@Buffalo Sabres

Blue & Gold Talk – Skinner Buyout, The Draft, Free Agency & The Finals

Blue & Gold Talk – Skinner Buyout, The Draft, Free Agency & The Finals

[Music] hi good evening everybody Welcome to blue and gold talk finally a video and finally I’m back and I want to talk a little bit about a few things here guys today the game starts in a few hours so I want to give my take on that and try to get this video up before the game okay I was going to wait till the series is over before even making videos again but I figure you know what no I want to talk about this game before it happens this is his story guys before that there’s some things I want to talk about guys I want to go over a bit of a list here I I made so we’ll get on this and talk about it the number one thing on the list the Skinner buyout uh we’re going to know I put by Thursday morning we’ll know by Thursday morning we got to wait till as you guys know most of you know 48 hours after the Stanley Cup finals is over which is tonight so mathematically speaking we could find out by like midnight on you know I’m putting th we’ll know by Thursday morning if the sabes intend on on buying out Skinner I want to show you the two scenarios guys um let’s take a look at them I clipped them both out all right all right here’s how it looks right now take a look okay the big the important thing for us it’s not coming out of our pocket we buy out these last three years you see at the bottom annual cap hit 1.44 the second year 4.44 The Big Year 6.44 and then three consecutive years guys of 2.44 after Skinner’s contract would have been over with so we have a six-year commit M okay so 6 years of dead cap of buo money that has to be but I was talking before I think it makes a much better sense to buy them out next year what if this year he has a 30 goal season we can live with this contract is my point you know we can let’s take a look at what it would look like if we buy it out next year here we go okay as you can see we will be buying out 2025 26 26 27 we buying out those two years look at the bottom the actual cap hit for those four years will still be painful which would be four and six then two and two so we still have four a six which I think we could live with at that point we’d have to cuz it’s been a it’s been a bad contract guys it’s been a bad contract uh 2 and two so we’ve got instead of a 1.4 a 4.4 a 6.4 a 2.4 2.4 2.4 we have a 4.0 a 6.0 a 2.0 2.0 so the four and the six my point is in this whole thing we can’t escape it all right I could live with the 1.4 this year that doesn’t hurt at all because we’re going to have that 9 million of cap space open and next year 50% of the cap space would be open the 6.4 is where you get a slap and and and you know basically a slap off the head saying you guys are idiots you never should have signed this contract to start with it’s not so bad really so if we’re going to buy him out and we buy him out this year instead of next year mathematically it doesn’t make that much of a difference not that much you have that extra 2.4 to deal with you know you guys tell me what you think on that one okay the draft is on Friday will we trade the pick I want to talk about the draft now will we trade the pick that’s the question the lingering question are the sabes going to trade their pick this year I think they’re going to I just we’re due you know I’m a big believer in sports things are due to happen that haven’t happened in a while and the Sabres have not traded away their first round pick in quite a while this close to the draft so this is something that I could see the SA is doing we’d have to get some sort of return that can help us next year I think we know this we’re looking at a top six forward would be the ideal come back in that you know if we give up a first rounder or do we get somebody to take the Skinner contract somehow and throw this in as a sweetener that’s a possibility just saying it’s a possibility there’s three years left of 9 million bucks you know the Sabres maybe eat let’s say 20 20% of it and then we don’t really feel it we we let’s say we take 25% even we don’t feel it as much as the four and the six you know we lose the first rounder mind you so we’ll have to make that and I don’t want to see it this thing stretch into six years we just got rid rid of uh the the hodkin uh the Hodson uh contract I wasn’t a lot but I just hate looking at dead cap and seeing somebody there who hasn’t played in team in years guys this is what worries me so you know but it is what it is I mean look it’s been a horrible contract from day one I got no problem myself if they keep SK around the team I’ll just say it I I think he could still pop in 25 to 30 goals we can live with it deal with it and maybe on the last year of the contract even then I looked at it’s not worth buying out at that point it’s really not so we’ll see and we didn’t buy out aoso I don’t see why we we’ve got such a desire to buy out Skinner I mean the the the the pulso contract was horrible guys horrible horrible contract yeah it was like 6 and a half but it was like you know if if you look at um uh let me check um God speaking of Ula we’re going to talk about that in a sec guys my God what is going on with Florida can you believe this honestly can you actually believe this is happening close let me close that all right ooso was making six my bad I’m thinking of O’Reilly okay I’m getting mixed up O’Reilly was 7 and a half if I’m right I get mixed up with the halves all right so I post was making six let me get back to that um the draft on Friday I haven’t really done any much draft videos cuz I honestly believe we’re trading the pick I really do I haven’t been making many videos period anyway though so but if you ask me I think we’re going to trade that draft just a gut feel I think we’re going to do it we’ve made it public we’re open to trading it I think a lot of teams are going to be knocking on the door trying to get that pick off of us number three UFA opens July 1st guys one week from today how aggressive will we be I honestly believe guys it depends on Jeff Skinner if we if we if we get rid of that contract I think the Sabres will be super aggressive in free agency and um I I can see them I can see this happening so if the sabes can somehow some way muster up the courage I guess is the word and actually do this and go through with this and say you know what we’re going to eat it we’re going to get rid of this contract finally 9 million bucks guys is way over payment for Jeff Skinner I’ve known it from day one I’ve never hit it on this channel it’s a horrible overpayment but for a guy that should be making like 5 and a half really at this point in his career he’s worth about half of what that contract is right now probably and um I guess it just is what it is we’ll have to see if we do it you know but if we do I believe in free agency we’re going to be super aggressive we’re going to go after every single need that we we have we’re going to have a lot of cap space open we already do guys we already have a lot of cap space open before I jump on the finals guys I just want to jump on that for a second um I really do believe that if the Sabers actually go through with this uh then we’re not just going to be we’re not just going to sit on the cap space we’re going to use it right now as it stands we need got nine guys signed okay uh this is really much for another video though guys but um we have we’re sitting on 22. 