@Boston Bruins

Bruins Prospect talk and line juggling!

Bruins Prospect talk and line juggling!

oh and we’re back oh we’re so back oh it’s crazy how back we are sort of there it is okay the complete lag of the stream really helps uh I guess we should post this on Twitter too we should do that it’s Thursday so we’re we’re talking Bruins what else are we going to do on Thursday you know what else are we going to do I I had no plan I had no plan King Neptune what is up I have zero plan for this we’re going to well sort of have a plan but not a big plan hey Ella I should put my glasses on actually this is the chat’s small it is Thursday it is Thursday Jay goulette Young pinecomb what’s up what’s up Juan Kaiba I’m sure I mispronounced so many of these names and I’m just a I’m just a dumb dumb little man but I appreciate no one just dunking on me for it into the den you absolute phenomenal specimen you how are you oh I got it right how about that what’s up Mitchell oh the compliments okay that’s I don’t know how to handle compliments but thank you I appreciate it I guess we never did management grades I guess we could do that I I’m kind of thinking about doing a um a video tomorrow about some stuff that’s happening and I’m gonna put this out what’s up Michael uh I’m gonna put this out that I I want to start hearing what trades people want to come up with and uh and I want to kind of do a whole video about them as long as everyone’s okay with not getting their feelings hurt if I hate them Brown at 1C will solve everything and we’re just gonna boot no I’m kidding what’s up man goule goule all right Nate how’s it going man I appreciate the con’s words Trevor you did not know that I well you do now you you sure do know now that Wyatt Johnston got picked 23rd two picks after Fabian lisel and you know what that one’s going to hurt for a while I think but lisel still has time we we might we might find out that he well he’s probably not going to be as good as Wyatt Johnston but he might be still worth a first round pick you know J stood n onc just I think it’d be pretty easy to trade trade for him I I think it would I think we’ be able to get him pretty easily Maro news getting hot you hearing rumors into the den that’s awesome what kind of you might have told me this before so I apologize but what kind of music Wyatt is a stud God he’s so good that Dallas team is so fun to watch and if you look through I we might have actually even done this already the other day we might have or maybe we just did it on you put you tiing H but if you look through their depth chart it’s silly Dallas is going to be so good for so long and I love it for them I really do I like rooting for them really but I’m a little jealous you definitely keep Wyatt and brat in fantasy you got to keep them both right Patrick Brown Patrick Brown for dry Sidle one for one that’s I do that trade all day yeah for sure I bet Edmonton thinks about it that that seems pretty fair to me Colby what’s going on you had to stay up all night Scarlet just to fix your sleep schedule yikes well hello and I hope you have a great rest beat your 1C chances of Reinhardt I think he’s going to be very high on the list uhoh velma’s upset velma’s upset and Zed there must be someone walking in front of my home I live in somewhat of a part of town where you would not how would I say this you wouldn’t walk down the street alone so uh I never trained my dogs not to bark because I’d prefer people to hesitate at my front door uh but yeah reinhardt’s got to be high on the list I don’t I don’t think it’s a high chance for the Bruins to get them I don’t where where does Florida sit in their ability to resign the guy actually I can’t throw the Rangers Panthers game on because uh it’s illegal uh and I I would get in trouble for that but I’m definitely going to put it on for me to watch if that’s what you’re meaning two Mary’s in the same team I’m all for it hell yeah zaka needs to move to left wing yeah Brave I actually really agree with that zaka is a top six Winger not a top six center Jeremy what’s up man well I have Point poock wat brought keep three that’s tough man I probably dump the devil right I I don’t I think I love the other three too much like you’re not getting rid of point or pasta I’m still a closet San fan wish you wouldn’t have been shown the door well that’s what you get for sleeping with chell’s daughter or Horton’s wife or whatever the hell the rumor was I I am I am sad that we moved on from Sean but honestly his career has had its ups and downs at this point Oilers first line Brown David Brown oof oof and it’s not like Connor Brown’s been great this year actually didn’t he go on like a 50 game bender and by that I mean not scoring a single goal what contact would you want to give to D presus I would give him a five year 6 and a half million per year guys Ste not going to happen five year six and a half uh per year I think that’s what it’s going to cost for a solid 200 foot uh Winger in your top six and I I like debras I’m I’m not on the side of the people who really dislike him queer hardcore punk I don’t even know what that exactly means but I I’m down to listen to it 100% that sounds awesome covers of by Green Day and Rise Against do love Rise Against that’s a good one would you want N is a bruin yeah I think N is a gamble you take if you uh if you get the chance to do it it’s pasta really going to have hip surgery Sweeney said at the end of the year that no uh Bruins are expected to have surgery this offseason unless something crazy changed at Worlds where it really didn’t seem like that swan has evolved so much in a year and a half yeah I mean he also struggled the second half of this year but then locked in at the best possible time is it possible to get lto and NS yeah actually I think so for the most part think if Oilers lose they want to trade for omark they’re part of the teams that are being listed they’ve party they’ve uh according to the rumors they’ve already made calls on them yeah I I’m definitely going to watch that game for sure I might uh might have well I don’t got to tell you what I’m going to do but I’m going to I’m going to be nice and maybe UNS sober for that one as I chill I love these Conference Finals have been chef’s kiss fan fantastic it feels like you’ve got four well-deserving teams to be there all would be great Cup winners just just an excellent excellent final four and although there’s not really a true Cinderella Story sometimes it’s better because of that you know especially as Bruins fans who we’ve watched our team be favored so many years and never really you know finish it off and screw Cinderella teams except for now now I want the Cinderella team Bruins to to make a run Newen hopins would fit like a glove in the Bruins yeah I just don’t think he’s as good as he looks if that makes sense if dry goes to San Jose how much do they pay for him all of it they pay all of it for him there’s no way he’s going there unless he’s making 24 million a year right Trevor I thought you were trying to say lafrenier when you put Alexis on fire or Alex on fire I don’t know that band whatever it is oh you guys were at the same show that’s crazy can we talk about pastas wearing skates that are too small and she just do nothing about it like you make millions buy a new pair I love that hockey players are weird like that they just do whatever lime I’m actually glad you brought that up I didn’t say that they would be the least deserving cup champ I said that they would be regarded as actually I’ll go to what is the exact tweet that I put out hold on let me I’m going to read it because I think some people I I knew people would misunderstand when I put it but uh if the Panthers win the cup there is a road map for them being the least respected Cup winner in 15 years not least deserving I don’t think I think the Panthers have a team that’s absolutely deserving of a cup win but over the past 20 years I’ve watched now I’m biased as a Bruins fan obviously but I’ve watched a ton of different teams be considered a great Cup winner or oh they got lucky or controversy or whatever right Vegas wins the cup everyone TOS points to the cap hit uh same with Tampa in the bubble or things like that 2011 there was a lot of controversy and I I find it kind of funny because we now sit there and go they went through three games SS that’s incredible at the time fans were sitting there like they lucked out they barely squeak through all these different series there was injuries and of course there’s the Campbell referee officiating Scandal that went along with that um so I always thought the 2011 Bruins were one of the least respected champions in the last 20 years and the Panthers as they injure players on their way to the to the finals potentially and as they run into officiating that has been mostly very beneficial to them although for this series I think it’s been different game by game there is a road map there still is a road map for them winning the cup and so many fans just being like sure okay and everyone just putting an asteris there I personally wouldn’t do that but I just kind of felt I was having a conversation with a buddy I was like this could be one of the least respected Cup champions we’ve had had in a decade in 15 years 20 years uh I see how people read that and went oh you don’t think they deserve it that’s just not what I meant by it N is a better left wing than a center I mean most centers I feel like are going to be better Wingers than they would be centers I just hope they don’t try to force potra to the wing where did I go to college uh I went to a little School in South Carolina um I was taking care of a family member down here um when when I reached that college age so I didn’t exactly go where I wanted to go you will also be nice and Uno excellent excellent most hated Cup champion I think who would actually that’s a good question who’s your most hated Cup champion over the last 15 years the players deserving the play style absolutely not I mean see this is exactly what I mean that’s exactly what I mean I I and I don’t think you’re wrong I think there’s a lot of opinions that’ll come from from this oh we’re getting really the sun’s going down woo um there’s a lot of opinions that are going to come from it and I think you’re going to get a lot of that n is cheaper than coil is he actually that’s kind of crazy to think about this year’s Florida team is a 2011 Canucks I’m trying to remember that Canucks team properly cuz I don’t think that Canucks team was unbelievable defensively was it I mean obviously their their net minder was excellent but starting to load the Panthers almost as much as the Habs they just remind me too much of the our early 2000s teams with the Mero line and I hate that I I kind of get that too yeah Atletico Madrid of hockey that’s interesting The Benchmark people are looking at for J DB’s contract is Brandon Hegel what is Hegel making right now we’re just we’re just throwing out people at this point Hegel was such a good get by Tampa what a tremendous 65 yeah I’d be so fine with that it’s just an all situations player he’s just good plays on the PK plays on the power play sure he doesn’t bury enough goals consistently for us to have our expectations where we originally had them but it doesn’t mean he’s some [ __ ] player what’s your thoughts of Kane in Boston hate it absolutely hate