certainly against the Bruins and or early in the uh in this series so you know somebody said uh the plane ride you know today is like the worst plane ride in in in hockey history for uh for the Panthers and uh I I I’d have to agree with that so I mean I don’t know how they uh they find their way out of this I I really don’t no I mean it’s trending right now and the momentum is all going towards Edmonton just pulling it out in game seven and you know Conor McDavid probably pulling out some kind of like you know MVP Superstar performance something that he where he’s going to rise to the occasion and meet the moment and make sure the Oilers win like you could see that definitely happening but I also think when you watch enough hockey playoffs and you watch enough of the Stanley Cup Playoffs especially when teams are coming back from 3 0 and the amount of energy that they have to expend to get back from 3 0 to tie the series especially at the end of a long two months where they’ve been you know play in the playoff Gauntlet for a long time sometimes we see those teams push to a game seven but then they’ve got absolutely nothing in the tank when game seven starts and it’s just clear that they’re just out of gas and you know I feel like we could see that in game seven where Edmonton has pushed all the way that they have and and maybe they’re you know the Tank’s going to be on E when they get to game seven uh especially but it’s it’s weird and counterintuitive to say that because it really looked like Florida’s tank was on E in game six uh but I feel like we might see that I still think Florida is the better team obvious viously uh they did not play well in game six I expect to see the best that they have uh to offer in game seven and I just I’ve seen them play too well over the last few postseasons to think they’re not going to bring their best uh in game seven but to your point like it feels likeed it’s Edmonton series to lose right now murf your your thoughts on H the Stanley Cup Final well I I think you know it’s been it’s been a lot of irony in the last few games as as Edmonton’s come back in this one thing I’ve been looking at is just the the tide has turned in faceoffs Florida was dominating not just the Oilers in the first three games of this series but all teams they played in the playoffs we saw how dominant they were against the Bruins in that six game series so that’s something I noticed that Edmonton’s now taking that that’s gone in Edmonton’s favor and then the other thing too guys I I think you know Paul coffee Mark Stewart uh running the defense there mark Stewart specifically the penalty kill which who would have thought that would become new o was bread and butter in this playoff I think it’s uh that’s really ironic um but I think Paul coffee deserves a lot of credit for figuring out how to get them and be making those first Outlet passes and breaking through that neutral zone coverage that Florida has been so dominant with and and then I got to give a lot of credit to Stewart Skinner guys I mean you look back at each of these wins in this series with his team facing elimination now you always say what do you need when you’re in an elimination game you know you could go home if you lose you need some big saves early on right from your goalie to get your team into it to know that you’re be behind them they can depend on you and he’s given them that and they’ fed off it so I know he’s not the the most glamorous goal he’s not he’s not in barros’s category I get it but I think he deserves a lot of credit for helping them get back into the series yeah and to your point that stretch pass has really neutralized the Florida forche and they’ve been able to just throw home run passes that like in the last few games it’s turned into the Panthers given up tons of odd man rushes tons of great chances and you know part of that is just the the the the strategy of the stretch pass and part of that is because Edmonton has so many players forwards that can make you pay when they’re on the receiving end of the stretch pass and can finish off those plays they’re they’re a dangerous team that can you know make that strategy uh hurt the other team and make the Panthers pay when they’re over aggressive so uh it’s been really interesting to watch all of that um at this point is it almost a fedon plea that win or lose in game seven murf that Conor McDavid wins the K Smite I think you have to give it to him and let’s see what he does in game seven another thing I should note too guys I think that we have to look at last night and and a great job by nobla to do this as it went on and maybe he realized I would say pretty much after that Florida that barov goal was called back on the offsides challenge which I know you probably want to get into in a bit but um they limited the time for you know McDavid and dyle he was able to P reel them in a bit and I mean McDavid only had 1858 now he didn’t register a shot or a point but he’s going to be well rested for game seven as his D who you know didn’t have his usual workload as well so yeah I think McDavid comes out he has a hell of a game and I think win or lose he’s goingon to get the conm yeah and honestly like I took the