@Montreal Canadiens

Pressure Point | The Basu & Godin Notebook

Pressure Point | The Basu & Godin Notebook

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. OnlineEgg

    listening rn so i won’t comment on the content in this episode just yet, but can i just say how much i love this podcast? i look forward to it every week! basu and godin really try their best to make each episode informative and entertaining and i love it

  2. JamJam130

    Really hope they’re right and Buium is a serious candidate if our top tier of forwards are gone (Demidov and Lindstrom) 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  3. Ugh, I’d so much rather Dickinson than Buium if we are going that route. Dickinson is going to be NHL ready very quickly. We don’t want the rebuild to last another 4-5 years.

  4. popejohnlarue

    Spoiler: they both think the Habs have Lindstrom ranked higher than Demidov. Wouldn’t be my preference but it’s an interesting take.

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