it don’t want it either Kane by the way I don’t care if you’re talking about Vander or if you’re talking about Patty certainly hate to see the Panthers as the Champs I I would too just because that that fan really has come out of nowhere to to you know talk a lot of [ __ ] and I’m like I don’t really want to deal with that also I mean there two years in a row of them kicking our ass not exactly something you like to see we have roughly 20 million cap space is that including people we are not resigning or would that be an addition to the 20 million great question so we have about 20 well about 21 in cap space that includes these players and of course uh well no where’s the oh yeah gender here so that includes these guys basically with with ptra down there I wonder actually if I move him up does that change anything no it doesn’t yeah so that’s what it includes these guys right here and whatever money is still like I I think Mike Riley still has a year left on his his buyout and stuff like that I think I want a de BR deal that’s like six years 47 to 52 yeah I just don’t think that’s feasible with the cap going up by the way it is I I think I think his agent wants seven to eight and that’s where we’re really running into an issue Blackhawks Tampa easy St Louis that’s a good one honestly bner is just such a piece of [ __ ] any of the Black Op the Lea 08 that’s a good one no team worse in [Music] Florida wild to me everybody ignores the fact that e lean down to elow kako yeah I mean there’s just there’s so much going on with that team man it’s not it’s it’s not clever or funny anymore I think Freddy is top six I think Freddy’s best position is third line splitting Sway and oie should be illegal yeah hey Omar that’s the game man you you’ve got to have like your agent’s going to go to bat for you like that’s just the way it is and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that player trying to get his money um the days of player empowerment are probably upon us at this rate which I feel pretty comfortable with so you’re going to start seeing some deals handed out for Bruins that in the past might have been more of a u Team friendly and they’re just not going to exist like that and you know what’s funny we talked about this on the short shift podcast I don’t know if that episode is released yet or not actually but it sounds like Sweeney is really looking on the defense he’s talking about secondary scoring but he is diving in and really wanting to improve uh the left side of the defense which I found kind of interesting do I think cylinder is worth going for I don’t hate that idea into the den I haven’t been able to check it out I honestly haven’t checked out really a lot of stuff I feel like I’m behind especially when it comes to free agent talk we got to as soon as the season ends ends we’re going to do the big free agency video um but I definitely feel like I’m behind on it that’s a good one Pan’s fans watching it all come together still feel only should have played one more game in the playoffs he could have surprised I think that’s fair I I don’t judge the team for what they did but I think that’s a fair opinion Ella yeah they did get loud and ornery for a little while there which was worse hathway or jbr none of them were detrimental to a level that like I loathed I I didn’t like I I liked watching hathway as a bruin more than jbr to be fair so this is actually kind of I I opened up the armchair GM just to see what we’re really working with right now without needing like just as my little cheat sheet and boy this is this might be a little Bleak CU we want we want zaka on the left here oh my goodness oh oh my gez Po’s got to go up here uh oh god oh geeki is on the second line John beer can we that’s right we signed Patrick Brown to a two-year deal why why do we do this all right byebye bye-bye you can be down there you can be down there we have our team we did it this is so easy half the way didn’t fulfill his role enough absolutely totally agree I still disliked watching jvr more I from a hockey standpoint I’m not even talking like how it affected the team watching James Van re like play hockey at his current level is painful for me I don’t I don’t like the decisions he makes I don’t think he thinks quick enough I don’t I don’t like watching him as a player orov looked good I really liked orov but we were never going to be able to resign him Chandler Stevenson absolutely like this is where this would get really fun cuz although you don’t love going to next season coil as your 1C again if you can do this with Stevenson here or even better you can do this and this can you imagine potsy in the middle of brazo and Frederick that line makes no [ __ ] sense I’m swearing for no reason again I gotta stop doing that I’m start treding to start working on that but if you’ve got Stevenson in the center here at number two the first line you’re not in love with just cuz again we’ve seen this too much where this just doesn’t really work the Martian pasta connection just isn’t there um and we don’t know if lel’s actually available to or actually ready for that next level but you feel great about beer at 4C well all jokes aside you you like it you feel good about going in the season with lco as your fourth left wing geeky can play anywhere in the bottom six and you’re kind of fine right uh poy the protection from brazo and Freddy you don’t want them getting hurt I mean those are your dogs right now right jelli and Ross Colton are 7.5 million cap hits de bruss should hit higher than that I mean I don’t I don’t agree he shouldn’t get that kind of money it’s just he hasn’t he hasn’t shown that he can be a needle mover to that level even with the cap going up in my opinion that’s why I’m saying Brown for dry cidal fair trade loo and brown for rempe well the thing about rempe is I don’t want to watch a bruan actively injure other players with this crazy [ __ ] but I do want to watch Matt ree play every night so like I got to take my pill somehow they do need Le out to like if if you’re comfortable with Freddy as your second right wing right now like that’s probably your best because ptra finds guys LEL finds guys both of those are facilitators that can shoot so you feel decent about that brazo can’t be your Gunner though on that line he just can’t he’s your netfront presence I don’t know if poy and lisel actually work well together in the the actual format of it all you would prefer him up a line yeah well let’s start here let’s do this this you got to move down W spoons are are 7th D Let’s do an exercise Let’s do an exercise hold on we’ll catch up here a little bit how’s well I’ve been with Carolina started off terrible and then looked really good towards the back half of the year so excited to see Matty P again absolutely be good with Stevenson and duclair’s new Bruins absolutely John F ferachi feracci is going to have an inside track during Camp to um to compete for a six roll so the this is the exercise Trevor you nailed it we are going to do we’re going to keep it simple because this probably isn’t what the deal would be but Nas and we are going to trade away oh how does this work hold on add a trade we’re just going to do a one for one has has ptra added 20 pounds or so no he is not he’s been rehabbing a shoulder so I got to assume he hasn’t packed on a bunch of poundage um I don’t think he needs to add that much more weight like he has to fill out don’t get me wrong 20 pounds is a lot of weight though for a professional athlete probably would have lost to Bruce in the finals again boo but yeah the chemistry pasta and Bert had yeah go back and look at the defensive numbers for that line by the way there’s your Chemistry no I’m being negative but it wasn’t great so excited to see the team names and logos for the pwhl in August hey the tradition lives on Bruins losing the finals on home ICE hell yeah Boston baby so the lady Bruins did it just to make sure that we stayed in the same Lane I’m bitter I’m very bitter that was a noow from the forwards okay so this changes things up where did he go where did where did my NS go I have to sign him now don’t I because he’s in RFA all right we got to sign a couple people [Music] how much does Nas make because Nas wants like eight million he wants seven to nine is from what I heard how much are we giving deos when’s Utah going to reveal the name I think uh I want to say at the start of free agency they said they were going to but I don’t I don’t remember exactly we still ousted Toronto in the pwl yeah in glorious fashion it’s not just a Leaf’s thing how many games would you give spoons at 7D oh he would still play 40 games is that too high no I don’t think so I think he like goes on stretches where he plays a bunch and then might get sat for a little while if he’s healthy he’s playing at least once a week I’d argue bare minimum is there a player you would hate to see as a bruin regardless of skill for me I would rather die than see gas as a bruin uh hate to watch as a bruan who would that be I mean Patrick Kane but that’s that’s a whole different thing uh who around the league do I really hate and I don’t hate enough players I would hate Kopitar and not because copar is some piece of crap but because I have been a king’s hater for so long and that guy is the face of the kings in my mind so I would never want to see him on the Bruins ever that’s true past had to bulk up a bit what’s up Joe the Boston brunettes all right yeah not bad not bad what are I hope they come up with something cool do you feel that jvr should be moved back down to the HL jvr just better not be resigned that’s all I care about afraid of mcavoy’s long-term durability I’m not as afraid makoy gives just as good as he gets if not better would you like Nas how good is he I only watch Bruins gam so I don’t know how good other players are totally fair valid uh I do like Nas he already has shown chemistry with zaka and poock because they play on the Czech national team together um I think it’s a risk because Nas was terrible defensively on on a team designed to play defense who’s really not great but he’s also almost a point per game guy over there the team around him’s excellent though so it’s a it’s a risk but if you’re moving olark with the volatility of goenda and not knowing what the value really truly is if you have a chance to solve your problem at 2C Nas is terrible in the dot and he has not played center a lot for the Carolina Hurricanes and recently wadell made wadell previous GM of the Hurricanes just moved to the Columbus Blue Jackets to be the head of everything like they gave him every title in the book uh just made comments about how he is so glad he doesn’t have to deal with nas or his father anymore so they take that for what it’s worth um it’s a risk the guy’s got offensive Talent we need offense if you’re bringing in Nas you have to resign de Brusque because those two are going to be a line together debrusk for a Winger is excellent defensively Nas If you’re trying him at Center is really poor defensively you have to something’s got to give there so I um I am yes on getting him but there’s a chance it blows up in your face it really is the zadov bit will we’ll probably get to in a minute here I I wonder what people want to give Nas MoneyWise Mark I kind of agree ptra adding a bunch of poundage it’s going to make him less slippery and he needs to keep