6 in cap I’m adding an extra 7,000 22.6 in current cap space right now this second 22.6 if Skinner’s contract is taken off then we’re at 31.6 take away let’s say the 1.6 because of the cap the the dead cap that we’re going to incur so say we have we’ll have about 30 million in cap and we’ll have to get 10 guys signed with that 30 million so we can very well get a few youngsters on the team at minimum at the entry level and uh we can take it from there and figure out what what I’m saying is we can take I’d say about 12 million at that cap and be very aggressive and free agency we’ll see we’ll see if they do it all right guys and uh the number four thing I want to talk about in this video final thoughts on the finals going into an historic game seven guys now I’ve thought about this over and over and over I’ve played every scenario in my head and I can’t give you an answer who I think is going to win I’m going to stick with my prediction I predicted as any of you remember as game seven overtime Florida that’s who I picked to win the Stanley Cup this year I picked Florida to win game seven in overtime and I think I said kachuck would be the hero or it could be McDavid I mean you know what I’m saying I think we’re going to have a I’ve been saying it for years we’re eventually going to have a game seven in overtime in the Stanley Cup finals maybe this is the year maybe it happens this year I don’t know maybe we’ll see what happens uh with that now going into this here are the thoughts that go through my head because the first time Gretzky got to the finals he lost the first time Crosby got to the finals he lost uh who else can I put on that list or won the first time Lemieux won the first time Eiserman lost the first time also Steve Eiserman Lost You Might Recall Jersey beating them four straight in 95 lost um could be somebody I’m just not thinking of uh somebody else I’m not thinking of but here’s something though to think of going into this game today the first time Bobby y ever played a game where he could win the Stanley Cup which was game four against St Louis right they won an overtime the famous goal where he’s diving they won the first time that the uh that um that who else am I not thinking of I’ve got a phone call coming in some 888 number guys I get these numbers all the time I’m looking at um let’s talk about Gretzky first time Gretzky got there like I said he lost but the first time Gretzky got there with a chance to win the Stanley Cup his first game he ever played in his life to win the Stanley Cup was game five in 84 they closed it out Lemieux in 91 game six against the North Stars they closed it out the with the CH Lemieux’s first chance of his career to win a Stanley Cup they closed it out that night so or Gretzky Lemieux all closed it out on the games where they had their first chance to win the cup maybe not first Finals but first chance I’m playing tonight I can win the Stanley Cup then you got Crosby his first chance to win the cup they won because if you they lost they won in seven in 09 but you might recall they were down three games of two in that Series so game six they won but they couldn’t win the cup till game seven Crosby uh his first chance they won the cup um oetkin his first chance ever in game five against Vegas they won the cup so you guys are seeing the pattern here when these Ty type of players like McDavid get this chance they usually win the flip side to that the flip side to that is that Florida also can win the Stanley Cup tonight let’s not forget that kind of like Detroit in ‘ 09 but Detroit had won so many cups at that point it was unforeseeable that it could happen that sooner or later A team’s going to beat them this is different this is a team that hasn’t had much luck in the past I don’t know I I just don’t know what to think going into this game I’ll be straight with you guys I don’t know what to think I’m going to stick with my prediction I’m going to say Florida’s going to win win an overtime but am I feeling it nah I don’t know I just don’t know I’ll tell you one thing I’m pulling for Florida I am guys and people are Canadian won’t understand that well they’ve never won a cup that’s why that franchise has never won the Stanley Cup Edmonton’s got five in their history yeah it’s been 34 years but I’ve got to pull for the team that’s never won that I’ve got to that’s just the way I am as a fan and the truth is guys I hate to see anybody lose today it’s going to be tragic somebody loses tonight that’s that’s how I’m going to feel about this game I hate to see anybody lose in this game so I’m going to say Florida’s going to win it overtime today I’m leaving it there all right guys if there’s any name I forgot of the greats I can tell you though that Mike bossy his first shot at the cup they lost they were down they were up three games to one in 1980 went back to Philly and I forget the score I think they got hammered like 8 to3 or something it they got hammered in Philly and Philly extended that to game six back to Long Island for a game six before Nom’s overtime goal so it’s it’s a tough call can you guys really imagine Conor McDavid playing in this game and not winding up winning the Stanley Cup today I have a hard time believing that to be honest guys I have a hard time believing that Conor McDavid fought his way back into this series and the Oilers to just lose tonight but Sports is a cruel thing sometimes it’s not guaranteed nothing’s guaranteed tonight so we’ll see I just hope we see a good game I hope it’s not whoever wins this game I hope it’s not a bad call I hope it’s called right no stupid calls no dumb penalties you know I want to see this end right this one so that’s where I stand guys I’m leaving it there I got my little Frank come here I’ll let her say Hi and then I’m going to go take my back which is killing me there’s little Rosie guys there she is she’s fine everything’s fine my daughter’s due on the ninth so we’ll see where that goes that’s another thing that I’m dealing with you know my daughter’s uh pregnancy is coming around the corner guys it’s coming around the corner so my days of not being a grandfa are running out all right you want to go down do you go down my prce killing sorry Rosie I’m not going to bend all the way guys done I’ll see you guys um soon enough I’m I should be making some videos now especially it’s going to be a busy week for the Sabers with the draft unrestricted free agency the potential Skinner buy out this is all coming in the next days to come it’s going to be busy Buffalo talk finally again on this channel so I’ll see you then and who you going for tonight guys let me know see you soon [Music]