position before game six that the Oilers were only going to win Stanley Cup Final games as long as McDavid was going nuts and having Superstar performances and that didn’t happen in game six uh you know Adam Henrik and other guys stepped up and and and filled in and and showed that you know it’s a team effort and and that they do have other players that can step up in the moment and help them um Mark what you sort of on that train of thought that McDavid is is gonna win the con Smite here no matter what happens just based on his you his whole body work in the playoffs and the way he’s he in in a lot of ways was instrumental in this turnaround for Edmonton obviously with a couple of like alltime performances to to get wins for the Oilers yeah would agree with McDavid uh with the caveat that if uh Bovi makes I don’t know 45 50 saves on Monday night you know maybe maybe that changes the uh the vote but uh yeah I’d go with McDavid for sure he just been an you know a performance befitting uh you know the the superstar that he is are we predicting uh 45 save Shut Up Performance for bosski Mark is that what we’re doing right now no I don’t make predictions Jo you know that we’re in the analysis business we have all the answers after the fact not the fact absolutely um I mean MF we could get into the the uh the barov goal getting overturned the offsides review like if you guys want to talk about it or you have on it go for it but like I just look it needs to be changed bottom line that’s it but we are where we are we can’t do anything about it now right like I guess it was the right call like by a millimeter or or a millisecond but like I hate that like something that close gets overturned especially in a moment like that and a game like that it really changes the whole game when it’s gonna be a two to one game barov scores like Florida kind of steals back the momentum a little bit who knows where it would have gone after that but for for that to happen on that play where it’s just like barely offside if at all that that I don’t know I I just I would rather see less review rather than more review I agree I agree I mean I’m sure Mark does as well I just think it is where it is and I think it’s something you need to re-evaluate going forward I don’t know how much change we’re going to see between now and next season because I’ve seen some insiders tweet that there’s not much of an appetite from GMS right now which I find crazy but uh for things to change but we’ll see we’ll see well like once you open the door to technology it’s tough to close it because I’m technically they do get the calls right uh depending on how you know the interpretation of the video or the rules or whatever but like you know most of the time it’s the right call Mark and it’s hard to argue with that even if it slows the game up takes some of the human error that’s always been a part of the game out of it with the referees especially in a bang bang play like that like I there are just times I wish we could go back to the way it was before the review started yeah I hate it I hate it uh you know we all watched hockey for decades and you know never uh never really thinking gez look at all the off sides they’re missing you know and it just you just accepted it you know you know and now to to have that long weight they score the goal there’s a long weight while they review it takes away from the momentum of the game it uh it uh it just puts a damper on it for me I I uh we’re stuck with it for now and that’s that but uh but I don’t like yeah I mean guys one thing I I you know Pier Maguire on our podcast a lot will say that you know he’s saying all the time if the the puck touches the blue line on the entry then it’s in the zone and that would reduce the millimeter reviews you know so maybe they can alter it a bit that way I just I don’t know how much they’re going to drastically change it but I’m with you guys too and it’s I think it’s ironic I mean the more technology we introduce the more of a bleep show Things become and you know I’d like to see it Go Back to Basics a bit definitely um prize picks is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports instead of battling thousands of other players it could be Pros or sharks you simply pick more or less than on two to six player stat projections and you watch the winnings roll right in uh some great features on prize picks you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you can turn $10 uh into a th if you’re looking for promotions prize picks has got you covered every week from lowering select players stat projections on Tuesday to help your lineup hit or getting your entry fees back if you have a losing lineup on Fridays um it’s fun and pretty simple download the prize pick app today and use the code clns for our first deposit match of up to $100 but moving on from the Stanley Cup Final there’s actually some Bruins news percolating uh you know this is maybe we’re gonna get into the prediction business right now because none of it has happened yet um but this was a big week for goalie movement uh the um Darcy keer gets traded out to the LA Kings for pier Luke DUIs good luck Washington Capitals dealing with Pierre Luke DUIs who’s