that slipperiness because he’s never going to be huge if possibly going to have a hip surgery we got a sign Nest I just haven’t seen anything actually confirming this hip surgery renting uh Stam Co yeah I mean I just feel like he’s he’s going to be a bolt for life I have a hard time seeing that happen What would the Bruins have to give up for hurdle then we’re not they have him on retained money as a 3C the best 3C in the league no way Vegas sees that as a huge piece to win the cup next year it ain’t happening unfortunately yeah the Czech players are so great they’re so fun Metroid what’s going on I like the people are just throwing in all these omark traes omark for chicken in the first round of rumor is legit no I I can’t see Ottawa giving up that much it doesn’t make a lot of sense for them to do that and Chan isn’t what he exactly used to be but throwing in a first rounder for a team that missed the playoffs I mean that’s a bold move okay great point oh I’m so glad someone brought this up uh and I’m about to just sign HS for whatever I think I want to um 8.2 for five Cameron Peters wins all right we’re doing 82 for five and then look if you don’t agree with him making that amount of money that’s fine but we can pretend he is the 2C replacement right um but I’m I’m really glad that o ovk son brought this up buddy of his watches the canes says that Nate has a streaky as [ __ ] every nons superstar in the league this is my problem with the de bruss slander every nons superstar in the league their fan base thinks they’re streaky as [ __ ] that’s a god honest truth and so with debrus being streaky is true but that’s how this game is played the only people who are not streaky are your consistent Point per game guys and there’s like 10 of those I love Boon Jenner I would absolutely get Boon Jenner in a heartbeat if they would give him up I don’t know what wadell is trying to do and again Nas as a 2C is not a slam dunk 2C just want to be very clear about that uh let’s not put lisel there just yet um God see I would really love that too beater on the wing he gets to take face offs for geeky when he doesn’t have it uh but he doesn’t have to have the 200 foot reliability I I would like that a lot I still don’t love this third line though I don’t I don’t know if that works I’m going to put you there I’m going to put I’m G to pencil and Le cell there so we’re down to 17 million by the way that move omark for a Pizza Hut pizza box and a good water boy Pat asks whose team do you root for any omark trade would have to be for an elite player straight up Matt I hate to break it to you it will not work out that way it it just won’t it’s it’s goenda for that kind of package not like just them it just doesn’t happen thank you this is one of my comfiest Shir s and I feel kind of swollen it sometimes I feel I feel big it’s not really true but you know out of the box trade with Pittsburgh invol involving Carlson I don’t see how taking that kind of contract on at that age is very good for this team right now I love seeing drunken pnu after a championship him and Obie Man Legends absolute Legends duclair at 3 mil yeah what is duclair is he a free agent right now I want to say he is uh where am I TR yeah let’s what did he make previously previous was three I don’t know if he goes for three again though 44 points and 78 games I would guess that’s a 4 five to five kind of contract bad I figured you were joking right with that one any possibility Crosby might leave the pens not if pens fans have anything to say about it that’s I mean that’s like Martian going to uh going to the Penguins right like it just just wouldn’t happen what do you think about omark for zigis ifar for NES is on the table I don’t touch Omar for Zas socks F thank you so much I appreciate the I work out sometimes I’m trying you know probably get Marner forar because of the least pain in net over the years I would make that trade so unbelievably fast I wouldn’t even care if it won the Leafs the cup yes I would but my goodness would I would love that Mitch Marner is wasted on that fan base I know the whole like he’s not good in the whatever I I think Marner is one hell of a player do you think ptra will be as good as he was in his rookie season or will he be a flop so ptra is an interesting case because and let me see if I can bring this up for you for a second because Patra didn’t do great in the back half of games that he did play uh let’s see here so I don’t know how well you can see this but final six or seven games so these six all Duds for the most part at least for offensive output time on the ice is low really low for some of them he’s got some points mixed in here some assists you like to see that smattered through great third line numbers good just had some real tough nights some nights where he’s not trusted uh I think if he’s fully healthy that he looks really good next year because I don’t know how much the book is really out on him you know I think you’re going to see his third season be the toughest season for him in his career and that’s wishful thinking but geeky for a fourth rounder and moving up AHL guy I I think geeki is a very useful bottom six player he just has to be in the bottom six yes totally agree lindol would be a nice ad at the right price he’s just not a onec and you can’t give him $10 million a year Omar Saka and a future second for Brady kachuck I do it in heartbeat I do that so fast I I I would laugh at Ottawa for weeks for doing that if the Bruins were to trade omark do you think that Brandon busy could hold up as an elite golender I do not I think bus’s uh future is going to be a really good NHL backup uh and I do not the latest I’ve talked to um some people around the Bruins it is dpet who’s looking like he has the inside track to back up San if Omar gets moved although the franchise is very serious when they say they’d like to keep the tandem together omark get a first- round pick for Marner and Bert um I mean I would do it I would 100% do it I don’t think Toronto would why why if the Oilers win why is that such a bad thing like I hate the end of the the I was born in 1993 so you can steal my identity there it goes uh I was born in ’93 right before I was born the Montreal Canadians won the cup that is the last time a Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup and I like to believe the only thing preventing a Canadian team from winning the Stanley Cup is my existence on this dirt ball in space and as soon as I kick the bucket Canada is going to start winning cups again it will be I don’t know what the afterlife is or if there is one but if there is I just I just want to see a Canadian team win the cup the second I die I would find it hilarious I would take such pride in knowing that I was the thing preventing them all those years that sounds dramatic but I mean it I do not tradear just to trade him I evaluate whether the Bruins can improve the team with the return or with the net form gain could go both ways totally agree can we get Sean back you don’t really want him back that much trust me you don’t you you just don’t all Mark and a first round pick for oh I I read that one already all Mark for Rod the bod get the [ __ ] out of here no absolutely not all right who else are we adding to this I want to we’re adding to Clair and I’m going to put him at 4 five I’m I’m spending higher money because I wanted like it’s clear to me that this is money that’s going to go fast uh and I think prices are higher than we like to think so can you say something in Swedish I can I literally cannot I don’t know any Swedish vas do you think Freddy can continue to progress or do you think he’s plateaued uh I think he has I think he has one more gear I think he’s going to be a really good middle six guy and we’re going to see we’re going to be really excited because we’re going to see a career Year from him in the next year or two and it’s going to be probably the best of his career like the best of his career but we’re going to get super pumped about it wonder how much we have to give up for Shane fast as he is fast he’s so fast I’m starting to I’m starting to realize who this is actually I think I’ve been bamboozled for a minute camera beers thank you so much I hate what you said but uh I really appreciate the donation I just really don’t want Patrick Kane in a in a Bruins sweater I just don’t want it if a team really values busy I would trade him I would definitely trade him I think he he makes some really awesome looking saves he’s athletic but there’s a difference between a guy who’s athletic enough to exist in the NHL like Jonathan Quick at a high level uh or a guy that you know just uses his actual structure and positioning to make the big stops usually that second type of guy is more successful as a starter Metroid I’ll stop existing just to just to test it and if the Oilers win then we know and it’ll come back how’s Larry has he kept from eating odd stuff winding him up at the vet lately he hasn’t been back to the vet but he did eat his basket muzzle we we were trying to train him to use a basket muzzle to get him to stop eating stuff and he ate the muzzle which is steel and rubber so not great is I guess what I’m getting at there yeah yeah Freddy did overcorrect but that was mostly coaching I I hate putting uh putting that on him 1993 bro hung out with George Washington that’s mean and accurate it’s fine yes no Shield hell yeah like three rods at a trench put over there yeah I know exactly who this is never mind I joke that my mom is the bearer of the Leaf’s curse like she’s C it or she Bears it like this is her thing to to carry could you see geeky or Freddy packar for a better return yeah I could see I could definitely see uh one of those two moved what did lisel play in Sweden I don’t know I don’t know where he played in Sweden I wonder if I wonder if we can find out and I can attempt to say something and it would be very incorrect oh my gosh Funda HC U6 and Lula I don’t think that’s right l lulia in the shl and then for Sweden I I’ll take that he played for Sweden nailed it God I’m good at this I’m good at this uh do we like duclair in the top six here is that something we enjoy I loved Tuka I got no issues I got no issues with Tuka Bruins need B back God there’s a lot of people who really want perzi back I can I can take him or leave him honestly you never you would never trade olark before Swan is locked down 100% agree with that absolutely yeah n’s face off percentage was terrible but here’s the thing if you’re looking to acquire him he is pissed that he’s not used at Center so like you got to have the idea that you’re going to put him there I’m not saying Kane wouldn’t be good as a bruin I’m saying I don’t want him to play as a bruin I think lorai is a year away from taking over power play one uh all right zerov actually let’s sign San real quick he wants hellu money which you know oh he’s not yeah I I don’t I don’t think that’s where we’re at with that 75 75 feel right for San yeah Jeremy I’m with you on that but that’s that’s in the range uh for NS I believe wanted lisel to go at deadline for something we could sign I mean lel’s when he’s healthy the guy looks really good there’s this weird there’s this really weird thing running around the fan base that he’s some sort of automatic bust at 20 years old I just don’t really see that so uh anesthesia or atho would be a great