@National Hockey League

2024 Playoffs Plus-Minus Rankings

Oilers finish top 3 and bottom 6.

by shawyummm


  1. Hope they re-signs those bottom guys and gridlock their cap space for a decade😂

  2. Fire the ones with minuses and keep the pluses. Easy answer.

  3. Pleasant-Garage-8054

    Love McDavid’s plus/minus for sure. Just kinda wish he would have scored or actually done something in games 6 and 7 of the Stanley Cup Final.

  4. BoredAndHungry2

    Please let us be rid of nurse. He’s over payed and under skilled.

    And this comes down to a GM diff.

  5. Giraffe-kit

    So much depth, they deserved to be there!

  6. phoenixember

    Kane -7 and a healthy scratch for game seven. You love to see it.

  7. spagboltoast

    Someone is gonna throw a 4×4 at foegele. Holloway has replaced him.

    Kane is likely gone.

    Vinny is gonna get a 3×5 somewhere else. Broberg replaced him anyways .

    Oilers are coming back faster and better next year

  8. abelgretzky

    I really wish Kane got a surgery back in January and prayed they made into the 3rd round and played like himself to the cup :’)

  9. Every-Citron1998

    Typical for the Oilers but I actually thought their supporting cast was a big reason for their run this year. Guys like Janmark, Foegle, and Brown played the best hockey of their careers contributing big goals and penalty kills.

  10. AssInspectorGadget

    The Oilers had 5 guys in the top 7 of playoff scoring, no other in top 50.

  11. humchacho

    Who was the one that let Reinhart skate all the way from his own defensive zone with the puck right into a nice shooting position with no real pressure?

  12. MagniPlays

    I understand the sentiment but doesn’t this say something about just how well the panthers played through the first 3? And how the oilers were outclassed the entire playoffs?

    It’s never a individual sport

  13. ersaseme

    Nurse is the worst contract in the NHL. I can’t believe how many turnovers he had, how many blown coverage goals he caused and how little physicality he brings. I wouldn’t give him a third of his $9.5 million for that play.

  14. kissarmygeneral

    Nobody ever talks about how terrible RNH is and how terrible he’s always been .

  15. Dank_Bubu

    Why didn’t Evander Kane play in the SCF ?

  16. micropterus_dolomieu

    Was Draisaitl injured? He pretty much disappeared in the last 3 games.

  17. Larry-thee-Cucumber

    Hmm it’s almost like you need more than 3 players to win the cup…..

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