been a severe Problem Child and an underperformer everywhere he’s been and uh has been kind of swiftly kicked in the butt out of every Market that he’s been in with every team that he’s been kind of teams have washed their hands with him maybe he’s trying to shoot his way out of every NHL Market until he finally gets to Montreal where he wants to be I don’t know what he’s doing there um but that’s one of the trades and it actually it makes it interesting to wonder if there was discussions about Pierre Luke DUIs and Lena alar if that was the Kings Bruins trade that was you know broached at the trade deadline or discussed in any way shape or form um and we also have the New Jersey Devils trading for Jacob Jacob markstrom from the Calgary Flames um so basically now it really leaves in my opinion the Ottawa Senators as the only team that would be a logical trade partner for Lena solark I I remember going on Ottawa radio in the middle of last year and they were asking me all kinds kinds of questions about lenus alark I think they have been viewing this as a Target and as a player they’ve really want for a long time now um and it looks like it could happen certainly there’s a lot of rumors about there out there about it um and whether you know alfredson has kind of convinced lenus elar to wave his no trade if there’s a contract extension involved before he’s going to agree to go you know what they’re going to be able to get from Ottawa is Jacob Chan involved is one of their first round picks involved you know how much of a hall is Don Sweeney gonna get for Lena alar just uh I’ll open it up to to both of you guys Mark I guess you first anything that you guys have heard um one way or the other a feeling that you have what is going to happen here and whether this is gonna kind of be a done deal and also I will tip the hat to you Mark I think you reported what was it yesterday that the Bruins and Brandon busy are working on a contract extension which would also play right into locking him up before you trade Lena elmark away so you have uh your your backup goendale set to go when you pull the trigger on the deal yeah well you know as far as that goes busy Brandon busy he has no leverage he’s a restricted free agent he’s he’s pretty much got to take what uh what they’re offering uh which will be close to the league minimum as a guy who who’s never played a game in the league and that’s fine that’s fine uh but uh that’ll go well with the mammoth contract that Jeremy Swan’s GNA sign when they finally sign that’s true that’s true they every penny counts right but uh as far as olark you know I don’t have any uh you know any uh Insight or sources as to what’s going to happen something’s going to happen uh you know we got that deadline coming up is it the fir the last week the last day of the month they owe him a million dollars the Brewing do if he’s still with them you know I so I got to think that Uh something’s going to happen by the by then they’re not going to want to pay here’s a million bucks now go to now you’re not gonna play for us anymore I don’t think that’s gonna happen right great point but uh you know it it’s the handwriting appears to be on the wall here in both Boston and in Ottawa uh you know I I think Don Sweeney even though you know his he may protest that uh you know he doesn’t have a problem with keeping the two uh the two goalie tandem ideally they would trade uhar and and get some uh some Assets in return yeah and and and Swan steps in as the as the starter uh and on the flip side stos Steve stos a firsttime GM in Ottawa he’s got to get this right he he can’t make a bad deal uh or what’s perceived to be a bad deal he he needs to fix his goal tending situation and allmark would be just the guy to uh to do it in my opinion uh as far as getting a hall I I don’t know I feel like they’re going to get less than uh than maybe uh I don’t know people people might think um well put it this way do you think they would get less than what um Calgary got for for markstrom geez I hope not because I don’t think Calgary got that much but uh I mean they got their first round pick though right they got the pick they did and and if Boston could get a first round pick you know especially you know I have my doubts that they’re going to give him one that’s in the top 10 uh like this year uh but a first rounder the guy I would love to see and I’m probably uh it’s too much of a reach probably is uh is uh is Shane Pinto you know if they could get him in return that that solves you know at least partially solves Boston’s Center deficiency you still got to go out I think and sign one in free agency you know a top uh a Topline guy but I’d love to have Shane Pinto I think I suspect the Bruins would would feel that way uh but you know I think I saw early you know some speculation that maybe a first rounder uh a a roster player and maybe a Prospect I don’t think they’re getting that much uh but I could be wrong uh but I think it’s uh you know sometime between now and uh and the last day of this month I I think it’s it seems pretty apparent that something’s going to happen on on that front so yeah I I agree I I think it does the writing does seem to be on the wall especially