pickup dude so fast 1985 yeah no that’s that’s I used to think that’s old that’s not old that’s not old born in 67 now that’s old no wait that’s your Mom sorry I didn’t mean to call your mom old Center depth is not great in the trade market it’s not and I I mean top six centers just aren’t available like that anyway you’re from lulia or however you say that that’s awesome I hate Anthony Mana it’s another player that I hate watching play because he has so many tools and not the toolbox he just can’t put it together just can’t put it together H markar PP coach uh yes please I say give hampus a little like I I don’t think you try to move them also you probably can’t move them 8 by eight for sway 8 by8 75 75 we’ll we’ll cut the difference we’ll do 775 I don’t I don’t think it works like that for all of it we want you forever and just like that we’re down to 5.3 just like that and we never really solved our onec we paid high for a 2C traded all Mark for Trevor I get that I hear things about his attitude too and but those conversations vary so widely and at 20 years old I kind of think of who I was at that point I don’t know I I I have a hard time moving off that right now I think the priority is winning at the dot I don’t think you’re wrong about that why has he never gotten called up they didn’t like his 200 foot game and I I totally get that I don’t think he’s soft-minded I think he’s the 19 20 year old kid you know hey Eko a someone born in 2007 I never really experienced a cup win that’s true Ella but man if you had some heartbreak so you know next best next best thing you can’t solve your one SE damn straight Jeremy you can’t you just can’t do it not this year you you really have to draft him you really do what’s up wolf all right let’s go see if we have what it takes what is zadov gonna go for is he even oh no wow zadina is an RFA he’s only 24 why does it feel like he’s a billion years old I have no idea what zadov would go for bavier he would be yeah Andrew I think you’d agree with this B would be like an outskirts kind of like yeah maybe we boost up that that third line a little bit I don’t I don’t think anyone’s in love with him as like a a top six Talent stolar could be I there’s definitely some vets in there that you would bring in because even if you’re high on DPO or or busy or whoever you have to have a vet that you can use as a backup just in case the prospect’s not ready yeah Andrew that’s that’s a great Point too the speed and man actually this I’m glad you brought that up because you used the word fragile earlier um I believe it’s Trevor uh trying to go back up now uh I can’t find it now either way um but they use the word fragile he’s not fragile because he goes to the heart of the action the dude takes abuse yeah and I look there’s definitely reasons to be concerned about him but there’s a lot to really like too who is the last true 1C to move before eel closest is Horvat and he’s a lowend 1C I I’m so glad we didn’t get Horvat honestly I that’s I think he’s good I just wasn’t super high on him thoughts on chanler Stevenson still like him and the thing is well let’s let’s figure out what is zarov is probably going for what another four to five something like that I’m kind of cool with doing let’s just throw this in here real quick Sean Monahan thoughts I hate him God I’m such a hater right now but I do hate him I really do really really do this is actually kind of coming together kind of nice we’ll bring up D Petro but I I think if you went for if you were looking okay we need a 2C right low 5 million for a multi-year deal all right well we’ll stay at four or five for now but yeah I get where you’re coming from loved m man I don’t man I just I can’t I can’t stand the way that guy plays I can’t stand it talk about a guy who won’t get like it just feels like he’s looking for the easy play all the time I I don’t I can’t even explain it properly um kak’s an interesting one because Rangers fans seem so done with him so done with him no no wat spoon’s sticking around as the seventh d Frank vrono I’m not really interested in getting a guy off of a career year like that crack connoisseur I love this fan base hey what’s up man oh you’re also the one who said the CCO thing I’m getting better at reading this chat I swear to God crap ofur all right but yeah if you were to do this channel Stevenson thing uh what you would do is you’re expecting him to be you’ll probably he’ll probably want five years at 30 years old he probably wants around there he definitely wants a pay bump from 2.7 we’ll basically double it uh but if you were to do that yeah I know let me sign him anyway okay well let’s do this then how do I undo a move with this can I undo a move oh yes I can okay we revert that so if you revert that all right he’s gone anyway uh you still don’t have the money because Mark’s right there but if you move if you still end up moving olark then you get your Chandler Stevenson in at 2C here knowing that you really don’t have an option for your one SE like that’s that’s just is what it is um and you have to go into the season with Cole and and ptra and zaka on the wing hopefully this that top six still isn’t great is the thing I just I can’t see Stam Coast being available truly available at least Chicago fans do have an argument for Patrick K being the greatest American player of all time like he’s in the conversation I’d say Trevor I think you’re more than correct in being a little concerned about LEL I just think it’s so early with him and he has so many flashes of Brilliance it’s really hard to move off of him I I think he’s going to be a really solid middle six guy and I think that’s kind of his floor and yes we need an entry-level guy like that he needs to make a jump this year far I really like I really like Derby how do you argue against pasta haters if the team didn’t have them like I I can’t even express how poor our offense would look without pasta I I just you you really can’t argue with them if they’re if they’re going as far as saying Pasto sucks or past’s not worth it it’s just not an argument you can have because there’s something fundamentally you disagree on in how hockey is played is he great defensively no does he turn over the puck as he’s trying to do too much yes he also scored aund something points this year on an offense that really didn’t look great and went 40 games without a power play goal because he was absolutely smothered every Power Play and the team around him couldn’t make up the difference the guy’s brilliant and uh that’s just the way it is that’s just the way it is foro is gone oh yes the Darla thing oh that’s such a heartbreaker connect me wants eight years at 10 is that even what hold on is kkny way better than I thought he was is some Am I Wrong Am I the [ __ ] Jackson Edwards is ready to kill somebody yeah you want to put him on NHL ice he’ll he’ll find somebody he won’t last very long in the game but boy will he make his presence known real fast that guy’s a psychopath I don’t think he should legally be free I think that’s a guy I would imprison just for existing that man is unbelievably unhinged can’t wait till he makes the leap yeah Stam Co is going to stay he’s gonna stay cros is going to stay they will take lower deals to stay like that’s that’s their team and God have they not made enough money I don’t know P should have won the heart in your opinion yeah with geeki as his Center he has 106 points there’s an argument there’s an argument I think McKinnon’s probably going to get it I think God I hope he gets it how much better can brazo get no I think this is what brazo is and we should just be happy with that honestly at his age I think this is we’re just kind of happy with with who he is that’s what I mean I would take Marner all day I would take Marner so fast him and Bostock would be unbelievable if one of them would shoot the [ __ ] Puck K had 68 points last year so I’m not the [ __ ] do I not think lorai should uh start with Mac with all the rumors about wanting to do something on the left defensive side which sidorov would certainly fit the bill although I don’t think it’s zadorov Carlo I don’t think that goes right either way uh no I don’t think they’re confident in Lori playing with Mac 20 minutes a night and honestly Andrew was the one who really really kind of woke me up on that I I think I was a little too bullish just getting excited about Lori 68 and 71 games played that’s different is it a $10 million player uh no but how old is connecting uh is he even going to be listed oh he’s got one more year at 5’5 oh he’s not going anywhere oh he’s not going anywhere Toronto does desperately need go tending a one for one omark Marner deal is so one-sided though I like coach chippy I think he’s funny I don’t like watching him live I I think his Vibe is very different live than he when he is recording but there’s no way not to be different I’m sure you guys are hanging out being like oh this isn’t the same person because I don’t think you can be the same person but uh I do think his videos are really funny pasta should have his own show different ways to cook pasta absolutely he should also have a show with San about how hard it is to carry it team in the playoffs I like it’s one thing during the regular season to carry a team andark was part of that equation as well and a couple other players had decent Seasons don’t get me wrong but when the playoffs came around pasta was just swamped constantly every shift had multiple bodies on his dick the whole time and then obviously San did what he did I just you just can’t it’s not a two-man game you can’t do that in the playoffs we we couldn’t make we still beat Toronto although Toronto was severely severely uh injured as well so you know almost a point per game on a bad team but not 10 million worth yeah um that’s where I’m at 10 million is a lot 2 like he’s gonna be 28 when he’s up for another deal he has to be 100 plus Point guy next year Nick culo what’s up man uh isn’t the idea that Carlo can play with almost anyone yes defensively but I feel like a of Carlo mix doesn’t allow enough going the other way do not even think of picking up martyr’s contract no thanks I don’t know man I I think he’s worth it I really do Trevor I agree forwards are needed Sweeney thinks that the left defensive side really needs help and depthwise totally agree totally agree but if you’re going to spend for a top four defenseman which is what it sounds like I I don’t know I I I’m not as much into that but I kind of get it like there’s not a lot to work with there and one injury really really creates a hole but we’ll see would you resign maroon I’m fine with it I mean vet minimum like there’s no harm in it there a contract space is available I’m fine with that and KY better wait till next year to get his deal like bet on yourself and all that good good stuff like I wouldn’t extend early uh especially if I have a good start to the season because I want to see what the cap is going to go up to a sway marshy pasta outdoors hunting fishing show that would be fun but I don’t I don’t love watching hunting shows I’m a I’m a sofy for as long as they if they use the entire animal like I’m like yeah absolutely hunt your heart out but if this is like a like a we’re a hunting exotic game I’m like ah you’re kind of a piece of [ __ ] I don’t like it tired of F’s blind drop asses inability to keep the freaking