Hey folks, well it’s finally time for a video..a lot to talk about in this one as an historic game 7 for all of us to watch tonight and a lot of Sabres news around the corner as well..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. If anything I wish we could trade Skinner and just retain some of his salary. Don’t know if any teams would still go for it.

  2. I don’t understand how they couldn’t trade him with half the salary retained. It’d be better than a buyout. Hell throw in a second round pick and retain only 3 million or something. A team like Chicago or San jose could afford that contract for a few years.

  3. Our fans need to have some self-respect and stop all the emotional whining about former Sabres winning the cup. You would think by now we would have actually learned some key lessons about Murray and Botterill rushing two rebuilds that lead to collapse. If we would have done things like we are now at the beginning we would probably have an incredible team by now with a lot of those players. All the whining is embarrassing.

  4. Skinner is a…… I’m not arguing that his contract isn’t part of the last of era of mistakes. I’m just saying bouncing him isn’t necessarily needed yet. That’s unless he’s traded with a partial eating of money. He’s a streaky, we could get a bounce back we still love Skinner on our team guy?

  5. Recent former Sabres to win the cup; O’Reilly, Eichel, Reinhart, Montour, Okposo, Rodriguez, Bogosian, Kulikov, Carrier, Mcnabb

  6. I was one hoping for a skinner buy out but knowing not many players want to come to Buffalo, I don't really see it as benefiting until they can make the post season. I think this coming season is a make or break for Kevyn Adams, and with that in mind, will he shop like crazy? I 100% support trading the 11th pick IF its lands him a good deal.

  7. I don’t get why we would buy out Skinner. Pay a guy who was one of our top goal scorers last season to not play?

  8. I felt the same Wayne. Florida was bad for a long long time and now with many ex Sabres I'm pulling for them.

  9. -I agree on Skinner UNLESS we have a real need to get him out of the way. Meaning, we have a plan with a confirmed outcome to replace him with someone specific.
    -Cup; I hate Florida and was rooting for Oilers, but at least I can say I'm happy for Okposo. He worked his ass off for years with nothing to show for it, and he was playing as hard as he could last night. Screw the Panthers, but good for him.

  10. If he scores 30 goals, yes, the contract is workable. But score 30 on the 3rd line? Not going to happen. Boom or bust.

  11. Let's see if Lindy can revamp Skinner. If he still plays soft he will be MISERABLE on that bench! He'll waive the NTC in a second!

  12. If you wait till next year. Your still going to pay $9 for this yr. If he's going to be on the 3rd line. It's going to be a more disgusting that Okposo.

  13. Second year in a row, formerr sabres captain, traded to a cup winning side. congrats kyle , kevin youre on a hatrick.

  14. Congrats to the Panthers…especially Sammy Reinhart. Waynsey…Sell that pick for an established player now. Lindy wants Grit…I’m hopeful Adams does something good this week.

  15. If Lindy doesn't believe that Skinner can play winning hockey on the top line, then buy him out, and do it this year. GMKAs job is on the line, and the time is now for winning. you're saving 7.5 mil this year. With all of the young players on rookie contracts in the pipeline ready to play in the next few years, that will cushion the blow on having dead cap space in the coming years. I give the 11th overall about a 30% chance of being moved. Trades for picks rarely happen, and I don't see a team giving up a good player for a draft pick right now.

  16. Why would you want to get rid of a good player ? Who are you getting that is better ? Typical Sabres move . Doomed to be a losing organization. The coaching move is going to be a disaster. Incompetent GM .

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