with the reports out there uh from multiple places that he would wave his no trade to go to Ottawa it’s gotten to that point I think once that happens and once they’ve kind of at least in part agreed to you know whatever the whatever the return is going to be um you know then it becomes you know you’re going to work out an extension beforehand like all those other details but it seems like some of the principal stuff that has already been sort of hammered out or at least they’re in lock step to some degree with um murf your thoughts on this and uh I in in my opinion I think it makes sense I think like I said before I think this is the only place they could could trade him to now I don’t think there are many other teams that are really desperate for goal tending where they’re going to give up a lot in exchange for them right now this we’re talking about a team in Ottawa that was 30th out of 31 teams or 30 31st out of 32 teams in in save percentage uh was it Anton forsberg and the guy that came from Columbus yeah no they had scard and then they had corello corello yes he was uh he was not they were terrible the both of them they need somebody in there can actually stop pucks and it it submarines their entire talented young Core Group um where they’ve got a lot of Talent on that team they’ve got a good pieces they’re putting together and people had predicted that they were actually going to be a breakout team last year and and their goal tending completely submarin them so they are very desperate for goal tending help I just wonder uh and I I had heard Pinto uh the name that you mentioned D mark is as somebody that Bruins might be interested in or might be changing hands but like the other name you hear a lot is Jacob chran um which would be interesting uh I think that would really solidify the Bruins top four if if that kind of guy came to Boston in that trade well I’ll tell I mean this Bas based on what I’ve heard guys I think the only other team that is of recently within the last few days to a week there was interested was Detroit but I think they got the sense from what I’m told that they were not really liking what alark is looking for in an extension right now because they’ve got Sebastian kosa coming soon and they’re looking to him in the future but they wanted to get a guy I think for one year here who could maybe a short they’re kind of like in a spot that otta is in right everyone looked at them as a breakout team as well that would make the playoffs potentially they didn’t so they want to make sure that they can secure that playoff spot this year and I think that was the idea in bringing elar in there if they could but doesn’t look like that will happen as for AO I’m with you I mean for every all the reasons you said there it makes sense for them this is a team that I think it’s playoffs are bust in that market right now because you know guys we’ve seen they’re not the only team that’s done this but we’ve seen teams when they’re trying to win their Market back win their fans back sometimes they maybe build expectations too high and I think that’s what happened with Ottawa there and they got burned by it I think you know you guys brought up pinto too let’s not forget how many game you know he was out for what a quarter of the season with that suspension that hurt them as well so there were a lot of things that it was like a perfect storm of everything happening or Murphy’s loss so to speak that went wrong for Ottawa last year so I think they want to make sure that they can get over the hump now and make the playoffs with that Talent roster in front of their goalie um as for the return guys I I’m with you Joe I I agree with you Mark I think Pinto would be great and I know the Bruins have been interested in him I just don’t know if Ottawa budges on that I I think they want to keep him they see him as part of their future uh but Cher and I know has been out there for a year even dating back to last off season they were poking around seeing if there was interest in him so I think that makes a lot more sense right now and I’m with you Joe I think it secures the top four there you maybe can move him next to Carlo and slide Lindholm in with makoy or vice versa so it gives you a lot of uh versatility I think that you didn’t have on the left side and people still forget and people forget he’s just 26 years old Chan seems like he’s been around forever yeah because he came into the league like at 1819 he was pretty young when he broke into the NHL uh and I remember he dropped in that initial Draft when everybody thought he was gonna be like top 10 and I think he dropped out of the top 10 um but very talented player obviously can move the puck in in offensively can do some things he you know he was he definitely was one of the players that paid the price for the bad goal ending last year when you look at the the plus minus and he’s you know he’s been on bad teams for most of his NHL career so that’s going to color some of the numbers that he has um I know there was definitely interest obviously when Bruce Cassidy was the coaching the Bruins because there’s history between uh butche and and Chan’s dad but I still think I I think that’s a player that the