Puck it’s what happens when you have as much that you have to shoulder as he does his blind drop passes I get it like his passing he is the type of player he’s like a who’s a good comparison for this Max doy Max do is a perfect comparison for this DOI loves to do this thing where he skates into the offensive zone and he goes all right I just have to P place a perfect pass through the crease for a back door tap in every time does he look at the net to to find out if one of his players is there no does he wait for reinforcements no does he even know where the net is probably not but he tries to make the pass it never gets there it’s always a turnover and it always ends up at a scoring chance the other way every freaking time but he makes the pass anyway pasta is a way more talented version of that because he succeeds in those passes more often but pasta is a hopeful hockey player the best case scenario is in his head and he forces stuff way too often he’s also talented enough where it works at a staggering degree of times said that in a weird way so as much as you’re frustrated by the turnovers the that’s Superstars watch panan play for a couple weeks panan does the same [ __ ] and he’s a superstar on that team and pasta’s better than him I get where you’re coming from it’s just man there’s there’s some there degrees of difficulty for every player and he’s playing at the highest level would absolutely spend on a middle four left side D to insulate L right totally get that totally get that remember need is a defenseman yeah and they’re building from the net out they’re building from the net out I like him but Peak is overpaid if he does what he did he’s only a 2.75 I thought he was three mil either way if he does what he did through the season when he was healthy I will pay sub three million for that defenseman all year without a second thought without a second thought the steal that we have with Brandon Carlo which is going to be funny to some of you I I just defensive defenseman matter they do and boy did I like what he was bringing what’s up grez would you do a trade involving San and dry cidal yeah if I have extension in place for hmark I would 100% I would I’d trade San I do San and uh I would trade swayan The Only Name I wouldn’t involve in that is paa anybody else could go with it well obviously Pasto um go anywhere or makoy or like one of those big guys but Swan being the centerpiece any Prospect you want other the ptra and and picks I would send for for dry cidal and a heartbeat it solves too many problems too many problems for the next 5 10 years you know it it solves pasto’s linemate you know like it’s just it’s too easy to do when omark’s playing at the level he is uh Patrick Kan rumors hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them hate them don’t want to see it yeah maroon is a scary dude Trevor I get why you s think watching pastor this year was sad but was it also kind of impressive in moments because I think it was also pretty [ __ ] impressive in moments Ella perfect that’s exactly what I mean Dad hunts deer donates meat to feed the Homeless that is that is the epitome of the Lord God’s world I’m not very religious but if I was that’s exactly how I’d feel like that’s that’s what it is about it’s it’s about helping others and yes you live off the land awesome it’s just the people do it for sport where I’m like B you can do it for sport and for me I’m fine with that just not just for sport Caleb what’s going on thank you I appreciate the kind words I would like to have a sad season with 104 points wasn’t it 106 Andrew come on man maoy needs to take lessons from Ray Bor oh come on come everybody does everybody does uh what’s an omark trade that we like other than Nas then just to give this a different look we got zadov and makoy which is going to get varied right like it’s very possible when you have a guy on an ELC playing in your on your team you can have a $4.5 million die in the third pair that’s fine because you have a less than Million Dollar on your top pair so that can all get swapped around um but if allar gets moved just to free up more money because we’re down to 4 million and we have added duclair to the top six which by the way if you’re going to do that rather than spend 4.5 on duclair I would rather spend 6.5 on De Brusque if he’s willing to take it just saying I would do that in a heartbeat I don’t like this third line I don’t I don’t know how to solve the like I kind of like this I kind of like this but that’s a very young line that feels like it needs something else but if you have if you if you have have Frederick up there you have to take brazo out I just don’t see how two Hulk like that is going to work with poy I just don’t see that how did you react when pasta clutched against Toronto and OT uh that was really weird I almost didn’t believe it went in I was shocked I just kind of sat in silence for a second then I started bouncing up and down rapidly throwing those cheeks around you know I love that Rangers player that grab K Chuck mouth protector wasn’t that trouba I want to say was trouba it sounds like a trouba thing Chris dger would be the vet goalie I bring in don’t hate that why not to Kane I think he’s a bad person I don’t want to get into that again but I have I have come to my opinion on that whole circumstance I don’t like him and I’m leaving it at that and I think everyone’s going to have their own opinions on it and I’m walking away from that subject I don’t want them Carlo is absolutely an animal he only had 59 ozone starts all year holy [ __ ] that’s so brutal Carlo does not have an easy job in this league that poor guy don’t think we should get zad we’re just putting him in for now a lot of people asked for him so we’re going to put him in for now more games played for bees next year Lori or potsy uh potsy as I mean betting on health if both are healthy uh Lori finds moments where he’s sitting I think Shane Pinto I’m I’m not against a Shane Pinto grab I’m not against that are we doing olark for Pinto now are we all assuming debras is gone it’s seeming like it I would love de bruss back it seems like he’s going to test free agency so we’ll go from there hey Alex any chance for a luch Redemption tour no he’s um I think he’s done I think he’s done if you could would you swap pasta to get Kane in his prime no no I would not I maybe this is just bias BR I really love pasta I love watching pasta play I don’t I don’t want Patrick Kane I’m fine with missing out on Kane depending on a career ending injury what does Mar’s extension look like I think it’s very similar to this deal now not the years obviously but I think he gets in the 5 to six million range depending on how he looks next year at least think declair is at 4.5 seems a little high I’m bumping everything up a little bit under the circumstances of the raised cap and just assuming that players are going to get just a little more than I expected because I think duclair is probably looking for round four that’s so funny because a lot of people did go tender gender value is all over the place so saying that Pino alone is under uh under selling the BET value totally get that but people don’t pay huge for goenda it would help them win a cup they’d do it in a heartbeat that team does not give a crap anymore about how they look to the rest of the league and frankly I don’t exactly blame them uh I don’t like it but I’m not sitting here judging from my high horse by any means uh I’m our team did something similar this past season so you know brat brat is an interesting backup that’s another guy that would be high on my list for backups all right Cameron what do you got Prime pasta or prime dosuk I’m taking dosuk all day all day all day I’m sorry pasta I watching dosuk play hockey is maybe it’s Nostalgia getting me my God that guy was an animal and so disrespectful in the best way the guy would embarrass you and then laugh as he scored the goal behind your just flopping body on the Ice Dude was nasty he was sick with it just unbelievable I mean we could we could definitely put geeky here debrus is just going to be you know more expensive to bring in we got to have an allmark trade guys leas will pay for a goalie that’s true can we talk about Swan’s rebound problem not a perfect goalie I’ll give you that he uh he has moments where his rebound control is excellent and you know what I think it is I think he conscious is great at kicking the puck out or pushing the puck out to directions it needs to go but when it’s not it’s like a it’s like a batter in baseball when maybe you’re getting great contact you’re just so good at making contact but you go through a streak where every bit of contact goes right into a player’s glove every time I think Swan’s similar when it’s not right it’s bad because he’s not exactly excellent at smothering he’s excellent at pushing the puck out to the corners when it’s not going well it just looks real rough I I you’re still gambling by moving omark and signing swing into a big extension that’s people are acting like that’s a no-brainer that’s still a gamble it’s just a gamble the team doesn’t have to make but should should feel like they’re moving the right direction by making it who’s the best prospects we could potentially land geez that’s a question I don’t I don’t think I know enough about prospects across the league to truly truly Hammer one of those out right now do you think lell on the fourth or is that a placeholder that’s just a placeholder absolutely not you I if they do to Le sell what they did to merkulov this past year which is keep the leash that tight and put him on a line that doesn’t make any sense I’m going to lose my mind which oh by the way actually oh my God that’s a line hold on oh oh that’s oh that’s beautiful thank you for that what thank you that’s the line right there still a young line God I love that so much dides anyone else love that or is this just me this this just me oh Oilers of the Toronto Leafs of the West oh except for they win playoffs serious see you later Andrew nice chatting what are my feelings on lindol uh I like both of them neither one are worth the money they’re going to make that’s not super Fair lindol hampus lindol might be no Elias lindol super super pumped if he could come in at 7 million as you’re to see he wants way more than that and and I think at best he’s a 2C on a championship team like at best so I don’t I don’t feel good about giving a guy like that $10 million you know who would you Trevor who would you trade olark 4 on the Devils Tommy yeah I I love him too and you’re right there’s just moments with San’s rebound control just all over the place omark plus something from Marner I I really like the idea I could we make that money work honestly the declair declair deal doesn’t happen datuk was the 7th round pick that’s correct if I have the choice of TI J T who is that who’s tij am I blanking on this right now I amark for Mark shley I don’t love shley I I I honestly I would move omark for a top six center pretty easily so like I I don’t say no to that deal um I’d like to see a different move personally omark de bruss from Marner send it we’d have to resign de bruss to make the deal oh againa the best Prospect oh that’s an interesting one I don’t think I don’t think they do that right is that a is that the Cane’s Prospect I know the name obviously just because ainla is ainla but