@Colorado Avalanche

How Eric Lindros helped the Avalanche win the Stanley Cup

Eric Lindros was drafted by the Quebec Nordiques but he refused to play for them. This event started a massive butterfly effect that eventually led to the 1996 Colorado Avalanche winning the Stanley Cup.


  1. Not only did lindros help av's win cup he destroyed nords who left qc 4 years later and as a result of trade destroyed flyers cup hopes thanks to the bounty to acquire lindros flyers couldn't find a top notch goalie. And roy never gets traded from hated habs to nords if they remained in qc.

  2. Before he was even drafted, Lindros was a complete embarrassmsnet to the Quebec Nordique franchise. He selfishly, singlehandedly destroyed its credibility, damaged its appeal to any potential future players, thus ruining its competitive future.
    Which at the very least hastened the team's departure from Quebec City, if not outright caused it.

    Recasting Lindros as Denver's indirect hero, instead of Quebec's "enfant terrible" is bullshi+. He was a spoiled, self-absorbed tool who got what Kharma delivered.

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