@Toronto Maple Leafs

Instant Analysis – Marc Savard Is A Leaf!

Steve Dangle analyzes the Toronto Maple Leafs recent decision to hire Marc Savard as an assistant coach. What does this mean for the team moving forward? Where will he help out?



  1. Someone should have told Scotty Bowman and Al Arbour that they should have never gone into coaching because they sucked as players. A player’s career has virtually nothing to do with how good a coach they are. If it did then they should fire Berube right now since he was a goon and hire either Gretzky or Lemieux and the cup is ours

  2. Edmonton will win the cup by a score of 4-2. They will score a empty net to seal the deal.

  3. Ill never forgive Marc Savard for how he tried to injure Matt Cookes elbow with the back of his head. It was a dirty play.

  4. i told my buddy after the Oilers went down 3-0 in the series that McDavid about to have his Tom Brady Falcons Super Bowl comeback moment and theyre gonna put him on Canadian Currency for returning the cup home. lolol. i mightve only slightly been kidding about that..

  5. Steve is back on the wagon!…
    Trying to replicate the coaching staff that won 1 cup way back in the day is ridiculous. Thanks Calgary!…. For your scraps!

  6. I loved Marc savard in Atlanta. I was a huge thrashers fan (being born there) before switching to boston in 2010. But not only as a bruins fan but a hockey fan watching that hit live just destroyed me. I was 11 or 12 years old. He was never the same guy after. After that ever single game Matt Cooke was in I put him as a 0 overall and sent him overseas

  7. I'm a lifelong Bruins fan, so feel free to show your distain in the replies. It's ok. I don't like you either, lol. But seriously, I'm jealous. Would love to have him back with the Bruins.

  8. As a neutral, I feel like none of the front office matters until Mariner and Tavares are gone and the cap mix resets to a more regular distributions instead of being this top heavy. 🧡💛🧡

  9. Imagine being so dumb you still have a Ukrainian flag in your X handle…… yea man I'm soglad the war is still going on AFTER Zelenskyy turned down a treaty before a single shot was fired. Why? Cause Biden told him to reject it ensuring war. Ironically if you have a Ukrainian flag to show your 'support' it's your fault the war is going on in the first place…

  10. If you were born in the 1970s and wanna feel old, scroll through the comments and read how many people think he's talking about the 1920 St. Louis Blues.

    This site really needs "your comment looks very similar to these prior posts".

  11. Ha ha Steve, nice try, but everyone knows the cup finals were cancelled in 2010-11, with no winner that season.

  12. If there is anyone who needs to go on this team it's Matthews. He has had 8 years and still can't do anything in the playoffs. What a waste of money.

  13. Mine too Steveo….’02 conference final game 7 loss to the Carolina hurricanes does NOT still haunt me

  14. Do you think this foreshadows an MM trade cuz Savard knows offense and was a playmaker extraordinaire? Good to have one of those behind the bench.

  15. Marc savard will drastically help change our PP! Need to separate the top guys and have 2 insane PP units

  16. Let us see what results all these coaching changes bring. You can have the best coaches in the world but it is up to the players to show up with results. Thank you Steve enjoy your videos and the commentary. 😊

  17. Good timing Steve
    I just listened to the Perron interview on first up before putting on your video 😂. My phone is watching me

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