oh I just exited a screen that I didn’t want to exit whoops that’s all right oh they have a Tuka in here that’s interesting he might not be listed there yet um I mean the fun rle is the ainla right I’m excited about ptra too man I am what are we doing with omark they want to keep him but we’re hoping for the right deal but if Marner goes to Nashville what what what what comes back I mean unless it’s Soros which holy crap that would wow that’s actually a hell of a deal I want nothing to do with playing mark four times a year plus giving Toronto the extra six million to spend on D there’s an argument there there’s an argument I love merkulov he’s a silent killer Matthews isn’t Matthews without Marner yeah but Marian isn’t marshan without berson right to the same level at least not sure if I’d Bank on Mercy being in NHL or but I’d try it uh totally agree unfortunately have we seen the best coil has done coil f i I think this is the best season he’s going to have but uh he’s not done he’s still going to be serviceable wherever he goes uh in the lineup thank you Ethan thank you some positivity about that third line I’m locking that in that’s done that’s done Sunset thank you kid line bringing the kid line back omark for Jesper BR uh yeah I do that right now let’s do that let’s just let’s just do that what is I don’t know what the money looks like [Music] uh what is it 7.8 spicy with a no move Clause so not exactly a slam dunk um that likely costs omark plus some by the way that definitely costs omark plus some let’s cheuck do we have any rights that look decent enough not L mels we’re keeping him no we don’t really have a lot to work with there uh let’s pretend omark in a second gets it done I don’t I don’t truly believe that actually gets it done but we’re going to pretend we’re going to pretend just for a minute here and all of a sudden we do have to undo that duclair thing here if we’re doing that uh H that does keep lell out of the lineup by the way which is fine it really is oh wait no it doesn’t because we do this yeah we do that and we do that and we do that Merc stays out though Sorry Merc and we still don’t have a 2C and we’re down to 5.7 which still gives you oh which gives you room for um Chanley Stevenson who’s going to get 54 this is a pipe dream brat isn’t going anywhere absolutely not Joel ericon e really like him I don’t think he’s being moved oh againin is in this year’s draft that’s right that’s what Chell will do to me I’ll I’ll be six years into a Chell franchise I’m like hey ginla is playing in the league already thank you oh everybody knows this except for me I don’t pay enough attention to the to the draft how many onesies on a champion Team Championship team exist in the league is it even 10 yeah I think it’s it’s probably 10 to 15 it’s probably half the teams in the league have have a guy like that um like Edmonton has two of those guys because dry cidal counts obviously I counts Bard counts I mean maybe not right this second McKinnon counts hints I think counts uh no Aho counts Hughes counts panarin Crosby we’re going to keep moving Tage Thompson if he can replicate what he did a year ago not this past year barov counts yeah why can I not think of Detroit’s onec that’s annoying Point counts and then Matthews I don’t know what they added up to but I think it’s like 12 or something like that so they’re not widely available mofin needs a chance to play that bottom six is so saturated man like yeah give him a chance but this was really a year for him to make something and and it’s just if he didn’t do it this year I don’t know what year he’s going to do it unfortunately how would the Bruins get Stevenson I mean we’d sign him right he’s a UFA I thought I think he is SO trading K is like us trading past it yeah suit up and be your onec Ella if I didn’t have a bad knee shoulder back and I could skate I would do it in a heartbeat I would do it in a heartbeat no Devils wouldn’t give up BR this is such a this is such a pipe dream we’re just throwing stuff at the wall right now what is this new thing about Peretti interest whoa hold on kimosabi you’re telling me Co Peretti is uh is potentially available wait hold on second monitor time no one look at this well let’s go on here is there is there is there rumor Mills going oh my gosh there is oh I would trade for Co Peretti in a heartbeat really [Music] uh yeah now look he’s not a slam dunk either let’s not pretend he is but that guy’s that guy plays a brand of hockey that I like struggles to stay healthy at times but dang I can’t believe they wouldn’t really move on from him right uh Mitch Miller is off the books how about Mercer uh I like Mercer I do I don’t think what is their depth over there because Mercer plays all three doesn’t he rightwing Center okay 22 years old I I have a hard time seeing them move on from from him they have so much cap space too wow that’s going to go pretty fast though but [Music] still I can’t believe the Devils missed the playoffs how does that Lin counts in your opinion that’s fair yeah Lin’s like a oh yeah I couldn’t think of Lin Jesus what what kind of hockey fan Am I who won the zaka Howa trade uh neither both I don’t know that just seems like we got the younger version and I’m pretty happy with that trade I can’t believe yeah Shadow Panther I can’t believe that per like there’s a bunch of stuff on Peretti being uh in in a bunch of trade talks um he did take a few healthy scratches at the end of the year how he’s got he’s young young too right yeah 22 ah they can’t they can’t move on from a guy like that 74 mil and an RFA what it was would take to get them wouldn’t be pretty a Montour ad would be fun I’m not even going to roast you that would be great can you say Eric sandal you’re the best well I said it there it is you got to clip that out and send it to whoever you need to send it to Ultimate Dream for me would be bo hor VAP almost a number 37 but no way we can pull him out of New York I feel like saying almost a 37 feels a little bit hyperbolic and by that I mean a lot of it hyperbolic but uh I’m not going to dunk on you enjoying that guy that’s that’s fine personally I’d make a deal for zrus trade all Mark to the Ducks zus and throw in any additionals so here’s the thing the Ducks I don’t know if they trade for a 30-year-old gender um and zus is risky risky I do that trade by the way I do but there’s a lot of risk to that oetkin is gonna pass Gretzky yeah I think that’s I think that’s pretty pretty solid all I know is I want him to to either clearly do it or be short by like 30 goals which is not going to happen pretty clearly uh because I don’t want there to be any sort of like what ifs with that you know and there’s already a bunch of them because this time he missed and blah blah blah blah blah I think he passes them thought pusi was coming back I haven’t seen anything that would really suggest it honestly dude might hate Winnipeg that’s true where do you live in Mass uh I did live previously uh I grew up in phillipston so outside of Garder in wora slanderous how’s it going Mercer was pissed he was stuck on line three well sorry bud you see the depth that team has that’s the wrong team you idiot dumb idiot boy there we go uh who is it yeah Hughes and he sorry Mercer you’re either going to be on the wing or third line center for the next 10 years have fun says they’re open to trading them yeah I mean it’s just with what assets the Bruins are not not going to be trade favorites that’s for sure jet new coach is high on Peretti I did see that you’re not wrong about that at all Devil’s Miss because of go tending you know how stupid I am this is one of my favorite bad takes of the year I said that Akira Schmid was a dark horse for either the vzna which I feel like that was Overkill um or the um the rookie one whatever the hell it’s called we haven’t had a rookie compete for it in so long that I feel like I couldn’t even tell you but yeah I was very wrong on that Schmid did not live up to the hype what are the beest chances on getting Reinhardt slim to none but they’re going to try cuz some team is going to pay a team that feels like they’re a Reinhardt away is going to pay exor amounts to that man after a career Year and that has never been sween’s emmo that’s just not what he’s known for Middle six left wing would be a good thing yeah joran I can’t keep saying stuff I’m sorry but I appreciate it because I I don’t even know what I’m I’m saying in that sentence yeah I think Reinhardt Reinhardt going to compete for a pretty unbelievable contract I don’t think zis is exactly a bruan type either but a zis for olark move is just so fun it’s so fun Hatchet looking thing next to some rfas oh that means that they’re well there you go it’s arbitration uh eligible meaning they they could go to arbitration where some rfas um aren’t up for that yet omark to the sends what would you get in return um you would get maybe chicken and a a later pick um what else could you get from the Senators right now that would be enticing to us you could get a no none of this really makes sense depending on how things are going with Shane Pinto you could potentially do anark for Pinto although I think he had a pretty decent season after he came back right 27 on 41 nine goals it’s nothing to be crazy about but still solid uh so I think that’s a possible deal Reinhardt is staying in Florida 8 by eight he’ll be making more than neander wait you you put 8 by eight but said he but make it one the nander doesn’t me neander make 11 Omar for Clayton Keller oh my God I I do it in a heartbeat oh uh pop bellies that’s actually a fun question I don’t sound like I’m from Boston because I grew up with a father with a pretty thick Bostonian accent and a mother with virtually none and I had a pretty decent Bostonian accent when I was a kid but I started to enjoy I got into like theater stage work things like that early in high school and then in College I took a uh a speech course for just like public speaking and whatnot which was just easy credits but a teacher had told me that no one in my life will ever take me seriously in a professional manner if I sound like I’m from somewhere as much as I do and she wasn’t referring to just the Bostonian accent she just meant all of it any accent any thick accent think of any accent in the world if you sound a ton like it you just don’t take the person as seriously and if you want to continue all the stage work you got to stop with the accent or else you can’t be cast in anything so I eliminated my accent painstakingly over the years and it sucked but now I I I can barely even do a Bostonian accent properly put up Bob asza for a trade if he was think of retiring anyways get out of here absolutely not cder there you go uh rumor is Reinhardt stays in Florida for less than kachu that’s interesting I say he tries to get their money get his money yeah winchington is near Garder absolutely yeah you don’t I I don’t think getting Reinhardt now gives you the best value for it but it certainly isn’t a bad ad Patrick B for writes to bras bonan yes Reinhardt is a bit of a power play Merchant but he also just had a phenomenal season I wanted Casey middlest stat so badly absolutely uh hey you jorgan I appreciate the kind words well slanderous the good news is there’s no guarantee that tandem’s broken up this year I want to know what the no trade list is too I don’t know if it’ll ever