@Montreal Canadiens

Anyone else rooting for the Oilers as a Habs fan?

I’d be okay with them supplanting us as the latest Canadian team to win the cup. Thoughts?



  1. SimpleGalaxy17

    I’m not Canadian so I’m rooting for Maurice and Bobrovsky mostly

  2. meatballbubbles

    Meeeee. I hate all things Florida.

  3. WeathervaneJesus1

    I’d like to see Maurice win one.

    Florida knocked out the Leafs last year after the fans started their SC celebrating early, and have taken out Boston the last two years.

  4. cjohno21

    What outcome has the greatest potential to send the Panthers into a spiral next season? That’s the one I’m cheering for.

  5. Lostclause

    I’m rooting for them as a Canadian who has waited for the cup to return to it’s true home in the North!

  6. meowpeh

    They were my team at the start of the playoff.

  7. philjitsu

    I’m just enjoying. Will be happy if Mcjesus gets a cup, however I pulled the Panthers in a random work playoff draw.. so I’ll win enough to buy a new Habs jersey next season if the Cats win

  8. nhabster

    It’s my duty… Oilers are Habs’ second team in my book anyway

  9. I’m not someone who believes in cheering for Canada unless there’s a red maple leaf on the jersey.

    I can appreciate the grandeur of what we are seeing from McDavid while still wanting the Oilers to lose.

  10. Deuce17

    Yes. People from Edmonton care more than people from Florida. I’m a man of the people

  11. Roulack

    I’ve been rooting for them since habs went into a rebuild. I’m fucking hyped rn. We need a Canadian cup

  12. HonestDespot

    Not at all.

    Will never understand the bizarre “patriotism” involved with cheering for a team I couldn’t care less about because they are in the same country as me.

    Everyone is so obsessed with the cup being in Canada…like it’s some pride thing and we deserve to have it “in the country” more than an American team.

    If I liked the players and the make up of the roster I’d cheer for a team from fucking Helsinki if the league ever brought in European teams.

  13. Jimbo_Imperador


    Cheering for any other canadian team out of “patriotism” is super duper mega cringe

  14. Don’t really give a shit either way, to be perfectly honest.

    All the teams I hate were eliminated, thankfully.

  15. jadenspan

    I think panthers are the better team and would like to see them win

  16. jackalisland

    The incredible story of the full 3-0 comeback alone is worth cheering for.

  17. ChuckKiddman

    Florida as a state deserves nothing which means their hockey teams deserve nothing. Screw them and their stupid boat parades

  18. HeShootsHS

    I mean Mcdavid is this era’s Gretzky. 0-3 comeback. Hockey needs a oilers win tonight. Canada needs a freaking cup once in a while.

  19. yespmedas

    Nope. I’m Florida all the way. They beat Boston, Tampa and NY. Couldn’t ask for more unless we did it ourselves. Go Panthers! Also had a friend say McDavid deserves a Cup…no Cup for Carey, no Cup for Conner either!

  20. backwardzhatz

    I never really root for other Canadian teams but Florida is so unlikable to me I’d kind of love to see McJesus reverse sweep them and get a cup.

  21. oReevee

    Maybe this will make sense, maybe this won’t,

    I want the Canadiens to be the team to bring the cup back, I’ve never seen the other Canadian teams as allies, Plus seeing a team with their first cup is more exciting than a Team winning again because they got another 1st and 2nd best player in the league duo again

    Will my night be ruined because Oilers won? Not at all

  22. matthew_sch

    Yes. I’ve always found them to be the Habs of the West

  23. Frenchsoupe

    Would rather see McDavid & Draisatl win one vs Tkfucck. And I like to cheer for ex-Habs, so seeing Kulak and Perry (get one and get his second) is a bonus!

  24. HurinGaldorson

    It would be less bad than any other Canadian team winning, and obviously even less bad than any American team winning. Plus McDavid deserves it. So I’m rooting for them too.

  25. Snow-Wraith

    Fuck. No. Rather cheer for the Bruins than another Canadian team. We are the King’s of the North.

  26. sicksherpa

    #Yes: Perry is a Saint, Kulak is a beauty

  27. Gorgofromns

    Oilers if for any reason that there isn’t really anyone on Edmomton that I hate. My hatred of Thachuk is deep and profound so I want him to suffer. I’d like nothing more that to see someone take that God dam unused mouth guard of his and throw it in the stands.

  28. Extreme-Leather7748

    I can’t support a fanbase that doesn’t exist

    That being said would be great to be the next Canadian team to win

  29. No-Intention1183

    The Oilers are my second team, so yes I’m cheering hard for them. I’d love McDavid to win, and Perry & Kulak. I cheer for the Canadian teams all through the playoffs, except for the Leafs. As hard as I try I can’t bring myself to hope they win.

    Let’s go Oilers!

  30. LittleLionMan82

    Sure, why not…I love a comeback.

  31. All season. Oilers are my west coasties! LFG

  32. Mauklauke

    Im down. I like Mcjesus, Drai, and Perry.

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