@Carolina Hurricanes

Max Pacioretty overtime goal + Chara is mad (January 8 2011)

(January 8 2011) Game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Boston Bruins. Max Pacioretty score in overtime with a nice wrist shot and Zdeno Chara is mad and wanna fight everyone!


  1. @TheShoes5 Go back and play with ur bunny… or ur dog… or go play black ops.. Thats what nerds do.
    O wait! U know whats even more nerd? Making videos about those things… hahahhahahahahaha

  2. @TheShoes5 Did you really just "OOOOOHHHH!!!" your own post? lol. In any case, if the Habs aren't a hockey team, what does that make the other 29 teams? Habs reached the conference finals in '10 and then lost in OT of Game 7 against the future stanley cup champs in '11. Not to mention their 24 Cups. Remind me again, how many cups does your team have? How many years was it from their last cup win not counting this past year? lololol. Must feel nice to actually win something once every 40 years.;)

  3. @stravok haha yes i did oohh XD any way that was the habs glorey years!! now they suck yes ok they are a hockey team and the reason this started was because rashed on chara ur wrong! remember when i think it was the finish player or something on habs escuse me idk his name but he tried to crush johhny boychucks head when he was already pinned the nhl is full of dirty hits thats the way it is its a sport shit happens regardless if he ment to do it or not can we just agree on that?

  4. @stravok and in this video it shows pacioretty being a little punk that just shows he deserved something and hey idk if that hit on pac by chara was necessery it may have a little drastic yes but it could have been avoided if pacioretty doesnt be a little shit it maybe would nt have happened! okay? thats all im sayin

  5. @MrH4bs the black ops was my friend and calling me a nerd when ur on the computer crying because u lost? :/ ouch

  6. @TheShoes5 When did I cry cause I lost? and stfu ur like 12 years and u probably never played hockey..

  7. @robmegg the reason why people dont make list like this against boston is cause of the 500 caracters limit on youtube comments

  8. Well, I guess Pacioretty learned to pick on people his own size maybe, huh?

    Lucic vs Pacioretty…….BOOK IT! Habs fans wanted a 20 yr old Lucic to fight Laraque, right? Gorges fought Bergeron who was hanging onto his career by a thread, right?

    Book me a hospital room because I'm going to laugh so hard my ribs will break.

  9. @snipemeking I agree, I like when Chara broke his f**king neck the first time he had a chance. Maybe if Pacioretty wasn't such a bitch he could've tried to do something in response. Oh wait, he was in the hospital and didn't have a chance. Lol. Hab pu**sys

  10. Yep, Bruins, what a captain you have there. Amazing role model…. haha. Bruins can't take a lose even if it smacked them in the face.

  11. So Pacioretty scores a goal, and Chara shoves him into a glass severly injuring him? What a douche! Fuck Boston!

  12. @AnthonysAmazingMusic Yeah, but Chara has no reason to overreact and chase Pacioretty like he did in the next two games. The past is the past, Pacioretty admitted his mistake and Chara should have just moved on instead of injuring him.

    Chara is a talentless bitch and the only reason he is in the nhl is because he is a fucking big deusch…ive seen bantams who are better at d than he is

  14. @TheACE377 so you've graduated from collegewhich means your an adult and your bitching on youtube to guys that are probably teenagers. Your life is a win.

  15. @robmegg you realise we were 1 goal away from eliminating you douches without half our defense and our top 6….

  16. @ilikessubway yeah fuck those stanley cup winning fuckers! we have a black guy on the habs anyway! frogs for life, am i right! lol fuck off.

  17. Uh correction, FASTEST in the NHL. No one has ever measured the power of it. Regardless we all know that the real owner of the fastest, hardest slapshop is Happy Gilmore.

  18. "Whooo!!!!!! Wait- you know what this goal celebration needs? *sees Chara hulking by* I know! An angry Ogre Bruin throwing a hissy fit on the side! HAHA! *Chara continues to rage mwwoaooarrrrrggh!* Oh yeah, that is satisfying."


  19. WOW! Pacioretty shoves Chara a little bit and then Chara retaliates by breaking Pacioretty's neck. Seems fair right? Boston sucks, they are dirty and always have been.

  20. Unsportsmanlike play by Max, just take the victory don't need to stir the pot. I know everyone and their mother would be just as mad if they were shoved by someone on a rival team after losing even though he did nothing to earn that sort of treatment.

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