@Edmonton Oilers

Hyman makes it 3-0 and it’s MADNESS in Edmonton ๐Ÿ”Š

Oilers forward Zach Hyman converts the breakaway, giving Edmonton the 3-0 lead in Game 6 and sending Oilers fans into a frenzy

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  1. Great goal by Hyman. Florida looks so slow. Bobski looked bad again. The defensemen had the cut across the front by Hyman ,um, cut off, and all the goalie needed to do was cover his side of the net. The guys too old, too slow. He was born in 1988 for goodness sake. The big question for the Florida coach has to be whether to start the other goal tender. Edmonton players are no spring chickens, but they have fire in their hearts. Bobski covers the angles ok, and as long as the puck hits him he can look good. But Edmonton is making him look real weak. His last season for sure.

  2. That lone panthers fan amongst the 17,999 oilers jerseys after that goal- doh! Iโ€™d be removing my jersey fairly quickly and switching sides. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  3. Every time a Panther gets hit – itโ€™s a penalty in their minds. They are in their own heads at this point.

  4. I have been watching hockey for 35 years now and this might just be one of my favorite goals ever. It has everything.

    Florida player at the start doing the usual embellishment, Nuge blocking the shot in a way that leads to a breakaway.

    Hymens insane acceleration the second he saw the puck, the Edmonton crowd becoming electric and on their feet as Hyman had the breakaway.

    Flordia player diving to try and check Hyman and Hyman either knowlingly or with a little luck dekes at the perfect time, the shot between Bobs arm and finally Bob getting taken out by his own team mate.

    Literally art. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  5. This might be the single loudest I've ever hear a sports venue. Absolutely crazy how loud it got, even on broadcast

  6. Y does everyone like the Oilers? I rlly dont like them cuz they made my home team, Vancouver Canucks loose, so i support the Panthers.. so ye

  7. Y'know… Sam Bennett spent less time diving, throwing cheap shots and looking for dirty hits… he might actually be a decent hockey player.

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