get like properly leaked though properly leaked don’t want CH do not want 28 million in the top four plus seven to omark I mean you’re not wrong Tommy you also eliminated it I don’t mind the accent I think it’s fun but I I I definitely get it just to I me in a professional manner and I’m not saying people with accents shouldn’t be taken you know uh seriously uh it’s just the advice I was given and I followed it he could have been in any Affleck film well at the time if I had known Shadow Panther we’re closer to the same than we are different honestly New York and Boston hate each other because they are each other wow a lot of people train themselves out of Bostonian accent what does that say about us how are you from Bill R and not have an accent would I rather lindom or Stevenson Stevenson cuz a lot cheaper and I think they’re closer to the same player or same the needle mover is M stat number one Center oh hell no but he’s a strong 2C I think according to my wife my accent only comes back when I visit family my accent’s the worst when I am drunk or really angry that’s when it’ll uh swoop back in what’s up into the den welcome back you didn’t really miss much we traded for yesper br I don’t think that’s going to stay there though I like the Chandler Stevenson uh move so that’s fun uh I don’t like let’s switch some stuff up here hold on hold on and this has to become undone so 7.6 and we still want somebody on the left side and lel’s playing too high in the lineup too so honestly actually what it really is is you probably want someone better here if you know you can’t fix your your missing one C which I think we know that and geeky finally gets pushed down the lineup you know what’s really going to piss me off next year is the constant battle between ptra and geeky of who gets to stay at 3C that’s going to piss me off uh so let’s with 7 million and keeping the tandem signing Stevenson for a deal that seems kind of friendly but he also wasn’t lights out omark’s no trade class doesn’t have any hard teams because teams get better and worse so locking in certain teams screws up over yeah my parents made damn sure I never had an accent grew up in Water Town yeah all right that makes sense Casey Al like Duncan commercial is the best wait is that the one where you smoking inside I or is that an SNL that might just be an SNL take a mass accent over your Canadian one I think the Canadian ones are kind of fun think of our future at C with an ainla ptra combo I think it’s going to be pretty tough to get a top 10 pick in this draft NES fits there we we did the NS thing a little bit I I don’t I don’t think that’s going to be the the move uh lisel has way more upside than Merk that’s all it is geeki can go wherever you want him to you can you can push him wherever I just have him at 4C right now because I want him there ptra GNA spend a lot of time in prob I think oh this is great for the whole chat to know is that he is eligible for the AHL this year last year he wasn’t so he didn’t really have the choice to go to the AHL there is a nonzero chance he starts the year in the AHL if he looks way in Camp that we expect him to he should be in the NHL he should we don’t know what we’re going to get he’s rehabbing a shoulder I’d honestly trade geeki I wouldn’t cry over it but I do think geeki is an excellent Swiss army knife kind of player in your bottom six I just really got sick of watching him in the top six no accent from Watertown yeah all right Chicago Venus you’re right Chicago is not a great accent it’s hilarious it could either be a real commercial or a skit it’s a great it’s a great bit the bill bur Sam Adams SNL skit that is one of my favorite cuz my dad used to do the oh you’re a tough guy now you’re a tough guy not with all the abuse mind you at least that’s what I’ll say publicly no no my dad’s a good dude but he did used to do the like you’re a tough guy also I’d trade a Boston accent for a Midwest accent uh do you want to hear about the meanest thing I’ve ever done I can’t even tell you how much I hate the fact that this happened and how much I regret it so I’m hoping you don’t judge me on this it is the meanest thing I’ve ever done we were in a restaurant in Tennessee I want to say and our server was from Kentucky and she had a horribly thick Kentucky accent the full draw she spoke so slow and the accent was like nails on a chalkboard it was so horrendously bad it was like someone was doing a caricature of someone speaking as a muppet like it was so insanely awful to listen to that I requested a different server it’s the meanest thing I’ve ever done but I thought I was going to literally cut my own throat it was so heinously bad to listen to it was so bad I can’t stress that enough I know it was mean and awful and terrible but my goodness it was the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life Patra is glass that how can you already say that how he got injured in his rookie year you can’t iMed imately be like he’s made of glass that’s not fair at all sirts Shadow Panther sirts is an excellent Name especially if you play Elden ring want a geeky Jersey you could do a lot worse you could do a lot worse I have a bit of an accent from Fox bro but it flares up when I’m drunk or pissed yep same thing omark 16 team list seems like it’s literally built to avoid all West teams God get you blink oh Heinen I forgot what would Heinen take to get back in here because I would resign hin and a heartbeat that really doesn’t solve any of our problems but it’ be nice to have them back you know do you plan on staying in Charleston pretty cool City but it’s getting too crowded and the summers are brutal uh all of that is correct I own a house down here so I’m not like rushing out but you know to the today the day you finally take a swing at your old man I have I have actually heard that line too it wasn’t in a weird abusive way I promise Bill bur is the goat that is true his his Philadelphia rant is an all-time great Mo move uh moment in human history it’s just Flawless Dave forite doesn’t Advocate enough for the Bruins buddy I do not listen to what Dave btoy says so I’m going to be real with you right here that is that is one man that I do not hold in a very uh high regard as far as opinion goes I just I think he says a lot of stuff that he needs to say to keep to keep where he’s at uh and again this is not me like just jumping on the dude or anything like that there a different type of fan for every different thing people are different things Vibe with different people my wife is from Tennessee she’s dropped her accent comes out when she’s pissed see that’s hilarious if that waitress was at me and she comes out and she’s got the thick Kentucky accent and she’s screaming at me what am I supposed to act serious that’d be hilarious now it’s kind of mean again maybe I’m a mean person I don’t know John Brown okay I don’t mean to yell at you man I just like he’s so young Patra had uh the second right way play geeki as the third I I don’t know if PT’s highest ceiling is at Center it is our highest need and I would like to have him really exhaust that option uh yeah I think if we added Heinen for 2.5 which which maybe even feels a little rich but with how well he played like you know that is that perfect no but you really liked gosh you really liked him and oh man we are kind of that’s kind of tough uh to work this out that offense still isn’t good is the problem this offense is 14th to 18th in the league somewhere in there I moved beer over because he’s going to take draws but he likely is not going to be a center until the the coaching staff trusts him more they they kind of showed their hand with that this year my sister got pulled over for me stand on the backseat of a golf cart in a golf cart community in North Carolina you were drunk I could not understand the cop’s thick accent well were that was that the beverages or was that you know what was going on why didn’t you give the waitress a voice lesser to and see this is exactly what I mean like it’s so rude of me unbelievably rude some say the b aent is already pissed yeah it’s a pretty good point why would you give the waitress a voice it seriously is I like I hate it I hate it so much I I feel so terrible about it h in two for 2.5 or three for three yeah I think that’s that’s in regards 1.5 by two 3.45 yeah okay all of that’s kind of that makes sense to me all my family and masses and denial that they have accents oh boy who the fudge is our commentator wasn’t it um isn’t it potentially fast that feels wrong uh he did he did a couple games for us this year I can’t remember who it is but it sounds like they’re also trying to steal the guy from the Kraken so I’m not entirely sure who’s going to land that job watching cult docks with the wife so just here to say hi the Bruins can’t give up hi and speed for how little it should cost to keep him looking forward to watching later though dude I totally agree and this stream is really just conversation at this point I mean I hope we do more active stuff in the future but it’s been a been a week we’ve had well we’ve had a few disasters actually and you guys would love to know this my AC broke it is 85 degrees and I’m not good at handling the heat so I’m dying but that’s fine because we’re going to get it fixed bird doesn’t say much about the Bruins either all right that’s fair you the valley girl yeah it’s it’s just too much for me to handle Brian D totally agree this team looking at it probably not all that much better probably not all that much better and that’s actually kind of more about how we can spend the cap space now look there’s better deals to make this isn’t the end all Beall but it is a humbling exercise when you get on here and you start going through stuff and you think you have a good deal send it to somebody and see what they they think a neutral party a lot of times you’ll see that you’re biased one way or another there is not some sort of fix-all option for our top six in free agency or on the trade market it is not easy to make this offense suddenly way better it’s we’re going to run into some issues pretty quickly and people are going to blame Sweeney because he had all this cap space but they’re not going to understand that there’s a reality to the situation of what you can and cannot get there is a road map for this team in a time where we’re like we’re retooling quickly we can do this there has got to be some really great deals made some really good ones and I just don’t know how How firm that’s going to be short shift dropping tomorrow I believe so I believe it is I believe it is f for the AC yeah f in chat we need Bill Burr as our commentator oh my God I would take Bill bur over Dennis ly I love Bill Burr man that would be so funny what’s the max annual I go for Elias lindome 75 which means we don’t get him I don’t think I do not think it’s smart to spend 10 million on this guy like honestly actually this is another thing we can do so how do we make this work let’s say let’s say our defense stays like that which is not exactly how they want it they want to add on the left side let’s say we don’t sign Stevenson let’s say this gets moved down and let’s say we give Elias lindome the deal that he wants uh I think he said nine5 to like like he wants nine to 10 so we’re going to give him 95 [Music] do you believe that that team is more than marginally better