@Boston Bruins

Boat Feed Race 10 | Day 3 – Dare To Lead

Boat Feed Race 10 | Day 3 – Dare To Lead

morning of day three it’s been been really good we started off a little bit slowly being the Windwood boat on the start and then starting off at the back we we decided to go a little bit more eastly route um so we got away from the fleet a little bit and that paid off so yesterday we’re in we worked our way to eighth place had a lot of wind yesterday 30 to 40 knots up wind which recruited really really well so we worked our way up we are currently in sixth place so quite a quite a good night last night downwind sails got very light during midnight last night and early into this morning so now we back to the upwind sails the winds just started to pick up uh so that’s really nice um so we kind of threw the little small wind hole light wind patch um and then just going towards the first mandatory gate which is about 80 Mi uh lots of boats around us we can see six boats currently so we’re all kind of fighting it out and it’s a it’s a beautiful day and having a nice sale course working really hard and we’ve gone up a place so we’ve gone from sixth up to fifth I think so un s will be six now so we yeah we’re really creeping up nicely so well done guys done this afternoon we kind of dropped back a little bit it’s been right on the edge between head sails so we just Tak the wrong call but I it’s how it go sometimes um we have been rocketing down slowly coming towards the southern tip of Japan which will be coming back around um so as we just preparation for that now Cruis are getting the final kit ready and just get ready for the Pacific proper so this is the nav um here we currently are you can see the boats are around us as well and we are all aiming to get through this gate here where we’ll be able to bear away and hope pick up decent bit of speed there which will then get us around the seven tip of Japan and into the Pacific so looking at the weather saying we got about 15 knots all through here I scroll along it’s set to die again a little bit through the night we’re getting 10 knots there if we go through and then it keeps dying as we go through the second gate mandatory to keep away from islands and then it’s a bit of a downwind drift potentially still 10 knots but five behind so it could be anything um and then as we keep going up um we expect this is a low pressure that’s coming up so hopefully we can jump on the back of that so that and that will send us out properly across into the Pacific

Report from yesterday’s action on Race 10: The Ultimate Test of Perseverance

After a self-confessed slow start, Dare To Lead has been inching up the standings. Hear from the team’s Skipper Ryan as he talks through how the tactical decision to take the easterly route has so far paid off.

First Mate Charlie then looks at the next few days ahead for the fleet on TIMEZERO, showing by the last Mandatory Gates before the North Pacific proper.

📹 @tiger_brisius on Dare To Lead

@mytimezero #oceanracing
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The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is one of the toughest endurance challenges on the planet. People from around the world and diverse walks of life train to become ocean racing sailors. This unique, epic event sees teams battle extreme conditions as they race more than 40,000 nautical miles in a true test of fortitude and determination.
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