Bruins have had some level of interest in for a long time so it would be interesting if if that kind of thing um materializes uh when when and if the omark deal gets done I do like the the what you mentioned Mark about the the money at the end of the month I hadn’t even thought about that or or that’s a great Point even looked into that um you know it makes sense anyway I think they’d want to get the deal done if they’re going to trade him before July 1 anyway just to have cost certainty as to how much they’re going to be able to spend um come free agency time um looking ahead uh to July 1 and to free agency Mark um any sort of any free agents or anybody with the Bruins that you get a a strong sense uh is going to return or somebody out there that you think they really like that they want to bring in uh I don’t uh I haven’t heard anything about Jake de Brusque or you know you know in in weeks I don’t think uh I saw some things about Toronto and Rus having mutual interest in each other but as far as the Bruins yes you know I I I think Jake’s going uh going to the the market as you know as we respected as we expected um so I don’t know you know the uh the center in Vancouver that uh that they were they had eyes for during the season I would expect them to be expect him to be a top Target uh and I you know I don’t know what his uh expectation would be as far as a an extension as far as a contract uh you know s million a year eight million a year I don’t know I think he’s gonna he’s gonna command a high price uh yeah you know I i’ maybe it’ll be a little reduced since he did not have a great season you know the year that he had this year between Calgary and and Vancouver was not good maybe maybe that lowers a little just because he’s not coming off like his 40 goal 82 points or whatever it was he did with Calgary a couple years ago but uh he did have a good playoff and like centers are always going to get paid the the top guys anyway I mentioned uh I’ve mentioned before that uh I I I think Brady Shay would be would be a good I like him Brewing but if they get CH then uh you know you got then you got to many D you know somebody’s maybe going to have to go out the door uh in that case and maybe opens up other trade possibilities although I don’t know who that would be who who would they be uh who would they be willing to trade at this point that’s on the d i i don’t uh I don’t think there’s a lot of candidates that uh that they’d want to unload but no I’ve always liked his game uh you know and then you know I think it’ll be uh you know Don Sweeny uh and the Bruins doing kind of what they do a lot of times which is sign guys that maybe you never even thought of as free agents you know guys that you didn’t expect or know that they had interest in uh you know so I I would look I would look to be surprised on uh on July one uh with maybe you know maybe not Topline guys in in that category but you know depth guys second second line type guys uh you know that’s uh I won’t be surprised if if that’s what how it pans out but uh who knows I I wouldn’t be surprised but I would probably be a little disappointed if that’s the way it goes like standard operating procedure for uh da Sweeney and the Management Group because they have so much cap space and money I would hope they shoot higher than that instead of like you know the diamond and the rough guys that admittedly they hit on those guys they do a really good job with those guys but I also feel like on some level when you continuously do that year over-year you have a team full of line forwards you know I think if they uh if they get their Topline Center then then maybe they can a that gives them a little bit of wiggle room to sign a a guy or two that that fits into that yeah kind of Darkhorse categ especially if they lose to brusk you know what I mean I think they need to spend to get another sort of primary scoring guy in here if if Jeff Jake debrusk is gone which I think we all kind of think that’s going to happen you know I I’m not going to be surprised at all if signs with a Canadian Market whether it’s Toronto or he goes out west closer to where you know his dad and his family are like I feel like the Canadian teams like covet him and maybe it’s because he’s NHL you know Second Generation and like you know his dad’s in the broadcasting business whatever I but he seems to carry a lot of value with a lot of those teams even Beyond his obvious skills so I just think some team’s going to spend a lot of money for him and maybe regret it just because his consistency if you give him like six seven years a lot a big dollar amount I don’t love the consistency like being there for him I don’t love the day-to-day like concentration and focus and dedication being there for him if you give him that kind of money I think the the Bruins knew that I think that’s part of the reason he’s not coming back um yeah the first the first time he hits like a 12 or 15 game stretch without a goal then right those teams will uh yeah will be uh asking themselves what were we thinking yeah yes yeah um M free agency coming up uh anybody you feel strongly about either incumbent players that you think are definitely going to be back or uh you know