@Florida Panthers

Can the Panthers Figure This Out?

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  1. First and foremost – my heartfelt condolences to you on your furry family member. Second, if the Panthers lose, they will be the laughingstock of the NHL for years to come, possibly decades. Won't matter if you do win the cup in the years following, they will forever be known as the team that lost the cup being up 3-0. As it is, it's quite shameful to allow the Oilers to force a winner take all game. If McDavid has a multi point game, I believe he will be the Conn Smythe winner, regardless if they lose. Bob lost that by giving up 12 goals in 3 games.

  2. We’re excited we’re excited we’re excited blah blah blah… that’s what I’ve heard the past 3 games and we got our ass kicked..and that’s what I heard today from chucky and barky… Edmonton is gonna embarrassed us again

  3. To be honest, I don't think the Panthers players are as loyal to their city or their fans as you are yourself. These are professional athletes. Do they want to win? Yes, of course, but they don't have the same level of passion as many of their fans. Perhaps that's a part of the problem.

  4. Oilers fan here. I found your channel in the finals, and you guys are amazing fans. Let’s face it, whoever wins game 7 deserves the cup. I think the Panthers only hope is to hit the reset button and play game 7 like a Super Bowl game. Forget history, it’s irrelevant. The Panthers are NOT choking IMHO. But they have to play game 7 like their lives depend on it. If they do, that’s all you can ask.

  5. I sent a message to Chucky on insta telling him to tell the team they are already selling the champs merch in Edmonton and they published the parade route in the paper. Not sure if he'll see it, or even if he runs his account, but I figured it worth a shot, It was either that or have his dad call the team soft again.

  6. Sir I am sorry. You look just like one of our good guys. Basically we are both in the bastions of Conservatism. But this is destiny. Our destiny.

  7. My dog, Akita had suffered from the same symptoms. Purica recovery sa extra strength helped him for while. I am sure there are other supplements taking care of this problem. Many big dogs suffer from this. I suggest going to holistic vet and changing for raw organic diet full of glucosamine, etc, Wishing the best!

  8. As a fellow pup owner I know what your going thru brother and all you can do is be there for him and make the best decisions for him you can, as an Edmontonian and Oiler fan we need that damn cup to fill that empty spot beside number five 😎 so let’s all enjoy this crazy next game and let the best team win!

  9. Just do not understand how people can be cruel about animals. They are our family you feel that! A sick pet crushes ones soul, lived through 3 so far, it changes you.

    Really want my team (Oilers) to win, but i can sleep well if we lose. We came back, showed some heart.

  10. The Panthers media is too soft – no one is calling anyone out, no one stuck up for Barkov when he got cheap shot elbowed in the head – neither players nor media (im looking at u George Richards, even ur own employees calling you out) – defended him. Thats when i knew the fix was in. Even the Canadian media are making up stories, wild and insatiable lies, but stories. the Panthers media just placates the team and lies to the fans. Everyone is perplexed as to whats going on….I mean, the odds of an Oilers comeback are so minuscule that its a statistical improbability, which makes me think some very powerful individuals are influencing this series. No ones angry – not Maurice or anyone else , almost like they expected this to happen – and thats a problem. I guess when it comes to deciding how much effort the Cats will give, there is a limit to that…, "Oh, we want to win but not if we have to try TOO hard… no we cant do that."…. all the players can say is "they want it more"…. so, clearly we have a serious problem here. This team has run out of f-cks to give… It's so sad, because well…. i believed this team. Were they just full of sh^t the whole time

  11. Go Oilers! This cup means so much more than just “hEh fLorIdA lOsT hAhAhA” no none of that crap. I’ve waited my ENTIRE LIFE to see a Canadian team win. I just hate that the Panthers will come out looking so bad if they lose and that sucks cause I kinda like the Panthers. I’m sorry for the pain this team has caused you, however if it’s any solace: if the Oilers win to break the curse, it wouldn’t be NEARLY as special without the cats pushing us to the absolute brink. Good luck Monday, and may the best team win sir! 🤝

  12. I feel so strangely confident right now. I feel more confident that the Panthers will win Monday night than I have felt for any game in my entire life. I hope my confidence is well-placed.

  13. Only x factor for me is that this is the first elimination game for the Panthers since 5th game vs Vegas last year that they are up for elimination. The meltal bridge to clime to not be feared to be compared to something that hasn't been done since 1942 and by the Leafs is probably pretty big though. And as much as they would like not to think about that, they probably are. Now this is also the first time ever for this core of Edmonton having a chance to win.

    It's a best of one series now. So we really don't know what will happen. If there is a multi-goal lead to either team, then probably it will boil over. But I have a feeling you have to cut someone's head off to get a penalty next game. Refs probably don't want to be blamed for blowing the iffy penalty that resulted in a Cup.

  14. My heart still says the panthers, but my brain says oilers, unfortunately
    Panthers just have to play their normal game, the way they have been playing the last 2 seasons !

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