than this year’s team like does Elias lindol move the needle for you that much because quite honestly is the offense a little better it’s a little better I don’t think it’s that much better I really don’t and your left side on defense you’ve got a second-year guy playing top pair of minutes and then a guy that had you know came out of nowhere last year on your third pair a lot of talking it’s a lot of heat any injury to your defense puts you in a situation where you’ve got next to nothing backing them up and you have a million dollars in cap space with this and all we did was Reign Heinen to 2.5 let debrusk walk get ptra back in the lineup we now have a rookie rookie on the third right wing and we have Lind home up here I don’t see that being that much better of a team either this is a hard puzzle this is I I’m just trying to make the point that this ain’t that easy Colby that’s like the nicest thing anyone’s everever said to me just a bunch of miscellaneous topics outside of hockey I I don’t feel like I’m all that well-rounded but that does sound really fun I’m fine maintaining this wild card team until our first picks come back around It’s just tough because you’re sitting there with pasta and makoy and guys that are in their Prime that you want to compete with right now is Propet enough forar uh a 22-year-old potential top six center I mean I I I would honestly make the deal Peretti to Boston Nas to Winnipeg andar to the canes technically I think the canes are the ones that want a little bit more out of that deal but I don’t know that’s actually pretty close I think go to nine on Lindy and I like how a couple messages later Zach’s like that’d be horrible and I think honestly like I’m overvaluing Peretti here is is to to Zach’s Point um and to Brian’s Point yeah you probably want something else coming back in that the more that I think about it not a true number one right there yep we can resign jvr and sign TVR that would be fun that’s a good one it was krier it was krider someone else put that too it was krider that took the mouth card that’s excellent excellent oh wait what’s the score of that game right now actually isn’t that that going I haven’t turned turn it on yet oh wow we missed a whole first period how about that zeros huh I haven’t missed anything big then probably they definitely need a left D yeah all right yeah I I I think they need some more depth there for sure let’s see no de bras no all Mark you can fit Lindy at nine NS at 7.5 and still have 1.5 for D on depth can you do that I don’t feel like doing the math I’m just going to do it wait hold on am I getting am I giving no that’s correct okay that’s a nine trade and we’re going to go with and again this n thing is way more of a risk than than we’re all making it out to be way more of a risk and I don’t even know if they do that one for one but we’re we’re doing it now so then what you have if you’re putting uh Nas oh wait we have to sign Nas now that’s right uh and we’ll give him 75 just to follow this plan follow the plan uh oh and then see this is the thing NS really doesn’t want to play on the wing but in this scenario what’s best for the team because NS is terrible from the dot and plays defense like an absolute cow is to put him on the right side under poast knut ooh God then here’s the thing I really like I don’t think lisel starts on a team in this in this regard cuz all of a sudden you’re back here I do like our bottom six for what it’s worth I don’t think it’s like incredible but you know yeah but twist is um is gone I’m I’m not not heartbroken about that Freddy needs a a good top six look I’m not against that not against it at all pop belly ornaments play the young guys let the chips fall where they may I get where you’re coming from real hard to sell that to the fan base though oh yeah Metroid the whole thing if you can if you can put together a solid season from all of LEL ptra and MC then oh my God this team’s great just because you’ve got so much cash that is I mean so little cash that’s performing players yeah you you definitely like where you’re at uh I don’t see all three of them having great years but yeah no per winipeg does not actually need allmark by any means oh thank you for putting the scores in there I I’m on a bit of a delay here with the chat and everything did lisel ever get with the program he had a really nice until he got injured he was really picking up steam uh and they were they were really loving how aggressive he was particularly offensively he’s never been brilliant defensively he never will be brilliant defensively are there considerations you need to make for roster players for the following year like Marti and Frederick others um I don’t really think so I don’t think Frederick’s going to suddenly become some super super expensive player uh Martian’s going to be what he’s going to be yeah requires busy what require wait hold on what requires busy yeah NS has been terrible from the dot terrible from the dot I’ve decided beater 1C is dead let’s go Ryan Mast for Norris new dude I’m right there Ryan Mast hell yeah get him in huge Ryan mask guy do we need him right now no but Ryan mask signed his ELC so early and I don’t know if that bites him in the ass or what but he’s he’s a classic like he’s got the physicality and the tools but boy is he not great at a higher level like to see him keep improving though someone yelled Bobby or at you I mean I guess you just scream goat back to him now next time he would have to go now n poor Heen 25 mil on the first line alone I mean that’s the world we’re we’re creeping towards by the way we really are boquest at 11 one instead of Heineken first of all hinin love it second of all I would keep hining over boquist in a heartbeat personally the W SP value we got last year was awesome and Brazil for that matter beer was fine save 3 million and go for declair over Nas you certainly could you certainly could oh we’re negative cap space right now too master you got to go sorry buddy rip oh we’re still at negative cap space and we don’t have a backup goalie we can’t even do [Laughter] this good stuff we’re at negative cap space with one two hold on uh one two three four five five guys playing under a million dollars in our lineup [ __ ] ain’t easy I know you mean Keandre Miller but Kevin Miller was a stud and I miss him I miss I miss him when he was not injured to hell Metroid no worries we’re getting off here soon as well second period I’m GNA tune into um it’s it’s About Time to Say Goodbye we’ve had a nice conversation but yeah Jackson Edwards is a menace he is and then they they think highly of him they want him to make the next the next step but it’s going to take some time could you go halt in a second for omark it would open up cap yeah I I think there’s a lot of ways you could go with the olark deal but they need to have at least one player come back that they think could be an impact offensively I think Kevin Miller was a killer God he was so fun to watch dude you you can’t say Pocky anymore you know you can’t like that’s not a thing I actually said that the other day this is like well like a month ago and it just kind of slipped out of like I was talking about some stuff uh and so I was like whoa what was that and then I thought about like oh yeah I guess that is a term that you can’t really use anymore is that weird when you’re little you grow up with these words and you don’t even realize what you’re actually saying and then somebody like as an adult someone points it out to you and you go oh yeah Ranger goal into the den guest star on short shift when love the idea honestly I really do Terin would be a nice addition Terin drives me nuts you want to talk about streaky man like I like him but God it’s so up and down with him sometimes a shorty they got another shorty God this team’s ridiculous on the PK good for them that’s a ball buster too all right guys we’re going to call it so I can tune into this game properly um next week we’re hopefully going to do something a little more involved we’re going to do a video over the next couple days as well about some Prospect talk likely um and maybe a little bit of free agency talk we’ll figure it out but I appreciate you guys jumping in I know these are very casual and chill right now there’s just a lot that’s still up in the air so we’re not entirely sure of what we’re talking about with any sort of certainty uh oh and feel free to hit me up Twitter Instagram wherever um with your favorite like rumors that you’re hearing or just your favorite trade ideas but with the asterisk you have to be ready for me to potentially insult them um because maybe I’ll hate it and I’ll have to insult it so I apologize for that already you guys are an awesome chat by the way like thank you for for everyone’s so vocal they talk about all sorts of stuff this is fun I’m glad that we’re we’re streaming a little bit more now I feel like a dork saying it but you know I’m so excited for next season like everyone seems with the way this season ended it was less of like a total heartbreak and more of like uh yeah I mean this team we’re kind of ready to see the next version of the Bruins I hope we get to see the true next version of the Bruins soon uh maybe as soon as next year uh because it does feel like we’re in such a transition right now but we’ll see what happens thank you into the den thank you Brian does ter make more than de bruss next year uh no I think de bruss makes more thank you Jasmine have a good night Eko Cameron thanks for all the the trade itas and everything David thanks for tuning in into the den I think I already said you mlss thank you POS for laon absolutely pull the trigger dude led the league in hits or something I don’t know he hit a lot of people at one point I do I do I don’t hate laon I don’t love laon but he was a fun watch for a while there and I will always defend him on the season ending turnover against the Islanders I will always defend him on that Joffrey thank you for jumping in every Thursday somewhere between 7 and 7:30 we’re going to do this for a couple hours that is the plan unless otherwise stated but have a good night guys enjoy the rest of the game and uh you’ll be hearing from me very soon and as usual go be it’s weird that it doesn’t get cut off now though I don’t like that good night


SHORT SHIFT PODCAST: (Available wherever you listen to your pods)


  1. Tij Iginla from what I've seen looks like a #9 to 14 pick. If we could give up Ullmark and even geekie for a pick that could grab him I think it's a win. Risky? Of course what trade isn't but it would free up what I feel Geekie is restricting us with for movement between the 2nd and 4th lines

  2. On the Sens, they also have a second first round pick that they got from the red wings (Debrincat deal) who originally got it from the Bs (Bertuzzi Deal) so I think you could probably get that pick back from the Sens plus Another piece in a potential Ulmark deal. Don't fancy Chychrun much myself. I would try for Pinto even if we had to put something else in the deal.

  3. Something to think about, If you can get a 1st Rounder for Ullmark, you can use it as a Trade package for a Left D-man. My choice is Jake Middleton, 28 1-year of control, 2.45 million, AND Minnesota, needs Cap space. Probably wants picks to keep salary down. Middleton would be a steal.

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