free agents that you think may get targeted by the Bruins well guys I look at this I agree you know let’s say let’s say they get Chen here where they fill that L left defense spot they want to um and so they’re using free agency to find a center I look at the list there and I like I don’t I’m not that impressed I don’t see other than lyol a guy that really jumps out to me that has the potential to come in and be that star number one Center that you want I think that’s going to be done through a trade somehow I think Don Sweeney over the you know over the course of his tenure here in Boston as GM he’s done a lot better in trades than he has in signings and going back to what Mark said especially big money signings murf absolutely I agree yeah so let’s say going back to what Mark said where maybe they do uh they use free agency to plug in holes so to speak on more one-year deals and do what they did last year maybe they get that centered through a trade and then they still have a little money left over to sprinkle in those guys that Mark’s alluding to there on one-year deals but one guy I wonder if they take a chance on I know he’s old I know he’s at the end of his career but he you know once he got healthy and he got on a little role there in Detroit is Patrick Kane I mean they’ve had interest in him before if the Brusque leaves you bring him in on a one-year deal to add some scoring who knows who knows so I I’d be interested to see if they Circle back on him wouldn’t that be something that would I think that would excite the fan base uh even if it’s a one-year deal you know it’s a kind of lots of bonuses or something who knows well I think that’s like a primary scoring kind of guy too you could say could come in and make you know he makes things happen he drives lines drives shifts when he’s out there makes other players better yeah experience you know yes so I just my concern with the Bruins and this was what I saw with the roster last year is when you did the exercise of how many first line players do you see on that forward group how many second line players do you see in that forward group yeah how many third line players do you see in that forward group or bottom six forwards yeah there were a lot of bottom six third line kind of forwards on that in that group more more than six more than were playing above their potential a lot you know and we saw what happened in the playoffs where they came back to reality and you know kind of everything evened off so and I would definitely put Patrick Kane even at his uh his uh Elder State now uh in a in a top six uh position or cap capable of in anyway especially as he gets removed from the the hip surgery that he had and presumably could be even better you know next year uh this coming year than he was last year when he was first coming back from the surgery so I think that’s interesting um any uh any anything else cooking murf as far as the Bruins go anything uh that you have on the radar right now well I mean I I think one thing guys that you know obviously we know they want is to get back in the first round and I don’t know if they’re able to do that in this allmark trade if they can’t does Sweeney find another way to do that I I think that’s a big goal for them and you know okay let’s say he doesn’t do it for this draft he wants to do it for next year like he wants to start to get more first round picks and build them so I’m interested to see between now and when he speaks to the media next Thursday in Vegas if he’s acquired a first round pick whether it’s this year or next year mark anything uh anything else as far as on your mind or at the at the front as far as the Bruins go heading into the draft next week and free agency on July one well murf raises a good point about getting in the first round uh I wonder if even a second round pick uh this year they don’t even they don’t even have one right obviously they don’t pick till the fourth I believe yeah till the fourth that’s right you know they they do have to uh you know beef up the prospect pool there’s no question about it they uh they don’t uh they don’t have guys that are you know going to be NHL ready in the near future um and so you know getting a draft pick even even a second rounder would be would they’d be better off uh than than not picking in the second and I don’t know what the price would be for that I I really have no idea uh but um you know I think uh I think you know the the goalie situation obviously is you know probably taken up a lot of uh a lot of uh don Sweeny’s time at this point uh and whether other things like uh you know signing other players uh takes a back seat until that is straightened out uh I guess we’ll see over you know between now and the draft Mark gotta ask you you a Providence Bruins question here um in discussing de Brusque talking about him and and potentially moving on I think we we see that sort of reading the te leaves that’s most likely outcome here is that he’s GNA sign somewhere else uh and and go for bigger money uh bigger term probably elsewhere is Fabian lysel a guy that the Bruins could or should view as an in-house candidate to potentially uh be a top six guy next year is that something that you think