@Florida Panthers

[Andy Slater] SLATER SCOOP: Roberto Luongo is scheduled to bang the Florida Panthers’ drum before tonight’s Stanley Cup Final Game 7, multiple sources tell me.

[Andy Slater] SLATER SCOOP: Roberto Luongo is scheduled to bang the Florida Panthers’ drum before tonight’s Stanley Cup Final Game 7, multiple sources tell me.

by ohwowitsrambo


  1. ChokeMilk

    High quality drummers = high quality wins. CATS IN 7

  2. GordaoPreguicoso

    Playing the call of the wall that will lift Bobby to great heights today.

  3. SoFlaBarbie

    The boys are gonna do it for all those who came before them. Roberto Luongo, take my energy!

  4. TheJokersWild53

    When I saw Luongo, I thought he was strapping on the pads and shutting out Edmonton!

  5. Democracy__Officer

    Fuck yea! Beats the SNL guy someone else said was doing it

  6. DeborahMarw

    Luongo has been a rock for the Panthers, can’t wait to see what’s next!

  7. doyouunderstandlife

    Time for us to win it for Lu. Game 7 redemption

  8. purpleopus77

    Woooooooooooooooo! Looooooooooooooooo!
    Let’s go Cats!!!🐀🐀🐀🐀

  9. starwestsky

    Lu deserves this cup. This pick for the pregame drummer is A+

  10. Changeit019

    I’ll wear my Lu jersey tomorrow tonight

  11. Onr3ddit

    Last person I would want involved with another game 7

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