@Edmonton Oilers

How have Oilers’ come back from down 3-0 to force a Game 7?

Eight days ago, the Oilers were down 3-0 in the Stanley Cup Final, and Monday night they are playing for a chance to win it all. TSN Director of Scouting Craig Button joins SC with Jay Onrait to discuss the Oilers’ comeback, the greatness Conner McDavid has shown as he chases Wayne Gretzky’s record for most points in the Stanley Cup Final series, and how the Panthers have let the series slip away.


  1. People thought it would go 7 games in the beginning. Well to get to 7 games florida had to win 3 games. Don't be so shocked this is where we are at now.

  2. Craig Button, i love hearing your insight man, but for goodness sake, put on a pair of socks and stop sitting with your legs like you're doing some weird form of yoga! 🫣

  3. The 2-day gap between games has the hockey media figuring out a million ways to say the same things… can't wait for the players to take over!

  4. McDavid getting Conn Smythe regardless he’s good ole Canadian boy. That being said Oilers should win. Bob looked great against Rangers because they didn’t pepper him shots. They barely had possession of puck. This is like Rangers/Panthers series with better team losing despite outplaying the opponent. McDavid will add 3 points in game 7 for the victory on top. The problem for Canada is they will have to apologize for being anti semetic, racist and xenophobic but like Trump they will say we won who cares…. I hope Florida wins just for that

  5. The Oilers haven't come back at all. It's just that the fix is in and they want people to start betting like crazy and to make sure all the commercial slots get sold to highest bidders and simply to create a hype. We all know that professional sports are ALL RIGGED !!!! There's a reason 70% of sponsors are all sports books

  6. Granted, Button is the same guy who said the Leafs would sweep the Habs in '21. Habs won that series and went on the Finals. So take whatever he says with a grain of salt

  7. I just realized that everytime the oilers cherry pick it makes the florida defence question to play full Defensiveness or they can play on the rush with the forward line but that leaves janmark wide open alone 😅 big predicament for florida, go up with forwards and maybe get a goal(there best chance when defence is in the mix) or play full stay at home defence .

  8. Oilers first game this season was a hundred years ago October 11, 2023…Tonight is their last game. There is no Game Eight…

  9. Wow, there's people on here complaining about how a man sits and not wearing socks, grow up FFS!!! Talk about getting triggered for the most trivial of reasons. JFC! Lol…

  10. The Oiler's came back because they stopped dumping the puck in the corners and wearing themselves out fighting for the puck and actually played hockey instead. I fear they will go back to this tactic in this last game and all this will be for nothing in the end. Having a good goalie along with a great PP Kill has helped immensely. Move that puck around and take more shots and they just might pull this off but I highly doubt it.

  11. Its too bad, but Jay is not as good as TSN thinks…..there was no better combo than Jay and Onrite(sic), but now Jay thinks he’s something special……

  12. I actually have seen some Florida fans talking to reporters about how they can’t help but cheer for Edmonton !😂😂😂😂 ❤❤❤Some people were saying that they are incredible and deserve it! Cup is coming back to Canada 🍁

  13. If Florida gets the first goal tonight they have a chance. If Edmonton scores first Florida is in real trouble. Game 6 Florida looked like they didn’t know what they were doing. Their self defeat is their number 1 obstacle.

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