would be possible or too much to ask based on what we saw of him and the progressions we saw of him last year in Providence where obviously there was some you know ups and downs but seemed like it was on a bit of a positive trajectory towards the end of the year well I think asking him to be a top six forward next year is a you know a bridge to far for him I think uh you know starting him lower in the line lineup I think that’s the way that’s the way to go uh Y and but I think it’s time you know it’s time to find out with him yeah you know exactly where do we stand he’s got two years pro under his belt you know the results have been uh you know good at times not so good at other times like a lot of young players but I think it’s time to uh you know give him a shot and and see what happens uh and then you’ll have a better idea you know where he might fit down the road I think ideally ideally he’s a top six forward down the road but whether whether that fits with the reality you know remains to be seen um I think he certainly has uh you know tremendous speed and a lot of skill but all the you know all the parts of his game have to fit together and to this point they they don’t right now uh so I think training camp will be interesting to see you know what do they do do they do they they’re not going to come out and say okay this guy’s got a job on you know on the NHL roster but no they never do that no they’re not gonna do that but yeah you know is that you know does he make the team as a you know as a bottom six guy to start that wouldn’t surprise me and like I said I think it’s time to find out if you plug him in there on the on the third or the fourth line and he you know he falls on his face okay that’s one thing but if you plug him in there and he starts to you know starts to get it that okay this is what you have to do if you if you want to be an NHL player this is where you start you know they got a guy in the room in in in Brad marshad who started on the fourth line right 20 20 games without a point in his first 20 games you know there’s a guy that can uh you know I’m not I’m not saying uh Mary’s going to Mentor this kid I’m not saying that at all but uh you know we there’s someone there that uh to look to that uh that realized that he had to adapt his game to make it and uh you know I think uh Mel is gonna have to adapt his game uh he’s not GNA be Brad Maran but you know he certainly has the potential to be a skilled uh scoring forward and I think it’s now it’s time to find out you know where does he stand so that’ll be something a storyline to look forward to in in training camp no question I I still remember that uh stretch that you’re talking about of one goal in 20 games when I think right before he got called up uh he and Vladimir sabatka got into like a huge brawl down in Providence like the one thing I one thing I remember about that is uh he finally scored and uh the next day I was at practice and I I said to somebody like hey just see marshy got a got his first goal last night and the guy I’m not going to say who who responded but the answer was Jesus it’s about freaking time you know that that was the answer so you know everyone uh every you gotta start somewhere everyone starts in uh at some point and I think it’s time with h with LEL to see what where’s he stand Mark did you think you know we know the coaching staff challenged him like halfway through the season there right and said he needed to play more of a two-way game Buy in and all that did you get the feel at the end of the year that they had felt that he had done that better so to speak I think they did and I think he did I think his his play picked up after that the injury that he had when he fell into the boards uh you know and had kept him out for a long time you know I think he would have played he would have played NHL games yeah by the end of the season yeah I think would have brought him up for you know just for just to see but that that set him back and then uh you know he was only able to come back for one playoff game you know and then you know he sat out the last game which you know I think was a excuse was a disappointment to them that he didn’t uh kind of suck it up and uh and play through the injury but he didn’t and uh you know now uh now he heads into training camp next season and uh you know it’s uh I’m sure he I’m sure he was disappointed to not have the opportunity to to get his first NHL game or two in at the end last season but yeah I think that opportunity is coming uh you know as soon as October of this year so yeah well it will be interesting uh I can say uh Fabian lysel I’m not sure has had the best training camps with the Bruins uh since he’s come come into the organization so he’s going to have to sort of change that sort of pattern and and what’s happened there in the last couple of years I feel like his camps have not been great so like maybe with a little more on the line and being that close it’ll it’ll be a different story um this time around uh but it’ll be interesting to see what happens murf and mark thank you very much for joining us thank you thanks guys and everybody else out there thanks for listening we’ll see you at the rink [Music]

Joe Haggerty, Jimmy Murphy and Mark Divver discuss the trade rumors involving Linus Ullmark and whether he might end up with the Ottawa Senators over the next few weeks.

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  1. People need to stop they have their one two punch leave them alone let's see if your brain can get that stop posting about the goalies Boston Bruins

  2. The question really should be, why wouldn't Linus Ullmark accept a trade to the Ottawa Senators at this point and the Bruins damn well better hope Ullmark agrees to a trade to Ottawa because they are probably the only team in the NHL in the market for him

    Also, if Linus Ullmark actually cares about his next contract being for as long and for as much money as possible, a trade to Ottawa gives him that very option!!!

    There is no other guaranteed path for Ullmark to ensure that he gets a long term contract at an AAV of $6-$7M for 2025 and beyond, than to agree to an extension with Ottawa as part of any trade with Boston

    Even if they can't work out an extension now, Ullmark would still be better off being the starter in Ottawa versus the backup in Boston where he likely wouldn't supplant Swayman in any scenario except injury

    Ullmark and his agent know he's not in Boston's plans for 2025 and beyond, so why not set him up for the biggest AAV & term as possible by accepting a trade to either Ottawa or somewhere else & preferably signing an extension immediately?

    At some point Ullmark's agent has to wake him up to the above facts and based on reports that Ullmark is now entertaining waiving his NTC, it sure seems like common sense is beginning to take hold

    Forgot about the #7 pick in this years draft from Ottawa though


    For One, Ottawa has to forfeit their 1st round pick in either 2025 or 2026 as league punishment for the Evengni Dadonov screw up

    Secondly, Ottawa didn't draft in the 1st round in 2023 or 2022 so they kind of need as much high 1st round draft capital as they can get right now

    So again, forget about Ottawa giving up the #7 pick for Ullmark, that won't be happening

    However, here are some acceptable and or more realistic returns for Ullmark from Ottawa

    -Just the #25 pick in the 1st round of the 2024 draft and the Cap Space

    -#25 in the 1st round & Jacob Chychrun
    -#25 in the 1st round and Shane Pinto

    -Chychrun & OTT's 2nd 2024 round pick, #39
    -Pinto & OTT's 2nd 2024 round pick, #39

    -Just Chychrun
    -Just Pinto

    Turning Linus Ullmark, a player that will not be with the Bruins in 2025 or beyond and a player that is now the clear back up to Jeremy Swayman into any of the above….

    Even if it were to just be a straight up swap for either Chychrun or Pinto, would be.a HUGE WIN!!!

    I don't think the Bruins would get #25 in this draft and either Chychrun or Pinto. That seems like an overpay too unless Boston sends something else OTT's way. Not impossible but it doesn't seem very likely

    However, one of Chychrun or Pinto and the #39 pick in this year's NHL draft seems like a very reasonable return that would work for both teams

    And before someone says NJ gave up #10 for Markstrom… Wrong, The pick is Top 10 protected so no they didn't and two, Markstrom had more term on his deal than Ullmark does

    Agai , the Bruins better pray Ottawa or some other team works something out for Ullmark because if they don't he'll just be an overpaid back up that will walk for nothing as a free agent at the end of next year

    At that point he'd just serve as another asset that Don Sweeney failed to maximize a return on despite having the time and resources to do so

    So the Louis Erickson, Torey Krug and soon to be Jake Debrusk plans.

    Not moving players for assets although you have no plans to re-sign said player, than said player just walks out the door for nothing in return as a UFA

    Don Sweeney doesn't need to add another player to that crap list of his and I don't think he will

    Ottawa needs to solve their long term goal tending problem and the Bruins could help them do that while also helping themselves.

    It seems like it should happen but will it?

    Who knows but I sure hope it does. Give me just Chychrun or just Pinto in return. Adding anything else to the Ulmark deal would just be gravy at that point!!!

  3. Just heard that money figures (7 X 5; $35M) are being mentioned in regard to Ullmark on the Ottawa side…a form of concreteness. All I am seeing is a Ullmark for Chychrun swap with a low 1st rounder. The Hockey News had Chychrun looking for a big payday ($7M-$8M). (Not sure why some were mentioning the inclusion of Forsberg @ $2.75M included, as if to help out Ottawa for cap space.) Yeah, and everyone came the Bruin's rescue last year when they had none…sounds like a franchise problem. It's hard to believe that the Bruins cannot get more- during the regular season -for a number one. Stand fast.

  4. Yeah high technology my A### missed the interference call on swayman and counted the goal they missed the punch on Marchand from Bennett. High tech just both those events could of changed the outcome of the series. Go Bruins Go!!!

  5. Feeling a tad underwhelmed. Chychrun is fine, but not the type of player Boston needs. Low first rounder in this draft is like a high third rounder in other drafts. Do the swap with Philly and then give us the 12th for Ullmark. I think that's a decent price.

  6. I have no idea why boston would want chychrun? He is terrible in his own zone and was a minus 30 last year. I see why ottawa is trying to move him. Boston needs 2 centermen and pinto would be a good 2c on boston

  7. This is the second time I've seen this podcast. The first one I saw was the the Bruins should trade for Brady Tkatchuk. Now they want Shane Pinto. Guys, this will NEVER happen. This is like a podcast originating from Ottawa saying the Sens should trade for Swayman and David Pasternak for Chychrun and a 2nd and 3rd round pick. It's ridiculous!

  8. Florida is getting outcoached, outgoalied, and out skated. Edm have gotten better in every facet of the their game throughout the series and Florida has gotten worse. Oil taken the aggressive panther forecheck and turned it against them by stretching their forwards and using speed through the neutral zone. They have scored 18 goals in 3 games since they made this change. Florida has no answers for it. They are RATTLED. THEY LOST 5-1 and Connor mcdavid didn’t record a point or even a shot. Panthers are TOAST!

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